To outline and define the use of the BiliChek Noninvasive
Bilirubin Analyzer in the clinical setting, which may include
the Newborn Nursery, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit,
Outpatient Clinic, Laboratory, Home Nursing Agency,
Emergency Department and Physician Office.
The BiliChek Noninvasive Bilirubin Analyzer is approved for
use as an accurate predictor of total serum bilirubin (TSB)
in infants and neonates. Intended use:
• Pre, during and post phototherapy
• Gestational age: 27 to 42 weeks
• Postnatal age: 0 to 20 days
• Weight range: 950 to 4995 grams
Classifications and Definitions
The BiliChek Noninvasive Bilirubin Analyzer device is an
alternative to subcutaneous (traditional heel stick TSB)
bilirubin testing as correlated to High Performance Liquid
Chromatography (the gold standard in serum bilirubin analysis). Because BiliChek is noninvasive, there is no pain,
trauma or risk of infection to the patient.
BiliChek performance has been clinically proven in patients
within the following parameters:
• Gestational age: 27 to 42 weeks
• Postnatal age: 0 to 20 days
• Weight: 950 to 4995 grams
BiliChek should not be used in the following situations:
• Following exchange transfusion.
• The measurement site on the forehead contains excessive bruising, birthmarks, hematomas or excessive hairiness as this can produce erroneous results.
Note: If unable to use the forehead, we recommend using the
sternum as an alternative measurement site.
Only properly trained personnel should perform BiliChek
testing. Such personnel may include:
• Nursing staff
• Laboratory personnel
• Physician
• Home health provider
Staff Competency Validation
All clinical personnel responsible for performing BiliChek
testing must be properly trained prior to use of the device in
a clinical setting to ensure accurate test results. Training will
be documented as follows:
Clinical personnel will receive a demonstration of the
equipment by an experienced BiliChek operator and will
be responsible for reading the information provided in
the "User Instruction Manual" and any other training
materials provided by the manufacturer.
Clinical personnel will perform a return demonstration on
three infants in the presence of an experienced BiliChek
Successful completion of training will be documented in
the employee's education record.
esting Procedure
Initialize the Unit
Install a fully charged battery pack into the battery compartment of the unit.
Press and release either the F1 (blue) or F2 (gray) button on the front of the BiliChek unit to turn the device
The device will perform a self-test, momentarily displaying all LCD indicators. When the self-test is complete,
the home screen will be visible displaying the last measurement, time and date or an error code message (if
BiliChek®Noninvasive Bilirubin Analyzer
Suggested Usage Protocol