This document may not be copied or reproduced in whole or in
part, or transferred to any other media or language, by any means,
without the prior written permission of Renishaw plc.
The publication of material within this document does not imply
freedom from the patent rights of Renishaw plc.
Trade marks
RENISHAW and the probe symbol used in the RENISHAW logo are
registered trade marks of Renishaw plc in the United Kingdom and
other countries. apply innovation and names and designations
of other Renishaw products and technologies are trade marks of
Renishaw plc or its subsidiaries.
All other brand names and product names used in this document
are trade names, trade marks, or registered trade marks of their
respective owners.
Renishaw part no: H-2000-6021-0E-A
Issued: 07.2013
Licensee: you, the person, firm or company accepting the terms of this Licence
Renishaw: Renishaw plc, New Mills, Wotton-under-Edge, Gloucestershire, GL12 8JR, United Kingdom
Product: the software, which is designed to operate on machine tool numeric controllers, supplied by
Renishaw for use with Renishaw’s machine tool probing systems
Licence to use: a non-exclusive licence to use the Product on a single machine tool only
By installing and/or using the Product you indicate your acceptance of the terms of this Licence.
Renishaw grants the Licensee a Licence to use the Product on condition the Licensee accepts the following
terms and conditions:
1. All rights in and title to the Product are and shall remain vested in Renishaw and its licensors.
2. Renishaw shall replace or repair the Product if it does not materially perform to specification under proper use
within 90 days of delivery. This warranty does not apply where the Product has been modified in any manner
that is not specifically described in the Product or in the installation or programming manuals supplied with the
Product, or where the Product is used with probing systems that have not been produced by Renishaw.
Except as stated in this paragraph, all warranties, conditions and terms implied by law are excluded. In
particular, no warranty is given that the Product is bug or error-free.
Renishaw does not exclude liability for personal injury or death caused by Renishaw’s negligence.
Renishaw’s liability is limited to (a) the warranty contained in paragraph 2 and (b) direct losses up to a
maximum of £50,000.
Renishaw has no liability to the Licensee for any indirect, consequential or economic loss (including,
without limitation, loss of data, profits or goodwill).
The Product has been designed for use with Renishaw’s machine tool probing systems. Renishaw has
no liability for the results of using the Product with another manufacturer’s machine tool probing systems.
By accepting the terms of this Licence the Licensee agrees that this limitation of liability is reasonable.
4. The Licensee may not make any copies of the Product except as provided in this Licence or as permitted by
applicable law. The Licensee is authorised to make a backup copy of the Product for security purposes. The
Licensee must not remove any licence and copyright notices, labels or marks contained in the original and shall
ensure all copies contain such notices without modification.
5. If the Product contains electronic manuals the Licensee may print out the manuals in part or in full, provided
that the print outs or copies are not supplied to any third party that is not an employee or contractor for the
Licensee without Renishaw’s written permission
6. The Licensee shall not reverse engineer, decompile, or modify the Product or re-use any components
separately from the Product unless permitted by a specific instruction contained in the Product or the
programming or installation manuals supplied with the Product or by applicable law provided that in the latter
case, Licensee has first contacted Renishaw to request any information required to interface with Licensee’s
other software.
7. The Licensee shall not make the Product available to any third party in any manner whatsoever nor may this
Licence and the Product be transferred to a third party without Renishaw’s prior written agreement. Any
agreement by Renishaw is conditional on the permitted transferee agreeing to all terms of this Licence and the
Licensee not retaining any copies of the Product. Where the Licensee is a reseller of Renishaw’s machine
tool probing systems, Licensee may transfer the Product for ultimate use by an end user with Renishaw’s
machine tool probing systems.
8. Renishaw shall have the right to terminate this Licence immediately if the Licensee fails to comply with any of
these terms and conditions. The Licensee agrees upon receipt of notice of termination from Renishaw to
immediately return or destroy all copies of the Product in its possession or control.
9. This Licence is governed by English law and the parties submit to the exclus ive jurisdiction of the English
Renishaw Product Licence (EN) – Issue 1: February 2007
Form 1
has been filled in.
Please complete this form (and Form 2 overleaf if applicable) after the Renishaw equipment has been installed on your machine.
Keep one copy yourself and return a copy to your local Renishaw Customer Support office (see for
the address and telephone number). The Renishaw Installation Engineer should normally complete these forms.
Machine type ......................................................................................................................................................
Special control options .......................................................................................................................................
Date of training ......................................
Standard Renishaw kit no. Software disk nos.
Reason for deviation
Software no. and macro no. Comments and corrections
Form 2
The software product for which these changes are authorised is subject to copyright.
A copy of this deviation sheet will be retained by Renishaw plc.
A copy of the software amendments must be retained by the customer – they cannot be retained by
Renishaw plc.
Cautions i
Caution – Software safety
The software you have purchased is used to control the movements of a machine tool. It
has been designed to cause the machine tool to operate in a specified manner under
operator control, and has been configured for a particular combination of machine tool
hardware and controller.
Renishaw has no control over the exact program configuration of the controller with which
the software is to be used, nor over the mechanical layout of the machine tool. Therefore,
it is the responsibility of the person putting the software into operation to:
ensure that all machine tool safety guards are in position and working correctly
before commencement of operation;
ensure that any manual overrides are disabled before commencement of operation;verify that the program steps invoked by this software are compatible with the
controller for which they are intended;
ensure that any moves that the machine tool will be instructed to make under
program control will not cause the machine tool to inflict damage upon itself or upon
any person in the vicinity;
be thoroughly familiar with the machine tool and its controller, understand the
operation of work co-ordinate systems, tool offsets, program communication
(uploading and downloading) and the location of all emergency stop switches.
IMPORTANT: This software makes use of controller variables in its operation. During its
execution, adjustment of these variables, including those listed within this manual,or of
tool offsets and work offsets, may lead to malfunction.
Publication No. H-2000-6021
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Publication No. H-2000-6021
Contents iii
Before you begin
Before you begin ................................................................................................................. 1
Measurement values used in this manual .......................................................................... 2
Example 1 Tool offset geometry ..................................................................................... B-2
Example 2 Using either G54 to G59 or G50 to define the component zero ................... B-3
G54 to G59 method .................................................................................................. B-3
G50 method setting a program shift to the turret reference position ........................ B-4
Example 3 Using G10 to define the component zero ..................................................... B-5
Example 4 Using either G92 or G50 to define the component zero-to-tool tip
position ......................................................................................................................... B-6
Publication No. H-2000-6021
vi Contents
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Publication No. H-2000-6021
Before you begin 1
Before you begin
This programming manual contains detailed information on using the Inspection software
for programming, operating and controlling 2-axis lathes.
Comprising 11 self-contained chapters and two appendices, the manual is structured to
provide the information you require to use the Inspection software effectively.
Chapter 1, “Installing the software”, describes how to install the Inspection software
on your machine.
Chapter 2, “Optional inputs”, describes the optional inputs that are required by many
of the cycles.
Chapter 3, “Variable outputs”, lists the optional outputs that are produced by many
of the cycles.
Chapter 4, “Protected positioning cycles”, describes how to use the protected
positioning macros (O9610 and O9810). When correctly used, these macros
prevent damage to the stylus in the event of the probe colliding with the workpiece.
Chapter 5, “Calibrating the probe”, describes how to use the macros that are
provided for calibrating a probe. Cycles are provided for calibrating an inspection
probe when it is vertically mounted and horizontally mounted.
Chapter 6, “Standard measuring cycles”, describes how to use the non-vector
measuring cycles.
Chapter 7, “Additional cycles”, describes how to use the four macro cycles that are
not described in previous chapters.
Chapter 8, “C-axis cycles”, describes how to use two C-axis measuring cycles. Chapter 9, “Alarms and error messages”, describes the macro alarm numbers and
messages that are displayed on the screen of the controller when an error occurs.
An explanation of the meaning and possible cause of each alarm message is
provided, together with typical actions you must take to correct the fault causing the
Chapter 10, “Settings, macros and variables”, describes how to customise the
Inspection software on your machine. It also covers setting information and details
about the macro variables used in the software.
Chapter 11, “General information”, contains general information and reference
material that is relevant to the Inspection software package.
Publication No. H-2000-6021
2Before you begin
Measurement values used in this manual
Throughout this manual metric units of measurement (for example, millimetres) are used
in the examples. Where appropriate, the equivalent imperial values (for example, inches)
are shown in brackets.
Associated publications
When you are using the Inspection software, you may find it useful to refer to the following
Renishaw publications:
Installation manual Probe systems for machine tools (Renishaw part no.
Data sheets Probe software for machine tools (Renishaw part nos. H-2000-2289
and H-2000-2298).
About the Inspection software
For a comprehensive description of the facilities provided by the Inspection software and
also the limitations of the software, refer to Appendix A, “Features, cycles and limitations”.
This section lists the amount of memory (in kilobytes) that is required by all macros
contained on the software CD. Before you load macros, first calculate the total amount of
memory required by the macros you wish to load. Next, check that the machine controller
has sufficient memory capacity for these macros.
If memory capacity of the controller is stated in “metres of tape”, use the following data to
convert from kilobytes to length or vice-versa:
Conversion:1 KB = 2.5 m (8.2 ft) of software tape.
8 KB = 20 m (65.6 ft) of software tape.
File1: total amount of memory = 16 KB.
File2: total amount of memory = 16 KB.
File3: total amount of memory = 6 KB.
When you fit your Renishaw probe into the machine’s shank/holder, the probe’s stylus
may not be in the correct theoretical position. An error may mean the stylus is either
above or below the centre line. Take care to minimise this error otherwise measurements
will be taken across a chord and will not be a true diametral or radial dimension.
The measuring cycles do not mathematically calculate on-centre errors. However, these
errors are usually small, particularly when the probe and stylus have been calibrated on a
diameter that is similar in size to the feature being measured. For a description of how to
calibrate a probe and stylus assembly, see Chapter 5, “Calibrating the probe”.
Renishaw customer services
Calling Renishaw
If you have a question about the software, first consult the documentation and other
information included with your product. If you cannot find a solution, you can receive
information on how to obtain customer support by contacting the Renishaw company that
serves your country (for worldwide contact details, see our main website at
When you call, it will help the Renishaw support staff if you have the appropriate product
documentation at hand. Please be prepared to provide the following information (as
The version of the product you are using (see the Equipment registration record
The type of hardware that you are using (see the Equipment registration record
The exact wording of any messages that appear on your screen.A description of what happened and what you were doing when the problem
A description of how you tried to solve the problem.
Publication No. H-2000-6021
6Before you begin
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Publication No. H-2000-6021
Installing the software 1-1
Chapter 1
Installing the software
This chapter describes how to load the Inspection software. It supplements the
information described in the “Software installation” section of the installation manual titled
Probe systems for machine tools (Renishaw part no. H-2000-6040) and the Readme file
on the CD.
Contained in this chapter
Installing the software ...................................................................................................... 1-2
Using the wizard ....................................................................................................... 1-2
Setting and adjusting the software ................................................................................... 1-2
Publication No. H-2000-6021
1-2Installing the software
Installing t he software
Using the wizard
The Inspection software is supplied on CD. When the CD is inserted into the CD drive of
the PC, it automatically launches a wizard. The screen displays the following options:
2. Enter appropriate values in the fields. Information is displayed to help you.
3. After you have completed all fields, click the Run button at the bottom of the screen.
The system will generate the macros that are required for your machine set-up. The
macros are stored on your PC in the folder and file that is shown above the Run
The macros can now be loaded into the machine.
Editing macros manually
If, for any reason, the wizard does not work, you will need to edit the macros manually to
suit your machine. Do this as follows:
1. From your PC, explore the CD and locate the folder named Macros.
2. Open the Macros folder and locate a file named Macros.
3. Select the files appropriate to your machine (probe vertical or probe horizontal
and/or C axis) and copy them to your PC.
4. Either edit these files on your PC or load them into your machine and edit them
Setting and adj usting the software
After installing the software, you will need to customise the settings. Chapter 10, “Settings,
macros and variables”, describes general software settings, customising the software,
and how to configure the option settings.
Publication No. H-2000-6021
Optional inputs 2-1
Chapter 2
Optional inputs
Many of the macros make use of standard optional inputs. Instead of describing them
each time they are required, they are described once in this chapter. You will be referred
to this chapter from other chapters whenever a standard optional input is required.
Details of each non-standard optional input that is required by a macro is provided in the
relevant macro description.
The examples given below assume that the controller has been configured for metric
values (millimetres). The equivalent inch measurement values are shown in brackets.
Ee e = Experience value.
Ff f = This can be either one of the following:
Specify the number of a spare tool offset where an adjustment value to
the measured size is stored (see Chapter 11, “General information”).
Example: E21. causes the experience value stored in tool offset 21 to be
applied to the measured size.
1.The percentage feedback that is used when updating a tool offset
(see Chapter 10, “Settings, macros and variables”).
Enter a value between 0 and 1 (0% and 100%).
Default: 1 (100%).
2. The feedrate that is used in protected positioning macros O9610 and
O9810 (see Chapter 4, “Protected positioning cycles”).
Example: F3000 sets a feedrate of 3000 mm/min.
(F120 sets a feedrate of 120 in/min.)
Hh h = The tolerance value of a feature dimension being measured.
Example: For dimension 50.0 mm +0.4 mm –0 mm, the nominal
tolerance is 50.2 mm with H.2.
(For dimension 1.968 in +0.016 in –0 in, the nominal
tolerance is 1.976 in with H.008.)
Mm m = The true position tolerance of a feature. This is a cylindrical zone about
the theoretical position.
Example:M.1 sets a true position tolerance of 0.1 mm.
(M.004 sets a true position tolerance of 0.004 in.)
Qq q = This is the probe overtravel distance for use when the default values are
unsuitable. The probe will then travel beyond the expected position when
it searches for a surface.
Default:4 mm (0.16 in) in the Z axis 10 mm (0.394 in) in the X axis.
Example:Q8. sets an overtravel distance of 8 mm.
(Q.3 sets an overtravel distance of 0.3 in.)
Publication No. H-2000-6021
Optional inputs 2-3
Rr r = This is an incremental dimension that is used on external features, such
as bosses and webs, to give a radial clearance from the nominal target
surface prior to a Z-axis move.
Default: 5 mm (0.200 in).
Example: R10. sets a radial clearance of 10 mm.
(R.4 sets a radial clearance of 0.4 in.)
R–r –r = This is similar to Rr, except that the clearance is applied in the opposite
direction to force an internal boss or web cycle.
Default: 5 mm (0.200 in).
Example: R–10.sets a radial clearance of –10 mm.
(R–.4 sets a radial clearance of –0.4 in.)
Ss s = The number of the work offset to be updated.
S0 The external work offset.
S1 to S6 G54 to G59.
S7 Update G10P0XZ.
S8 The incremental G50W- - move will be active until another
G50 is read.
Example: S3 will set G56
Tt t = The tool offset that is to be updated.
T<1000 The X wear or Z wear will be updated.
T>1000 The radius wear of a milling tool will be updated.
Example: T1 = update the X-wear or Z-wear compensation.
T1001 = update the R-wear compensation.
Uu u = Upper tolerance limit.
If this value is exceeded, no tool offset or work offset is updated and the
cycle stops with an alarm. Where applicable, this tolerance applies to both
size and position.
Example: U2. to set the upper tolerance limit to 2 mm.
(U.08 to set the upper tolerance limit to 0.08 in.)
Vv v = Null band.
This is the tolerance zone where no tool offset adjustment occurs.
Default: 0.
Example: V.5 for a tolerance zone of ±0.5 mm.
(V.02 for a tolerance zone of ±0.02 in.)
Publication No. H-2000-6021
2-4Optional inputs
Ww w = Print the output data.
W1. Increment the feature number only.
W2. Increment the component number and reset the feature number.
Example: W1.
Publication No. H-2000-6021
Variable outputs 3-1
Chapter 3
Variable outputs
This chapter lists the variable outputs that may be produced by some of the macros. You
will be referred to this chapter from other chapters when a variable output is produced.
Contained in this chapter
Table 1 Variable outputs with probe vertical .................................................................... 3-2
Table 2 Variable outputs with probe horizontal ................................................................ 3-2
Publication No. H-2000-6021
3-2 Variable outputs
Table 1 Variable outputs with probe vertical
#135 X position X position
#137 Z position Z position
#138 Size Size
#139 C position
#140 X error X error
#142 Z error Z error
#143 Size error Size error
#144 C error
#145 True position error True position error
#146 Metal condition Metal condition
#147 Direction indicator Direction indicator
#148 Out of tolerance flag
#149 Probe error flag
Single surface
Web/pocket diameter
C-axis measure
Table 2 Variable outputs with probe horizontal
#135 X position X position
#137 Z position Z position
#138 Size Size
#139 C position
#140 X error X error
#142 Z error Z error
#143 Size error Size error
#144 C error
#145 True position error True position error
#146 Metal condition Metal condition
#147 Direction indicator Direction indicator
#148 Out of tolerance flag
Single surface
Web/pocket diameter
C-axis measure
#149 Probe error flag
Publication No. H-2000-6021
Protected positioning cycles 4-1
Chapter 4
Protected positioning cycles
As the probe moves around the workpiece it is important that the stylus is protected
against a collision with the workpiece. This chapter describes how to use the protected
positioning cycles. After they are set correctly, the probe will stop moving in the event of a
Probe protect ed positioning (probe vertical) – O9610
Figure 4.1 Probe pro tected positioning (probe vertical)
It is important to protect the probe’s stylus against damage should it collide with an
obstacle as the probe moves around the workpiece. When this cycle is used, the machine
will stop in the event of a collision.
The probe is selected and moved to a safe plane. At this point the probe is made active. It
then moves to a measuring position using this macro call.
In the event of a collision the machine will stop. Either a PATH OBSTRUCTED alarm is
generated or error flag #148 is set (see the Mm input).
G65 P9610 Xx and/or Zz [ Ff Mm ]
where [ ] denote optional inputs.
Example: G65 P9610 Z10. F3000. M1.
Publication No. H-2000-6021
Protected positioning cycles (probe vertical) 4-3
x =
The target diameter position for the probe positioning move.
z =
The target position for the probe positioning move.
#148 = 7 Probe triggered.
Proprietary G and M codes.
Select the probe.
Switch on the probe.
Protected positioning move.
Single surface measure.
Switch off the probe.
Compulsory inputs
Optional inputs
Ff f = The modal feedrate for all protected positioning moves.
The feedrate will be modal to this macro and subsequent feedrate
calls are unnecessary unless a change of feedrate is required. The
maximum safe fast feedrate established during installation must not
be exceeded.
M1. This will set a probe trigger flag (but with no PATH OBSTRUCTED
The target diameter position for the probe positioning move.
z =
The target position for the probe positioning move.
Probe protect ed positioning (probe horizontal) – O9810
Figure 4.2 Probe pro tected positioning (probe horizontal)
It is important to protect the probe’s stylus against damage should it collide with an
obstacle as the probe moves around the workpiece. When this cycle is used, the machine
will stop in the event of a collision.
The probe is selected and moved to a safe plane. At this point the probe is made active. It
then moves to a measuring position using this macro call.
In the event of a collision, the machine will stop. Either a PATH OBSTRUCTED alarm is
generated or error flag #148 is set (see the Mm input).
G65 P9810 Xx and/or Zz [ Ff Mm ]
where [ ] denote optional inputs.
Example: G65 P9810 Z10. F3000. M1.
Compulsory inputs
Publication No. H-2000-6021
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