Renishaw® is a registered trademark of Renishaw plc.
This document may not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, or transferred to any
other media or language, by any means, without the prior written permission of Renishaw.
The publication of material within this document does not imply freedom from the patent
rights of Renishaw plc.
Considerable effort has been made to ensure that the contents of this document are free
from inaccuracies and omissions. However, Renishaw makes no warranties with respect to
the contents of this document and specifically disclaims any implied warranties. Renishaw
reserves the right to make changes to this document and to the product described herein
without obligation to notify any person of such changes.
All brand names and product names used in this document are trade names, service
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Renishaw part no: H-2000-6068-0C-A
First issued:June 1997
Revised:January 1998
August 1998
March 2002
Please complete this form (and Form 2 overleaf if applicable) after the Renishaw equipment has been installed on your
machine. Keep one copy yourself and return a copy to your local Renishaw Customer Support office (refer to the manual for
the address and telephone number). The Renishaw Installation Engineer should normally complete these forms.
Special control options.............................................................................….......................................….............
Date of training.........................................
Standard Renishaw kit no.Software disk nos.
Reason for deviation
Form 2
Software no. and
Subroutine no.
Comments and corrections
The software product for which these changes are authorised is subject to copyright.
A copy of this deviation sheet will be retained by Renishaw plc.
A copy of the software amendments must be retained by the customer – they cannot be retained by
Renishaw plc.
Caution – software safety1
Caution – Software safety
The software you have purchased is used to control the movements of a machine tool. It
has been designed to cause the machine to operate in a specified manner under operator
control, and has been configured for a particular combination of machine tool hardware
and controller.
Renishaw have no control over the exact program configuration of the controller with
which the software is to be used, nor of the mechanical layout of the machine. Therefore,
it is the responsibility of the person putting the software into operation to:
●ensure that all machine safety guards are in position and are correctly working
before commencement of operation;
●ensure that any manual overrides are disabled before commencement of operation;
●verify that the program steps invoked by this software are compatible with the
controller for which they are intended;
●ensure that any moves which the machine will be instructed to make under program
control would not cause the machine to inflict damage upon itself or upon any
person in the vicinity;
●be thoroughly familiar with the machine tool and its controller and know the location
of all emergency stop switches.
Publication No. H-2000-6068
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Publication No. H-2000-6068
Easyset inspection software for
machining centres
Contained in this publication
Before you begin .................................................................................................................4
For Inspection Plus software versions ....................................................................... 19
Publication No. H-2000-6068
4Before you begin
Before you begin
This software must be installed and used in conjunction with one of the Renishaw
inspection software packages listed below. It provides an additional set of an easy job setup cycles with minimum programming requirements.