RF Hunter ECCO ONE Service Manual

F I L T R A T O R - E L E C T R I C
H F / E C C O O N E S E R I E S
Before attaching hoses to the power unit, make sure the motor is operative by plugging it into an electrical outlet and turning on the switch. If the motor does not run, turn it off immediately and refer to the “SERVICE INSTRUCTIONS” sheet for information. Please read the important safety instruction sheet before operating.
the cart with the ‘SUCTION” side (see arrow on label on top of power unit) facing toward the container.
2. Filter Screen Assembly – Place filter cloth bag or paper envelope over the screen so that
the hole of the cloth bag or the paper envelope allows the threaded stem of the filter screen to poke through. Fold cloth bag or paper envelope over the top of the screen and place clamp over the screen to hold filter in place. Attach filter screen stem to screen and place the filter screen assembly in the container. The clamped end of the filter screen should be toward the rear end of the container. Attach union nut to “SUCTION” side of the power unit. Tighten union nut by hand only.
3. Once the filter screen assembly is in place, slide the container cover over the container.
The four slots of the cover should face toward the front end of the container. The half round piece of the cover is assembled by placing the tabs through the slotted holes.
4. Attach discharge hose and nozzle to “DISCHARGE” side of the power unit and hand
tighten the union nut. (Never use wrench to tighten). Your HF/ECCO ONE SERIESis now assembled and ready to operate using the operating instructions below.
Slide container into cart with square end to the rear of cart. Place power unit on top of the cart with the ‘SUCTION” side (see arrow on label on top of power unit) facing toward the container.
Filter Screen Assembly – Place filter cloth bag or paper envelope over the screen so that the hole of the cloth bag or the paper envelope allows the threaded stem of the filter screen to poke through. Fold cloth bag or paper envelope over the top of the screen and place clamp over the screen to hold filter in place. Attach filter screen stem to screen and place the filter screen assembly in the container. The clamped end of the filter screen should be toward the rear end of the container. Attach union nut to “SUCTION” side of the power unit. Tighten union nut by hand only.
Once the filter screen assembly is in place, slide the container cover over the container. The four slots of the cover should face toward the front end of the container. The half round piece of the cover is assembled by placing the tabs through the slotted holes.
Attach discharge hose and nozzle to “DISCHARGE” side of the power unit and hand tighten the union nut. (Never use wrench to tighten).
Your HF SERIES is now assembled and ready to operate using the operating instructions below.
CAREFULLY place the long rod supports through the top opening on each side of the PEEK material. Place the support rod on the container rim with the round portion of the filter facing the rounded end of the container. Place the flap of the PEEK filter over the edge of the container. This will secure the filter in place.
Drain the oil from the fryer through the PEEK filter into the container, the sediment will become trapped allowing the oil to pass through. Once the filtering is completed and the oil is returned to the fryer, remove the filter to your cleaning area. CAREFULLY lift the PEEK filter from the container. Allow any residual oil to drain from the PEEK filter. Once the oil has drained, dump the sediment into your waste receptacle. Wash, rinse and dry the Peek filter and return it to its position on the container.
CAUTION: Oil/shortening will cause parts to become hot. Use care when handling to avoid injury.
1. Open the door of the fryer and roll the HF/ECCO ONE SERIES up to
the fryer so that the front end of the container is under the drain valve. Plug power unit into an electrical outlet. You are now ready to begin draining your frypot and filtering your oil/shortening.
2. With oil/shortening at approximately 300°F, turn off fryer and take out
crumb screen. Sprinkle one cup (8 oz. By volume) of FILTER POWDER into the oil/shortening per 35-40 lbs. of oil. Mix the powder into the oil/shortening. Lift the round half piece on the cover to an upright position to allow oil to drain into the container. When properly positioned, the rounded cover acts as a splashguard. Open the fryer drain valve to allow oil/shortening to drain into the HF/ECCO ONE SERIES container. Turn on the power unit. Caution: Make sure nozzle points toward the bottom of the fryer. Oil/shortening will be recirculated into the fryer, and by directing the nozzle, sediment can be washed out of the frypot. When the sediment has been completely washed out from the fryer, turn power unit off. Close fryer drain valve, and turn on power unit. The filtered oil/shortening is now being pumped back into the fryer.
3. When the oil/shortening is returned completely to the fryer, turn off the
power unit, unplug and remove the HF/ECCO ONE SERIES. Replace
CAUTION: Be sure parts have cooled before handling/cleaning.
Remove the HF/ECCO ONE SERIES to your cleaning area. Remove cover from the container and disconnect the filter screen assembly. Turn power unit 90° so that the discharge and suction side of the power unit overhand the shelf of the cart. Disconnect the discharge hose/nozzle from the power unit. Allow oil/shortening to drain from the discharge hose into the container. Put hose aside. Tip power unit so that the discharge side of the power unit faces down toward the container to allow the oil/shortening to drain from the pump. Return power unit to its proper position on the shelf of the cart.
If the pump is not drained, hardened oil/shortening may prevent the pump from rotating when the power is supplied to the motor.
While holding the screen assembly over the container, shake the screen to remove sediment from the cloth bag or paper envelope. Remove stem from screen and then remove cloth bag or paper envelope from the screen. Clean the screen stem assembly, container, cover, discharge hose/nozzle by washing, rinsing and thoroughly drying each part. The screen can be separated by holding the screen upside down and gently tapping the threaded stem on a hard surface. The cloth filter bag can be reused once it has been washed. The power unit housing, cart and outside parts of the container can also be cleaned using a stainless steel cleaner/polish. NOTE: DO NOT RUN WATER THROUGH PUMP.
After the HF/ECCO ONE SERIES has been cleaned, reassemble the various components, replace the cloth filter bag or paper envelope on the screen, and the unit is ready for the next filter cycle.
crumb screen and turn on the fryer. The fryer is now ready to use.
113 Crosby Road, Ste. #9, Dover, NH 03820-4370
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