FCC Application for PinPoint – Tag Manual •••• FCC ID: OGK30011662001 •••• Report No. EA0440-1
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7.0 Tag Manual:
© Copyright 2000, PinPoint Corporation. All rights reserved.
3D-iD Hardware Installation and Maintenance Manual
PinPoint Local Positioning Systems.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice. No part of this document may
be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the express written
permissi on of the Pin Po int Corp orati on.
© Copyright 2000, PinPoint Corporation.
All rights reserved.
Printed in th e United Stat es
PinPoint and L3 RF are tradem arks of PinP oint Cor porat ion. 3D -iD is registered. All other
trademarks are the properties of their respective owners.
The devices discussed in this manual comply with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is
subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference,
and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may
cause undesired operation. Changes and modifications not expressly approved by PinPoint
Corporation could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
2 PinPoint Local Positioning Systems
Part #: 3000-11602-001
About 3D-iD 5
Antenna Ins talla ti on and Mai ntena nce 7
Warnings 8
Included in the Antenna Package 9
Antenna Pla cemen t Tip s 10
Mounting the Antenna 11
Positioning the Antenna 12
Technical Specification 13
Cell Controller Installation and
Maintenance 15
Warnings 16
Included in the Cell Controller package 16
Cell Controller Placement 17
Mounting the Cell Con tr oller 18
Installing the Cell Controller 19
Maintain ing the Ce ll Co ntrol ler 21
Technical Specifications 22
Coaxial Cab le Inst all ation 23
Warnings 24
Included in the Coaxial Cable package 24
Installi ng Coaxi al Cables 25
Technical Specifications 26
Tag Installation and Maintenance 27
Warnings 28
Included in the Tag Package 29
Mounting Tags - Asset Mount 30
Mounting to a flat surface 30
Mounting to a curved surface 31
Mounting Tags - Personnel Mount 33
Maintaining the Tag 34
Technical Specifications 36
3.Symbols used in this manual
This is a warnin g symbo l. Th is highl ights text that concer ns safet y and othe r major issu es.
This is a note symbol. This highlights text that contains information that might not be
obvious and deserves attention. This is the warranty symbol. It highlights actions that will
void your warranty.
FCC Application for PinPoint – Tag Manual •••• FCC ID: OGK30011662001 •••• Report No. EA0440-1
4 PinPoint Local Positioning Systems
About 3D-iD
3D-iD is the world's first Local Positioning System (LPS). The system allows end-users the
ability to lo cate, trac k, and sec ure thei r inven tory or va luabl e assets . The hard wa re syste m
uses Cell Controllers to continually track PinPoint's tags in real-time. Using high-frequency
radio signals, 3D-iD can read Tags at long distances (no line of sight is required) and track
their movem ent wit hin a facilit y or aroun d its peri meter . For exam ple, a war ehous e man ager ca n
maximize the efficiency of his fork lift moves by instantly knowing the location of the
closest fork lift to the inventory that needs to be moved. The hardware system is based on
three components. These are the Tags, the Antennas, and the Cell Controllers. Tags: The 3D-iD
Tags are attached to valuable assets, inventory, or personnel. The Tag receives 2.4GHz spread
spectrum radio signals from the system's Antennas and responds with a 5.8GHz signal that
includes Tag identification data, known as the Tag Serial Number. The Tags are designed around
PinPoint 's propr ie tary L3RF (Long-Range, Long Life, Low Cost Radio Frequency) technology. As a
result, 3D- iD Tags can be re ad at long ranges co mpare d to conve ntion al RFID (R adio Fre qu ency
Identifi catio n) sy stems while exh ibiti ng a long bat tery li fe at a reaso nable cost .
5.Antennas: The 3D-iD Antennas are mounted components that transmit and receive the radio
signals generated by the Cell Controller and the Tags, respectively. They connect to the Cell
Controll er via spe cia l low-l oss Coax ial Cab les. Cel l Contr oller s: The 3D- iD Ce ll Contr oller s
coordinate the exchange of radio signals between the Antennas and the Tags. The Cell
Controll ers gene ra te and sen d the 2.4G Hz to the Tag s via the An tenna s. As stat ed above , the
Tags receive the signal and transmit it back at 5.8GHz. The Cell Controller receives the
retransmitted signal and calculates the time-delay between when the initial (2.4GHz) signal
was sent and when the return signal (5.8GHz) was received. Using this information, the exact
distance from the Antenna to the Tag can be calculated.
6 PinPoint Local Positioning Systems
Antenna Ins talla ti on and
This 3D-iD Antenna is intended for indoor use only. Use of the Antenna outdoors can cause
damage to its internal components. Contact your PinPoint sales representative for details
regarding outdoor use of the 3D-iD system.
Do not mount the Antenna in places that are excessively humid or where it is likely to get
wet. When placing your antenna, keep in mind that metallic objects, dense walls, microwave
ovens and other obstacles can alter radio signals and limit the Antenna's effectiveness.
Contact you r certi fie d 3D-iD system in tegra tor for pr oper Ant enna pl aceme nt.
The Antenna must be installed so that there is at least a 6-inch gap between it and any
possible contact with people.
Failure to install it in this fashion may invalidate the user’s license to operate this
product. Changes and modifications not expressly approved by PinPoint Corporation could void
the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
8 PinPoint Local Positioning Systems
Included in the Antenna Package
1-4 Antenna(s)
1-4 Antenna mount(s), each including:
1 base plate
1 mount post
1 mounting Plate
2 screws
2 washers
1 Allen wrench (5/32 in.)
1 Antenna Card (optional)
Addition al Tools Requ ired:
9.Antenna Placement Tips
A certified 3D-iD systems integrator will determine the exact location of Antennas. The
Antennas will be positioned to optimize the locating capability of the system. The Antennas
should be mou nted in lo cat ions th at preve nt acci denta l contac t or inten tiona l des truct ion.
Mounting the Antennas near ceilings and out of reach is strongly recommended. The Antennas
should not be placed ve ry cl ose to met al walls , micro wave ove ns or othe r objec ts that wi ll
hinder thei r perfo rma nce. Me talli c object s and dens e walls can alter the radia tio n patte rn of
the Antennas. Note: An Antenna must be placed close enough to its corresponding Cell
Controll er so that the Coa xial Ca ble conn ectin g the two ca n be insta lled wit hout st ret ching ,
tightly bending or otherwise damaging the cable. The Antenna must be installed so that there
is at least a 6 inch ga p betwee n it an d any poss ible con tact wi th peopl e. Fail ure to ins tall
it in this fashi on may inv al idate the user’ s licens e to opera te this product .
10 PinPoint Local Positioning Systems
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