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RENISHAW® and the probe emblem used in the RENISHAW logo are
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Renishaw part no: H-2000-6181-0B-B
Issued: 07.2006
About the EasyProbe cycles.............................................................................................. 3
How much memory is required?........................................................................................3
Control parameter setting – retaining the common variables on reset............................... 4
Calibrating a spindle probe................................................................................................ 4
When should a spindle probe be calibrated?.............................................................. 4
How do I calibrate a probe?........................................................................................ 5
Using the ‘C’ input....................................................................................................... 5
Calibrating using experience values........................................................................... 6
Program format..................................................................................................................6
Measuring a single surface................................................................................................ 7
Example 1: Calibrating the probe length..................................................................... 8
Example 2: Measuring the X surface (set G54 to the surface)...................................8
Example 3: Measuring the Z surface (set G54 relative to the surface)....................... 9
Example 4: Applying co-ordinate rotation to the Z axis (C axis).................................9
Example 5: Setting a 4th axis (B axis)...................................................................... 10
Measuring a feature (boss, bore, web, or pocket) ........................................................... 11
Example 6: Calibrating the probe XY offsets and stylus ball radii
Common variables used for cycle output results ............................................................. 26
Publication No. H-2000-6181
About the EasyProbe cycles
This guide describes how to use the Renishaw EasyProbe cycles. They are intended for
setting up simple jobs and measuring tasks.
By using these cycles, you will not have to create a program to position the probe prior to
the setting cycle call. The software allows you to position the stylus at a suitable start
position, in either the jog or handwheel mode, before running the cycle. Alternatively, the
EasyProbe custom cycles can be written into a part program for automatic programming
The main cycle is:
This cycle is supported by the service macros listed below. Together, they form a
complete standalone software package that can be loaded into the control part-program
memory area.
CAUTION: The EasyProbe cycles should be carefully tested for safe operation in
both MDI’ and ‘program’ mode during the commissioning. This will ensure they
are compatible with your machine configuration. If you use the cycles without first testing
them thoroughly for compatibility, serious mispositioning and damage may be caused
(see the section “Testing the software” later in this guide).
How much memory is required?
Loading all the cycles requires approximately 6.0 KB (15.0 metres) of part program
If you do not expect to use any of the macros listed below, do not load them.
O9773 (REN SURFACE)0.6 KB (1.5 metres) of memory
O9774 (REN FEATURE)1.2 KB (3.0 metres) of memory
O9775 (REN ANGLE/4TH AXIS)0.9 KB (2.3 metres) of memory
Publication No. H-2000-6181
4Calibrating a spindle probe
Control parameter setting – retaining the common variables
on reset
Your machine controller must be set to retain common variables on reset. This is a
parameter setting that allows the angle measure cycle to work, and lets you see the
results written to these variables after the cycle has finished. For detailed information, see
the Readme file that is supplied with the EasyProbe software.
Calibrating a spindle probe
Before a spindle probe is used on a machine tool, it must be calibrated. Calibration
ensures that the length of the probe and the size and centre position of the stylus ball are
known. With this knowledge you can be sure that measurements taken with the probe will
be accurate.
The EasyProbe cycles have built-in calibration routines. Use these whenever a probe
needs to be calibrated.
When should a spindle probe be calibrated?
A probe should be calibrated in the following circumstances:
● Whenever a new stylus is fitted.
● Whenever the probe is exchanged with one from a different machine.
● Whenever a new shank is fitted to the probe.
● If it is suspected that the stylus has become distorted. For example, due to a
collision with part of a feature.
● If any on-centre adjustment has been performed.
● If very tight tolerances are to be achieved during workpiece set-up.
Publication No. H-2000-6181
Calibrating a spindle probe5
How do I calibrate a probe?
Three steps are involved in calibrating a spindle probe.
Step 1Determine the length of the probe stylus assembly. See “Example 1 –
Calibrating the probe length”.
Step 2Determine the relationship between the {x,y} centre of the stylus ball and the
machine spindle (the X and Y stylus offsets). See “Example 7 – Calibrating the
probe XY offsets”.
Step 3Determine the effective size of the stylus ball (the ball radii). See “Example 8 –
Calibrating the probe stylus ball radii”.
Steps 2 and 3 can be carried out either as individual operations, as described above, or
combined into one operation (this is the recommended method). See “Example 6 –
Calibrating the probe XY offsets and stylus ball radii (combined operation)”.
Using the ‘C’ input
Instead of having separate calibration routines, the standard measuring cycles are used
with the ‘C’ input to calibrate the probe.
● C1. – use this input to calibrate the probe for either length or stylus offsets/radii.
● C2. – use this input to calibrate the probe stylus offsets.
● C3. – use this to calibrate the probe stylus radii.
Publication No. H-2000-6181
6Calibrating a spindle probe
Calibrating using experience values
Depending on circumstances, a probe might not always need to be calibrated precisely.
Instead, experience values can be used. To calibrate using experience values, first
mechanically centre the probe stylus so that it runs true. Next, enter the values directly
via the keyboard.
Do this as follows:
1.Enter experience values for the stylus ball radii.
●Actual (experience) stylus radii values are typically 0.030 mm (0.0011 in) less
than the physical radii values.
●For details of where these values are stored, see the section “Common
retained variables”.
2.Set the XY offsets to zero (0).
●For details of where these values are stored, see the section “Common
3.Set the probe tool offset register to the length of the probe/stylus assembly.
●Enter the length into the tool offset register that you have allocated to the
If you use this method, ignore the calibration procedures described previously and all
further examples of probe calibration.
Program format
Standard callG65P9023....inputs....
M-code callM143....inputs....(recommended if an M-code shortcut is to be used).
retained variables”.
probe tool holder.
Publication No. H-2000-6181
Measuring a single surface
This cycle is used to measure a single surface feature. It is also used to calibrate the
length of a probe.
Position the probe stylus (using either the jog or handwheel mode) to a start point that is
clear of the surface. Run the cycle, either in MDI mode or by creating a simple part
Measuring a single surface7
[ ] denotes optional inputs
X surfaceG65P9023Xx[AaC1.QqSsIi]
Y surfaceG65P9023Yy[AaC1.QqSsJj]
Z surfaceG65P9023Zz[AaC1.QqSsKk]
Publication No. H-2000-6181
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