GFX VR Channel 2 PWM Signal Output. Connect this pin to the PWM input
of external MOSFET driver for channel 2 of GFX VR.
GFX VR PWM On-Time Setting Pin. Connect this pin to input voltage VIN via
a resistor to set the ripple size of GFX VR output in CCM.
Negative Current Sense Input Pin for Channel 2 and Channel 1 of GFX VR.
ISENA2N can be pulled high to VCC to disable GFX VR channel 2. Connect
to this pin with a sense resistor of 680.
GFX VR Output Voltage Feedback Pin. Connect this pin to the CPU voltage
remote sense pin with a resistor. This pin is the inverting input node of the
error amplifier.
Return Ground for GFX VR. This pin is the inverting input node for differential
remote voltage sensing.
GFX VR Current Monitor Output. Connect a thermally compensated resistor
network from this pin to VREF/QRTH pin. IMONA pin output voltage V
is proportional to the total output current of GFX VR.
GFX VR Output Voltage Sensing Pin. Voltage on this pin is monitored for
voltage-related protections.
Data Transmission Line of SVID Interface. This pin has an open drain
structure. Pull high this pin to platform VCCIO rail with a resistor placed close
to controller.
Alert Line of the SVID Interface (Active Low). This pin has an open drain
structure. Pull high this pin to platform VCCIO rail with a resistor placed close
to controller.
Clock Signal Line of SVID Interface. This pin has an open drain structure. Pull
high VCLK to platform VCCIO rail with a resistor placed close to controller.
GFX VR Power Good Indicator Output. This pin has an open drain structure.
Pull high this pin to platform VCCIO rail with a resistor.
CORE VR Power Good Indicator Output. This pin has an open drain
structure. Pull high this pin to platform VCCIO rail with a resistor.
Thermal Throttling Output (Active Low). This pin has an open drain structure.
Pull high this pin to platform VCCIO rail with a resistor.
Internal Bias Current Setting Pin. Connect this pin to GND only with a 53.6k
resistor placed close to the controller.
This Pin Provides Two Functions for GFX VR : Thermal Monitor Input, and
Droop Enable/Disable Setting. Connect a thermally compensated resistive
voltage divider from VCC to GND and connect the joint of the voltage divider
to this pin.
CORE VR and GFX VR Over Current Protection Threshold Setting Pin.
Connect a resistive voltage divider from VCC to GND and connect the joint of
the voltage divider to this pin to set summed total over current protection
threshold and per phase over current protection threshold for CORE VR and
GFX VR individually.
This Pin Provides Two Functions for CORE VR : Thermal Monitor Input, and
Droop Enable/Disable Setting. Connect a thermally compensated resistive
voltage divider from VCC to GND and connect the joint of the voltage divider
to this pin.
Pin No. Pin Name Pin Func ti on
This pin provides three settings for GFX VR : internal compensation ramp
25 SET2
26 SET1
27 VCC
28 EN Voltage Regulator Enable Signal Input.
32 FB
33 COMP CORE VR Compensation Pin. This pin is the output of the error amplifier.
35, 39, 38 ISEN[3:1]N
36, 40, 37 ISEN[3:1]P Positive current sense input for channel 3, 2 and 1 of CORE VR.
42 PWM3
43 BOOT1
factor for control loop, output voltage offset and forced-DEM operation.
Connect a resistive voltage divider from VCC to GND and connect the joint
of the voltage divider to this pin.
This pin provides three settings for CORE VR : internal compensation
ramp factor for control loop, output voltage offset and forced-DEM
operation. Connect a resistive voltage divider from VCC to GND and
connect the joint of the voltage divider to this pin.
This pin provides three settings for GFX VR : initial startup voltage
, maximum output current ICCMAXA and PWM on-time of quick
response for load transient response boost. Connect a resistive voltage
divider from VCC to GND, and connect the joint of the voltage divider to
this pin.
This pin provides three settings for CORE VR : Initial startup voltage
, maximum output current ICCMAX and PWM on-time of quick
response for load transient response boost. Connect a resistive voltage
divider from VCC to GND and connect the joint of the voltage divider to
this pin.
Controller Power Supply Pin. Connect this pin to GND with a ceramic
capacitor larger than 1F.
This Pin Provides Two Functions : Fixed 0.6V Reference Voltage Output,
and Quick Response Trigger Threshold Setting. Connect a resistive
voltage divider from VCC to GND and connect the joint of the voltage
divider to this pin. Bypass this pin to GND with ceramic capacitor for noise
CORE VR Current Monitor Output. Connect a thermally compensated
resistor network from this pin to VREF/QRTH pin. IMON pin output voltage
is proportional to the total output current of CORE VR.
Return Ground for CORE VR. This pin is the inverting input node for
differential remote voltage sensing.
CORE VR Feedback Pin. This pin is the inverting input node of the error
CORE VR output voltage sensing pin. Voltage on this pin is monitored for
voltage related protections.
Negative Current Sense Input Pin for Channel 3, 2 and 1 of CORE VR.
ISENA2N and ISENA3N can be pulled high to VCC to disable CORE VR
channel 2 and channel 3, respectively. Connect to this pin with a sense
resistor of 680.
CORE VR PWM On-Time Setting Pin. Connect this pin to input voltage
VIN via a resistor to set the ripple size of CORE VR output in CCM.
CORE VR Channel 3 PWM Signal Output. Connect this pin to the PWM
input of external MOSFET driver for channel 3 of CORE VR.
CORE VR Channel 1 Bootstrap Flying Capacitor Connection Pin. This pin
powers channel 1 high side MOSFET drivers. Connect this pin to PHASE1
pin wi th a cer amic capacitor.
CORE VR Channel 1 High Side MOSFET Floating Gate Driver Output.
Connect this pin to the gate of high side MOSFET of channel 1.
Copyright 2014 Richtek Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. is a registered trademark of Richtek Technology Corporation.
CORE VR Channel 1 Switching Node Connection Pin. Connect this pin to
47 PVCC1
51 BOOT2
52 PVCC2
(Exposed Pad)
the joint of high side MOSFET sources, the low side MOSFET drains and
the inductor of channel 1.
CORE VR Channel 1 Low Side MOSFET Gate Driver Output. Connect
this pin to the gate of low side MOSFET of channel 1.
CORE VR Embedded MOSFET Driver Power Supply Pin. This pin
powers channel 1 and channel 2 MOSFET gate drivers. Connect this pin
to GND with a ceramic capacitor larger than 1μF.
CORE VR Channel 2 Low Side MOSFET Gate Driver Output. Connect
this pin to the gate of low side MOSFET of channel 2.
CORE VR Channel 2 Switching Node Connection Pin. Connect this pin to
the joint of high side MOSFET sources, the low side MOSFET drains and
the inductor of channel 2.
CORE VR Channel 2 High Side MOSFET Floating Gate Driver Output.
Connect this pin to the gate of high side MOSFET of channel 2.
CORE VR Channel 2 Bootstrap Flying Capacitor Connection Pin. This pin
powers channel 2 high side MOSFET drivers. Connect this pin to
PHASE2 pin with a ceramic capacitor.
GFX VR Embedded MOSFET Driver Power Supply Pin. Connect this pin
to GND with a ceramic capacitor larger than 1F.
GFX VR Channel 1 Low Side MOSFET Gate Driver Output. Connect this
pin to the gate of low side MOSFET of channel 1.
GFX VR Channel 1 Switching Node Connection Pin. Connect this pin to
the joint of high side MOSFET sources, the low side MOSFET drains and
the inductor of channel 1.
GFX VR Channel 1 High Side MOSFET Floating Gate Driver Output.
Connect this pin to the gate of high side MOSFET of channel 1.
GFX VR Channel 1 Bootstrap Flying Capacitor Connection Pin. This pin
powers channel 1 high side MOSFET drivers. Connect this pin to
PHASEA pin with a ceramic capacitor.
Power Ground. The exposed pad is the return ground of all low side
MOSFET gate drivers. This exposed pad must be soldered to a large
PCB and connected to GND for maximum power dissipation.
Copyright 2014 Richtek Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. is a registered trademark of Richtek Technology Corporation.