Renishaw probes and associated systems are precision tools used for obtaining precise measurements
and must therefore be treated with care.
Renishaw reserves the right to improve, change or modify its hardware or software without incurring any
obligations to make changes to Renishaw equipment previously sold.
Renishaw plc warrants its equipment for a limited period (as set out in our Standard Terms and
Conditions of Sale) provided that it is installed exactly as defined in associated Renishaw documentation.
Prior consent must be obtained from Renishaw if non-Renishaw equipment (e.g. interfaces and/or
cabling) is to be used or substituted. Failure to comply with this will invalidate the Renishaw warranty.
Claims under warranty must be made from authorised Service Centres only, which may be advised by
the supplier or distributor.
Features of Renishaw’s ACR3 autochange rack system and associated equipment are the subjects of
the patents and patent applications listed below:
EP 0142373
EP 0293036
EP 0243766
EP 0388993
EP 0392660
EP 0392699
EP 0544854
EP 0501710
EP 0750171
EP 0826136
EP 242747 B
EP 548328 B
JP 2,098,080
JP 2,510,804
JP 2,545,082
JP 2,539,824
JP 2,994,422
JP 3,018,015
JP 3,101,322
JP 501,776/1994
JP 503,652/1994
JP 505,622/1999
US 4651405
US 4813151
US 4817362
US 5,084,981
US 5,088,337
US 5,339,535
US 5,323,540
US 5,345,689
Page 3 of 45ACR3 installation and user's guide
US 5,404,649
US 5,505,005
US 5,918,378
TW UM-099300
Renishaw plc declare that the product: -
Name: ACR3
Description: Autochange rack
Part no. A-5036-0005
Complies with directive:
2006/42/EC Machinery
Complies with standards
Page 4 of 45ACR3 installation and user's guide
BS EN 292-1:1991+ A1:2009 Safety of machinery - Basic concepts, general principles for design: -
BS EN 292-2:1991+ A1:2009 Part 1. Basic terminology, methodology.
Part 2. Technical principles and specifications.
The person authorised to compile the technical file and issue the declaration of conformity is:
Mark Acres
Compliance Manager
Renishaw plc, New Mills, Wotton-under-Edge,
Gloucestershire, GL12 8JR, United Kingdom
Page 5 of 45ACR3 installation and user's guide
Pinch hazards exist between moving parts and between moving and static parts. Do not hold the probe
head during movements, or during manual probe changes.
In all applications involving the use of machine tools or CMMs, eye protection is recommended.
Beware of unexpected movement. The user should remain outside of the full working envelope of Probe
Head/Extension/Probe combinations.
Remove power before performing any maintenance operations.
For instructions regarding the safe cleaning of Renishaw products, refer to the Maintenance section of
the relevant product documentation.
It is the machine supplier’s responsibility to ensure that the user is made aware of any hazards involved
in operation, including those mentioned in Renishaw product documentation, and to ensure that
adequate guards and safety interlocks are provided.
L’effet de pincement dû au mouvement des pièces mobiles entre elles ou avec des pièces fixes présente
des dangers. Ne pas tenir la tête du palpeur lorsqu’elle se déplace ou que le palpeur est changé à la
Le port de lunettes de protection est recommandé pour toute application sur machine-outil et MMC.
Attention aux mouvements brusques. L'utilisateur doit toujours rester en dehors de la zone de sécurité
des installations multiples Tête de Palpeur/Rallonge/Palpeur.
Mettre la machine hors tension avant d'entreprendre toute opération de maintenance.
Les conseils de nettoyage en toute sécurité des produits Renishaw figurent dans la section
MAINTENANCE de votre documentation.
Il incombe au fournisseur de la machine d’assurer que l’utilisateur prenne connaissance des dangers
d’exploitation, y compris ceux décrits dans la documentation du produit Renishaw, et d’assurer que des
protections et verrouillages de sûreté adéquats soient prévus.
Zwischen beweglichen und zwischen beweglichen und statischen Teilen besteht eine Einklemmgefahr.
Den Meßtasterkopf nicht anfassen, wenn er sich bewegt oder wenn ein manueller Meßtasterwechsel
durchgeführt wird. Bei der Bedienung von Werkzeugmaschinen oder Koordinatenmeßanlagen ist
Augenschutz empfohlen.
Auf unerwartete Bewegungen achten. Der Anwender sol sich immer außerhalb des Meßtasterkopf-Arm-
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Meßtaster-Bereichs aufhalten.
Bevor Wartungsarbeiten begonnen werden, muß erst die Stromversorgung getrennt werden.
Anleitungen über die sichere Reinigung von Renishaw-Produkten sind in Kapitel MAINTENANCE
(WARTUNG) in der Produktdokumentation enthalten.
Es obliegt dem Maschinenlieferanten, den Anwender über alle Gefahren, die sich aus dem Betrieb der
Ausrüstung, einschließlich der, die in der Renishaw Produktdokumentation erwähnt sind, zu unterrichten
und zu versichern, daß ausreichende Sicherheitsvorrichtungen und Verriegelungen eingebaut sind.
Tra le parti in moto o tra le parti in moto e quelle ferme esiste effettivamente il pericolo di farsi del male
pizzicandorsi. Evitare di afferrare la testina della sonda quando è in moto, oppure quando si effettuano
spostamenti a mano.
Si raccomanda di indossare occhiali di protezione in applicazioni che comportano macchine utensili e
macchine per misurare a coordinate.
Fare attenzione ai movimenti inaspettati. Si raccomanda all'utente di tenersi al di fuori dell’involucro
operativo della testina della sonda, prolunghe e altre varianti della sonda.
Prima di effettuare qualsiasi intervento di manutenzione, isolare dall’alimentazione di rete.
Per le istruzioni relative alla pulizia dei prodotti Renishaw, fare riferimento alla sezione MAINTENANCE
(MANUTENZIONE) della documentazione del prodotto.
Il fornitore della macchina ha la responsabilità di avvertire l’utente dei pericoli inerenti al funzionamento
della stessa, compresi quelli riportati nelle istruzioni della Renishaw, e di mettere a disposizione i ripari di
sicurezza e gli interruttori di esclusione.
Existe el peligro de atraparse los dedos entre las distintas partes móviles y entre partes móviles e
inmóviles. No sujetar la cabeza de la sonda mientras se mueve, ni durante los cambios manuales de la
Se recomienda usar protección para los ojos en todas las aplicaciones que implican el uso de máquinas
herramientas y máquinas de medición de coordenadas.
Tener cuidado con los movimientos inesperados. El usuario debe quedarse fuera del grupo operativo
completo compuesto por la cabeza de sonda/extensión/sonda o cualquier combinación de las mismas.
Quitar la corriente antes de emprender cualquier operación de mantenimiento.
Para instrucciones sobre seguridad a la hora de limpiar los productos Renishaw, remitirse a la sección
titulada MAINTENANCE (MANTENIMIENTO) en la documentación sobre el producto.
Corresponde al proveedor de la máquina asegurar que el usuario esté consciente de cualquier peligro
que implica el manejo de la máquina, incluyendo los que se mencionan en la documentación sobre los
productos Renishaw y le corresponde también asegurarse de proporcionar dispositivos
Page 7 of 45ACR3 installation and user's guide
de protección y dispositivos de bloqueo de seguridad adecuados.
Figo de constrição entre peças móveis e entre peças móveis e estáticas. Não segurar a cabeça da
sonda durante o movimento ou durante mudanças manuais de sonda.
Em todas as aplicações que envolvam a utilização de máquinas-ferramenta e CMMs, recomenda-se
usar protecção para os olhos.
Tomar cuidado com movimento inesperado. O utilizador deve permanecer fora do perímetro da área de
trabalho das combinações Cabeça da Sonda/ Extensão/ Sonda.
Desligar a alimentação antes de efectuar qualquer operação de manutenção.
Para instruções relativas à limpeza segura de produtos Renishaw, consultar a secção MAINTENANCE
(MANUTENÇÃO) da documentação do produto.
É responsabilidade do fornecedor da máquina assegurar que o utilizador é consciencializado de
quaisquer perigos envolvidos na operação, incluindo os mencionados na documentação do produto
Renishaw e assegurar que são fornecidos resguardos e interbloqueios de segurança adequados.
Der er risiko for at blive klemt mellem bevægelige dele og mellem bevægelige og statiske dele. Hold ikke
sondehovedet under bevægelse eller under manuelle sondeskift.
I alle tilfælde, hvor der anvendes værktøjs- og koordinatmålemaskiner, anbefales det at bære
Pas på uventede bevægelser. Brugeren bør holde sig uden for hele
sondehovedets/forlængerens/sondens arbejdsområde.
Afbryd strømforsyningen, før der foretages vedligeholdelse.
Se afsnittet MAINTENANCE (VEDLIGEHOLDELSE) i produktdokumentationen for at få instruktioner til
sikker rengøring af Renishawprodukter.
Det er maskinleverandørens ansvar at sikre, at brugeren er bekendt med eventuelle risici i forbindelse
med driften, herunder de risici, som er nævnt i Renishaws produktdokumentation, og at sikre, at der er
tilstrækkelig afskærmning og sikkerhedsblokeringer.
Er is risico op klemmen tussen de bewegende onderdelen onderling en tussen bewegende en nietbewegende onderdelen. De sondekop tijdens beweging of tijdens manuele sondeveranderingen niet
Het dragen van oogbescherming wordt tijdens gebruik van machinewerktuigen en CMM’s aanbevolen.
Oppassen voor onverwachte beweging. De gebruiker dient buiten het werkende signaalveld van de
Page 8 of 45ACR3 installation and user's guide
Sondekop/Extensie/Sonde combinaties te blijven.
Voordat u enig onderhoud verricht dient u de stroom uit te schakelen.
Voor het veilig reinigen van Renishaw produkten wordt verwezen naar het hoofdstuk MAINTENANCE
(ONDERHOUD) in de produktendocumentatie.
De leverancier van de machine is ervoor verantwoordelijk dat de gebruiker op de hoogte wordt gesteld
van de risico’s die verbonden zijn aan bediening, waaronder de risico’s die vermeld worden in de
produktendocumentatie van Renishaw. De leverancier dient er tevens voor te zorgen dat de gebruiker is
voorzien van voldoende beveiligingen en veiligheidsgrendelinrichtingen.
Risk för klämning existerar mellan rörliga delar och mellan rörliga och stillastående delar. Håll ej i
sondens huvud under rörelse eller under manuella sondbyten.
Ögonskydd rekommenderas för alla tillämpningar som involverar bruket av maskinverktyg och CMM.
Se upp för plötsliga rörelser. Användaren bör befinna sig utanför arbetsområdet för
Koppla bort strömmen innan underhåll utförs.
För instruktioner angående säker rengöring av Renishaws produkter, se avsnittet MAINTENANCE
(UNDERHÅLL) i produktdokumentationen.
Maskinleverantören ansvarar för att användaren informeras om de risker som drift innebär, inklusive de
som nämns i Renishaws produktdokumentation, samt att tillräckligt goda skydd och säkerhetsförreglingar
Liikkuvien osien sekä liikkuvien ja staattisten osien välillä on olemassa puristusvaara. Älä pidä kiinni
anturin päästä sen liikkuessa tai vaihtaessasi anturia käsin.
Kaikkia työstökoneita ja koordinoituja mittauskoneita (CMM) käytettäessä suositamme silmäsuojuksia.
Varo äkillistä liikettä. Käyttäjän tulee pysytellä täysin anturin pään/jatkeen/anturin yhdistelmiä suojaavan
toimivan kotelon ulkopuolella.
Kytke pois sähköverkosta ennen huoltotoimenpiteitä.
Renishaw-tuotteiden turvalliset puhdistusohjeet löytyvät tuoteselosteen MAINTENANCE (HUOLTOA)
koskevasta osasta.
Koneen toimittaja on velvollinen selittämään käyttäjälle mahdolliset käyttöön liittyvät vaarat, mukaan
lukien Renishaw’n tuoteselosteessa mainitut vaarat. Toimittajan tulee myös varmistaa, että toimitus
sisältää riittävän määrän suojia ja lukkoja.
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Υπάρχι κίνδυνος πιασίματος μεταξύ των κινούμενων μερών όπως και μεταξύ των κινούμενων και
στατικών μερών. Δεν πρέπει να κρατείτε την κεφαλή του ανιχνευτή κατά την κίνηση ούτε και κατά τη
διάπκεια χειροκίνητων αλλαγών του ανιχνευτή.
Σε όλες τις εφαρμογές που συνεπάγονται τη χρήση εργαλείων μηανημάτων και εξαρτημάτων CMM,
συνιστάται η χρήση συσκευής
Προσοχή – κίνδυνος απροσδόκητων κινήσεων. Οι χρήστες πρέπει να παραμένουν εκτός του χώρου που
επηρεάζεται από όλους τους συνδυασμούς λειτουρμίας της κεφαλής τοθ ανιχνευτή, της προέκτασης και
του ανιχνευτή.
Αποσυνδέστε το μηχάνημα από το ηλεκτρπικό ρεύμα προτού επιχειρήσετ τυχόν εργασίες.
προστασίας των ματιών.
Για οδηγίες που αφορούν τον ασφαλή καθαρισμό των
MAINTENANCE (ΣΥΝΤΗΡΗΣΗ) στο διαφωτιστικό υλικ του προϊόντος.
προϊόντων Renishaw βλέπετε το κεφάλαιο
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This guide contains information relating to the installation and operation of Renishaw’s ACR3
(autochange rack) system.
This guide takes a step by step approach to fitting, aligning and datuming the rack as well as providing
operational and troubleshooting guidance.
System integration and software routines recommended for the successful implementation of the ACR3
are also provided.
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Renishaw’s ACR3 is a four port rack that facilitates fast, automatic probe exchange without the need for
probe re-qualification. The ACR3 is a four port mechanical design that traverses the MRS rail. Driven by
the motion of the CMM, it locks and unlocks the autojoint between the probe and the probe head. In
addition, the ACR3 provides covered storage and protection for up to eight probes and extension bars
(two four port systems can be linked to provide an eight port system).
Mounted within the CMM’s working envelope, the ACR3 is combined with the modular rack system
(MRS) to form an automatic change rack for probes and extension bars that incorporate the Renishaw
autojoint. Each rack port is of modular design to permit easy replacement should wear occur during the
operational life of the ACR3.
Fast probe exchange cycles are achieved by the probe head docking the original probe and selecting a
new one. The autochange system consists of a four port autochange rack (ACR3) and the modular rack
system (MRS) as shown below.
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The autojoint (shown below) is a highly repeatable kinematic joint, one half of which is attached to the
probe head, the other half to a probe, extension bar or adapter.
Locking and unlocking of the autojoint is achieved either manually, using an autojoint key, or
automatically, using the autochange rack system. In all cases, the repeatability of the autojoint eliminates
the need for probe requalification after each probe exchange.
The MRS is the common mounting platform for the ACR3, SCP600 (stylus change port for SP600) and
FCR25 (flexible change rack for SP25M). It is available in a number of different overall lengths and
heights. For a detailed explanation of this system, please refer to the MRS installation and user’s guide
(part no. H-1000-5088).
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