Renesas RSSKRX23E-A Application Note

Application Note
PC Tool Program Operation Manual
This document is an operation manual of the PC tool program (called the PC tool below) that is connected to the Renesas Solution Starter kit for RX23E-A (called RSSKRX23E-A below) board for operation. For details on the MCU, refer to " RX23E-A Group User’s Manual: Hardware ".
The PC tool is used in combination with the included firmware for RX23E-A.
Target Device
RSSKRX23E-A board
1. Overview ................................................................................................................................. 3
1.1 System Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Operating Environment ........................................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Conditions for Operation Confirmation .................................................................................................... 4
1.4 File Configuration .................................................................................................................................... 4
1.5 Installation and Uninstallation .................................................................................................................. 4
1.5.1 Installation and Execution ..................................................................................................................... 4
1.5.2 Uninstallation ......................................................................................................................................... 4
1.6 Modification from the previous version. ................................................................................................... 5
1.7 Reference Documents ............................................................................................................................. 5
2. Explanation of Functions ......................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Menu Bar ................................................................................................................................................. 7
2.2 Operation Buttons.................................................................................................................................... 7
2.2.1 Connection ............................................................................................................................................ 8
2.2.2 Calibration ............................................................................................................................................. 9
2.3 WaveForm Tab ...................................................................................................................................... 10
2.3.1 Graphical Display Area ........................................................................................................................ 10
2.3.2 Operation Buttons ............................................................................................................................... 11
2.3.3 Setting Area ......................................................................................................................................... 12
2.4 Histogram Tab ....................................................................................................................................... 13
2.4.1 Graphical Display Area ........................................................................................................................ 13
2.4.2 Operation Buttons ............................................................................................................................... 14
2.4.3 Setting Area ......................................................................................................................................... 15
2.5 Registers Tab ........................................................................................................................................ 16
2.5.1 AFE and DSAD Block Diagram ........................................................................................................... 17
2.5.2 Operation Buttons ............................................................................................................................... 18
2.5.3 Register Value Displaying Area ........................................................................................................... 18
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RSSKRX23E-A PC Tool Program Operation Manual
2.6 SINC4 Tab ............................................................................................................................................. 19
2.6.1 Operation Buttons ............................................................................................................................... 20
2.6.2 SINC4 Filter Frequency-Gain Characteristic Graph ............................................................................ 20
2.6.3 Setting Area ......................................................................................................................................... 21
2.7 Application Tab ...................................................................................................................................... 22
2.7.1 Graphical Display Area ........................................................................................................................ 22
2.7.2 Operation Buttons ............................................................................................................................... 23
2.7.3 Setting Area ......................................................................................................................................... 24
3. File Specification ................................................................................................................... 25
3.1 Configuration File .................................................................................................................................. 25
3.2 A/D Conversion Value File .................................................................................................................... 27
3.3 Register Setting File .............................................................................................................................. 28
3.4 Measurement Value File ....................................................................................................................... 30
4. Communication Specification ................................................................................................. 31
4.1 Serial Communication Settings ............................................................................................................. 31
4.2 Sequence .............................................................................................................................................. 31
4.3 Packet Structure .................................................................................................................................... 32
4.4 Commands ............................................................................................................................................ 33
4.4.1 Negotiation .......................................................................................................................................... 33
4.4.2 Read .................................................................................................................................................... 34
4.4.3 Write .................................................................................................................................................... 34
4.4.4 Run ...................................................................................................................................................... 34
4.4.5 Stop ..................................................................................................................................................... 34
4.4.6 Data Transmission .............................................................................................................................. 35 Rev.1.0 .............................................................................................................................................. 35 Rev.2.0 .............................................................................................................................................. 35
4.4.7 Extra Information (Rev.2.0) ................................................................................................................. 35
Revision History ............................................................................................................................ 36
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RSSKRX23E-A PC Tool Program Operation Manual

1. Overview

1.1 System Overview

This PC tool performs serial communication with the RSSKRX23E-A board (called the EVB below) by USB connection to set the registers of the AFE and DSADs of RX23E-A on the board, control operation of the AFE and DSADs, and obtain and display A/D conversion values for up to twelve channels. In addition, the PC tool obtains and displays measurement values of the sample programs in the measurement example application notes.
The main functions are listed below.
(1) Performs the following operations with serial communication through the EVB by USB connection.
Checks the connection with the EVB.
Obtains and sets RX23E-A register values.
Requests the EVB to start and stop A/D conversion.
Obtains A/D conversion values. (A/D conversion performs the continuous scan mode)
(2) Analyzes and displays the obtained A/D conversion values as follows.
Displays a waveform of the A/D conversion values.
Analyzes and displays a histogram of the A/D conversion values.
Displays various measurement results.
(3) Obtains and sets AFE and DSAD register setting values.
Selects and specifies register parameters in a block diagram.
Displays the register setting values for parameters.
Displays a SINC4 filter frequency-gain characteristic graph based on register setting values.
Figure 1-1 PC Tool Program
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RSSKRX23E-A PC Tool Program Operation Manual
Evaluation board
RSSKRX23E-A board RTK0ESXB10C00001BJ
Intel Core i5-6300U @ 2.40 GHz
8.00 GB
OS Microsoft Windows 10 64-bit 1083
.NET Framework 4.7.2
File name
PC tool executable file
Firmware for RX23E-A (Motorola-S format)
This document

1.2 Operating Environment

OS: Microsoft Windows 10 (32/64 bits)
.NET Framework 4.7.2

1.3 Conditions for Operation Confirmation

The operation of this PC tool has been confirmed under the following conditions.
able 1-1 Conditions for Operation Confirmation

1.4 File Configuration

The file configuration of this PC tool is as follows.
Table 1-2 File Configuration
Note: The PC tool is used in combination with the included firmware for RX23E-A.

1.5 Installation and Uninstallation

1.5.1 Installation and Execution

To operate the PC tool, the following items may be required.
USB Serial Port driver On the EVB, FTDI USB serial conversion IC FT232 is mounted. If the system requests the driver o
onnecting the EVB with USB, download the driver file from the FTDI website (
c and install it.
Microsoft .NET Framework If the PC tool does not start, download .NET Framework version 4.7.2 or later from the Microsoft website
and install it.
No special procedure is required for installing the PC tool. Execute the executable file stored on the PC.

1.5.2 Uninstallation

Delete the executable file and configuration file (RSSK23EA.ini).
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RSSKRX23E-A PC Tool Program Operation Manual

1.6 Modification from the previous version.

Major modification from Version 1.0 is listed below.
(1) WaveForm Tab
Simultaneous display of multiple channel waveform
Channel selection display in Dump Dialog
The update of A/D conversion value file format and the readout of the previous version file.
(2) Histogram Tab: Specification change to support the channel function
Addition of selection function for histogram display.
Change of Bin value in Dump Dialog to median of each Bin.
(3) Registers Tab
Support the channel function.
Addition of the readout function for the built-in temperature sensor coefficient.
(4) Application Tab: Function enhancement to support up to 12chs.
Simultaneous display of waveform for up to 12chs.
Support time axis which is the horizontal axis of the graph (depending on information from FW)
Display of channel selection of Dump Dialog
The update of the measurement value file format and the readout of the previous version file.
(5) Others
Modification to the calibration per channel to support the channel function.
WaveForm Tab : Function enhancement to support the channel function.
Addition of the register to support the register setting file.
Enhancement of the communication specifications

1.7 Reference Documents

R20UT4542 RSSKRX23E-A User's Manual
R01UH0801 RX23E-A Group User's Manual: Hardware
R01AN4747 Application Note RX23E-A Group Example of Temperature Measurement using
R01AN4788 Application Note RX23E-A Group Example of Temperature Measurement using Resistance Temperature Detector
R01AN4789 Application Note RX23E-A Group Example of Weight Measurement using Load Cell
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RSSKRX23E-A PC Tool Program Operation Manual
Item/area name
Menu bar
There are four menus: "File", "Display", "Setting", and "About".
Operation buttons
The "Connect/Disconnect" and "Calibration" buttons are provided, which are independent of the functions of each tab.
Function screen
Five function screens, "WaveForm", "Histogram", "Registers", "SINC4" and “Application”, are available. To display a desired screen, click the corresponding tab.
Menu bar
Operation button
Function screen

2. Explanation of Functions

The screen of the PC tool consists of three areas. Figure 2-1 and Table 2-1 show the screen configuration.
Table 2-1 Screen Items and Areas
Figure 2-1 Screen Configuration
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RSSKRX23E-A PC Tool Program Operation Manual
Exits the application.
Displays the WaveForm Tab.
Displays the Histogram Tab.
Displays the Registers Tab.
Displays the SINC4 Tab.
Displays the Application Tab.
Connect/ Disconnect
Corresponds to the "Connect/Disconnect" button. Starts or ends serial communication according to the conditions set in the "Configure" menu.
Corresponds to the "Calibration" button. Performs calibration.
Displays the dialog box for setting communication with the EVB (selecting a COM port and setting a baud rate).
Displays the version information in the dialog box.
Connects or disconnects serial communication with the EVB according to the settings
Performs calibration of DSAD.

2.1 Menu Bar

Select a menu item to manipulate a file, select a function, make settings, and display application information.
Table 2-2 explains menus and menu items.
Table 2-2 Items on the Menu Bar

2.2 Operation Buttons

Use the corresponding buttons to connect to the EVB and calibrate DSAD. Table 2-3 explains the buttons.
Table 2-3 Operation Buttons
made in the "Configure" menu.
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RSSKRX23E-A PC Tool Program Operation Manual
PC Tool

2.2.1 Connection

Follow the procedure below to establish a connection in order to operate the EVB from the PC Tool.
1. Connect the PC and EVB with a USB cable. Figure 2-2 shows a connection diagram. For details on
the board setting, refer to "RSSKRX23E-A User's Manual: Board".
2. Execute RSSK23EA.exe.
3. Select "Setting" > "Configure" from the menu bar to display the "ConnectSetting" dialog box (Figure
4. Set communication-related items in the "ConnectSetting" dialog box.
"COM Port" combo box: Select a COM port used for communication. "BaudRate" input field: Enter 3000000.
5. Click the "OK" button to close the "ConnectSetting" dialog box.
6. Click the "Connect" operation button to establish the connection.
Figure 2-2 System Connection Diagram
Figure 2-3 ConnectSetting Dialog Box
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RSSKRX23E-A PC Tool Program Operation Manual
After establishing a connection with the EVB, specify the register setting on Registers and SINC4
Click the "Calibration" operation button to start the calibration procedure.
In "Select channel, input and Fill in reference voltage
Following "A/D value acquisition", "input and Fill in
Following "AD value acquisition / Calculation", the
If an error occurs in the calibration procedure,

2.2.2 Calibration

Use the "Calibration" button to calculate the values of the gain of the A/D conversion and offset correction registers based on the A/D conversion result of two types of input voltage. The gain correction of the calibration result contains the correction of digital filter gain depending on the SINC4 settings.
The Calibration performs for each channel of DSAD unit. Calibration can be performed interactively in the displayed dialog box as follows:
Tabs according to the use conditions.
1", select a channel of DSAD unit for which to perform calibration, enter the reference voltage 1 which inputs to the pin, and click the "Next" button.
reference voltage 2", enter the reference voltage 2 which inputs to the pin and click the "Next" button.
calibration result appears. Click the "OK" button to reflect the values in "Gain/Offset Correction" on the SINC4 Tab and “CGR and OFCR” on the Registers Tab. To apply the values to the device, check the checkboxes of GCR and OFCR, and click "Set" on the Registers Tab.
Click the "Cancel" button to discard the calibration result and terminate calibration.
"Calculation Error" appears.
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RSSKRX23E-A PC Tool Program Operation Manual

2.3 WaveForm Tab

WaveForm Tab obtains A/D conversion values from the EVB with serial communication and display a waveform graph. In addition, it is possible to save the obtained A/D conversion values in a file, and read saved A/D conversion values to display a graph.
A/D conversion values can be measured during up to 1 hour with the output data rate of 15625 SPS.
The WaveForm Tab consists of the following three areas as shown in Figure 2-4.
1. Graphical display area
2. Operation buttons
3. Setting area
Figure 2-4 WaveForm Tab Screen

2.3.1 Graphical Display Area

In this area, A/D conversion values are displayed as a waveform. The horizontal axis indicates the time, the vertical axis indicates the conversion value. The value displayed on each axis depends on the settings in the "X-Axis" or "Y-Axis" group in the setting area.
The graph is updated to the latest values when the scroll bar is positioned at the right end while A/D conversion values are being obtained from the EVB.
Note: Display update may be suppressed to prioritize obtaining A/D conversion value. During suppression,
the graph and measurement value are not updated. Suppression condition can be specified by “UpdateRestriction” parameter in the “WaveForm” section of the configuration file. Refer to “0
Configuration File” in detail.
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RSSKRX23E-A PC Tool Program Operation Manual
Obtains or stops A/D conversion values when the connection with the EVB is established.
the button"Run" will be displayed.
Reads a saved A/D conversion value file. This button is disabled during A/D conversion. When a saved file is read, the A/D conversion values being held are discarded.
Saves all A/D conversion values being held in a file. This button is disabled during A/D conversion.
Displays a list of A/D conversion values of the channel of DSAD unit in the "WaveDump"
When this dialog box is open, the tabs cannot be switched.

2.3.2 Operation Buttons

Use the operation buttons to start and stop A/D conversion, save and read A/D conversion values from a file, and display the conversion values in a list.
Table 2-4 explains the operation buttons.
Table 2-4 WaveForm Tab Operation Buttons
When "Run" is displayed on the button, clicking the button will start A/D conversion and "Stop" button will be displayed. The obtained A/D conversion values are displayed in a graph.
When "Stop" is displayed on the button, clicking the button will stop A/D conversion and
dialog box shown in Figure 2-5.The displayed channel of unit can be switched. The list can be copied in range selection as the CSV format by using CTRL+C. The dialog box cannot be opened during A/D conversion.
Figure 2-5 WaveDump Dialog Box
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RSSKRX23E-A PC Tool Program Operation Manual
A/D Converter
Select the channel of DSAD unit for which to display A/D conversion values.
Displays the maximum A/D conversion value of the selected channel of DSAD unit.
The display is
Displays the minimum A/D conversion value of the
Displays the average A/D conversion value of the selected channel of DSAD unit.
Displays the ENOB of the A/D conversion values of the
Displays the number of all samples of A/D conversion values of the selected channel of DSAD unit
Displays the data rate of the selected channel of DSAD unit.
CHm (m=0 ~ 5)
Select the each DSAD channel which is displayed in the graph.
Displays the each DSAD channel voltage on the vertical axis with V/div. The X-Axis
Time Top
Set the left limit of the horizontal axis of the displayed graph in milliseconds.
Time Width
Set the width of the horizontal axis of the displayed graph in milliseconds.
Y-Axis Sample MAX
Set the maximum value of the vertical axis of the displayed graph in decimal.
Sample MIN
Set the minimum value of the vertical axis of the displayed graph in decimal.

2.3.3 Setting Area

Use the setting area to set items related to the graphical display and display various measurement values of the A/D conversion values. Table 2-5 explains the items.
Table 2-5 WaveForm Tab Setting Area
stopped according to the condition
selected channel of DSAD unit.
selected channel of DSAD unit.
during A/D conversion obtainment.
voltage is calculated from each voltage which is set at “Voltages” on the Registers Tab.
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