Effective Sept 10th, 2018, UD 10/09/18
All refrigerated compressor driven products purchased from Bar Fridges Aus t r alia ( BFA) are covered by our
exclusive ‘Product Confidence’ warranty;
*Products purchased O VE R $500, 2 Years Australia W i de ‘ On Site’ parts a nd La bor Warranty strictly
from the invoice purchase date. This is NOT ‘parts only’ or ‘back to base’, this is real warranty no cost to you.
*Exceptions: Scratch ‘n’ Dent and items on special ( s ee bel ow) and any application wh ere pr oducts other
than drinks are used for cold stor age.
*Products purchased UNDE R $500: 1 Year Australia W i de ‘ Ne w Replacement’ Warranty from the invoice
purchase date will be repl aced w it h new, depending on location a nd logistics.
*The warranty has been st r eam-lined in May 2017 to include commercial and domestic under one umbrella.
*Exceptions: Scratch ‘n’ Dent and items on special ( s ee bel ow) and any application wh ere pr oducts other
than drinks are used for cold storage.
All ‘Scratch N’ Dent bargains an d Sales / Specials’ w her e st ock is reduced in price have separate warranty
terms which are stipulate d on both the website listin g and t he i nvoice. These units are deeme d to be second
hand and are discounted accordingly - their warranty periods are also reduced.
BFA will pay all costs to repair, r eplace (with similar or equivalent model) or refund (at our sole d iscretion) for
any faulty unit or part thereof should the fault be deemed as a defect in operation, material, or w orkmanship.
BFA is geared towards fair ness in all cases. In most instances w hen we recognise a prob lem and the problem
can be remedied on-site, the work is undertaken via our fleet of service technicians. Should it prove difficult to
diagnose the fault or perfor m the r epair work in the space or environment provided, or if the unit is located
outside the BFA service a rea then the unit will need to go off site for r epair and return.
Warranty Does Not Include;
• Any expenses resulting from s er vice calls for either products or faults that are not specifical ly covered
by this warranty, (including units which are found to be operating normally). All call out fee s w il l then
be borne by the client (at our dis cr et ion).
• Any expenses resulting from s er vice calls for both fault diagnosis and repair after the abov e warranty
terms have expired. BFA w ill always attempt to assist after warranty periods have expire d with spare
parts and service, just as w e would within warranty periods. G lass door fridges are more prone to
needing maintenance tha n domestic units do.
• Any client wishing to retur n a pur chased unit with no legitimate reason. It is understood that the client
has read our listing and knows al l of the specifications in regards t o size, noise levels,
condensation, power consumption and the cor rect environm e nt suited for the fr idge. The cost
to return is fully borne by the client as we ll as t he in it ial cos t of the delivery, plus a re-stocking fee of
10%. This strictly applies for a 14 day period from the date of the del iv er y.
• Any expenses resulting from d ef ec t s t o the unit caused by any person, ot her t han BFA or its
authorized service agents , including;
a) Incorrect installation – such as a lack of ventilation, ex posure to the elements where it’s not part of
the refrigerator specification, sunlight in particu lar .
b) Abuse, misuse or alteration.
c) Failure to let compr essor oil and/or refrigerant sett le aft er r elocat i on.
d) Damage during movement by the client from one location to an ot her including lifting the unit by the
doors or door handles.
e) Act of god or his son, or aliens invading earth.
f) Insect and/or vermin infestation.
g) Electrical/Power surges and/or storm dam age.
h) Damage to any area or str ucture due to movement of t he f r idge, like wooden floors, walls and glas s
i) Faults due to client re programming or setting controllers wrong.
j) Blocked condensers due to not being cleaned, it is up to customer to ensure condensers are
cleaned periodically, see www.cleanme.eu
for relevant info on the type of units that need this.
40Production Drive, Alfredton, VIC 3350 Ph: 1300 376849 Ext2
vicservice@bar-fridges-australia.com.au www.bar-fridges-australia.com.au
• Any indirect, incidental or consequential damages, spoilt wine or frozen/exploded drinks, water
damage including condensation forming on outer g lass etc., except as provided for by ACL, Austral ian
Consumer Law.
• Units used in ‘moveable’ vehicles (Cars, Vans, Buses etc.) will not be covered under any warranty at
all. Talk to us about specific applications and we can help with recommendations.
• Fridges that do not come under our standard warranted lines, t hese will be clearly advert ised w it h t he
warranty information directly pertaining to that produ ct, and the purchase invoice w il l stat e the
• Fluorescent or LED lights, locks, ballast, rusted part s ( incl uding Stainless Steel), screw s, nuts, and
any plastic parts involving basic wear and tear.
• Labour if the technician has t o t r avel outside of BFA’s service area, or t he mainland of Australia.
• Freight costs for repair if u nit is out side the Bar Fridges Australia service agent areas, al l major capital
cities are towns are included but there are some rare rem ot e ar ea’s we cannot service.
• Compensation/Claim in any form if the client hasn’t r ead t he listing correctly in regar d t o t he fridge
power draw, operation and noise levels. BFA has ex t ensive product details and t he consumer is
obligated to make an informe d decision based on our listin gs and large amounts of information
How to Obtain Service:
For assistance, there are 3 x ways below, to help we require fridge model, serial number, date of purchas e
and a description of the problem, please ensure you have as much info as possible to spee d up pr ocess, a
picture of the fridge showi ng w ide shot and also the controller (i f ap pl icable)
1. Go online at https://www.bar-fridges-australia.com.au/making-a-warranty-claim.html - This will take
you through the basics ques t ion s needed for us to assist in a time ly manner.
2. Email service department directly on vicservice@bar-fridges-australia.com.au
3. Contact BFA Service Division direct on 1300 376849 Ext2, 8:30am > 4:30pm Mon-Fri.
There is no guaranteed time limit for repairs to be carried out due to the nature of refrigeration products
and the technician time booking constraints, you must allow 7-14 days as a fair down time, refrigeration
mechanics these days are very busy and jobs have to be booked in advance. Sometimes u nits will need to be
arranged for return and repair, which can be time consum ing. In saying all this, all warranty issues are
regarded as ‘urgent’, and every effort will be made to have the problem rectified immediat ely.
In some cases to speed the pr oc ess up where a job is consider ed a minor repair, the parts may be sent direct
to the client and authoriza t ion w i ll be g iv en to make the repair themse lv es with the warranty not being voided.
This is popular in situations li ke fa n r eplacements, which are easy t o swap, when the client is an actual
tradesman or handy with a scr ewdriver. We will nev er all ow electrical wiring jobs without tech, only plug ‘n’
play style jobs.
Proof of Purchase:
We have made proof of purchas e not a mandatory thing, but of course it will help. When purchased w e
internally register the model and your details so to find deta ils we need invoice (as we keep serial numbers) or
either email address or phone number that you lodged at t he time.
Authorised Service Agents:
Service is provided by BFA and its’ authorized service net w ork of refrigeration mechan ics Aust r alia Wide. We
attempt to cover all areas though certain remote areas c an often translate to longer wa iting periods. We don’t
allow for services outside of normal working hours, ot her w ise call out fees are applicable. ALL call outs have
to be arranged and perfor me d by approved BFA service technicians. Clients cannot arrange their own
technicians within warranty period at all, this could v oid the warranty.
Replacement Parts / Items Out Of Warranty:
Parts will always be available at very reasonable prices after the warranty period is finished, our exclusive
10year parts availability guarantee is great piece of m ind. I t is very important to BFA to keep clients happy
after the warranty period has expired. The followi ng link allows you to lodge a claim/parts request , so add as
much info as you can and we will assi s t .
*Check our unique Fridge Diagnosis Knowledge Base To As sist In Finding Fault.
vicservice@bar-fridges-australia.com.au www.bar-fridges-australia.com.au
40Production Drive, Alfredton, VIC 3350 Ph: 1300 376849 Ext2