Recognize this symbol as an Indication of Important
Safety Information!
NOTICE: This water heater is designed for use in a commercial application and the installation and maintenance of it should be performed by a qualified, licensed service personnel. If the foregoing assumption is not appropriate, then we recommend that you obtain
and retain our Residential Use & Care Manual.
CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65 WARNING: This product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth
defects or other reproductive harm.
WARNING: If the information in these instructions are not followed exactly, a fire or explosion may result
causing property damage, personal injury or death.
— Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable
vapors or liquids or other combustible materials in
the vicinity of this or any other appliance. To do so
may result in an explosion or fire.
Do not try to light any appliance.
Do not touch any electrical switch; do not use any
phone in your building.
Do Not Destroy this Manual. Please read carefully and
keep in a safe place for Future Reference.
Immediately call your gas supplier from a neighbor's
phone. Follow the gas supplier's instructions.
If you cannot reach your gas supplier, call the fire
Do not return to your building until authorized by
the gas supplier or fire department.
— Improper installation, adjustment, alteration, service
or maintenance can cause injury, property damage or death. Refer to this manual. Installation and
service must be performed by a qualified installer,
service agency or the gas supplier.
Your safety and the safety of others are very important. There are many important safety messages
in this manual and on your appliance. Always read
and obey all safety messages.
This is the safety alert symbol. Recognize this symbol as
an indication of Important Safety Information! This symbol alerts
you to potential hazards that can kill or hurt you and others.
All safety messages will follow the safety alert symbol and either the word “DANGER”, “WARNING”,
These words mean:
situation that will result in
death or serious injury.
situation that could result
in death or serious injury
and/or damage to property.
situation that may result in
minor or moderate injury.
a specified procedure or maintain a specific condition.
Water temperature over 125°F can
cause severe burns instantly or
death from scalds.
Children, disabled and elderly are
at highest risk of being scalded.
See instruction manual before
setting temperature at water
Feel water before bathing or
Temperature limiting valves are
available, see manual.
To meet commercial water use needs, the thermostat on this water
heater is adjustable up to 180°F. However, water temperatures over
125°F. can cause severe burns instantly or death from scalds. This
is the preferred starting point for setting the control for supplying
general purpose hot water.
Safety and energy conservation are factors to be considered when
setting the water temperature on the thermostat. The most energy
efficient operation will result when the temperature setting is the
lowest that satisfies the needs consistent with the application.
The following chart details the relationship of water temperature
and time with regard to scald injury and may be used as a guide in
determining the safest water temperature for your applications.
Temperature Time to Produce Serious Burn
120° F More than 5 minutes
125° F 1
/2 to 2 minutes
130° F About 30 seconds
135° F About 10 seconds
140° F Less than 5 seconds
145° F Less than 3 seconds
150° F About 1
/2 seconds
155° F About 1 second
Table cour tesy of Shriners Bu rn Institute
The temperature of the water in the heater can be regulated by
setting the temperature dial on front of the thermostat. To comply
with safety regulations the thermostat was set at its lowest setting
before water heater was shipped from the factory. The illustration
below illustrates the thermostat and how to adjust the water temperature.
Maximum water temperatures occur just after burner has shut off.
To find hot water temperature being delivered, turn on a hot water
faucet and place a thermometer in the hot water stream and read
the thermometer.
To adjust the water temperature, insert a small straight
screwdriver into slotted screw in hole in front of ther-
mostat and turn wheel to desired setting. Thermostat
is adjustable up to 180º F.
CAUTION!! - Hotter water increases the risk of SCALDING!
NOTICE: Each water heater will contain one (1) of the above thermostats. Refer to actual unit to determine which one.
Hotter water increases the Potential for Hot Water SCALDS.
NOTICE: Mixing valves are available for reducing point of use
water temperature by mixing and cold water in branch water lines
Contact a licensed plumber or the local plumbing authority for
further information.
General Safety Precautions
Flammable Vapors
Vapors from flammable
liquids will explode and
catch fire causing death or
severe burns.
Do not use or store flammable
products such as gasoline,
solvents or adhesives in the
same room or area near the
water heater.
Keep flammable products:
1. far away from heater,
2. in approved containers,
3. tightly closed and
4. out of children's reach.
Water heater has a main
burner and pilot flame.
The pilot flame:
1. which can come on at
any time and
2. will ignite flammable
1. cannot be seen,
2. are heavier than air,
3. go a long way on the
floor and
4. can be carried from
other rooms to the pilot
flame by air currents.
Do not install water heater
where flammable products will
be stored or used unless the
main burner and pilot flames
are at least 18" above the
floor. This will reduce, but not
eliminate, the risk of vapors
being ignited by the main
burner or pilot flame.
Read and follow water heater warnings and instructions. If owners
manual is missing, contact the retailer or manufacturer.
Be sure to read and understand the entire Use & Care Manual before attempting to install or operate this water heater. Pay par ticular attention
to the following General Safety Precautions. Failure to follow these warnings could result in a fire or explosion, causing proper ty damage, bodily
injur y or death . Should you have any problems understanding the instructions in this manual, STOP, and get help from a qualified installer or
ser vice technician or the gas supplier.
Gasoline, as well as other flammable materials and liquids
(adhesives, solvents, etc.), and the vapors they produce,
are extremely dangerous. DO NOT handle, use or store
gasoline or other flammable or combustible materials any-
where near or in the vicinity of a water heater. Be sure to
read and follow the warning label pictured below and other
labels on the water heater, as well as the warnings printed
in this manual. Failure to do so can result in property dam-
age, bodily injury, or death.
Failure to properly vent the water heater to the outdoors
as outlined in the Venting Section of this manual can result
in unsafe operation of the water heater. To avoid the risk
of fire, explosion, or asphyxiation from carbon monoxide,
never operate this water heater unless it is properly vented
and has an adequate air supply for proper operation. Be
sure to inspect the vent system for proper installation at
initial start-up; and at least annually thereafter. Refer to
Maintenance section of this manual for more information
regarding vent system inspections.
must be used with great caution.
• It is heavier than air and will collect first in lower areas
making it hard to detect at nose level.
Make sure to look and smell for LP leaks before
attempting to light appliance. Use a soapy solution to
check all gas fittings and connections. Bubbling at a
connection indicates a leak that must be corrected.
When smelling to detect an LP leak, be sure to sniff
near the floor too.
• Gas detectors are recommended in LP applications
and their installation should be in accordance with the
manufacturer's recommendations and/or local laws,
rules, regulations or customs.
• It is recommended that more than one method be used
to detect leaks in LP applications.
• DO NOT attempt to find the cause yourself;
• DO NOT try to light any appliance;
• DO NOT touch any electrical switch;
• DO NOT use any phone in your building.
• Leave the house immediately and make sure your family and pets leave also.
• Leave the doors open for ventilation and contact the
gas supplier, a qualified service agency or the fire
• Keep the area clear until the service call has been
made, the leak is corrected, and a qualified agency has
determined the area to be safe.
Both LP and natural gas have an odorant added to help
detection. Some people may not physically be able to
smell or recognize this odorant. If unsure or unfamiliar
about the smell associated with LP or natural gas, ask the
gas supplier. Other conditions, such as "Odorant Fade",
which causes the odorant to "fade", or diminish in intensity can also hide or camouflage a gas leak.
Water heaters utilizing Liquefied Petroleum gas (LP) are
different from natural gas models. A natural gas heater will
not function safely on LP gas and vice versa. No attempt
should ever be made to convert a heater from natural gas
to LP gas. To avoid possible equipment damage, personal
injury or fire: DO NOT connect this water heater to a fuel
type not in accordance with unit data plate. Propane for
propane units. Natural gas for natural gas units. These
units are not certified for any other type fuel.
LP appliances should not be installed below-grade (for
example, in a basement) if such installation is prohibited
by federal, state and/or local laws, rules, regulations or customs.
Read and Review this entire Manual with special emphasis
on the Venting Sections (Pages 8-12) and Operation Section
(Pages 14-17) prior to any installation work.
This water heater must be installed in accordance with these instructions,
local codes, utility company requirements and/or, in the absence of local
codes, the latest edition of the National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1 in
the United States, or CGA/CAN B149 Installation Codes in Canada.
A. This water heater is of the direct vent design. All air for combustion
and all products of combustion are routed through the venting system,
directly from and to the outside of the building.
The water heater should be installed in a clean, dry location as close
as practical to the gas vent terminals. Long hot water lines should be
insulated to conser ve water and energy. The water heater and water
lines should be protected from exposure to freezing temperatures.
B. A gas fired water heater should not be installed in a space where liquids
which give off flammable vapors are to be used or stored. Such liquids
include gasoline, LP gas (butane and propane), paint or adhesives and
their thinners, solvents or removers. Because of natural air movement
in a room or other enclosed space, flammable vapors can be carried
some distance from where their liquids are being used or stored. The
open flame of the water heater’s intermittent pilot or main burner can
ignite these vapors causing an explosion or fire which may result in
severe burns or death to those in range, as well as proper ty damage.
For these reasons, installation of a gas fired water heater in a garage
is not desirable.
If a location in a garage is the only alternative, the gas water heater
should be installed so that the open flame of the pilot and main
burner are no less than 18 inches above the garage floor. The water
heater must be located or protected so it is not subject to physical
damage by moving vehicles or area flooding. Raising the gas fired
water heater will reduce BUT NOT eliminate the possibility of lighting the vapor of any flammable liquids which may be improperly
stored or accidentally spilled.
C. All models are cer tified for installation on combustible floors and in
alcoves. The minimum side and top clearance to walls and ceiling for
providing protection of combustible materials are shown on the water
heater’s rating label. A front clearance of 18 inches (46 cm) should be
provided for adequate inspection and servicing.
If the water heater must be installed on carpeting, place a metal or
wood panel beneath water heater extending beyond its full width and
depth at least 3 inches (7.6 cm) in all directions. If the water heater is
installed in an alcove, the entire floor must be covered by the panel.
The water heater should not be located in an area where leakage of
the tank or connections will result in damage to the area adjacent
to it or to lower floors of the structure. When such areas cannot be
avoided, it is recommended that a suitable catch pan, adequately
drained, be installed under the water heater. The pan MUST NOT
restrict the flow of combustion air flow to bottom of water heater.
NOTICE: Auxiliary catch pan installation MUST conform to the ap -
plicable local codes.
D. RESTAURANTS — If the water heater is to be installed in a restau-
rant or other location where the floor is frequently cleaned, it must be
elevated to provide at least six inches (15 cm) of clearance from the
floor to comply with NSF International recommendations.
E. CORROSIVE ATMOSPHERES — The heater should not be installed
near an air supply containing halogenated hydrocarbons. For example,
the air in beauty shops, dry cleaning establishments, photo processing
labs, and storage areas for liquid and powdered bleaches or swim pool
chemicals often contain such hydrocarbons. The air there may be safe
to breathe, but when it passes through a gas flame, corrosive elements
are released that will shorten the life of any gas burning appliance.
Propellants from common spray cans or gas leaks from refrigeration
equipment are highly corrosive after passing through a flame. The limited warranty is voided when failure of water heater is due to a corrosive
atmosphere. (Refer to the Certificate of Limited Warranty for complete
terms and conditions.)
The manufacturer’s warranty does not cover any damage or defect
caused by installation, or attachment, or use of any special attachment such as energy saving devices (other than those authorized
by the manufacturer) into, onto, or in conjunction with the water
heater. The use of such unauthorized devices may shorten the
life of the water heater and may endanger life and property. The
manufacturer disclaims any responsibility for such loss or injury
resulting from the use of such unauthorized devices.
1. INSPECT SHIPMENT — for possible damage. The manufacturer’s
responsibility ceases upon delivery of goods to the carrier in good
condition. Any claims for damage, shortage in shipments, or non delivery must be filed immediately against carrier by consignee.
2. THERMAL EXPANSION — Determine if a check valve exists in the
inlet water line. It may have been installed in the cold water line as a
separate back flow preventer, or it may be part of a pressure reducing valve, water meter or water softener. A check valve located in
the cold water inlet line can cause what is referred to as a ”closed
water system”. A cold water inlet line with no check valve or back
flow prevention device is referred to as an ”open” water system.
As water is heated, it expands in volume and creates an increase
in the pressure within the water system. This action is referred to as
”ther mal expansion”. In an ”open” water system, expanding water
which exceeds the capacity of the water heater flows back into the
city main where the pressure is easily dissipated.
A ”closed water system”, however, prevents the expanding water
from flowing back into the main supply line, and the result of ”thermal
expansion” can create a rapid, and dangerous pressure increase in
the water heater and system piping. This rapid pressure increase can
quickly reach the safety setting of the relief valve, causing it to operate during each heating cycle. Thermal expansion, and the resulting
rapid, and repeated expansion and contraction of components in the
water heater and piping system can cause premature failure of the
relief valve, and possibly the heater itself. Replacing the relief valve
will not correct the problem!
The suggested method of controlling thermal expansion is to install an
expansion tank in the cold water line between the water heater and the
check valve. The expansion tank is designed with an air cushion built in
that compresses as the system pressure increases, thereby relieving
the over pressure condition and eliminating the repeated operation of
the relief valve. Other methods of controlling thermal expansion are also
available. Contact your installing contractor, water supplier, or plumbing
inspector for additional information regarding this subject.
If a recirculation line is installed, the return connection should be made
to a tee close to the inlet connection on the water heater. A check valve
should always be installed in the recirculation line to prevent cold water
from entering.
WATER CONNECTIONS — This water heater may be connected indi-
vidually, in multiples with others, or with an external hot water storage
Inlet water connections are made to the lower coupling on the heater,
and outlet water connections are made to the upper coupling.
Each water heater is supplied with the necessary components (Diffuser
tubes) to make the water connections that will ensure proper performance. The components are supplied in a bag attached to the water
heater. If special instructions are required for any specific water heater,
they will be included in the bag.
Cap or plug unused connections. Use only clean, new galvanized steel,
copper or approved plastic pipe for water connections. Local codes
or regulations shall govern the exact type of material to be used. The
installation of unions on the inlet and outlet water lines and a shut-off
valve in at least the cold water inlet line is recommended, so the water
heater may be easily disconnected for servicing. Dielectric unions are
not required for protection of water heater.
When this water heater is supplying general purpose hot water require-
ments for use by individuals, a thermostatically controlled mixing valve
is recommended to reduce the risk of scald injury. Contact a licensed
plumber or the local plumbing authority for fur ther information.
Thermometer(s) should be installed so that they indicate the tempera-
ture of the water at or near the outlet of the water heater and storage
tank(s) if provided. See Fig. 4 on page 7.
3. RELIEF VALVE — A new factory installed combination pressure and
temperature relief valve, complying with the Standard for Relief Valves
and Automatic Gas Shutoff Devices for Hot Water Supply Systems,
ANSI Z21.22, or Standard CAN1-4.4, Temperature, Pressure, Temperature and Pressure Relief Valves and Vacuum Relief Valves is provided
with the water heater. No valve is to be placed between the relief valve
and the water heater. For a circulating tank installation, the separate
storage tank(s) must have similar protection. The pressure rating of the
relief valve must not exceed 150 psi (160 psi for ASME models), the
maximum working pressure as marked on front of the water heater.
The Btu/h rating of the relief valve must equal or exceed the Btu/h input
of the water heater as marked on its rating plate.
Connect the outlet of the relief valve to a suitable open drain. The
discharge line must pitch downward from the valve to allow complete
draining (by gravity) of the relief valve and discharge line, and be no
smaller than the outlet of the valve. The end of the discharge line
should not be threaded or concealed and should be protected from
freezing. No valve of any type, restriction or reducer coupling should be
installed in the discharge line. Local codes shall govern the installation
of relief valves.
4. GAS SUPPLY — The inlet gas pressure to the water heater must not
exceed 10.5” w.c. (2.6 kPa) for Natural gas. For purposes of input adjustment, the minimum inlet gas pressure (with main burner on) is shown on
the rating plate. Check to see if high or low gas pressure is present and
then contact the gas company for correction.
The gas line should be of adequate size to prevent undue pressure
drop. Sizing based upon Table 1 (on pg. 13) is recommended. No additional allowance is necessary for an ordinary number of fittings.
A ground joint union and manual shutoff valve should be installed in
the gas line near the water heater so that the burner assembly may
be easily removed. The shut-off valve must be readily accessible for
turning on or off. See Fig. 4 on page 7.
A sediment trap must be installed at the bottom of the gas line. See
Fig. 4 on page 7.
LEAK TESTING — The water heater and its gas connections MUST
be leak tested at normal operating pressure before it is placed in operation. Turn ON the manual gas shut-off valve near the water heater.
Use a soapy water solution to test for gas leaks at all connections and
fittings. Bubbles indicate a gas leak that must be corrected. The water
heater factory connections to the gas valve should also be leak tested
after placing the water heater in operation.
Vacuum Relief Valve
(Not Supplied)
If required, install per local codes
and valve manufacturer’s
Cold Water
Hot Outlet
supported and aligned to minimize loads
(forces) on the water heater’s gas valve
and burner system.
lines for the Thermal Expansion Tank (if
1.) The gas supply piping must be adequately
2.) Refer to local codes for installation guide
(if required)
Ther mal Expansion Tank
Relief Valve
Refer to Venting section
Figure 4. — Typical Installation Drawing.
on pages 8-11 in this manual.
Temperature & Pressure
Air Gap 6"
Gas Valve
Ther mostat
Sediment Trap
Ground Joint Union
Vent Connection
Vent Connection
NEVER use open flame to test for gas leaks, as bodily injury or
property damage could result.
heater and its manual gas shut-off valve MUST be dis connect ed from the gas supply piping system during any h ig h pressure
testing o f t h a t sy s t e m at pr e s s u r e s i n exc ess o f 1/ 2 ps i
(14” w.c. / 3.5 kPa).
The water heater MUST be isolat ed from the gas piping system
by closing the manual gas shut-off valve during any pressure testing of the gas supply piping at pressures equal to or les s than
1/2 psi (14” w.c. / 3.5 kPa).
The water heater must be vented to the outdoors as described
in these instructions. DO NOT connect this water heater to an
existing Vent or Chimney it must be vented separately from all
other appliances.
The unit may be vented horizontally through a wall or vertically through
the roof. Pipe runs must be adequately supported along both vertical
and horizontal runs. Maximum unsupported span is recommended to
be no more than 4 feet. It is imperative that the first hanger be located
on the horizontal run immediately adjacent to the first 90-degree elbow
from the vertical rise or at the blower outlet in the case of a horizontal
blower position. Support method used should isolate the vent pipe from
floor joists or other structural members to help prevent the transmission
of noise and vibration. Do not support, pin or otherwise secure the venting system in a way that restricts the normal thermal expansion and
contraction of the chosen venting material.
If the water heater is being installed as a replacement for an existing
power vented water heater, a thorough inspection of the existing venting
system must be performed prior to any installation work. Verify that the
correct materials, as detailed above have been used, and that the minimum or maximum vent length and terminal locations as detailed in this
manual have been met. Carefully inspect the entire venting system for
any signs of cracks or fractures, particularly at the joints between elbows
or other fittings and the straight runs of vent pipe. Check the system for
signs of sagging or other stresses in the joints as a result of misalignment
of any components in the system. If any of these conditions are found,
they must be corrected in accordance with the venting instructions in this
manual before completing the installation and putting the water heater
into service.
Failure to properly vent the water heater to the outdoors as outlined
above and in the following section can result in unsafe operation of
the water heater causing bodily injury, explosion, fire or death.
To avoid the risk of fire, explosion or asphyxiation from carbon
monoxide, NEVER operate this water heater unless it is properly
vented and has an adequate air supply for proper operation. The
vent pipe must overlap a minimum of ½" on each connection. It is
important that the vent pipe engages fully into any pipe fitting and
be kept in that position until the adhesive has fully cured. DO NOT
drill or punch holes in the plastic pipe or fittings.
NOTI C E : This unit can be ven t e d u s ing only the fo l l owin g
recommended pipe material. Use only 3- or 4-inch diameter pipe.
The blower assembly is preinstalled at the factory, so all that is required
for connecting the vent system is attaching the vent pipe to the blower
and the PVC Tee. Before starting the vent installation, careful planning
should be given to the routing and termination of the vent pipe. The length
of the vent pipe (inlet and outlet) should be kept to a minimum. Also, see
page 10 & 12 for vent terminal placement. The GP100-150 & GP100-200
model can be vented using either 3 inch or 4 inch Schedule 40 PVC pipe
and fittings.
To use 3 inch PVC, you can connect directly to the blower outlet (rubber
coupling provided for outlet connection) and PVC Tee. Make sure that
clamps on rubber coupling are tight, after the pipe is installed. The inlet
vent pipe should be cemented into the PVC Tee.
If 4 inch PVC pipe is going to be used, then it will be necessary to have
a short piece ( at least 3 inches long ) of 3 inch PVC pipe to join into the
coupling and tee. Then a 4 X 3 reducer would need to be joined to the
short piece of pipe, so that the 4 inch pipe could be used. The 4 inch pipe
will then need to be stepped back down, using a 4 X 3 reducer, to 3 inch
PVC. To install the vent terminals, a short length of 3 inch (maximum of
16 inches long) pipe will need to be used. (Refer to Figure 9b on page
The GP100-250 model can only be vented using 4 inch Schedule 40 PVC
pipe and fittings. The 4 inch pipe can be connected directly to the blower
coupling and 4 inch tee.
Charts are for installation from 0 - 2000 ft. elevation ONLY. (Please see supplement sheet for installations above 2000 feet.)
NOTICE: Be sure to mount inlet vent ter minal 6 inches highe r than the ou tlet vent term inal. Vent terminals need to be a minimum of 7 i nches
(center to center) horizontally apar t and a maximum of 24 inches apar t.
GP100-150 & GP100-200
Venting Information for 3” Vents
Number of 90º Elbows with
Vent Terminal
Inlet VentOutlet Vent
One (1)One (1)None40.0
One (1)One (1)One (1)2.537.5
Two (2)Two (2)None5.035.0
Two (2)Two (2)One (1)2.532.5
Three (3)Three (3)None5.030.0
Three (3)Three (3)One (1)2.527.5
Four (4)Four (4)None5.025.0
Four (4)Four (4)One (1)2.522.5
Number of
45º Elbows
Vent lengths for the inlet and the outlet pipes should not have a difference of more than five (5) equivalent feet.
Venting Information for 4” Vents
Minimum Pipe
Length equired
Pipe Length
Venting Information for 4” Vents
Number of 90º Elbows with
Vent Terminal
Inlet VentOutlet Vent
One (1)One (1)None10.045.0
One (1)One (1)One (1)7.542.5
Two (2)Two (2)None5.040.0
Two (2)Two (2)One (1)2.537.5
Three (3)Three (3)None5.035.0
Three (3)Three (3)One (1)2.532.5
Four (4)Four (4)None5.030.0
Four (4)Four (4)One (1)2.527.5
Number of
45º Elbows
Vent lengths for the inlet and the outlet pipes should not have a
difference of more than five (5) equivalent feet.
GP100-250 can only be vented with four (4) inch PVC pipe and fittings. Use only the vent terminals supplied withthe water heater
Minimum Pipe
Length Required
Pipe Length
Number of 90º Elbows with
Vent Terminal
Inlet VentOutlet Vent
One (1)One (1)None10.050.0
One (1)One (1)One (1)9.547.5
Two (2)Two (2)None5.045.0
Two (2)Two (2)One (1)2.542.5
Three (3)Three (3)None5.040.0
Three (3)Three (3)One (1)2.537.5
Four (4)Four (4)None5.035.0
Four (4)Four (4)One (1)2.532.5
Number of
45º Elbows
Minimum Pipe
Length Required
Pipe Length
Vent lengths for the inlet and the outlet pipes should not have a difference of more than five (5) equivalent feet.
NOTICE: 3” and 4” vent pipe should not be mixed, other than
to reduce the 4” vent for the 3” PVC Vent Terminal. This unit
is supplied with two (2) 3-inch Schedule 40 PVC 45º vent
The 4” vent pipe can use up to 16 inches of 3” PVC, preceding
the vent terminal. This unit uses the same vent terminals (supplied with the unit) for both 3” and 4” pipe. A 4” to 3” reducer
will be required to go from 4” to 3” pipe.
vent terminal depends on the minimum clearances and considerations shown in the charts on pages 11 and 12..
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