Rice Lake TransAct 5.0 User Manual

TransAct 5.0 Operator Card

Login Procedures

1. Double-click the TransAct icon on the desktop.
2. Type the login name (i.e. admin) and press
3. If a password is assigned, type the password and press Enter.
1. Click Admin » Accounts.
2. If a blank form does not appear, click the New button.
3. Enter Account Id (required); Account Name (required); Address, City, State, Zip (optional); and Phone (optional).
4. Click the Save button
Note: To add additional accounts, repeat steps 2-4.

Add Trucks

1. Click Admin » Accounts.
2. Select the Account the new truck is to be added to.
3. Click the Tru c k Et c . button.
4. Click the Tr uc k radio button.
5. Click the Details button.
6. Click the New button.
7. Enter an Id, must be unique to the account (required).
8. Enter a Description (optional).
9. Enter the truck Tare Weight in pounds (optional).
10. Click the Save button.
11. Click the New button to add additional trucks or click the Close button when done.
Note: The Details button is not available until changes made to the tare grid have been saved or undone.

Add Materials

1. Click Admin » Categories » Material.
2. Click the New button, if a blank form does not appear.
3. Enter the Code (required) and Description (required).
4. Select an Inventory Unit of Measure.
5. Click the Save button
Note: To add additional materials, repeat steps 2–5.

Add a New Price Table

1. Click Admin » Categories » Price Table.
2. If a blank form does not appear, click New.
3. Enter the Code and Description.
4. Click the Save button.

Add Jobs

1. Enter Job Information.
2. Click Admin » Orders/Jobs.
3. If a blank form does not appear, click the New button.
4. Enter Order information: Id (required), Description (required), Customer (required), and Ordered Date (required).
5. Click the Save button.
Note: To add additional jobs, repeat steps 2– 5.

Enter Special Pricing

1. Select the Material from the drop-down list.
2. Enter the price.
3. Click the Add Item button to add additional Materials.
4. Click the Save button
Note: The Item Details button is not available until changes made to the material grid have been saved or undone.

Processing a Weigh In / Weight Out Transaction

When a transaction does not utilize tare weights, it is considered a Weigh In/Weigh Out transaction. The truck must be weighed coming into the site and exiting the site.

Weigh In

1. Click the Weigh button.
2. Select a Hauler, Truck, or Job code to start a transaction.
3. Enter transaction details (bill-to account, material, notes, etc.) in the second form.
4. Click the Print Ticket button to print the transaction ticket. The Weigh In process is complete.

Weigh Out

1. To complete an open ticket, select the ticket from the list of open tickets.
2. Verify transaction information.
3. Click the Print Ticket button to print the transaction ticket.

Canceling a Transaction

To cancel a transaction for any reason, click the Cancel button. This will return TransAct to the first weigh form.

Generating and Printing Invoices

1. Select Accounting » Invoices, Statement, & Posting.
2. Click the Invoice radio button, if not already selected.
3. Select the Group of accounts to be invoiced from the drop-down list (default group is All).
4. Select a date range using the From and To date fields. All transactions processed during this date range will appear on the Invoice.
5. Select the Print Invoices radio button.
6. Click the View button.
7. Select Yes to make a backup, verify the drive and directory for the backup and click the
Backup button.
8. An account list appears. Invoices will be generated for the selected account. Click the
OK button to continue.
Note: Step 8 is an exclusive process and must be completed when all other computers are not accessing TransAct.
9. Use the arrow buttons to navigate through the invoices and the printer button to print the invoices.
10. Click the X in the right corner to close the report window.
11. The Post button will now be active. If invoices are correct and ready to be sent, click the Post button. When Invoices are not posted right away, a message will appear to indicate invoices are available for posting. Select No to not post invoices and continue.

Generating and Printing Statements

1. Select Accounting » Invoices, Statement, & Posting.
2. Click the Statement radio button, if not already selected.
3. Select the Group of accounts to generate statements for from the drop-down list (default group is All).
4. Select a statement To date.
5. Select a credit and payment Grace Period (optional).
6. Select a Sort Order.
7. Select a Format.
8. Select Statement Options.
9. Select the Print Statements radio button.
10. Click the View button.
11. Select Ye s to make a backup, verify the drive and directory for the backup and click the
Backup button.
12. An account list appears. Statements will be generated for the selected account. Click the
OK button to continue.
Note: Step 12 is considered an exclusive process and must be completed when all other computers are not accessing Tra ns Ac t.
13. Use the arrow buttons to navigate through the statements and the printer button to print the statements.
14. Click the X in the right corner to close the report window.
15. The Post button will now be active. If statements are correct and ready to be sent, click the Post button. When statements are not posted right away, a message will appear to indicate statements are available for posting.
No to not post statements and continue.

Recording a Receipt (Payment)

1. Select Accounting » Receipts and Payments.
2. Select the Receipt radio button from the Receivable list.
3. Select the Account from the drop-down list.
4. Enter the receipt amount in the Receipt field.
5. Enter a check number or other note in the Reference field (optional).
6. Change the date of the receipt if necessary.
7. Select the invoice to be paid by double-clicking the
N in the Pay column to
change it to a Y or click the Auto Distribute button to automatically distribute the payment starting with the oldest invoice.
8. Click the Save button.

Recording a Credit

1. Select Accounting » Receipts and Payments.
2. Select the Credit radio button from the Receivable list.
3. Select the account from the drop-down list.
4. Enter the amount to credit in the Credit field.
5. Enter a note in the Reference field (optional).
6. Change the date of the credit if necessary.
7. Select the invoice to be paid by double clicking the
N in the Pay column to change it
to a Y or click the Auto Distribute button to automatically distribute the payment starting with the oldest invoice.
8. Click the Save button.
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