1 VOUTL1 Output Voltage Regulation Node for LDO1.
2 VINL123 Input Power f or LDO1, LDO2 and LDO3.
3 VOUTL2 Output Voltage Regulation Node for LDO2.
4 VOUTL3 Output Voltage Regulation Node for LDO3.
5 VOUTL6 Output Voltage Regulation Node for LDO6.
6 VOUTL5 Output Voltage Regulation Node for LDO5.
7 VINL456 Input Power f or LDO4, LDO5 and LDO6.
8 VOUTL4 Output Voltage Regulation Node for LDO4.
9 VOUTL7 Output Voltage Regulation Node for LDO7.
10 VINL78 Input Power for LDO7 and LDO8.
11 VOUTL8 Output Voltage Regulation Node for LDO8.
12 ENL4 Enable Control Input for LDO4. Connect a 100k pull-low resistor.
WQFN-56L 7x7
13 ENL5 Enable Control Input for LDO5. Connect a 100k pull-low resistor.
14 ENL6 Enable Control Input for LDO6. Connect a 100k pull-low resistor.
15 SCL Clock Input for I2C. Open-drain output, connect a 10k pull-up resistor.
Copyright 2015 Richtek Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. is a registered trademark of Richtek Technology Corporation.
C. Open-drain output, c onnec t a 10k pull-up resistor.
17 ENL7 Enabl e Control Input for LDO7. Connect a 100k pull-low resistor.
18 ENL8 Enabl e Control Input for LDO8. Connect a 100k pull-low resistor.
19 IRQ Open-Drain IRQ Output Node.
21, 34, 56, 57
(Exposed Pad)
Reset Output.
Analog Ground. The exposed pad must be soldered to a large PCB and
connected to AGND for maximum power dissipation.
22 PWRON Manual Power On. Connect a 100k pull - up resistor.
23 REBOOT System Power Reboot. Connec t a 100k pull-low resistor.
24 MTP
MTP Write Protection Pin. Connect a 100k pull-low resistor, logic low is
inhibit ed and logic high is permit to write.
Select I
C or use EN pin for Bucks and LDOs. Connect a 100k pull-low resistor.
As MASK_GPIO is high, ignor e all E N pins.
As MASK_GPIO is low, EN pins and I
higher than I
C both can control. EN pins priority is
26 PWRHOL D Power Hold Input. Connec t a 100k p ull -low resistor.
27 SADDR I2C Slave Address. Connect a 100k pull-low resistor.
28 ENB4 Enable Control Input for Buck4. Connect a 100k pull -low resi stor.
29 VOUTB4S Output Voltage Regulation Node for Buck4.
30 ENB3 Enable Control Input for Buck3. Connect a 100k pull -low resist or.
31 LXB4 Internal Switc h Node to Output Inductor Connecti on for Buck4.
32 VINB4 Input Power for Buck 4.
33 VOUTB3S Output Voltage Regulation Node for Buck3.
35, 36 LXB3 Internal Switch Node t o Output Inductor Connection for Buc k 3.
37, 38 VINB3 I nput Power for Buck3.
39 VOUTB2S Output Voltage Regulation Node for Buck2.
40 ENB2 Enable Control Input for Buck2. Connect a 100k pull -low resi stor.
41, 42 LXB2 Internal Switch Node t o Output Inductor Connection for Buc k 2.
43, 44 VINB2 I nput Power for Buck2.
45, 46 VINB1 I nput Power for Buck1.
47, 48 LXB1 Internal Switch Node t o Output Inductor Connection for Buc k 1.
49 ENB1 Enable Control Input for Buck1. Connect a 100k pull -low resi stor.
50 VOUTB1S Output Voltage Regulation Node for Buck1
51 VDDP Internal Bi as Regulator Voltage. Exter nal load on this pin is not allowed.
52 VIN Input Power for Analog B ase.
53 ENL1 Enabl e Control Input for LDO1. Connect a 100k pull-low resistor.
54 ENL2 Enabl e Control Input for LDO2. Connect a 100k pull-low resistor.
55 ENL3 Enabl e Control Input for LDO3. Connect a 100k pull-low resistor.
Copyright 2015 Richtek Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. is a registered trademark of Richtek Technology Corporation.
The RT5028 is a highly-integrated solution for industrial
system including 4-CH step-down DC/DC converters a nd
8-CH LDOs. The RT5028 a pplication mecha nism will be
introduced in later sections.
The power-on and power-off sequences ca n be controlled
by I2C or each EN pin and detected in MASK_GPIO pin.
When the MASK_GPIO pin is at Hi level, the PMIC follows
the power-on sequence to turn on channels. When the
MASK_GPIO pin is at Lo level, the channels of PMIC will
be controlled by the EN pin.
Synchronous Step-Down DC/DC Converter
Four current mode synchronous step-down DC/DC
converters operate with internal power MOSFETs, FB
resistors and compensation network. These cha nnels are
suitable for core power in industrial system. They ca n be
operated at 100% maximum duty cycle to extend battery
operating voltage range. When the input voltage is close
to the output voltage, the converter enters low dropout
mode with low output ripple. The operating frequency of
step-down converter is adjustable from 500kHz to 2MHz
and is controlled by I2C. Besides, the I2C interface also
can be used to select different operation mode s, On/Off
Sequence, programmable the output voltage, RAMP
control and discharge function. To enable AUTO Mode, it
is used to improve the efficiency at light load. If the AUTO
Mode is disabled, the converter operates in force PWM
mode with fixed switching frequency .
Over-Temperature Protection
An Over-T emperature Protection (OTP) is contained in the
device. The protection is triggered to force the device
shutdown for protecting itself when the junction
temperature exceeds 165°C typically. Once the junction
temperature drops below the hysteresis 10°C typically,
the device must be re-send PWRON to start system.
Output Under-Voltage Protection
The output under-voltage protection is implemented in order
to prevent operation at low output voltage conditions.
When the step-down DC/DC converters output voltage is
lower than 1/2 x (V
turns off immediately.
), the UVP event triggers and PMIC
Linear Regulator
Eight generic low voltage LDOs for multiple purpose power .
The LDOs are stable over the entire operating load ra nge
with the use of external ceramic capacitors. The LDOs
also have I2C programm able power on/off sequence a nd
discharge function. The output voltage is adjustable by
the I2C interface in the ra nge of 1.6V to 3.6V.
Copyright 2015 Richtek Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. is a registered trademark of Richtek Technology Corporation.
Analog Ba se Input Voltage, VIN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- −0.3V to 6V
PMIC Input V oltage, VINL123/456/78, VINB1/2/3/4 ---------------------------------------------------------------- −0.3V to 6V
PMIC Output V oltage, VOUTLx, VOUTBxS, LXBx----------------------------------------------------------------- −0.3V to 6V
PMIC related Other Pins-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- −0.3V to 6V
Power Dissipation, P
Junction T emperature------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 150°C
Lead T e mperature (Soldering, 10 sec.)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 260°C
Storage T emperature Range --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- −65°C to 150°C
ESD Susceptibility (Note 3)
HBM (Human Body Model)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2kV
MM (Machine Model) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 200V
@ T
= 25°C
Recommended Operating Conditions (Note 4)
Junction T emperature Range--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- − 40°C to 125°C
Ambient T emperature Range--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- − 40°C to 85°C
Electrical Characteristics
(VIN = 3.3V to 5.5V, TA = −40°C to 85°C, unless otherwise specified)
Parameter Symbol Test Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
As f
> 1MHz, 3.3V VIN 5.5 V.
Operation Voltage of VIN
Quiescent Curr ent IIN
Warning for Die
OTP and Warning
OTP -- 165 -- C
-- 10 -- C
1MHz, VIN 4V.
If f
VIN = 5V, LDOs, Bucks are ON with No Load. 300 450 600 A
Line Regulation Input 3V to 5V, load = 100mA 0 1 5 mV
Load Regulation V
T ra n sien t R espo n s e V
Ri pp le R eje cti on f = 1 0 kHz, I
Ri si ng Tim e V
Falling Time V
= 5V, Load 100mA to 300mA 0 0.1 1 %
50A I
0.7 x V
0.3 x V
/ 2 (⊿t = 1s) -- 50 -- mV
= I
/ 2 -- 60 -- dB
, I
= 0mA 150 220 300 s
, I
= 0mA 300 600 1000 s
I2C Interface Elect rical Charac teristics
Voltage Output Low VOL -- -- 0.4 V
Input Voltage
High-Level V
1.5 -- --
Low-Level VIL -- -- 0.4
SCL Clock SCL -- -- 400 kHz
Note 1. Stresses beyond those listed “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are
stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in
the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions may
affect device reliability.
Note 2. θ
Note 3. Devices are ESD sensitive. Handling precaution is recommended.
Note 4. The device is not guaranteed to function outside its operating conditions.
is measured at T
measured at the exposed pad of the package.
= 25°C on a high effective thermal conductivity four-layer test board per JEDEC 51-7. θJC is
Copyright 2015 Richtek Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. is a registered trademark of Richtek Technology Corporation.