renishaw PH6M User Manual

User’s guide
PH6M probe head
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Renishaw part no: H-1000-5001-03-A Issued: 10 2005
user’s guide
Care of equipment
Renishaw probes and associated systems are precision tools used for obtaining precise measurements and must therefore be treated with care.
Changes to equipment
Renishaw reserves the right to improve, change or modify its hardware or software without incurring any obligations to make changes to Renishaw equipment previously sold.
Renishaw plc warrants its equipment provided that it is installed exactly as defi ned in associated Renishaw documentation.
Prior consent must be obtained from Renishaw if non-Renishaw equipment (e.g. interfaces and/or cabling) is to be used or substituted for Renishaw equipment. Failure to comply with this will invalidate the Renishaw warranty.
Claims under warranty must be made from authorised service centres only, which may be advised by the supplier or distributor.
1 Introduction ...................................................................................4
2 Installation and connection ............................................................5
3 Dimensions ...................................................................................6
4 Operation ......................................................................................7
5 System connection ........................................................................9
6 Interconnecting cables ................................................................10
7 Specifi cation ................................................................................11
8 Probe compatibility ......................................................................12
9 Accessories and parts list ...........................................................14
9.1 Accessories ........................................................................14
9.2 Parts list .............................................................................14
1 Introduction
The PH6M is a shank mounted, fi xed orientation, probe head incorporating the Renishaw autojoint probe connector.
The PH6M is compatible with the AM1 adjustment module to allow precise autojoint alignment with machine axes, enabling trouble-free autochange operation.
Probe reach may be extended using the PEM range of extension bars for multiwired probes or the PAA series for adapting to M8 connected probes.
Electrical connection is made via a 15-pin micro ‘D’ type connector. A range of mating cables is available with the remote end either terminated or unterminated according to installation requirements.
An integral LED indicates the status of touch-trigger probes.
+ 11 hidden pages