renishaw UCC Installation Guide

Installation guide
UCC daughtercards
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Renishaw part no: H-1000-5220-02-B
Issued: 05 2006
UCC daughtercard
installation guide
2 Care of equipment
Care of equipment
Renishaw probes and associated systems are precision tools used for obtaining precise measurements and must therefore be treated with care.
Changes to Renishaw products
Renishaw reserves the right to improve, change or modify its hardware or software without incurring any obligations to make changes to Renishaw equipment previously sold.
Renishaw plc warrants its equipment for a limited period (as set out in our Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale) provided that it is installed exactly as defined in associated Renishaw documentation.
Prior consent must be obtained from Renishaw if non-Renishaw equipment (e.g. interfaces and/or cabling) is to be used or substituted. Failure to comply with this will invalidate the Renishaw warranty.
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Trade marks
Windows 98, Windows XP, Windows 2000 and Windows NT are registered tradenames of the Microsoft Corporation.
All trademarks and tradenames are acknowledged
References and associated documents
It is recommended that the following documentation is referenced to when installing the UCC.
Renishaw documents
Relevant documentation supplied on Renishaw UCC software CD.
Document number Title
H-1000-5056 UCC1 installation guide
H-1000-5057 UCC controller programmer’s guide
H-1000-5058 UCC Renicis user’s guide
H-1000-5227 UCC servo tuning user’s guide
H-1000-5223 UCC2 installation guide
Contents 3
1 Introduction.............................................................................................................................................. 6
2 Daughtercards ......................................................................................................................................... 7
2.1 Installation in the UCC................................................................................................................... 8
2.2 Removal of a daughtercard ........................................................................................................... 9
3 PHC1050 daughtercard......................................................................................................................... 10
3.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................. 10
3.2 Connector and pin outs ............................................................................................................... 11
3.2.1 Head connector.............................................................................................................11
3.2.2 HCU connector .............................................................................................................11
3.3 Configuration options .................................................................................................................. 12
3.3.1 Two wire probe configuration........................................................................................12
3.3.2 Multiwire probe configuration ........................................................................................13
3.4 Operating overview ..................................................................................................................... 14
3.4.1 Communication with the PHC1050...............................................................................14
3.4.2 Configuring the PHC1050 board...................................................................................14
3.4.3 Power-up sequence ......................................................................................................15
3.4.4 Probe head operation ...................................................................................................15
4 PICS/RS232 daughtercard .................................................................................................................... 16
4.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................. 16
4.2 Connector and pin outs ............................................................................................................... 16
4.2.1 PICS A connector .........................................................................................................16
4.2.2 RS232 connectors (9-way D-type plug) ........................................................................17
4.3 Configuration options .................................................................................................................. 18
4.3.1 Connecting an external PHC10 to the UCC..................................................................18
4.3.2 Connecting an ACC2-2 to the UCC ..............................................................................19
4.3.3 RS232 communication cable ........................................................................................20
4.4 Operating overview ..................................................................................................................... 20
4.4.1 PICS A port ...................................................................................................................20
4.4.2 RS232 channel 2 ..........................................................................................................20
4.4.3 RS232 channel 3 ..........................................................................................................21
5 Joystick interface daughtercard (JI card)............................................................................................... 22
5.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................. 22
5.2 Connector and pin outs ............................................................................................................... 22
5.2.1 Joystick connector ........................................................................................................23
5.2.2 Emergency stop connector ...........................................................................................24
5.3 Configuration options .................................................................................................................. 25
5.3.1 Minimum recommended installation wiring ...................................................................25
5.3.2 Emergency stop signal..................................................................................................26
5.3.3 Analogue input signal....................................................................................................27
5.3.4 input circuit...................................................................................................................27
5.3.5 Binary output circuit ......................................................................................................28
4 Contents
5.4 Operating overview...................................................................................................................... 28
5.4.1 Method of operation ..................................................................................................... 28
5.4.2 Initialising the JI card.................................................................................................... 29
5.4.3 Joystick modes.............................................................................................................29
5.4.4 Joystick type selection ................................................................................................. 30
5.4.5 Enable joystick ............................................................................................................. 30
5.4.6 Functionality in DCC mode .......................................................................................... 31
5.4.7 Functionality in joystick mode ...................................................................................... 32
5.4.8 Changing modes.......................................................................................................... 32
5.4.9 Moving and touching.................................................................................................... 32
5.4.10 Recording points ..........................................................................................................33
5.4.11 Probe damping.............................................................................................................33
5.4.12 Joystick orientation....................................................................................................... 34
6 MCU1 daughtercard .............................................................................................................................. 36
6.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................. 36
6.2 Connector and pin outs ............................................................................................................... 36
6.2.1 MCU connector ............................................................................................................ 37
6.2.2 Emergency stop connector .......................................................................................... 37
6.3 Configuration options................................................................................................................... 38
6.3.1 Emergency stop signal................................................................................................. 38
6.4 Operating overview...................................................................................................................... 38
6.4.1 Method of operation ..................................................................................................... 38
7 SP25M daughtercard............................................................................................................................. 39
7.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................. 39
7.2 Connectors and pin outs.............................................................................................................. 39
7.2.1 Analogue probe connector........................................................................................... 39
7.3 Operating overview...................................................................................................................... 40
7.3.1 Method of operation ..................................................................................................... 40
8 SP80 daughtercard................................................................................................................................ 41
8.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................. 41
8.2 Connector and pin outs ............................................................................................................... 41
8.2.1 SP80 connector............................................................................................................ 41
8.3 Operating overview...................................................................................................................... 42
9 Additional I/O daughtercard ................................................................................................................... 43
9.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................. 43
9.2 Connector and pin outs ............................................................................................................... 43
9.2.1 Additional I/O connector............................................................................................... 43
9.3 Operating overview...................................................................................................................... 44
9.3.1 Software integration ..................................................................................................... 44
9.3.2 Electrical integration.....................................................................................................45
10 Temperature sensor daughtercard ........................................................................................................ 46
10.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................. 46
10.2 Connector and pin outs ............................................................................................................... 46
Contents 5
10.2.1 44-way connector..........................................................................................................47
10.3 Operating overview ..................................................................................................................... 47
10.3.1 Software integration ......................................................................................................48
10.3.2 Electrical integration......................................................................................................49
11 Additional axis daughtercard ................................................................................................................. 50
11.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................. 50
11.2 Connector and pin outs ............................................................................................................... 50
11.2.1 Scale connector ............................................................................................................51
11.2.2 Table / axis connector...................................................................................................52
11.2.3 Emergency stop connector ...........................................................................................54
11.3 Configuration options .................................................................................................................. 55
11.3.1 Daughtercard channel setting .......................................................................................55
11.3.2 Emergency stop signal..................................................................................................56
12 PHS daughtercard ................................................................................................................................. 57
12.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................. 57
12.2 Connector and pin outs ............................................................................................................... 57
12.2.1 PHS connector..............................................................................................................57
12.3 Configuration options .................................................................................................................. 58
12.3.1 PHS power PCB settings ..............................................................................................58
12.4 PHS card installation ................................................................................................................... 58
12.4.1 Power connection .........................................................................................................58
12.4.2 PHS control PCB settings .............................................................................................60
13 Revision history ..................................................................................................................................... 61
13.1 What’s new in release 01-A......................................................................................................... 61
13.2 What’s new in release 02-A......................................................................................................... 61
13.3 What’s new in release 02-B......................................................................................................... 61
6 Introduction
1 Introduction
The purpose of this chapter is to outline the capabilities of the various UCC daughtercards and the generic installation instructions to fit these cards into the UCC1 or UCC2 units.
There are a range of UCC daughtercards available, each offering additional capabilities to the standard UCC1 or UCC2 product. For specific details on each card please refer to the respective section within this installation guide.
* Not compatible with UCC2 system as these cards have been integrated into the UCC2 design
Daughtercards 7
2 Daughtercards
Listed below are the range of UCC1 daughtercards available with a brief explanation of their capabilities:
Daughtercard Description
PHC1050 Permits connection of a PH10 motorised probe head to
the UCC controller.
PICS/RS232 Adds two RS232 communication ports to the UCC, and
includes a PICS compliant connector.
JI Permits the connection of a third party analogue joystick
to the UCC controller.
MCU1 Permits the connection of the Renishaw MCU1 joystick to
the UCC controller.
SP25M Permits the UCC controller to accept the SP25M probe
SP80 Permits the UCC controller to accept the SP80 probe
Additional input/output Increases the number of uncommitted input and output
signals available to the UCC controller.
Temperature sensor Permits the UCC to accept and interface up to 24
temperature sensors.
Additional axis Permits the UCC to control an additional machine axis or
a rotary table. Multiple cards can be installed within a UCC system.
PHS Permits the PHS probe head to be integrated into the
UCC2 controller.
Refer to
8 Daughtercards
2.1 Installation in the UCC
CAUTION: It is essential that full anti-static precautions are taken before working within
the UCC1 or UCC2 controllers enclosure or handling individual boards.
CAUTION: Removing the top panel of the UCC enclosure will give access to the mains
driver power supply (PSU). The PSU is further protected by a metal cover. This protective cover MUST NOT BE REMOVED as it would expose hazardous voltages.
The following procedure is recommended for installing a daughtercard:
1. Remove the ac power supply from the UCC1 or UCC2 and move the unit so you have clear access to the top and rear of the enclosure, it may be necessary to disconnect some of the other cables to achieve this.
2. Remove the top panel of the UCC1 or UCC2 enclosure by removing the screws at the top of the rear panel and the screw located at the top of each side panel, near the front. Retain the fixing screws.
3. Select a socket on the motherboard to house the daughtercard (all sockets are compatible).
NOTE: Install long daughtercards and daughtercards with appreciable heat dissipation towards the power supply end of the UCC1 or UCC2.
If the PHS daughtercard is to be installed into the UCC2 it must be fitted into the fourth socket from the power supply.
4. Remove (and store for possible re-use) the appropriate blanking plate from the rear panel of the enclosure.
5. Carefully position the daughtercard so that the rear connectors pass through the hole in the controller rear panel, but without engaging the motherboard connector.
6. Align the daughtercard plug with the socket on the motherboard.
7. Check that the rear panel hook of the daughtercard is located above the slot in the rear panel.
8. Press the daughtercard firmly into the socket on the motherboard until it is seen to be fully engaged.
9. Confirm that the top hook is engaged in the rear panel, if it is not then repeat steps 7 and 8.
Daughtercards 9
10. If a PHS daughtercard is being installed please refer to section 12.4 at this stage of the process.
11. Refit the top panel of the enclosure and secure using the fixing screws.
12. Reconnect all disconnected cables between the UCC1 or UCC2 and the CMM and then the mains cable. Switch on the ac supply.
2.2 Removal of a daughtercard
The following procedure is recommended for removal of a daughtercard from the UCC1 or UCC2.
CAUTION: It is essential that full anti-static precautions are taken before working within
the UCC1 or UCC2 controller enclosure or handling individual boards.
1. Remove the ac power supply from the UCC1 or UCC2 and move the unit so you have clear access to the top and rear of the enclosure, it may be necessary to disconnect some of the other cables to achieve this.
2. Remove the top panel of the enclosure by removing the five screws at the top of the rear panel and the screw located at the top of each side panel, near the front. Retain the fixing screws.
3. Carefully remove the daughtercard from the socket on the motherboard, taking care to disengage the top hook from the rear panel.
4. Refit the blanking plate in the rear panel of the enclosure
5. Refit the top panel of the enclosure and secure using the fixing screws.
6. Reconnect all disconnected cables between the UCC1 or UCC2 and the CMM and then the mains cable. Switch on the ac supply.
10 PHC1050 daughtercard
3 PHC1050 daughtercard
NOTE: This daughtercard is suitable for use in both UCC1 and UCC2 controllers.
3.1 Introduction
The PHC1050 interface board is one of a range of plug-in daughtercards for Renishaw CMM controllers. It provides a simple interface between the PH10 probe head and the metrology front­end software using no external hardware and with minimal cabling and connectors.
Provision is made for a probe head hand controller (HCU1), although this is not necessary if an MCU1 joystick is fitted to the system.
The PHC1050 is an internal option which enables the UCC1 or UCC2 to offer all the functions of the Renishaw PHC10-2 probe head controller.
The PHC1050 supports the basic and extended command set from the front-end software in their original format, ensuring interchangeability and an easy upgrade path. The commands are transmitted via the link from the host PC to the UCC controller. Probe signals are handled directly by the UCC1 or UCC2.
PHC1050 daughtercard 11
3.2 Connector and pin outs
On the rear panel of the PHC1050 are two connectors:
The connection to the PH10 head, via the 15-way D-type plug labelled HEAD
The optional connection to the HCU1, via the 9-way D-type socket labelled HCU
3.2.1 Head connector
The head connector is a 15-way D-type socket with the signals as detailed in the table below, for further details on these signals please refer to the PH10 installation guide (Renishaw part number H-1000-5071).
Pin number Function
1 Ground sense
2 Head present
3 A axis feedback
40 V
5 Motor probe switch
6 12 V reference
7 B axis motor / probe contact
8 LED and datum
9 Not connected
10 Locking motor drive
11 A axis motor
12 A axis motor
13 Not connected
14 B axis feedback
15 B axis motor / probe contact
Shell Screen
3.2.2 HCU connector
The HCU connector is a 9-way D-type socket with the necessary signals to connect directly to the HCU1 handbox, for further information please refer to the HCU1 user’s guide (Renishaw part number H-1000-5016).
12 PHC1050 daughtercard
3.3 Configuration options
3.3.1 Two wire probe configuration
The diagram below shows a typical wiring arrangement for a two-wire touch trigger probe system incorporating a PH10 motorised probe head.
The PHC1050 daughtercard may be fitted into any of the available slots in the UCC.
The cable from the probe head should be connected to the 15-way D-type plug marked 'HEAD' on the PHC1050 rear panel. The probe signals within this cable are connected automatically to the UCC motherboard for interfacing.
The cable from the hand control unit (if fitted) should be connected to the 9-way D-type socket.
NOTE: Ensure that the configuration switches on the PHC1050 card are both set to ‘ON’ UP position as shown in diagram below (factory default). This routes the probe signal through the card to the internal interface.
PHC1050 card
PHC1050 daughtercard 13
3.3.2 Multiwire probe configuration
The diagram below shows a typical wiring arrangement for a system incorporating an analogue scanning probe (SP600) and two-wire touch trigger probe incorporating a PH10 motorised probe head.
The head cable links the probe head to the PH1050 daughtercard and the multiwire cable connects directly to the analogue probe socket on the rear panel of the controller, to permit interfacing of TP2/6/20, TP200 and SP600 probes (and SP25 on UCC2).
The PHC1050 daughtercard may be fitted into any of the available slots in the UCC.
The cable from the probe head should be connected to the 15-way D-type plug marked 'HEAD'
on the PHC1050 rear panel. The probe signals within this cable are connected automatically to the UCC motherboard for interfacing.
The cable from the hand control unit (if fitted) should be connected to the 9-way D-type socket
marked 'HCU' on the PHC1050 rear panel.
NOTE: Ensure that the configuration switches on the PHC1050 Card are both set to ‘OFF’ DOWN position as shown in diagram below. This routes only the head signals through the PHC1050 card.
Failure to configure the switches as detailed can result in illegal triggers when using the system.
PHC1050 card
14 PHC1050 daughtercard
3.4 Operating overview
The PHC1050 must be installed within the UCC and connected to the PH10 motorised probe head before the controller is powered up.
When the UCC software is downloaded, it searches the internal bus for daughtercards and will detect the presence of the PHC1050 daughtercard.
NOTE: If no PHC1050 card is found and a PICS/RS232 daughtercard is identified on the UCC internal bus, all PHC commands will be routed to the PICS/RS232 daughtercard for use by an external motorised head controller.
However, if no PHC1050 or PICS/RS232 daughtercards are found then the system will return an error if any motorised probe head commands are sent to the UCC1 controller.
The metrology front-end software may then configure the PHC1050 using UCC command 340 (PHC1050 initialise), refer to following section and the UCC command set (Renishaw part number H-1000-5222) for more information.
3.4.1 Communication with the PHC1050
The CMM metrology front-end program can communicate with the probe head in a similar manner to that used in the RS232C link with an external PHC system.
The application selects commands from either the basic command set or the RECS (Renishaw extended command set).
The command is sent to the controller using UCC command number 336 (Write to PHC10), to transfer the data.
The UCC will automatically direct the command to the PHC1050 daughtercard. (If this is not fitted refer to note above)
Any reply is read by using the UCC command number 337 (Read from PHC10), referring to the status flags as described in the UCC command set document.
3.4.2 Configuring the PHC1050 board
The only hardware configuration on the PHC1050 board is that for probe type selection, please refer to section 3.3 for details.
Other configuration options for the PHC1050 daughtercard are software configurable using UCC1 command 340 (PHC1050 initialise). Refer to the UCC command set (Renishaw part number H-1000-5222) for further details.
Following receipt of command 340 (PHC1050 initialise) the UCC system will enable/disable the applicable options.
PHC1050 daughtercard 15
NOTE: As part of this process the servo motors, if engaged, will be disengaged and the PHC1050 will be reset to its default manual or automatic mode.
The default configuration mode of the PHC1050 depends on whether a hand control unit is fitted (manual mode) or not fitted (automatic mode). This mode can be changed by the use of command 336 (Write to PHC10).
3.4.3 Power-up sequence
The PHC1050 (or PICS/RS232) daughtercard is powered from the internal UCC power supply, provided that all components are connected before power-up, they will initialise correctly.
Plugging or unplugging a motorised probe head with the system live is described in the basic command set programming manual (H-1000-5075). The same process should be used with a PHC1050.
3.4.4 Probe head operation
For programming probe head operation, refer to the basic command set programming manual (Renishaw part number H-1000-5075), the same flow charts and programming techniques apply.
Any references in the basic command set programming manual with regards to RS232 communications should be replaced by the UCC commands 336 (Write to PHC10) and 337 (Read from PHC10) to send data over the link to the PHC1050 or PICS/RS232 daughtercard via the UCC controller.
NOTE: None of the IEEE488 communications protocols are supported by the UCC system.
16 PICS/RS232 daughtercard
4 PICS/RS232 daughtercard
NOTE: This daughtercard is suitable for use in both UCC1 and UCC2 controllers.
4.1 Introduction
The UCC supports a PICS B (IN) and an RS232 port (channel 1) for use by Renishaw probes and peripherals. By including this option card into the UCC system two additional RS232 ports and a PICS A (OUT) port are incorporated, allowing the basic measuring system to be enhanced with alternative probes and/or added peripherals.
4.2 Connector and pin outs
On the rear panel of the PICS/RS232 daughtercard there are three connectors these are:
RS232 channel 2
RS232 channel 3
PICS / RS232
RS232 CH 2
RS232 CH 3
4.2.1 PICS A connector
The PICS A connector is a 9-way D-type socket with the signals as detailed in the table below. This connection conforms to the Renishaw PICS standard and all signals are active low. Refer to PICS installation guide (Renishaw part number H-1000-5000) for further information.
Pin number Function
4 Reserved
8 LED OFF (out)
Shell Screen
PICS/RS232 daughtercard 17
4.2.2 RS232 connectors (9-way D-type plug)
RS232 CH2 (RS232 channel 2) and RS232 CH3 (RS232 channel 3) connectors have the same pin-outs as detailed in the table below.
Pin number Function
1 Not connected
2 RX data
3 TX data
5 Signal ground
6 Not connected
9 Not connected
Shell Screen
NOTE: The communication protocols for these connectors are fixed and can not be changed. Refer to section 4.4.2 and 4.4.3 for details.
18 PICS/RS232 daughtercard
4.3 Configuration options
4.3.1 Connecting an external PHC10 to the UCC
The figure below shows a UCC system fitted with the PICS/RS22 daughtercard, an external PHC10-2 and an external Renishaw interface (OPI6).
In this case it is necessary to use both the PICS A and the RS232 channel 3 connectors on the PICS/RS232 daughtercard.
PICS / RS232
RS232 CH 2
RS232 CH 3
The recommended dip switch settings for the PHC10-2 unit shown in this configuration are given in the table below
NOTE: If the RECS command set is being used then dip switch should be in the up position.
The RS232 communication cable between the PICS RS232 daughtercard and the PHC10-2 shown in this configuration is not available from Renishaw, the connections details for this cable are as detailed in section 0.
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