ResMed Mirage Swift II User Manual

Mirage Swift™II
User Guide
ResMed Ltd (Manufacturer) 1 Elizabeth Macarthur Drive Bella Vista NSW 2153 Australia ResMed Corp (US Designated Agent) 14040 Danielson Street Poway CA 92064-6857 USA ResMed (UK) Ltd (EU Authorized Representative) 96 Milton Park Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 4RY UK ResMed Offices Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, China, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, India,
Ireland, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, USA (see for contact details).
Mirage Swift II Nasal Pillows System Protected by patents: AU 785376, DE 20321468.4, DE 20321469.2, DE 20321470.6, DE 20321471.4, DE 20321472.2,
EP 1314445, NZ 562417, NZ 562418, NZ 562419, NZ 553756, NZ 553757, NZ 553822, NZ 553824, NZ 553825, US 6581594, US 6823865, US 7159587, US 7318437. Other patents pending. Protected by design registrations: AU 301936, AU 301937, AU 301938, AU 301939, AU 301940, AU 301941, AU 301942, AU 301943, AU 302271, AU 302804, AU 311482, AU 311483, AU 311484, AU 311485, CN 200430102460.2, CN 200430102461.7, CN 200430102462.1, CN 200430102463.6, CN 200430102464.0, CN 200430102465.5, CN
200430102466.X, CN 200430102467.4, CN 200430102468.9, CN 200630138503.1, CN 200630138504.6, CN
200730158310.7, EP 259056, EU 604632, HK 0412683.5, JP 1243021, JP 1243024, JP 1243272, JP 1243273, JP 1243274, JP 1243027, JP 1243025, JP 1242455, JP 1242456, JP 1243026, JP 1243475, JP 1303347, JP 1303348, JP 1312331, JP 1312517, JP 1312518, NZ 405576, NZ 407158, NZ 407159, NZ 407143, NZ 407144, NZ 407145, NZ 407155, NZ 407160, NZ 407161, NZ 407162, NZ 407163, NZ 407164, NZ 408220, NZ 408221, NZ 408222, US D542912, US D545961, US D546441, US D549323, US D556899, US D556900, US D557409, US D557410, US D557800, US D561893, US D562729, US D562976. Other designs pending.
Mirage, Mirage Swift, AutoSet CS 2 and VPAP Adapt SV are trademarks of ResMed Ltd and Mirage, Swift, AutoSet CS and VPAP are registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
Dove is a trademark of Unilever.
© 2008 ResMed Ltd. 60891-Eng/2 08 09
Tube retainer / Schlauchhalter / Bague de fixation du tuyau / Dispositivo di fissaggio del tubo / Retenedor del tubo / Retentor do tubo / Slanghållare
B Fitting the Mirage Swift II / Anlegen der Mirage Swift II / Mise en place du masque narinaire Mirage Swift II / Applicazione del sistema Mirage Swift II / Colocación del sistema Mirage Swift II / Colocação da Mirage Swift II / Passa in Mirage Swift II
D Reassembling the Mirage Swift II / Wiederzusammenbau der Mirage Swift II / Remontage du masque narinaire Mirage Swift II / Riassemblaggio del sistema Mirage Swift II / Montaje del sistema Mirage Swift II / Como voltar a montar a Mirage Swift II / Montera Mirage Swift II
C Disassembling for Cleaning / Demontage der Maske zu Reinigungszwecken / Démontage pour le nettoyage / Smontaggio per la pulizia / Desmontaje para la limpieza / Desmontagem para limpeza / Ta isär för rengöring
Headgear / Kopfband / Harnais / Copricapo / Arnés para la cabeza / Arnês / Hätta
A Parts of the Mirage Swift
II / Teile der Mirage Swift™ II / Composants du Mirage Swift™ II / Parti del sistema Mirage Swift™ II / Partes del Mirage Swift™ II / Componentes do Mirage Swift™ II / Delar i Mirage Swift™ II
Pillow sleeve assembly (pillow sleeve, frame and clip) /
Nasenpolsterhaltersatz (Nasenpolsterhalter, Maskenhalter und Clip) / Corps du masque (coussin, entourage rigide et barrette) / Blocco cuscinetti (rivestimento, telaio e fermaglio) / Conjunto del manguito de la almohadilla (manguito, armazón y broche) / Conjunto de manga da almofada (manga da almofada, armação e clipe) / Näskuddemontering (näskuddehållare, ram och klämma)
Short tube assembly (elbow, short tube and swivel) / Verbindungsschlauch (Kniestück, kurzer Schlauch und Drehadapter) / Ensemble tuyau court (coude, tuyau court et pièce pivotante) / Blocco tubo corto (gomito, tubo corto e giunto rotante) / Conjunto del tubo corto (codo, tubo corto y pieza giratoria) / Conjunto de tubo curto (cotovelo, tubo curto e peça giratória) / Montering för kort slang (båge, kort slang och svängtapp)
Short tube / Verbindungsschlauch / Tuyau court / Tubo corto / Tubo corto / Tubo curto / Kort slang
Elbow / Kniestück / Coude / Gomito / Codo / Cotovelo / Båge
Vent holes / Luftauslassöffnungen / Orifices de ventilation / Fori per l'esalazione / Orificios de ventilación / Respiradouros / Ventilöppningar
Top buckle / Obere Schnalle / Boucle supérieure / Fibbia superiore / Presilla superior / Fivela superior / Spänne på hjässan
Top strap / Oberes Band / Sangle supérieure / Cinghia superiore / Correa superior / Correia superior / Den övre remmen
Panel / Streifen / Partie latérale / Pannello / Panel / Painel / Panel
Back strap / Hinteres Band / Sangle arrière / Cinghia posteriore / Correa posterior / Correia traseira / Den bakre remmen
Back buckle / Hintere Schnalle / Boucle arrière / Fibbia posteriore / Presilla posterior / Fivela traseira / Spänne på baksidan
Seal ring (x2) / Dichtungsring (2 Stck.) / Bague d'étanchéité (x2) / Guarnizione ad anello (x2) / Junta (x2) / Anel de vedação (x2) / Förseglingsring (x2)
Headgear ring / Kopfbandring / Anneau du harnais / Anello copricapo / Anillo del arnés / Anel do arnês / Hättans ring
ResMed logo faces outward / ResMed-Logo zeigt nach außen / Logo ResMed tourné vers l'extérieur / Logo ResMed rivolto verso l'esterno / El logotipo de ResMed se dirige hacia afuera / O logotipo da ResMed está virado para fora / ResMed logotypen pekar utåt
Adjust back straps / Einstellen der hinteren Bänder / Ajustez les sangles arrières / Regolare le cinghie posteriori / Ajuste las correas posteriores / Ajuste as correias traseiras / Justera de bakre remmarna
Adjust top straps / Einstellen der oberen Bänder / Ajustez les sangles supérieures / Regolare le cinghie superiori / Ajuste las correas superiores / Ajuste as correias superiores / Justera de övre remmarna
Rotate pillow sleeve assembly for comfort and seal / Drehen Sie den Nasenpolsterhalter in die richtige Position für komfortablen und sicheren Sitz / Faites pivoter le corps du masque pour obtenir un ajustement confortable et une étanchéité efficace / Ruotare il blocco dei cuscinetti nasali per migliorare comfort e tenuta / Rote el conjunto del manguito de la almohadilla para un ajuste cómodo y sin fugas / Gire o conjunto de manga da almofada para uma melhor vedação e maior conforto / Rotera näskuddemonteringen för komfort och försegling
Tube retainer (optional) / Schlauchhalter (optional) / Bague de fixation du tuyau (facultative) / Dispositivo di fissaggio del tubo (facoltativo) / Retenedor del tubo (opcional) / Retentor do tubo (opcional) / Slanghållare (valfri)
Optional tube positions / Optionale Schlauchpositionen / Positions possibles pour le tuyau / Posizioni alternative del tubo / Posiciones posibles del tubo / Posições opcionais do tubo / Alternativa slangpositioner
Elbow / Kniestück / Coude / Gomito / Codo / Cotovelo / Båge
Cap / Verschlusskappe / Bouchon / Coperchio / Tapa / Tampa / Lock
Headgear ring / Kopfbandring / Anneau du harnais / Anello copricapo / Anillo del arnés / Anel do arnês / Hättans ring
Slide clip / Clip / Faites glisser la barrette / Far scorrere il fermaglio / Deslice el broche / Deslize o clipe / Klämma
Pillow sleeve / Nasenpolsterhalter / Coussin / Rivestimento dei cuscinetti / Manguito de la almohadilla / Manga da almofada / Näskuddehållare
Note: The seal rings do not need to be removed for cleaning. / Hinweis: Die Dichtungsringe müssen zur Reinigung nicht entfernt werden / Remarque : vous n'avez pas besoin de retirer les bagues d'étanchéité du harnais pour le nettoyage. / Nota: Non occorre staccare le guarnizioni ad anello per la pulizia. / Nota: Para la limpieza no es necesario retirar las juntas. / Nota: Os anéis de vedação não necessitam de ser removidos para limpeza. / Obs! Förseglingsringarna behöver inte tas bort för rengöring,
Seal rings / Dichtungsringe / Bagues d'étanchéité / Guarnizioni ad anello / Juntas / Anéis de vedação / Förseglingsringar
Seal rings /
Dichtungsringe / Bagues d'étanchéité / Guarnizioni ad anello / Juntas / Anéis de vedação / Förseglingsringar
Pillow sleeve / Nasenpolsterhalter / Coussin / Rivestimento dei cuscinetti / Manguito de la almohadilla / Manga da almofada / Näskuddehållare
Slide clip / Clip / Faites glisser la barrette / Far scorrere il fermaglio / Deslice el broche / Deslize o clipe / Klämma
Elbow / Kniestück / Coude / Gomito / Codo / Cotovelo / Båge
Cap /
Verschlusskappe / Bouchon / Coperchio / Tapa / Tampa / Lock
Pillow sleeve / Nasenpolsterhalter / Coussin / Rivestimento dei cuscinetti / Manguito de la almohadilla / Manga da almofada/ Näskuddehållare
Frame / Maskenhalter / Entourage rigide / Telaio / Armazón / Armação / Ram
Cap / Verschlusskappe / Bouchon / Coperchio / Tapa / Tampa / Lock
Nasal pillows / Nasenpolster / Masque narinaire / Cuscinetti nasali / Almohadillas nasales / Almofadas nasais / Näskuddar
Clip / Clip / Barrette / Fermaglio / Broche / Clipe / Klämma
Swivel / Drehadapter / Pièce pivotante / Giunto rotante / Pieza giratoria / Peça giratória / Svängtapp
© 2008 ResMed Ltd.
© 2008 ResMed Ltd.
© 2008 ResMed Ltd.
© 2008 ResMed Ltd.
Headgear ring / Kopfbandring / Anneau du harnais / Anello copricapo / Anillo del arnés / Anel do arnês / Hättans ring
ResMed logo faces away from headgear / ResMed-Logo zeigt vom
Kopfband weg / Logo ResMed tourné dans la direction opposée au harnais / Logo ResMed rivolto in direzione opposta al copricapo / El logotipo de ResMed queda en sentido contrario al arnés / O logotipo da ResMed está virado para fora do arnés / ResMed logotypen pekar bort från hättan
Note: The headgear does not need to be taken apart for cleaning. Headgear reassembly instructions are provided here as additional information. / Hinweis: Das Kopfband muss zur Reinigung nicht auseinander genommen werden. Anweisungen zum Wiederzusammenbau des Kopfbandes wurden dieser Anleitung als zusätzliche Informationen hinzugefügt. / Remarque : il n'est pas nécessaire de démonter le harnais pour le nettoyage. Les instructions de remontage sont fournies à titre indicatif. / Nota: Non occorre smontare il copricapo prima della pulizia. Le istruzioni per il riassemblaggio del copricapo sono fornite qui come spiegazione extra. / Nota: El arnés no necesita ser desmontado para su limpieza. Las instrucciones para el montaje del arnés se proporcionan únicamente como información adicional. / Nota: Não necessita de desmontar o arnês antes de proceder à limpeza. As instruções de montagem do arnês são oferecidas como informações adicionais. / Obs! Hättan behöver inte tas isär för rengöring. Monteringsanvisningarna för hättan medföljer som extra information.
Reassembling the Headgear / Wiederzusammenbau des Kopfbandes / Remontage du harnais / Riassemblaggio del copricapo / Montaje del arnés /
Como voltar a montar o arnês / Montera hättan
Back straps / Hintere Bänder / Sangles arrières / Cinghie posteriori / Correas posteriores / Correias traseiras / De bakre remmarna
Back buckle / Hintere Schnalle / Boucle arrière / Fibbia posteriore / Presilla posterior / Fivela traseira / Spänne på baksidan
Mirage SwiftTM II
Illustrations Sheet / Illustrationsblatt / Fiche D'Illustrations / Fogolio delle Illustrazioni /
Hoja de Figuras / Folheto de Ilustrações / Illustrationsblad
Note: For complete instructions, read the text section in conjunction with the illustrations on
this sheet. Hinweis: Vollständige Anweisungen finden Sie im Textabschnitt und in den Illustrationen auf
diesem Blatt. Remarque : pour les instructions complètes, veuillez lire le texte du guide avec cette fiche
d'illustrations. Nota: Per istruzioni complete, leggere la sezione con il testo insieme alle illustrazioni su questo
Nota: Para tener instrucciones completas, lea el texto en conjunto con las figuras de esta hoja. Nota: Para obter as instruções completas, leia a secção de texto em conjunção com as
ilustrações deste folheto. Obs! Läs textavsnittet tillsammans med illustrationerna på det här bladet för fullständiga
Back straps / Hintere Bänder / Sangles arrières / Cinghie posteriori /
Correas posteriores / Correias traseiras / De bakre remmarna
Top buckle / Obere Schnalle / Boucle supérieure / Fibbia superiore / Presilla superior / Fivela superior / Spänne på hjässan
© 2008 ResMed Ltd.
Top straps / Obere Bänder / Sangles supérieures / Cinghie superiori / Correas superiores / Correias superiores / De övre remmarna
Top straps / Obere Bänder / Sangles supérieures / Cinghie superiori / Correas superiores / Correias superiores / De övre remmarna
Component of: 60891/2

Mirage Swift™ II

Thank you for choosing ResMed’s Mirage Swift II Nasal Pillows System. The nasal pillows system is light, flexible and quiet. It is designed to minimize
contact with your face, thus ensuring that you feel comfortable during therapy. This user guide provides you with the information you need for the correct use
of your system.

Intended Use

The Mirage Swift II is intended for multipatient use by adult patients (>30 kg) prescribed continuous positive airway pressure or bilevel therapy for use in home, hospitals or clinics.
Note: The Mirage Swift II is not compatible for use with ResMed AutoSet CS™ 2 and VPAP™ Adapt SV devices.

Medical Information

Note: The Mirage Swift II does not contain latex, PVC, or DEHP materials. If you have ANY reaction to any part of the system, discontinue use and consult your sleep therapist.

. Warnings and Cautions

This system should be used only with flow generators (CPAP or bilevel)
recommended by your physician or respiratory therapist. It should not be used unless the flow generator is turned on and operating properly. The vent holes should never be blocked. Explanation of the Warning: Flow generators are intended to be used with special interfaces with connectors which have vent holes (vent holes are located on the frame—see section A on the illustrations sheet) or separate exhalation devices to allow continuous flow of air out of the interface. When the flow generator is turned on and functioning properly, new air from the flow generator flushes the exhaled air out through the attached exhalation
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