Renishaw APCA-45 Installation And User Manual

Installation and user’s guide
APCA-45 – tool setting probe
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Before you begin ................................................................................................................ iv
Disclaimer ...................................................................................................................... iv
Trade marks ................................................................................................................... iv
Warranty ..........................................................................................................................v
Changes to equipment .................................................................................................... v
CNC machines ................................................................................................................ v
Care of the APCA-45 ...................................................................................................... v
Patents ............................................................................................................................ v
EU declaration of conformity .......................................................................................... vi
WEEE directive .............................................................................................................. vi
REACH regulation .......................................................................................................... vi
Product marking ............................................................................................................. vi
FCC information to user (USA only)............................................................................... vi
Safety .............................................................................................................................vii
Information to the user .............................................................................................vii
Information for the machine supplier .......................................................................vii
Warnings ........................................................................................................................vii
Equipment operation .....................................................................................................xiv
APCA-45 system
Introduction ............................................................................................................... 1
Interface unit
Installing the interface unit ........................................................................................ 4
........................................................................................................................ 3
ii Contents (continued)
Specication ........................................................................................................................ 5
Preparing the machine for APCA-45 for installation
Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 8
Acceptable orientation of the APCA-45 ..........................................................................9
Connecting the APCA-45 to an HSI interface and the CNC ............................................10
Connecting the APCA-45 to an HSI-C interface and the CNC ....................................... 11
Probe inhibit function
Pneumatic options
Introduction ................................................................................................................... 13
Dual Air – air bleed........................................................................................................14
.......................................................................................................................... 7
........................................................ 8
............................................................................................................ 13
Dual Air – air bleed (circuit 1) .................................................................................15
Operation sequence (circuit 1)................................................................................16
Dual Air – air bleed (circuit 2) .................................................................................17
Operation sequence (circuit 2)................................................................................18
Connecting the APCA-45 .......................................................................................20
Mounting the APCA-45 to the machine ..................................................................20
Fitting the stylus ...................................................................................................... 21
iiiContents (continued)
Stylus alignment ................................................................................................................22
Stylus level setting ........................................................................................................22
Operating procedure
To operate the APCA-45 ............................................................................................... 24
Service and Maintenance
Service .......................................................................................................................... 25
Maintenance .................................................................................................................25
Cleaning instructions .....................................................................................................26
Parts list
....................................................................................................................... 27
......................................................................................................... 24
Before you begin
© 2019 Renishaw plc. All rights reserved.
This document may not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, or transferred to any other media or language, by any means, without the prior written permission of Renishaw plc.
The publication of material within this document does not imply freedom from the patent rights of Renishaw plc.
Renishaw part no: H-6596-8500-01-B
Issued: 04.2019
Trade marks
RENISHAW and the probe symbol used in the
RENISHAW logo are registered trade marks of Renishaw plc in the United Kingdom and other countries. apply innovation and names and designations of other Renishaw products and technologies are trade marks of Renishaw plc or its subsidiaries.
All other brand names and product names used in this document are trade names, trade marks, or registered trade marks of their respective owners.
vBefore you begin (continued)
Equipment requiring attention under warranty must be returned to your equipment supplier.
Unless otherwise specically agreed in writing between
you and Renishaw, if you purchased the equipment from a Renishaw company, the warranty provisions contained in Renishaw’s CONDITIONS OF SALE apply. You should
consult these conditions in order to nd out the details of
your warranty but, in summary, the main exclusions from the warranty are if the equipment has been:
• neglected, mishandled or inappropriately used; or
• modified or altered in any way except with the prior written agreement of Renishaw.
If you purchased the equipment from any other supplier,
you should contact them to nd out what repairs are
covered by their warranty.
Changes to equipment
Renishaw reserves the right to change specications
without notice.
CNC machines
CNC machine tools must always be operated by fully trained personnel in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
Care of the APCA-45
Keep system components clean (for more information see “Service and maintenance” on page 25).
Patents pending.
Before you begin (continued)
EU declaration of conformity
Renishaw plc declares under its sole responsibility that the APCA-45 is in conformity with all relevant Union legislation.
The full text of the EU declaration of conformity is available at:
WEEE directive
The use of this symbol on products and/or accompanying documentation indicates that the product should not be mixed with general household waste upon disposal. It is the responsibility of the end user to dispose of this product at a designated collection point for waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) to enable reuse or recycling. Correct disposal of this product will help to save valuable resources and prevent potential negative effects on the environment. For more information, please contact your local waste disposal service or distributor.
REACH regulation
Information required by Article 33(1) of Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 (“REACH”) relating to products containing substances of very high concern (SVHCs) is available at:
Product marking
Please refer to markings on the product for year of manufacture.
FCC information to user (USA only)
47 CFR Section 15.19
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
1. This device may not cause harmful interference, and
2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
47 CFR Section 15.21
The user is cautioned that any changes or modications,
not expressly approved by Renishaw plc or authorised representative, could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment
Before you begin (continued)
47 CFR Section 15.105
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with this installation guide, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference, in which case you will be required to correct the interference at your own expense.
Information to the user
In all applications involving the use of machine tools or CMMs, eye protection is recommended.
Information for the machine supplier
It is the machine supplier’s responsibility to ensure that the user is made aware of any hazards involved during operation, including those mentioned in Renishaw product literature, and to ensure that adequate guards and safety interlocks are provided.
Under certain circumstances, the probe signal may falsely indicate probe seated condition. Do not rely on probe signals to halt the movement of the machine.
The automatic probe cover (APCA-45) system must
be installed by a competent person, observing relevant safety precautions. Before starting work, ensure that the machine tool is in a safe condition with the power
switched OFF and the power supply to the HSI or HSI-C
The following residual risks of this device need to be managed to an acceptable level by the integrator:
• Noise levels: this device emits noise as an essential
part of its operation and has been measured at
• Pinch point: when this device operates there is a
pinching hazard between the stylus cube and the cover
• Care must be taken when installing or cleaning the
product inside the machine tool to ensure sharp objects are avoided.
• Ejection of debris: when air bleed is activated debris
(including metal particles) can be ejected from the cover
Before you begin (continued)
• Installation of this pneumatically powered device presents foreseeable pneumatic and mechanical hazards so should only be installed by a competent person.
• The noise level, pinch point and air bleed hazards identified above will need to be managed during maintenance of the machine or this device.
General warnings
GB - safety
• In all applications involving the use of machine tools or CMMs, eye protection is recommended.
• Remove power before performing any maintenance operations.
• It is the machine supplier’s responsibility to ensure that the user is made aware of any hazards involved in operation, including those mentioned in Renishaw product documentation, and to ensure that adequate guards and safety interlocks are provided.
• Under certain circumstances the probe signal may
falsely indicate a probe-seated condition. Do not rely
on probe signals to stop machine movement.
• The expected method of providing an emergency stop for Renishaw products is to remove power.
BG - Раздел по безопасност
Препоръчва се защита на очите във всички
приложения, включващи използване на машини
или CMM.
• Преди извършване на всякакви операции по
поддръжката да се изключва захранването.
• Отговорност на доставчика на машината е
да гарантира, че на потребителя са обяснени
всякакви рискове по време на работа,
включително онези, упоменати в документацията
на продуктите Renishaw и да гарантира
осигуряване на съответни предпазители и
обезопасителни блокировки.
• При определени обстоятелства сигналът от
пробника може да посочва фалшиво състояние
на опрян пробник. Да не се разчита на сигналите
от пробника за спиране движението на машината.
• Очакваният метод за осигуряване на аварийно
спиране за продуктите Renishaw е да се изключи
CS - Upozornění
Při jakékoli práci s obráběcími stroji nebo souřadnicovými měřicími stroji (CMM) je doporučeno používat ochranu očí.
Before you begin (continued)
Před započetím jakékoliv údržby zařízení odpojte napájení.
Povinností dodavatele stroje je informovat uživatele o nebezpečích spojených s provozem i o nebezpečích zmiňovaných v dokumentaci k produktům společnosti Renishaw a zajistit dostatečné ochranné a bezpečnostní systémy.
Za určitých okolností může signál sondy nesprávně označovat klidový stav sondy. Nevyužívejte signály sondy jako hlavní impuls pro zastavování stroje.
Předpokládaným způsobem nouzového zastavení produktů společnosti Renishaw je odpojení napájení.
DA - Sikkerhed
I alle tilfælde, hvor der anvendes værktøjs- og koordinatmålemaskiner, anbefales det at bære beskyttelsesbriller.
• Afbryd strømforsyningen, før der foretages vedlige­holdelse.
• Det er maskinleverandørens ansvar at sikre, at bru­geren er bekendt med eventuelle risici i forbindelse med driften, herunder de risici, som er nævnt i Ren­ishaws produktdokumentation, og at sikre, at der er tilstrækkelig afskærmning af sikkerhedsblokeringer.
• Under visse omstændigheder kan sondesignalet ved en fejl angive, at sonden står stille. Stol ikke på, at probesignaler vil stoppe maskinens bevægelse.
• Den forventede metode til nødstop af Renishaw produkter er afbrydelse strømforsyningen.
EL - Ασφάλεια
Σε όλες τις εφαρμογές που συνεπάγονται τη χρήση
εργαλείων μηχανημάτων και εξαρτημάτων CMM,
συνιστάται η χρήση συσκευής προστασίας των
Αποσυνδέστε το μηχάνημα από το ηλεκτρικό
ρεύμα πριν επιχειρήσετε οποιεσδήποτε εργασίες
Αποτελεί ευθύνη του προμηθευτή του μηχανήματος
να εξασφαλίσει ότι ο χρήστης είναι ενήμερος για
τυχόν κινδύνους που συνεπάγεται η λειτουργία,
συμπεριλαμβανομένων όσων αναφέρονται στα
εγχειρίδια του προϊόντος της Renishaw. Είναι
επίσης ευθύνη του να εξασφαλίσει ότι υπάρχουν
τα απαιτούμενα προστατευτικά καλύμματα και οι
συνδέσεις ασφαλείας.
Υπό ορισμένες συνθήκες το σήμα του ανιχνευτή
μπορεί να υποδεικνύει λανθασμένη ένδειξη
τοποθέτησης του ανιχνευτή. Μη βασίζεστε στα
σήματα ανιχνευτή για τη διακοπή της κίνησης του
Before you begin (continued)
Η αναμενόμενη μέθοδος διακοπής έκτακτης ανάγκης
για τα προϊόντα Renishaw είναι η αποσύνδεσή τους
από το ηλεκτρικό ρεύμα.
ET - Ohutusosa
• Masina ja materjalidega töötamisel on alati soovitav kanda silmade kaitset.
• Enne hooldustoimingute teostamist ühendage seade alati vooluvõrgust lahti.
• Masina tarnija vastutuseks on tagada, et kasutajat teavitatakse masina tööga kaasnevatest ohtud­est, kaasa arvatud need ohud, mida on mainitud Renishaw toote dokumentides, ning samuti tagada, et masinaga oleks kaasas korrektsed kaitsepiirded ja turvalukud.
• Teatud tingimustel võib sondi signaal ekslikult näida­ta, nagu oleks sond paigale asetunud. Ärge lähtuge masina liikumise peatamisel sondi signaalidest.
• Esmaseks masina hädaseiskamise meetodiks Ren­ishaw toodete puhul on elektritoite katkestamine.
FI - Turvallisuus
• Silmäsuojainten käyttö on suositeltavaa kaikkia työstökoneita ja koordinaattimittauskoneita (CMM) käytettäessä.
• Katkaise virta ennen huoltotoimenpiteiden suorit-
• Koneen toimittajan vastuulla on, että käyttäjä on
saanut tiedon mahdollisista käyttöön liittyvistä vaar­oista mukaan lukien Renishaw’n tuoteselosteessa mainitut vaarat. Konetoimittajan tulee myös var­mistaa, että suojukset ja turvalukitukset ovat riittävät.
• Tietyissä olosuhteissa anturilta tuleva signaali
saattaa virheellisesti osoittaa, että mitta-anturi on lepotilassa (=ei-kosketuksessa). Älä pysäytä koneen
liikettä mittapään signaalien perusteella.
Renishaw-tuotteiden hätäpysäytys tehdään taval-
lisesti kytkemällä virta pois päältä.
IRL - Rannóg sábháilteachta
Moltar cosaint do na súile i ngach aon fheidhmiú lena mbaineann úsáid uirlisí meaisín nó CMM.
Bain an chumhacht de sula ndéantar aon oibríochtaí cothabhála.
Is í freagracht sholáthraí an mheaisín í a chinntiú go gcuirtear an t-úsáideoir ar an eolas i leith aon ghuaiseacha a bhaineann leis an oibriúchán, lena n-áirítear iad siúd a luaitear i gcáipéisíocht táirge Renishaw, agus a chinntiú go soláthraítear sciatha cosanta agus idirghlais sábháilteachta leordhótha-
Before you begin (continued)
Féadtar toisc bhréagach tóireadóra-shuite a léiriú i roinnt cúinsí le comhartha an tóireadóra féin. Ná bí ag brath ar chomharthaí tóireadóra le gluaiseacht an mheaisín a stopadh.
Is é an modh a bhítear ag dúil le stop éigeandála a sholáthar do tháirgí Renishaw ná an chumhacht a bhaint díobh.
HU - Figyelem
Szerszámgépek és KMG-ek használata során aján­latos szemvédőt viselni.
Mielőtt bármilyen karbantartási művelet végezne, kapcsolja ki a berendezést.
A gép szállítója felelős azért, hogy felhívja a felhasználó figyelmét az üzemeltetéssel kapcsola­tos veszélyforrásokra, ideértve az illető Renishaw termék dokumentációjában ismertetetteket is, és hogy gondoskodjon a megfelelő védőburkolatok és biztonsági reteszelések meglétéről.
Bizonyos körülmények között a mérőtapintó azt jelezheti, hogy a mérőtapintó felfeküdt a mérendő objektumon, noha ez nincs így. Ezért a gép mozgásának leállításakor nem szabad a mérőtapintó
jeleire hagyatkozni.
A Renishaw termékek vészleállításának elvárt mód-
szere a berendezés kikapcsolása.
HR - Sigurnosnim
Kod svih primjena koje uključuju upotrebu alatnih strojeva ili CMM-ova preporučuje se zaštita očiju.
Isključite napajanje prije provođenja bilo kakvih radova održavanja.
Dobavljač stroja dužan je osigurati da korisnik bude upozoren na sve opasnosti tijekom rada, uključujući
one navedene u dokumentaciji proizvoda Renishaw,
te mora osigurati odgovarajuće zaštite i sigurnosne
Pod određenim okolnostima signal sonde može
lažno pokazivati stanje položaja sonde.
Očekivana metoda omogućavanja zaustavljanja u nuždi za proizvode Renishaw je isključenje napa-
LV - Drošības sadaļa
• Pie visiem darbiem, kuros tiek izmantotas darba
iekārtas vai koordinātu mērīšanas ierīces, ieteicams aizsargāt acis.
Atvienojiet no strāvas pirms jebkuru apkalpošanas darbu veikšanas.
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