PortaWeigh Plus Crane Scales
PortaWeigh Plus Hi-Torque Crane Scales
Setup Exit Guide
The following procedure MUST be performed to properly save and exit from the
MSI-9000CellScale setup / configuration menus when used in conjunction with
the MSI-9300 or MSI-9300HT that is operated by version 5-20, or later MSI-9000
application software.
This procedure is to be performed after
be performed after any connection to a PC, even if no changes were made.
1). Perform all calibration & setup as required per application and exit to Main Menu.
12:25:24 01/01/08
(1) Channels/Calibration
(3) Display
(4) Feature Locks/Passwords
(5) Product IDs
(6) Set Points
(7) System
(8) About...
Enter choice :
2). Select
(2) Communications.
***** Communications Setup *****
(2) Commport 2: RF Modem
(3) Commport 3: RF Host
(4) Commport 4: RF Host
(5) Commport 5: RF Host
(6) Data Strings
(7) Registry
(8) Setup KF host commands
(9) Assigned Legal For Trade Control Device: 200
(A) RF Network List
(ESC) Exit
3). Select
(1) Commport 1: Terminal.
***** Commport 1 Settings *****
(1) Function: Terminal
(2) Baud rate: 9600
(3) Standard: RS-232
(4) Mode: Duplex
(5) Data bits: 8
(6) Parity: None
(7) Protocol/Handshake: None
(ESC) Exit
calibration(s) and configuration(s) are complete. It also
---------- MSI 9000 - CellScale ----------------------
- (c) 2006 Measurement Systems International -
(2) Communications
(1) Commport 1: Terminal
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