renishaw MH8 User Guide

User’s guide
© 2003 - 2004 Renishaw plc. All rights reserved. Renishaw® is a registered trademark of Renishaw plc.
This document may not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, or transferred to any other media or language, by any means, without the prior written permission of Renishaw.
Considerable effort has been made to ensure that the contents of this document are free from inaccuracies and omissions. However, Renishaw makes no warranties with respect to the contents of this document and specifi cally disclaims any implied warranties. Renishaw reserves the right to make changes to this document and to the product described herein without obligation to notify any person of such changes.
All brand names and product names used in this document are trade names, service marks, trademarks, or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
Renishaw part no: H-1000-5190-05-A Issued: 08 2004
Renishaw plc
MH8 user’s guide
English - see part 1
Manuel de l’utilisateur MH8
Français - voir patie 2
Benutzerhandbuch MH8
Deutsch - siehe Abschnitt
Guida per l’utente MH8
Italiano - vedi Sez.
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MH8 user’s guide
Part 1 - English
MH8 user’s guide
© 2001 - 2004 Renishaw. All rights reserved. Renishaw® is a registered trademark of Renishaw plc. This document may not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, or
transferred to any other media or language, by any means without the written prior permission of Renishaw.
The publication of material within this document does not imply freedom from the patent rights of Renishaw plc.
Considerable effort has been made to ensure that the contents of this document are free from inaccuracies and omissions. However, Renishaw makes no warranties with respect to the contents of this document and specifi cally disclaims any implied warranties. Renishaw reserves the right to make changes to this document and to the product described herein without obligation to notify any person of such changes.
Care of equipment
Your Renishaw probe and accessories are precision instruments. Please use and maintain the products in accordance with these instructions and retain the transit box for storing the components when not in use.
Changes to specifi cation
Renishaw plc may modify or change its products or specifi cations without notice and without obligation.
Renishaw plc warrants its products provided they are installed as defi ned in the associated Renishaw documentation.
Consent must be obtained from Renishaw plc if non-Renishaw equipment (such as interfaces or cabling) is to be used or substituted. Failure to do this may invalidate the Renishaw warranty.
Aspects of the MH8 indexable probe and aspects of similar systems are the subjects of the following patents and patent applications.
EP 0392660 JP 3,018,015 US 5,088,337
MH8 user’s guide
1 Introduction ...................................................................................6
2 Product description .......................................................................7
2.1 Part number summary ........................................................10
3 Installation procedure ..................................................................11
3.1 Mounting the shank on the probe head ..............................11
3.2 Mounting the head on the CMM .........................................11
3.3 Electrical connection ..........................................................12
3.4 Mounting the probe to the probe head ...............................12
3.5 Extension bars ...................................................................13
4 Head operation ............................................................................14
4.1 To change the orientation of the probe ...............................14
5 Dimensions .................................................................................16
6 Technical specifi cation ................................................................17
6.1 Measuring performance .....................................................17
6.2 Technical data ....................................................................17
7 Maintenance ................................................................................18
8 Fault fi nding .................................................................................19
1 Introduction
The MH8 is a manually operated, indexing probe head that articulates to provide orientation of the stylus. The head can carry probes fi tted with a Renishaw M8 connector. The TP20 and TP6 touch trigger probes are recommended. The MH8 is available with a range of shanks to suit the mounting arrangement specifi ed by the manufacturer of the CMM.
Product description
2 Product description
The MH8 has 2 axes. The probe connector is carried on the A axis which can rotate the probe through 90° in the Z plane. The B axis can rotate the probe through ±180° in the X-Y plane.
A lever actuated mechanism locks both axes in the desired position for gauging the workpiece. The axes are unlocked to allow free rotation to another position. The locked positions are set at angular increments of 15° in each axis, providing a total of 168 positions.
When the head orientation is locked, the probe is kinematically constrained in a highly repeatable spatial position. This means that after initial qualifi cation of the stylus tip, in the positions required for gauging the workpiece, the probe may be reorientated to any of the qualifi ed positions without the need for requalifi cation.
A red LED is provided on the front of the head to indicate the probe’s status. The LED may be driven by the CMM controller or by a Renishaw probe interface. It is convention for the LED to be ON to indicate a seated (armed) probe and to be OFF to indicate a triggered probe.
Electrical connection is via a 5 pin DIN connector.
Product description
Probe status LED
B axis scale
A axis scale
M8 probe connector
Lock lever
Figure 1 - The MH8 indexible head (front)
Product description
Serial number
Figure 2 - The MH8 indexible head (back)
5 pin DIN connector
Product description
2.1 Part number summary
Part number Descritpion
A-1332-0013 MH8 probe head + MH8 user’s guide (H-1000-5190) A-1332-0002 MH8 probe head + TK4 probe tools (no shank) A-1332-0003 MH8 + TK4 + MS1 shank A-1332-0004 MH8 + TK4 + MS2 shank A-1332-0005 MH8 + TK4 + MS4 shank A-1000-0006 MH8 + TK4 + MS5 shank A-1332-0007 MH8 + TK4 + MS7 shank A-1332-0008 MH8 + TK4 + MS9 shank A-1332-0009 MH8 + TK4 + MS10 shank A-1332-0010 MH8 + TK4 + MS13 shank A-1332-0011 MH8 + TK4 + MS15 shank A-1332-0014 MH8 + TK4 + MS17 shank A-1332-0012 MH8 + TK4 + D shank A-1042-1486 S1 ‘C’ spanner A-1047-3932 S9 double ended ‘C’ spanner
M-5000-3540 S7 stylus tightening tool
P-TL03-0150 Hexagon key, 1.5 mm AF (TP2/TP6 adjustment)
Installation procedure
3 Installation procedure
3.1 Mounting the shank on the probe head
• Hold the shank in the recess on the top face of the MH8.
• Rotate the shank until 3 screw holes are aligned.
• Fix the shank in place using only the M3 x 5 mm screws
• Progressively tighten using the 2.5 mm A/F hexagon key
3.2 Mounting the head on the CMM
The head will normally be attached to the quill of the CMM using a standard shank, specifi ed by the CMM manufacturer.
Standard shanks are listed in the section 2.1, ‘Part number summary’. Special or customised mounting arrangements are possible. Please
contact your supplier or Renishaw, for details of our custom products service.
The mounting must be absolutely rigid, as any movement during normal operation of the head will add errors to the measurement system.
If the head is replaced or repositioned in the quill, it will be necessary to requalify all of the head positions in current use.
Installation procedure
3.3 Electrical connection
Connection is by means of a 5 pin DIN connector on the side of the heads (see fi gure 2).
The pin numbering functions are given in the table below:
Pin number Designation
1 LED cathode 2 Ground 3 LED anode 4 Probe circuit 5 Probe circuit
3.4 Mounting the probe to the probe head
If fi tting a TP20 probe, mount the probe body to the probe head before fi tting the probe module and stylus.
• Screw the threaded end of the probe into the M8 connector on the probe head until it is fi nger tight.
• Fit the S1 ‘C’ spanner (supplied) to the location holes in the probe body and tighten by hand.
• The recommended tightening torque is 0.3 Nm – 0.5 Nm.
Refer also to the user’s guide for the probe type being used.
Installation procedure
3.5 Extension bars
Probe reach may be extended by 50 mm using a PEL1 extension bar. Use of the PEL2, PEL3 or PE series extension bars is not recommended.
Figure 3 - Using extension bars
Head operation
4 Head operation
NOTE: Ensure that the lock lever is turned fully clockwise to the
locked position, before taking gauge points.
4.1 To change the orientation of the probe
(refer to fi gure 4)
• Unlock the head by turning the lock lever to the fully anti-clockwise position.
• Grip the body of the probe (avoid touching the stylus) and rotate the ‘B’ axis until the desired angle indication on the scale (in increments of 15°) is adjacent to the ‘B’ axis reference mark. Rotate the ‘A’ axis until the desired angle indication on the scale (in increments of 15°) is at the ‘A’ axis reference position.
• Lock the head by turning the lock lever to the fully clockwise position.
• Qualify the stylus tip(s) according to the CMM supplier’s instructions.
• Change the orientation of the probe to the next desired position and qualify the stylus tip(s).
• Repeat the qualifi cation process for all desired orientations and stylus tips.
• Commence gauging, ensuring that the correct qualifi cation data is recalled for each head position.
Head operation
Periodic requalifi cation should be performed according to the following considerations:-
• CMM supplier’s recommendations, particularly in respect of temperature changes.
• At the start of the working day or shift.
• After an accidental collision.
• After changing any measuring system component (except a pre­qualifi ed TP20 module).
• If the initial state is unknown or uncertain.
B axis
reference mark
B axis scale
A axis scale
Lock lever
A axis
reference mark
Figure 4 - Locking lever operation
5 Dimensions
R70 *
A axis
0° - 90°
Ø48 mm
43 mm
65 mm
5.7 mm
* Using TP20 with LF/
B axis ±180°
Figure 5 - MH8 dimensions
SF/MF/EF module and 10 mm stylus
Technical specifi cation
6 Technical specifi cation
Refer to fi gure 5 for overall dimensions.
6.1 Measuring performance
Positional repeatability (2σ) 1.5 µm (At stylus tip with TP20 probe, standard force module and 10 mm stylus length)
Positional repeatability (2σ) 2.5 µm with 50 mm extension bar (PEL1) (At stylus tip with TP20 probe, standard force module and 10 mm stylus length)
6.2 Technical data
Range of articulation
Maximum load
Operating temperature range
Storage temperature range Probe connector Electrical connector Sealing Weight
A axis: 0° to 90° in 15° increments B axis: ±180° in 15° increments TP6 - no extension allowed TP20 or TP2 probe + 50 mm
extension (PEL1) +10 °C to +40 °C
-10 °C to +70 °C Renishaw M8 x 1.25 x 5 mm 5 pin DIN (180°) IP30 205 g (without shank)
7 Maintenance
This product is intended for use in a protected metrology environment and therefore accumlations of dust or swarf should not occur.
In common with all precision measuring equipment, regular inspection and cleaning are recommended to ensure continued high performance.
Maintenance is limited to wiping the outer surfaces, axes scale labels and mounting face of the probe connector with a clean, dry cloth or proprietary cleaning material.
Fault fi nding
8 Fault fi nding
Refer also to the appropriate user’s guide for the probe.
Loss of measuring accuracy
Possible causes Remedy
Mounting not secure. Check that the MH8 is correctly
mounted to the shank and that the screws are secure. Check the clamping mechanism in the CMM quill.
MH8 not fully locked. Ensure that the lock lever is
turned fully clockwise.
Excessive force imparted to probe after locking.
MH8 overloaded. Use only with the specifi ed
Faulty probe. Check by substitution. MH8 worn or damaged. Check by substitution or return
Axes ‘rattle’ when rotated
Possible causes Remedy
MH8 not fully unlocked. Turn lock lever fully anti-
Unlock and re-lock the MH8.
probe and extension combinations.
to Renishaw or your supplier.
clockwise before attepting to re­orientate probe.
Manuel de l’utilisateur MH8
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Manuel de l’utilisateur MH8
Partie 2 - Français
Manuel de l’utilisateur MH8
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Un effort considérable a été fourni afi n d’assurer que le contenu de ce document ne contient aucune omission ni inexactitude. Cependant, Renishaw ne garantit aucunement le contenu de ce document et dénie en particulier toutes garanties supposées. Renishaw se réserve le droit d’apporter des modifi cations à ce document et au produit qu’il décrit sans obligation d’en informer quiconque.
Precautions d’emploi
Votre palpeur Renishaw et ses accessoires sont des instruments de précision que nous vous recommandons d’utiliser et entretenir conformément à ce mode d’emploi. Nous vous recommandons également de conserver son emballage de transport afi n de pouvoir y ranger les composants après emploi.
Changement de caractéristiques
Renishaw plc se réserve le droit de modifi er ou changer ses produits ou leurs caractéristiques sans préavis et sans obligations vis-à-vis des clients.
La garantie prévue par Renishaw plc s’applique aux produits Renishaw installés conformément aux données de la documentation y afférente.
Le matériel ne provenant pas de Renishaw (interfaces ou câblage, par exemple) ne peut être utilisé ou substitué sans l’accord préalable de Renishaw plc. Tout manquement à cette règle pourrait entraîner l’annulation de la garantie Renishaw.
Les aspects du palpeur réglable MH8 et d’autres systèmes ont fait l’objet des brevets et dépôts de brevet suivants :
EP 0392660 JP 3,018,015 US 5,088,337
Manuel de l’utilisateur MH8
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