RX Family MPC Module Using Firm ware Integration Technology Application
This applicati on note describes the Multi-Functi on Pi n Controller (MPC) module which uses Firm ware
Integration Technology (FIT). This module uses MPC to control the routing of a function to a pin. In this
document, this module is referred to as the MPC FIT module.
Target Devices
• RX110, RX111, RX113 Groups
• RX130 Group
• RX13T Group
• RX230 Group
• RX231 Group
• RX23T Group
• RX23W Group
• RX23E-A Group
• RX24T Group
• RX24U Group
• RX64M Group
• RX651, RX65N Groups
• RX66T Group
• RX66N Group
• RX71M Group
• RX72T Group
• RX72M Group
• RX72N Group
When using this appli c ation note with other Renesas MCUs, caref ul ev aluation is recommended after m aki ng
modificati ons to c om ply with t he alternate MCU.
Target Compilers
• Renesas Electronics C/C++ Compiler Package for RX Family
• GCC for Renesas RX
• IAR C/C++ Compiler for Renesas RX
For details of the confirmed operation contents of each compiler, refer to “6.1 Confirmed Operation
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RX Family MPC Mod ule Using Firmware Integration Technology
1.1 MPC FIT Module ................................................................................................................................ 4
1.2 Overview of the MPC FIT Modul e ....................................................................................................... 4
1.3 API Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 4
2. API Information ........................................................................................................................ 5
2.12 Callback Function .............................................................................................................................. 7
2.13 Adding the FIT Module to Your Project ............................................................................................... 7
2.14 “for”, “while” and “do while” statem ents ............................................................................................... 8
3. API Function s .......................................................................................................................... 9
Related Technical Updates ........................................................................................................... 23
Revision History ............................................................................................................................ 24
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RX Family MPC Mod ule Using Firmware Integration Technology
Sets the function of a pin.
Reads the function c onfiguration of a pin.
Returns the current v er si on of t his module.
1. Overview
1.1 MPC FIT Module
The MPC FIT module can be used by being im plem ented in a project as an API. See section 2.13, Adding
the FIT Module to Your Project f or details on methods to implement this FIT module into a project.
1.2 Overview of the MPC FIT Module
Modern MCUs have continued to add more peripherals while still maintaining relatively low pin counts. When
this occurs, each pin will have multiple functions allocated to it. On RX MCUs, the routing of a f unction to a
pin is controlled by the Multi-Function Pin Controller. This driver abstracts this func tionality allowing use of
the same pin definitions from the r_gpio_rx module.
1.3 API Overview
Table 1.1 lists the API functions included in this module.
Table 1.1 API Functi ons
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RX Family MPC Mod ule Using Firmware Integration Technology
2. API Informa ti o n
This FIT module has been confirmed to operate under the following conditions.
2.1 Hardware Requirements
The MCU used must support the following functions:
2.2 Software Requirements
This driver is dependent upon the following FIT modules:
Renesas Board Support Package (r_bsp) v5.20 or higher
General Purpose Input/Out put Driver (r_gpio_rx)
2.3 Limitations
2.3.1 RAM Location Limitations
In FIT, if a value equivalent to NULL is set as the pointer argument of an API function, error might be
returned due to parameter check. Therefore, do not pass a NULL equivalent value as pointer argument to an
API function.
The NULL value is defined as 0 because of the library function specifications. Theref or e, the above
phenomenon would occur when the variable or functi on passed to the API function pointer argum ent is
located at the start addres s of RA M (address 0x0). In this case, change the section settings or prepare a
dummy variable at t he top of the RAM so that the vari able or function passed to the API function pointer
argument is not located at address 0x0.
In the case of the CCRX project (e2 studio V7.5.0), the RAM start addr ess is set as 0x4 t o pr ev ent the
variable from bei ng loc ated at address 0x0. In the case of the GCC project (e2 studio V7.5.0) and IAR
project (EWRX V4. 12.1), the start address of RAM is 0x0, so the abov e measures are necessary.
The default settings of the section may be changed due to the IDE version upgrade. P lease check the
section setti ngs when using t he latest IDE.
2.4 Supported Toolch ai n
This driver has been confirmed to work with the toolc hain listed in 6.1, Confirmed Operati on E nv ir onm ent.
2.5 Interrupt Vector
2.6 Header Files
All API calls and thei r supporting interface defi nitions are located in “r_mpc_rx_if.h”.
2.7 Integer Types
This project uses ANSI C99. These types are def ined in stdint. h.
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RX Family MPC Mod ule Using Firmware Integration Technology
Config ur a tion opti ons in r_ m pc _ r x _ c onfig.h
= 1: Include parameter checking in the buil d.
checking from the build.
ROM, RAM and Stack Code Sizes
Renesas Compiler
2.8 Configuration Overview
The configuration option settings of this module are located in r_mpc_rx_config.h. The option names and
setting val ues are listed in the table below:
= 0: Omit parameter checking from the buil d.
Use the system default setting.
Note: Code size can be reduc ed by excluding parameter
2.9 Code Size
Typical code sizes associated with this module are listed below.
The ROM (code and constants) and RAM ( global data) sizes are determined by the build-time configuration
options described i n 2.8, Configuration Overview. The table lists ref er enc e v alues when the C c om piler’s
compile options are set to their default values, as described in 2.4, Support ed Toolchain. The compile option
default values are opt im iz ation level: 2, optimizati on type: for size, and data endianness: little-endian. The
code size varies dependi ng on the C compiler version and compile options.
This section describes the parameter struc ture used by the API functions in this module. T he str uc ture is
located in r_mpc _rx_if.h as are the prototype declarations of API functions.
2.10.1 MPC Pin Configuration
This data struct ur e is used f or confi gur ing a pin’s function. To find vali d settings for pin_function, ref er to t he
Multi-Function Pin Controller (MPC) section of your MCU’s hardware manual . Select the Pin Function
Control Register for the port that y our pi n is on. On thi s page you will fi nd a table with available functi ons for
each pin on the selected port .
/* Options for configuring the MPC register of a pin. */
typedef struct
uint8_t pin_function; //Which peripheral function is assigned to this pin
bool irq_enable; //This pin is used as IRQ pin
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RX Family MPC Mod ule Using Firmware Integration Technology
bool analog_enable; //This pin is used as ADC input, DAC output, or for
} mpc_config_t;
2.11 Return Values
This section describes return values of API functions. This enumerati on is l oc ated in r_mpc_rx_if.h as are the
prototype declarations of API functions.
Below are the available return values for the R_MPC_Write( ) function.
/* Function return type. */
typedef enum
MPC_ERR_INVALID_CFG, // The configuration specified cannot be applied to
// this pin
} mpc_err_t;
2.12 Callback Function
2.13 Adding the F IT Module to Your Project
This module must be added to each pr ojec t in which it is used. Renesas recommends the method usi ng the
Smart Configurator described in (1) or (3) below. However, the Smart Configurator only support s some RX
devices. Please use the methods of (2) or (4) for RX devices that ar e not supported by the Smart
(1) Adding the FIT module to your project using the Smart Configur ator in e
By using the Smart Confi gur ator in e
Refer to “Renesas e
studio Sm art Configurator User Guide (R20A N0451) ” for details.
studio, the FIT module i s autom atically added to your project.
(2) Adding the FIT module to your project using the FIT Confi gur ator in e
By using the FIT Configurator in e
studio, the FIT module is automatically added to your project.
Refer to “Adding Fi rmware Integration Technol ogy Modules to Projects (R01AN1723)” for details.
(3) Adding the FIT module to your project using the Smart Configurator in CS+
By using the Smart Confi gur ator Standalone version in CS+ , t he FIT m odule is automatically added
to your project. Ref er to “Renesas e
studio Sm art Configurator User Guide (R20AN0451) ” for
(4) Adding the FIT module to your project in CS+
In CS+, please manually add the FIT module to your project. Refer to “Adding Firmware Integration
Technology Modules to CS + P r ojec ts (R01AN1826)” for details.
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RX Family MPC Mod ule Using Firmware Integration Technology
2.14 “for”, “while” and “do while” statements
In this module, “for ”, “ while” and “do while” statem ents (l oop pr oc essing) ar e used i n pr oc es si ng to wait for
register to be reflected and so on. For these loop processing, comments with “WAIT_LOOP” as a keyword
are described. Ther efore, if user incorpor ates fail-safe processing int o loop pr oc essing, user can search the
corresponding proce ssing with “WAIT_LOOP” .
The following shows example of description.
while statement example :
/* The delay period needed is to make sure that the PLL has stabilized. */
for statement example :
/* Initialize reference counters to 0. */
for (i = 0; i < B SP_R EG_PROT ECT _T OT AL_ITEM S; i++)
g_protect_counters[i] = 0;
do while statement ex am ple :
/* Reset completion waiting */
reg = phy_ read(et her_ch an n el, PHY_REG _C O N T R O L);
} while ((reg & PHY_CONTROL_RESET) && (count < ETHER_CFG_PHY_DELAY_RESET)); /* WAIT_LOOP */
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RX Family MPC Mod ule Using Firmware Integration Technology
3. API Functions
This function sets the function of a pin.
mpc_err_t R_MPC_Write (
gpio_port_pin_t pin,
mpc_config_t * pconfig
gpio_port_pin_t pin
Whic h pi n to configure.
mpc_config_t *pconfig
Pointer to structure with pin configuration information. See section 2.10.1, MPC Pin Configuration.
Return Values
[MPC_SUCCESS] /* Successful; pin configured. */
[MPC_ERR_INVALID_CFG] /* Err or ; invalid c onfiguration input */
Prototyped in file “r_mpc_rx_if.h”
This function will c onfigure a pin based on the information in the mpc _c onfig_t structure. Not all pins support
the same functionality . F or example, not all pins are able to be configured as anal og pins for ADC or DAC
use. Also, not all combinations of functionali ty are capable. For example, a pin cannot be configured as an
analog pin and for peripheral use at the same time.
To see what functions are available for a pin, refer to the Mult i-Function Pin Controller (MPC) secti on of your
MCU’s hardware manual. Select the Pin Function Control Register for the port that your pin is on. On this
page you will find a table with available functions for each pi n on the selec ted port.
Which pin is to be configured by this function is defined using the gpio_port_pin_t type fr om the r _gpio_rx
mpc_config_t config;
gpio_port_pin_t pin;
/* Set PE0 to be used as analog pin for ADC. */
pin = GPIO_PORT_E_PIN_0;