Rice Lake TransAct 1.0 User Manual

T ransAct
Scale Data Management Program
Installation &
Operation Guide
Overview and Menu Structure........................................................ 1
Menu Structure of TransAct and TransAct Plus ............. 2
Getting Started Using Windows...................................................... 3
QuickStart for Experienced Windows Users................... 3
Windows Navigation Tools ............................................. 3
Basic Concepts................................................................. 4
Using the Mouse............................................................... 4
Using the Menus............................................................... 5
Using Dialog Boxes (Windows and Tables) ..................... 6
Selecting Options ............................................................. 7
Working with Windows ..................................................... 8
Shrinking, Enlarging, Restoring, and Closing a Window 10
Quick Reference Table for Windows Navigation .......... 11
Installing TransAct for Windows .................................................. 13
Windows 3.1 Installation ............................................... 13
Windows 95 Installation ................................................ 17
Customizing TransAct with transact.ini File .................. 21
Starting and Exiting the Program................................................. 22
Starting the Program for the First Time ........................ 22
Creating a Customer Database .................................... 23
Quitting the Program ...................................................... 24
Database Recovery and Restoration.............................. 24
Creating Security Logins and Passwords .................................... 27
Establishing User Access Levels and Logins ............... 27
Login Name .................................................................... 28
Password........................................................................ 28
Security Level ................................................................. 29
Real Name...................................................................... 30
Password Verification ................................................... 30
Viewing Valid User List ................................................. 31
Function Buttons in Tables ........................................... 31
Operator Login Directions............................................. 32
Rev. 1.1, 4/97
Table of Contents
Setting Up TransAct—Administration .......................................... 35
Setting Up Customer Accounts..................................... 35
Customer Number, Name, and Address ........................ 36
Ticket Type ..................................................................... 36
Default Categories.......................................................... 37
Hotlinked Buttons in Customer Account Tables ............. 38
Function Buttons in Customer Account Tables .............. 45
Permits.......................................................................... 45
Categories .................................................................... 48
Utilities .......................................................................... 52
Backup............................................................................ 52
Restore Backup .............................................................. 56
Archive Transactions ...................................................... 57
Restore Archive .............................................................. 61
Preferences .................................................................. 63
Company Data................................................................ 63
Scale Port ....................................................................... 64
Ticket Printer .................................................................. 67
Tickets ............................................................................ 70
Note Headings................................................................ 72
About TransAct ............................................................. 74
Weighing....................................................................................... 76
Select Transaction Window .......................................... 76
Date and Time ................................................................ 76
Status Bar....................................................................... 77
Weight Display Window.................................................. 77
Print Weight Button......................................................... 78
Options Button................................................................ 78
Update Tare Button ........................................................ 81
Weigh In / Weigh Out Transactions .............................. 84
Starting a Weigh In/Weigh Out Transaction ................... 84
Completing a Weigh In/Weigh Out Transaction ............. 87
Single-Weigh Transactions with Tares ......................... 90
Stored Tares Used as the Weight Out............................ 90
Stored Tares Used as the Weight In .............................. 93
Accounting.................................................................................... 95
Statements.................................................................... 95
Setting Rates .............................................................. 100
Measured Rates ........................................................... 101
Table of Contents
Minimum Charges ........................................................ 104
Discounts...................................................................... 106
Miscellaneous Rates .................................................... 109
Payments.................................................................... 110
Recording a Payment ................................................... 110
Single-Item Payment .................................................... 111
Multi-Line Item Payment............................................... 111
Applying a Credit .......................................................... 112
Reporting .................................................................................... 114
Quick Scan ................................................................. 114
Reset ........................................................................... 115
Scan ........................................................................... 115
Totals ........................................................................... 118
Reports ....................................................................... 119
Appendix..................................................................................... 123
Uninstall/Reinstall ....................................................... 123
Uninstalling TransAct to Delete the Database.............. 123
Uninstalling TransAct While Preserving the Database . 123
Reinstalling TransAct with Restored Database ........... 124
Reinstalling TransAct with an Empty Database............ 125
Editing the TransAct Initialization File......................... 125
[TransAct] Directory Editing.......................................... 127
[Options] Database Directory Editing ........................... 127
[Ticket Notes] Editing.................................................... 127
[Weigh Options] Editing ................................................ 127
[Tares] Editing .............................................................. 128
[Rates] Editing .............................................................. 128
[Category 1-4] Editing................................................... 129
[Indicator Types] Editing ............................................... 132
[Scale Settings] Editing................................................. 132
[Printer Settings] Editing ............................................... 132
Creating Custom-Format Print Tickets ....................... 133
Literal Text Fields ......................................................... 136
Database Fields............................................................ 136
Flag Field...................................................................... 138
Printer Command Field................................................. 141
Column Posting Field ................................................... 141
TransAct License Agreement ..................................... 142
TransAct Software Programming Support Service ..... 145
Table of Contents

Overview and Menu Structure

Thank you for purchasing TransAct™ for Windows®. This program will reduce labor costs, minimize human error and increase data-handling capabilities in your truck scale operations. Both the standard Transact program, and the financial accounting version, Transact Plus, contain the following features:
Automatic ticket processing
Fault-tolerant data recovery to
protect from system crashes
Multilevel password protection
Stores and combines up to
three tares per transaction— truck, trailer, and container
• Four configurable categories to customize your application
Configurable product rates
Unlimited configurable ticket formats
Interfaces to ticket, tape, journal, thermal, and laser printers
Summary or detailed reports by customer account, tonnage, material
category, date, and transaction
• Compatible with barcode, magstripe and RF interfaces
Additional features in Transact Plus:
• Prints customer invoice statements with detailed transaction data
• Complete payment tracking and financial reporting capabilities
® Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corp. ™ TransAct is a trademark of Rice Lake Weighing Systems.
Menu Structure of Transact and Transact Plus
User Login
Guest Operator Supervisor Administrator
Customer Accounts
Two main categories installed.
Up to four configurable categories available
Backup Restore Archive
transaction Restore
Company Data
Scale Port Ticket
Printer Port Tickets Notes
Begin Transaction
by Account by Ticket by Permit by License by Truck ID
Weigh-In Transaction
Weigh-Out Transaction
Meas. Rates Min. Charge Discounts Misc. Rates
Report Options
Tonnage/ Charges
Accounts Permits Haulers Materiial Trucks Containers Pup Trailers Payments/
Credits Balances/
Quick Scan
by Ticket by Date by Type by Account by Hauler by Area by Vehicle by Material
About Transact
Transact Plus™ Features

Getting Started Using Windows

QuickStart for Experienced Windows Users
If you have used Windows 3.1 or Windows 95 extensively, this chapter will be a review for you and can be skipped. Jump ahead to Installing Transact for Windows on page 13.
Windows Navigation Tools
If you are new to Microsoft Windows, this section is for you. You’ll become familiar with the navigation techniques and terms used in the manual. We’ll describe using the mouse, using menus, using dialog boxes, and navigating within a window. The section ends with a table of symbols and terms used in Windows and Transact for Windows.
Getting Started Using Windows
Basic Concepts
Microsoft Windows is a graphical software environment that makes using the computer easier. Windows uses icons, pull­down menus, and dialog boxes to help the user interact with the computer. With Windows, multiple applications can run at once.
When running Windows, the computer screen becomes a desk- top. The desktop contains programs and utilities in boxes called windows. Windows can be arranged on the desktop to suit individual needs. Windows can be sized and moved to anywhere on the desktop. Windows can be minimized into an icon, or maximized to fill the entire desktop (screen). When a window is shrunk to an icon, Windows places the icon in the lower left hand corner of the desktop, until it is restored to a window again.
When an application is shrunk into an icon on the desktop, the program continues to run in memory, but does not take up space on the desktop. In the meantime, other applications can be used.
Using the Mouse
Moving the mouse moves the pointer on the screen. The shape of the pointer will change to reflect the kind of work you are doing. The most common pointer shape is the arrow.
• Pointing to an object is usually only the first step in performing
a mouse routine. Point to an object by moving the tip of the pointer on top of the object to be selected.
• Clicking or click means to press the mouse button and release it
immediately while pointing to an object. Clicking starts an action like starting a transaction, or saving a new customer account.
Getting Started Using Windows
• Double clicking is pressing the mouse button twice in rapid
succession. Double clicking is usually used as a shortcut. For example to open Transact, double click the icon instead of selecting it with a single click then pressing Enter or using the Open command.
• Dragging is pressing the mouse button and holding it down
while moving the mouse. Drag the mouse to select an area or move an object.
Using the Menus
The row of icons found at the top of the Transact screen is called the menu bar. Each of the icons represents a pull-down menu which lists all available Transact commands or implements a section of the program.
Producing a pull-down menu and selecting commands can be done using the mouse or keyboard.
With the Mouse
To select a menu command using a mouse:
1. Point to one of the icons in the menu bar and click the mouse
The menu drops down and stays open until another icon is selected, or an item from the pull-down menu is selected.
2. Point and click the command to use.
With the keyboard
To select a command using the keyboard:
1. Press and hold the Alt key to activate the menu bar.
One letter in each icon that appears on the menu bar is under­lined. The underlined letter is the menu’s hot key. Each com­mand has an underlined hot key. Press the underlined letter to display the pull-down menu or execute the command.
2. To select an item from a pull-down menu use the UP and
DOWN arrow keys to select one of the commands on the pull­down menu and press Enter. Or press the underlined hot key to execute the command.
Getting Started Using Windows
Closing a Menu
To close a pull-down menu, move the pointer back up to the menu bar and pull down a different menu.
Menu Standards
All Windows applications follow certain standards when listing menu items. The following lists various standards found when using Transact menu items and other Windows applications.
• Dimmed commands appear when the command is unavailable
at the current time.
• Cascading menu indicator When a command that has a triangle
after it is selected, another menu appears with more commands. These menus are called cascading menus. In Transact, the Utilities command on the Admin menu is a cascading menu.
Using Dialog Boxes (Windows and Tables)
Transact was written to use dialog boxes for the entire program. For simplicity, all dialog boxes are referred to as windows throughout this manual. All of the information necessary to run Transact is entered into these dialog box windows.
Moving within Dialog Boxes
Selecting a command from the menu bar or a pull-down menu brings up a dialog box. For example, selecting Backup from the cascading Utilities command on the Admin... pull-down menu...
Using Dialog Box Windows
brings up the Backup Database window (dialog box) as shown follow­ing:
Getting Started Using Windows
Backup Window (Dialog Box)
Dialog box windows are often separated into different groups. The following methods explain how to move from option to option or to another group. Current options are highlighted or have a dotted rect­angle placed around it. There are several ways to move from one option to another.
With the mouse, click the option or group.
Use the Tab key to move from option to option or to another
option group.
Hold down Shift and press Tab to move the opposite direction.
Use the arrow keys to move among options in a group.
Press Alt plus the underlined hot key in the option name.
Selecting Options
Check Boxes
Check boxes turn options on and off. An X in the box indicates the
Getting Started Using Windows
option is on; an empty box means the option is off. Click a check box with the mouse to toggle between on and off, or
press Tab to move to the desired check box and press the Spacebar to toggle between on and off.
Command Buttons
Command buttons carry out an action. Most windows contain at least two command buttons. One to execute the command or save the settings, and the other to cancel the command.
Dimmed command buttons are unavailable. When a command button is selected it appears to be depressed, and has a darker border than the other buttons.
Drop-Down List Boxes
Drop-down list boxes appear when a dialog box is too small to list all options. Drop-down list boxes initially appear as a rectangular box with a single option. At the far right end of the box is a down arrow. When the arrow is clicked, a list of options appears. If there are more options than can fit in the box, a scroll bar appears for moving through the list.
Transact was written to use field descriptions as it’s primary sort field. When using the keyboard, information within drop-down boxes can be selected by typing the field description. For example, instead of clicking the single down arrow to produce the drop-down list of customer accounts, use the Tab key to move to the field and type the customers name.
Working with Windows
This section explains how to move windows, dialog boxes, icons, and how to move within windows. For simplicity the techniques used to work with windows are described for use with the mouse.
Scroll Bars
When a window or dialog box cannot show all of the information it contains, scroll bars appear. Scroll bars appear at the right side and the bottom of a window. Use the vertical scroll bar to move the window up or down, and the horizontal scroll bar to move from side to side.
Each scroll bar has a scroll arrow at each end and contains a small square box called a scroll box. The position of the scroll box in the scroll bar represents your position within the information.
Getting Started Using Windows
Click the mouse on the gray area of the scroll bar to move the viewing area by one full window.
Click the direction arrows to move in smaller steps. Drag the scroll box to move to a certain location and view the contents
of the window more quickly.
Moving a Window
Windows can be moved to anywhere on the desktop. Icons and dialog boxes with title bars can also be moved.
1. Point to a windows’s title bar, an icon, or the title bar of a dialog box.
2. Click and hold down the left mouse button and drag the pointer to the new location.
3. As the pointer moves, an outline of the window or dialog box moves with it. When moving icons, the pointer changes to a black and white outline of the icon.
4. When the window, icon, or dialog box is in the new loca­tion, release the mouse button.
Press Escape (Esc) anytime before releasing the mouse button to cancel the move.
Resizing a Window
1. Select the window to resize.
2. Move the pointer to the side or corner of the window until the pointer changes to a two-headed arrow.
3. Hold down the mouse button and drag until the window is the desired size. An outline of the window moves with the pointer.
Getting Started Using Windows
Shrinking, Enlarging, Restoring, and Closing a Window
The following table specifies the different symbols found in the upper right hand corner of a window. These symbols are used to shrink, enlarge, restore, and close windows. Symbols for Windows 3.1 and Windows 95 are documented.
Windows 3.1
Windows 3.1 Window Symbols
Shrinks the Window into an icon into the lower left hand corner of the screen.
Increases the application window to full screen. Restores the application window to original window size.
Windows 95
Windows 95 Window Symbols
Shrinks the window onto the Windows 95 menu bar at the bottom of the screen.
Increases the application window full screen. Restores the application window to original window size.
Exits or Quits the application.
Getting Started Using Windows
Quick Reference Table for Windows Navigation
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Getting Started Using Windows
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Getting Started Using Windows

Installing TransAct for Windows

TransAct for Windows requires the following hardware and software:
An IBM-compatible computer, 486-75 MHz or higher CPU
At least 8 MB of RAM (16 MB RAM is highly recommended)
A fixed hard disk with a minimum of 4 MB of available disk
space to install the program files
VGA, SVGA, or higher resolution monitor
DOS version 5.0 or higher
Windows Version 3.1 or later running in enhanced mode
When installed, the Setup program installs all of the files to run TransAct, initialization files, and all icons associated with the program.
These instructions explain how to install TransAct on an individual workstation using Windows 3.1 or Windows 95. Before the Setup program can be run, Windows 3.1 or higher must currently be running on the system. It is important to be familiar with the basic navigation techniques of using Windows. If you are not familiar with moving around in Windows, review Getting Started Using Windows beginning on page 3 of this manual.
NOTE! Before beginning the installation, log off any networks your computer may be a connected to, and quit any open programs.

Windows 3.1 Installation

Insert the TransAct diskette labeled Disk: 1 of 2 in drive A or B. Choose File | Run from the Program Manager menu.
Starting Installation from Program Manager
In the Command Line field, type a:setup or b:setup depending on the drive you are using.
Install Command
Click OK to start the installation program. A brief installation explanation is displayed.
Installation Welcome
Click OK to continue with the installation. TransAct automatically installs two category tables with common
industry standards. Solid Waste default categories are applicable for a landfill or recycling operation. General default categories are more suited to gravel, concrete, and similar operations. These tables can be edited, and more categories can be added later to match your applica­tion more closely.
Select the type of application (Solid Waste or General) which more closely relates to your type of business.
Selecting Industry Type
Solid Waste Application has categories for Hauler and Refuse. General Application has categories for Hauler and Material.
The setup program looks for any previously installed versions of TransAct and recommends installation to that same directory. For a first time installation, the setup program recommends installation to the directory C:\TRANSACT. Unless there is a particular reason, do not change the directory.
Default Installation Directory
Click OK to continue and accept the default directory for installation. The TransAct setup program starts installing the program files.
Program Installation
When prompted, insert the remaining TransAct disk.
Disk 2 Prompt
Click OK to continue with the installation.
The AUTOEXEC.BAT configuration file must include the command SHARE /F:5100 /L:500 for TransAct to run. If this command needs to be added, the following message appears:
The Windows 3.1 and Windows 95 Share program installs file-sharing and locking capabilities. Windows for Workgroups uses the VSHARE command instead of the SHARE command. If this command needs to be added, an additional message will appear.
Click on Yes to make the necessary changes and continue. The following message will appear when installation is complete:
Installation Complete
Click OK to continue. A final dialog box will ask if you want to reboot (restart) the system.
Reboot Message
Remove the disk in drive A. Click Yes to reboot your computer system and allow the changes to take effect.
Installation is now complete. Once the computer re-boots, double click on the TransAct icon in the Program Manager to start the program.
TransAct Icon

Windows 95 Installation

Insert the TransAct diskette labeled Disk 1 of 2 in drive A or B. Select
Start in the lower left-hand corner of the Windows 95
Run from the Start menu as shown below.
The Run dialog box appears. In the Open field, type a:setup or b:setup depending on the drive you are using.
Install Command
Click OK to start the installation program. A brief installation welcome and explanation is displayed.
Installation Welcome
Click OK to continue with the installation. TransAct automatically installs two main category tables with common
industry standards. You can add two more category tables later. These tables can be later renamed and edited to more closely fit your industry standards.
Select the type of application which most closely relates to your type of business.
Selecting Industry Type
Solid Waste Application provides category tables for Hauler and Refuse.
General Application provides category tables Hauler and Material.
The setup program looks for any previously installed versions of TransAct and recommend installation to that same directory.
For a first time installation the setup program recommends installation to the default directory C:\TRANSACT. Unless there is a particular reason, do not change the default directory or path name.
Default Installation Directory
Click OK to continue and accept the default directory for installation. The TransAct setup program starts installing the program files.
Program Installation
When prompted, insert the remaining TransAct for Windows disk.
Disk 2 Prompt
Click OK to continue with the installation. The AUTOEXEC.BAT configuration file must include the command
SHARE /F:5100 /L:500 for TransAct to run. If this command needs to be added, the following message appears.
Click Yes to make the necessary changes and continue. The following message appears when installation is complete.
Installation Complete
Click OK to continue. A final dialog box will ask if you want to reboot the system.
Click Yes to reboot your computer system and allow the changes to take effect. Don’t forget to remove the disk first in Drive A or B as the dialog box recommends.
After restarting, the TransAct program is ready to run by double clicking on the TransAct program icon in the Program Manager.

Customizing TransAct with transact.ini File

During installation, the program creates the transact.ini file, located in your hard drive C:\Windows directory as shown below.
Hard Drive Location of transact.ini file
This file contains the program defaults for category names, category setup, ticket formats, and other information used to run TransAct. After you become familiar with TransAct, you may wish to change some of these defaults to customize the program better for your business and your customers.
Directions for modifying the transact.ini file to change these defaults are found in Editing the TransAct Initialization File in the Appendix.
DO NOT DELETE OR MOVE the transact.ini file. If deleted or moved to another directory, TransAct will not be able to run.

Starting and Exiting the Program

Starting the Program for the First Time

To start TransAct for Windows, double click the TransAct program icon from the TransAct program group in the Program Manager.
TransAct Program Icon
When initially starting TransAct, the following message appears.
End User Agreement Dialog Box
When running TransAct for the first time, you must view and accept the terms of the licensing information before TransAct will open. Use the mouse to point and click on the View Agreement button.
The license agreement is a Windows Write file. TransAct automati­cally opens the Write application and the license file—but it does not automatically exit the Write program.
So an informational message appears to remind you to exit Write from the pull-down File menu once you have read the license agreement. Click the OK button to continue and read the license agreement. Once you have read the license agreement select File | Exit to quit Write and continue with TransAct.
After reading the license agreement you must choose to accept the agreement before continuing. Click on Accept Agreement to continue.
If you select the Reject Agreement button, TransAct will close and you will return to the program manager.

Creating a Customer Database

The final step before using TransAct is to create the customer database. After accepting the license agreement, you will be asked if you wish to build a database. This database will provide the forms on which you will enter your customer accounts and other data.
Click on the Start Build button. Another message pops up and asks if you would like your database to contain sample information.
Sample Database Dialog Box
A sample database with fictitious customer accounts, trucks, and transactions could be helpful until you become familiar with entering your own information. If you have never used a data management program like TransAct, installing this sample database is recommended to allow you to learn how to use the program. All of the information in the sample database can be overwritten or deleted.
After you’ve spent some time learning the program using the sample database, you’ll be ready to start entering your own customer data. Rather than overwriting each fictitious customer account in the sample database with your actual customer accounts, we recommend that you quit out of the TransAct program, then delete (uninstall) the entire program. The Uninstall program will search out and delete all TransAct files in your system. With a “clean slate,” you may then reinstall TransAct onto your system. You will use the same install procedure as described previously in this chapter, but with one major change—this time you will not choose to have sample data put into your database.
The procedure for uninstalling and reinstalling TransAct is found in the Appendix. When you’ve learned the TransAct program and you’re ready for this step, turn to that section and follow the instructions.
Click on the Yes button to install the sample database now.
Click on the No button to install an empty database. If you click Yes to install the sample database, a TransAct Database
Utility screen appears with a graphic progress box so you can monitor the database installation.
When the database installation is 100% completed, a message with a single OK button is displayed alerting you to the successful installa­tion.
Click OK to continue. The TransAct program login screen appears and you are ready to begin.
To continue with login directions and establishing security access for all planned users, turn to the Security Logins and Passwords section on page 27 now.
To learn how to quit the TransAct program, or how to recover a database from an incorrect shutdown, power outage, or system error, continue reading in this section.
Quitting the Program
Click on the Quit button from the main menu toolbar.
Database Recovery and Restoration
If TransAct is not exited correctly due to a power outage or system error, the database may become damaged. TransAct has a built in tolerant structure to help prevent losing information. By storing mini­backups of the database, TransAct can recover damaged databases.
The next time TransAct is started after a power outage or system error, the following message will appear.
Database Recovery Needed
Click on Continue to bring up a window with repair choices.
Database Recovery in Progress
Click on the Auto Repair button to retrieve information from the last mini-save. While the repair is being done, a progress screen is dis­played so you can monitor the repair process.
DO NOT use your computer while the database is being repaired.
Once the database has been repaired the following message will appear.
Database Recovery Complete
Click Done. Review the repaired database. If it is not correct, you may wish to restore your last backup. For information, see the Restore Backup section under Preferences in the chapter, Setting up TransAct— Administration.
If you have any questions about the database recovery utility, call your distributor or Rice Lake Weighing Systems software support line at (715) 234-2003.
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