Rheem 36406 Owner’s Manual

ResidentialGas WaterHeater
Thepurposeofthis manualis lwofeld: forthe installing
contractor, toprovide requirements&ndrecommenda- tions for the proper installation _mdadjustmentof the
waterheater,andforthe owner-operator,to explainthe features,operation,safetyprecautions,maintenanceand
troubleshootingofthewaterheater.Thismanualalsoin- ciudesa parts list
It is imperative that all persons who are e×3ected to in-
stal], operate or adjust this water healer read the in- structions carefully so that they may understand how to
do so.
Any questions regarding the opera[ion, maintenance, service orwarrantyof this water hearershouldbe directed
to Ihe entity from whom Jtwas purchased, If additional information is required, refer to the aecgon onHowto 0b-
rain Service Assistance.
Do Not Destroy this Manual. Please read care-
fully and keep in a safe place for Future Refer- ence.
,_k Recognize this symbol esan Indication
of Important Safety Information[
._ WARNING:If the informationin these instructionsare notfollowedexactly,e fire orexplosion
may result causingpropertydamage, personalinjury or death.
-- Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable vapors or liquids or other
combustible materia{s in the vicinity of this or any other appliance. To do so may result
in an explosionor fire.
Do nottry to light any appliance.
Do not touch any electrical switch; do not use any phone in your building.
e Immediately call your gee supplier from a
neighbor's phone. Follow the gas aupplier'a instructions.
If you cannot reach your gas supplier, call
the fire department.
® Do not returnto your home untilauthorized
bythe gas supplieror fire department.
-- Improper installation, adjustment, alteration, service or maintenance can cauee injury,
property damage or death. Refer to this manual, Installation and service must be
performed by a qualified installer, service agencyor the gas supplier.
AP8839-9 I&98)
General Safety Precautions
Besure to readand unde_sand he en _reLse& Caref_laaualbefe e altempLngto
natalie 0pe atethswaterhea er PaypartloU' ratte_tlOn
LOthefollowing 3eneraESafety PrecauPansFailureiefollow these_vamingscould result [na fire ar explosion causingpr0pedy 3_mage. bed-
dymMry0rdesth ....Shou[dyouhaveaEyproblems unders " ' lepf amaquahfledmstaller
or _erv!¢e eChnlClan or the gassupphe
andmgtheinstructlonslnLhismanual STOP and get ....
Gasoline, as well as other flammable materials and ]iq_ids (adhesives, solvents, etc.), and the vapors they produce,
are extremely dangerous. DO NOT handle, use or store gasoline or other flammable or combustible materials
anywhere near or in the vicinity of a water heater. Be sure
to read and follow the warning label pictured below and other labels on the water heater, as well as the warnings
printed In this manual. Failure to do so can result in
property damage, bodily injury, or death.
Failure to install the draft hood and properly vent the water heater to the outdoors as outlined in the Venting Section
of this manual can result in unsafe operation of the water
heaten To avold the risk of fire, explosion, or asphyxiation
from carbon monoxide, never operate fhis water heater
unless it is properly vented and has an adequate air
supply for proper operagon. Be sure to inspect the vent system for proper installation at initial start-upl and at
least annually the_after. Refer to Maintenance seetion of
this manual for more information regarding vent system
IF- ! W ' "
must beused w_thgreattaut'on.
It is heavier than air and will collect first in lower areas making if hard to detect at nose level.
Make sure to look and smell for LP leaks before attempting to light appliance. Use a soapy solution to
check aJl gas fittings and connections. B_bbiing at a connection indicates a leak that must be corrected.
When smelling to detect an LP leak, be sure to sniff near the floor too.
, Gas detectors are recommended in LP applications
and their installation should be in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and/or local laws,
rules, regulations or customs.
It is recommended that more than one method be used
to detect leaks in LP applications.
DO MOT attempt to find the cause yourself;
DO NOT try to light any appliance;
DO NOT touch any electrical switch;
DO NOTuse any phone in your building,
Leave the house immediately and make sure your
family and pets leave also.
Leave the doors open for ventilation and contact the gas supplier, a qualified service agency or the fire
Keep the area clear until the service call has been made, the leak ]s corrected, and a qualified agency has
determined the area to be safe.
Vapors ttom flammable Wmer healer has a main
liquids wilt explode and burner and pUotflame.
catch fire causing death or The pilot flame: severe burns 2. will ignite flammable
DO rtc3t U£O or s_ore flsmmable VapQrS.
ptOducls _UOh _9 gas aline* Vapor_;
solvents or add ¢,_ive_ It1tha 1. carlnoL be seen,
881TB rtt o_ri3 Or a_ Ileal tile 2. are heavier i _,_ i1 _l[r,
W_lter hBB_JB _
Keep flamnlal_lo products; [io_ r _d
1. tar _ay fcom h_ter, 4. _n _ _r r16_ from
2. in appl oved contaiRers_ other learns to the pilot
3, tightly _l_sed and flame by air curT_ats.
1, I_ on all the lime arid
3. go a long way on the
Ir_sLa[lation: Do not irtst,311W_to_ ho_teT
where tlarn r_a hie produ_ will
be stored or user1 tJnl_s the
main burner artd pil_L flam£_
Read and t_l[ow water boule=warnings _nd ir_a_ca ons. h*owners manual ismlSSlng_o:¢t_act the reta_r or manufacturer.
are at least 119"above the floor, This will reduce, but not
elimina_e_ [he ri_k Of VapOr_
being ignited by the main burner _r ]=ilc)tflame.
Both LP and natural gas have an odorant added to help
detection, Some people may not physically be able to smell or recognize this odorant. It unsure or unfamigar about the smell associated with LP or natural gas, ask the
gas supplier. Other conditions, such as "Odorant Fade", which causes the odorant to "fade", or diminish ]n
intensity can also hide or camouflage a gas leak.
Water heaters utilizing Liquefied Petroleum gas {LP) are different from nafural gas models. A natural gas heater will
not function safely on LP gas and vice versa. No attempt should ever be made to convert a heater from natural gas
to LP gas. To avoid possible equ[pmest damage, personal
injury or fire', DO NOT connect this water heater to a fuel
typeno maccodancewthumtdataplate.Propanefor
propane units. Natural gas for natural gas units. These units are not certh'iedfor any other type fuel,
LP appliances should not be installed below-grade (for examp e, n a basemen ) d such nstenat on s prod bged by federal, state and/or local laws, rules, regulations or
_ o _ °_
_ _ _ _ o_ o
_ o_ _°__°_ _
_ _ o_o
The Use & Care Manual supplied with this water heater details the Installation and proper Operation and Maintenance, aswel[ as replacement parts infermation for the following Montgomery Ward Residential Gas Water Heaters:
1000 Series
100 Series 500 Series 800 Series 800 Series "Heavy Duty
"Energy Saver .... Energy Saver .... 5nergy Saver" 'Special Edition .... Energy Saver"
Besureto read and understandthe entire Use&CareManualbeforeattemptingtoinstal]oFoperatethlswaterheater. PaYparticular
attention to theGeneratSafety Precautionsincluded intheUse &CareManuaI. Failuretofollowthosewarningscouldresultin afire erexplosion, causingpropertydamage, bodily injuryor death.Shouldyouhaveany problemsunderstandingthe instructions in the
manual, STOP, andgethe[pfromaqualifiedinsta]lerorservicetechnicianorthegassuppliet.
SRM-33305 SRM-33405
SRM-34305 3RM-34405
SRM-33408 SRM-g3508
SRM-33480 SRM-34480
SRM-33410 SRM-33510 SRM-34410
General Safety Precautions
energy conservation are factors to be considered when selecting the water temperature sening of water heater's
thermostat. Water temperatures above 125°F. can cause severe burns or death from scalding. Be sure to read and
foltew tbe warnings outlined on the label pictured below.
NOTE: Households with small children, disabled, or elderly persons may require a 120°F, or lower thermostat setting
to prevent contact with "HOT" water.
The fo[iow]ng chart may be used as a guide in determining the proper water temperature for your home,
120_F. 125_F _1=2t02 rnnule_
130_F. About33seconds 135°F A_ut 10$e3onds 140_F Les_than5seconds 145_F Lessthan3sec0nd_
150=F Ab0utP/2sec0nds 155_P Ab0L_I second
The temperature of the water in the heater can be regulated by setting the temperature diaJ on front of the thermostat. To comply with safety regulations the thermostat was set at its lowest setting before water heater was shipped from the factory• The iPustration
be[ow details the approximate water temperature for each
mark on the Thermostat Temperature Dial.
Water temperature over 125°F can cause severe burns instantly or
death from scalds.
Children, disabled and elderly are at highest risk of being scalded.
See instruction manual before setting temperature at water
"Danger Range" I "Safety Range"
120_F [Approx)
11fJF (Apptex)
B0°F IApp[o× ]
-_O=K lap prox.i
Feel water before bathing or
available, see manual.
Maximum water temperatures occur just alter burner has
shut off. To find hot water temperature being delivered, turn on a hot water faucet and place a thermometer in the
hot water stream and read the thermometer.
There Is a Hot Water SCALD Potential if the thermostat is set teo high.
Mixing valves for reducing point of use water temperature
by mixing hot and cold water in branch water nnes are available. Contact a licensed plumber or the local
olumbino authodtv for further information.
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