Renesas RH850/E2UH User Manual

ser’ s Manual
Rev. 1.10 Nov 2019
User's Manual
All information contained in these materials, including products and product specifications,
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the RH850/E2UH and
represents information on the product at the time of publication and is subject to change by Renesas Electronics Corp. without notice. Please review the latest information published by Renesas Electronics Corp. through various means, including the Renesas Electronics Corp.


on of
1. Descriptions of circuits, software and other related information in this document are provided only to illustrate the operati semiconductor products and application examples. You are fully responsible for the incorporation or any other use of the circuits, software, and i nformation i n the desi gn of your produc t or syste m. Renesa s Electr onics discla ims any and al l liabilit y for any loss es and damages incurred by you or third par ties arising from the use of these circuits, software, or information.
2. Renesas Elec tronics hereby expr essly discla ims any warranties against and liability for infringement or any other clai ms involving patents, copyrights, or other intellectual prop erty rights of third part ies, by or arising from the use of Renesas Electronics pr oducts or technical information described in this document, including but not limited to, the product data, drawings, charts, programs, algorithms, and application examples.
3. No license, expr ess, impli ed or otherwi se, is gra nted hereb y under an y patents , copyright s or other intell ectual prop erty rights of Renesas Electronics or others.
4. You shall not alter , modify, copy, or revers e engineer any Renes as Electr onics product , whether in whole or in part. Renesas Electronics disclaims any and all liability for any losses or damages incurred by you or third parties arising from such alteration, modification, copying or reverse engineering.
5. Renesas Electroni cs products are cla ssified accordi ng to the following two qua lity grades: “Sta ndard” and “High Quali ty”. The intended applications for each Renesas Electronics product depends on the product’s quality grade, as indicated below. “Standard”: Computers; office equipment; communications equipment; test and measurement equipment; audio and visual equipment;
home electronic appliances; machine tools; personal electronic equipment; industrial robots; etc.
“High Quality”: Transportation equipment (automobiles, trains, ships, etc.); traffic control (traffic lights); large-scale communication
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6. When using Renesas Elect roni cs product s, r efer to t he lates t product informa tion ( data sheet s, user ’s manu als, applica tion not es, “Genera l Notes for Handling a nd Using Semic onductor Devices ” in the relia bility handbook, etc.), and ens ure that usage c onditions are w ithin the ranges specified by Renesas Electronics with respect to maximum ratings, operating power supply voltage range, heat dissipation characterist ics, insta llation, etc. Renesa s Electr onics dis claims any and a ll liabi lity for any ma lfunct ions, fa ilure or acc ident aris ing out of the use of Renesas Electronics products outside of such specified ra nges.
7. Although Renesa s Electroni cs endeavors to imp rove the qual ity and relia bility of Renes as Electroni cs products, semiconductor products have specific cha racteristics, such as the occurrenc e of failure at a certain rate and malf unctions under certain use conditi ons. Unless designated as a high reliability product or a product for harsh environments in a Renesas Electronics data sheet or other Renesas Electronics document, Renesa s Elect ronics produc ts are not s ubject t o radiation res istance des ign. You are r esponsib le for implement ing safety measures to gua rd aga ins t the pos sibi lity of b odil y injur y, injur y or da mage c aus ed by fir e, a nd/or d anger t o the p ublic in the e vent of a failure or malf unction of Renesas Elec tronics pr oducts, s uch as safety design for hardware a nd softwar e, including b ut not limit ed to redundancy, fire control and malfunction prevention, appropriate treatment for aging degradation or any other appropriate measures. Because the e valuat ion of mic roc omputer s oft ware a lone is very dif fi cult and imp ract ical, you are res pons ibl e for eval uat ing the s afet y of the final products or systems manufactured by you.
8. Please contact a Renesas El ectronics sa les office f or details as to environmenta l matters such as the en vironmental compatibility of each Renesas Elec tronic s produc t. Y ou are r esp onsibl e for c aref ully and s uff icient ly inves ti gati ng appl icab le laws and r egulat ions that regula te the inclusion or use of controlled substances, including without limitation, the EU RoHS Directive, and using Renesas Electronics products in compl iance with all these applicab le laws and regul ations. Renesa s Electr onics disclai ms any and all liab ility for damages or losses occurring as a result of your nonc ompliance wi th applicable laws and regulations.
9. Renesas Electr oni cs pr oduc ts and t echnol ogi es s ha ll not be us ed f or or incorp or ated i nt o any pr oduc ts or s ystems whos e manuf act ur e, us e, or sale is pr ohibited under a ny applica ble domestic or foreign laws or regulati ons. You shall comply with an y applicabl e export contr ol laws and regulations promulgated and administered by the governments of any countries asserting jurisdiction over the parties or transactions.
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12. Please conta ct a Renesas Electronics sales of fice if you have any questions rega rding the information contained in this document or Renesas Electronics products .
(Note 1) “Renesas Electr onics” as used in t his document mea ns Renesas Electronics C orporation a nd also includes its direc tly or indirectl y
controlled subsidiaries.
(Note 2) “Renesas Electronics product(s)” means any product developed or manufactured b y or for Renesas Elect ronics.
(Rev.4.0-1 November 2017)


IE850A Emulator RTE0T0850AKCT00000J
E2 Emulator, IE850A Emulator Additional Document for User’s Manual
The emulation adapter is an emulation board which is designed for use with RH850 family MCUs from Renesas Electronics Corporation.
All components that come with the emulation adapter are listed under “1.1 Package Components”. If you have any questions about the emulation adapter, contact your local distributor.
This user’s manual is mainly to describe the specifications of the emulation adapter. For the specifications of the exchange adapters, refer to appendix A, Specifications of the Exchange Adapter, in this document.
For information on emulator debuggers and related products, please see the user’s manuals, additional documents for user’s manuals, and application notes provided for the individual products. When you use an emulator from another company for debugging, be sure to read the user’s manual for the given emulator.
Related Documents
Name of Document Document No.
User’s Manual E2 Emulator RTE0T00020KCE00000R User’s Manual
(Notes on Connection of RH850/E2x Series)
Note: The contents of the related documents listed above may be changed without prior notice. Be sure to use
the latest versions of the documents, which can be downloaded from “Software and Tools” on the Renesas Web page.


Before using this product, be sure to read this user’s manual carefully.
Keep this user’s manual, and refer to it when you have questions about this product.
Purpose of use of this product:
This product is for the support of the development of systems that use RH850-family MCUs from Renesas. It provides support for system development in both software and hardware.
Be sure to use this product correctly according to said purpose of use. Please avoid using this product other than for its intended purpose of use.
For those who use this product:
This product can only be used by those who have carefully read the user’s manual and know how to use it.
Use of this product requires basic knowledge of electric circuits, logical circuits, and MCUs.
When using the product: (1) This product is a development-support unit for use in your program development and evaluation stages. When
a program you have finished developing is to be incorporated in a mass-produced product, the judgment as to whether it can be put to practical use is entirely your own responsibility, and should be based on evaluation of the device on which it is installed and other experiments.
(2) In no event shall Renesas Electronics Corp. be liable for any consequence arising from the use of this product. (3) Renesas Electronics Corp. strives to provide workarounds for and correct trouble with products malfunctions,
with some free and some incurring charges. However, this does not necessarily mean that Renesas Electronics Corp. guarantees the provision of a workaround or correction under any circumstances.
(4) The product covered by this document has been developed on the assumption that it will be used for program
development and evaluation in la boratories. Therefore, it does not f a ll w ithin the scope of applicability o f the Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Law and protection against electromagnetic interference when used in Japan.
(5) Renesas Electronics Corp. cannot predict all possible situations and possible cases of misuse that carry a
potential for danger. Therefore, the warnings in this user's manual and the warning labels attached to the product do not necessarily cover all such possible situations and cases. The customer is responsible for correctly and safely using this product.
(6) The product covered by this document has been through the process of checking conformance with the
standards indicated in section 1.3, Regulatory Compliance Notices. This fact must be taken into account when the product is taken from Japan to another country.
(7) Renesas Electronics Corp. will not assume responsibility for direct or indirect damage caused by an
accidental failure or malfun c tion of this product.
When disposing of the product:
Penalties may be applicable for incorrect disposal of this waste, in accordance with your national legislation.
Usage restrictions:
The product has been developed as a means of supporting system development by users. Therefore, do not use it as an embedded device in other equipment. Also, do not use it to develop systems or equipment for use in the following fields.
(1) Transportation and vehi cul ar (2) Medical (equipment that has an involvement in human life) (3) Aerospace (4) Nuclear power control (5) Undersea repeaters
If you are considering the use of the product for one of the above purposes, please be sure to consult your local distributor.
About product changes:
We are constantly making efforts to improve the design and performance of this product. Therefore, the specification or design of this product, or this user's manual, may be changed without prior notice.
About rights: (1) We assume no responsibility for any damage or infringement on patent rights or any other rights arising from
the use of any information, products or circuits presented in this user’s manual.
(2) The information or data in this user’s manual does not implicitly or otherwise grant a license to patent rights
or any other rights belonging to Renesas or to a third party.
(3) This user’s manual and this product are copyrighted, with all rights reserved by Renesas. This user’s manual
may not be copied, duplicated or reproduced, in whole or part, without prior written consent from Renesas.
About diagrams:
Some diagrams in this user’s manual may differ from the objects they represent.
To avoid a possible danger, the following diagrammatic symbols are used to call your attention.

Precautions for Safety

This chapter describes the precautions which should be taken in order to use this product safely and properly. Be sure to read and understand this chapter before using this product. Contact your local distributor if you have any questions about the precautions described here.
WARNING indicates a potentially dangerous situation that will cause death or heavy wound unless it is avoided.
CAUTION indicates a potentially dangerous situation that will cause a slight injury or a medium-degree injury unless it is avoided.
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Warnings for AC Power Supply:
Do not repair or remodel the emulator product by yourself in order to prevent danger such
Warning for Modification:
Do not modify this produc t. Personal injury due to electric shock may occur if the product Warning for Installation:
Do not set this product in water or areas of high humidity. Make sure that the product does Warning for Use Temperature:
This product is to be used in an environment with a maximum ambient temperature of
as an electric shock or fire and for the sake of quality assurance. For after-sale services in case of a mechanical or electrical fault, please contact your local distributor.
Always switch of f the user system before connecting or disconnecting any connectors or cables. Neglecting to take this precaution may result in an electric shock or in this product emitting smoke or catching fire. Also, a us er pr ogram being debugged may be destroyed.
Make sure that the connectors and cables are connected in the correct directions. Neglect of this precaution will result in getting an electric shock or will result in this product
emitting smoke or catching fire.
is modified. Modifying the product will void your warranty.
not get wet. Spilling water or some other liquid into the product may cause un-repairable damage.
40°C. Care should be taken that this temperature is not exceeded.
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Cautions to Be Taken for Handling This Product:
Use caution when handling this product. Be careful not to apply a mechanical shock.
Caution to Be Taken for System Malfunctions:
If this product malfunctions because of interference like external noise, do the following to
Caution to Be Taken for Disposal:
Penalties may be applicable for incorrect disposal of this waste, in accordance with your
European Union Regulatory Notices:
The WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) regulations put responsibilities on
Do not operate switches before removing static electricity from the operator’s body. Doing so may lead to the discharge of static electricity and so damage the internal circuits. Also, do not directly touch connector pins.
When attaching and removing the cable, hold a fixture (such as a connector) to avoid pulling the cable.
remedy the trouble. (1) Exit the emulator debugger, and t urn off the emulator and the target system. (2) After a lapse of 10 seconds, turn on the power of this product again, then launch the
emulator debugger.
national legislation.
producers for the collection and recycling or disposal of electrical and electronic waste. Return of WEEE under these regulations is applicable in the European Union only. This equipment (including all accessories) is not intended for household use. After use the equipment cannot be disposed of as household waste, and the WEEE must be treated, recycled and disposed of in an environmentally sound manner. Renesas Electronics Europe GmbH can take back end of life equipment, register for this service at “”.
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Preface ........................................................................................................................................... 3
Important ....................................................................................................................................... 4
Precautions for Safety ................................................................................................................... 6
Contents ........................................................................................................................................ 9
Terminology ................................................................................................................................ 10
1. Outline ..................................................................................................................................... 11
1.1 Package Components ................................................................................................................................... 11
1.2 Product Specifications.................................................................................................................................. 12
1.3 Regulatory Compliance Notices .................................................................................................................. 13
2. Names and Functions of Hardware ......................................................................................... 15
2.1 Emulation Adapter (RTE7702012EAB00000J) ........................................................................................... 15
2.2 Base Board (RTE7702012EABBB000J) .................................................................................................. 20
2.3 34-Pi n to 14-Pi n Con vers i on A dapt er (RTE0T00020KCA30000J) ............................................................. 25
2.4 Power-Supply Cable .................................................................................................................................... 26
2.5 Demounting Lever ....................................................................................................................................... 27
3. System Configuration and Setup ............................................................................................ 28
3.1 System Configuration as a Simple Evaluation Board .................................................................................. 28
3.2 System Configuration as an Emulation Board ............................................................................................. 33
4. Notes ....................................................................................................................................... 39
4.1 Setting Option Bytes .................................................................................................................................... 39
4.2 Notes on Differences between the Actual Device and the Emulation Adapter ............................................ 39
5. Characteristics of Target Interface .......................................................................................... 41
6. Maintenance and Warranty ..................................................................................................... 42
6.1 Maintenance ................................................................................................................................................. 42
6.2 Warranty ...................................................................................................................................................... 42
6.3 Repair Provisions ......................................................................................................................................... 42
6.4 How to Request Repairs ............................................................................................................................... 43
Appendix A Specifications of the Exchange Adapter ............................................................. 44
Revision History ......................................................................................................................... 50
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Some specific words used in this user's manual are defined below.
Target device
This means the device to be emulated or debugged.
Debug chip
This means the device that emulates the operation of the target device and implements debugging facilities such as tracing.
Aurora tracing
Aurora is a high-speed communications protocol from Xilinx Inc. The debug chip is capable of using Aurora as a trace interface.
Target system
This means the user-created system whic h is to be debugged. This includes both hardware and software created by the user.
Emulation adapter
This is a board which emulates the device to be debugged. A debug chip is mounted on the board.
Base board
This board is for operating the emulation adapter as a stand-alone unit.
Exchange adapter
This is a board that exchanges the connections of the emulation adapter to suit the package of the target device.
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Emulation Adapter Outline

1. Outline

This product is an emulation adapter for the RH850/E2UH and E2H groups of MCUs from Renesas Electronics Corporation. Using this product with the separately sold exchange adapter enables emulation of the target device.
This product includes a debug chip (R7F702Z10AADBG) for the RH850/E2UH and E2H groups.
The combination of the emulation adapter connected to the base board included in the package is usabl e as a
simple evaluation board.
Using the emulation adapter with the exchange adapter allows connection to the target system and enables
emulation of the target device.
Connecting an emulator which supports Aurora tracing, such as the IE850A emulator (type name:
RTE0T0850AKCT00000J) from Renesas, enables debugging.
Using the attached 34-pin to 14-pin conversion connector enables connecting the emulation adapter to on-chip
debugging emulators and flash programmers, such as the E2 emulator (type name: RTE0T00020KCE00000R) from Renesas.
The emulation adapter can operate as a stand-alone unit, i.e. without connection t o an emulator.

1.1 Package Components

The package of this product consists of the following items. After you have unpacked the box, check if your emulation adapter contains all of these items.
Table 1-1 Package Components for the Emulation Adapter
Item Quantity
Emulation adapter: RTE7702012EAB00000J 1
Base board: RTE7702012EABBB000J 1
34-pin to 14-pin conversion adapter: RTE0T00020KCA30000J 1
Power-supply cable 1
Demounting lever 1
Jumper blocks for pin headers 5
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Emulation Adapter Outline
Device to be emulated
468-pin BGA: RH850/E2UH External dimension
Emulation adapter: 47 mm x 51 mm Operating temperature
0 to 40°C (no condensation)
EU: EN55032 Class A, EN55024

1.2 Product Specifications

Table 1-2 lists the specifications of this product.
Table 1-2 Product Spe cifications
468-pin BGA: RH850/E2H 373-pin BGA: RH850/E2H
Power supply for the emulation adapter 4.5 V min., 5.0 V typ., 5.5 V max.
Base board: 100 mm x 120 mm
Weight Emulation adapter: 22 g
Base board: 79 g
Storage temperature 15 to 60°C (no condensation)
USA: FCC part 15 Class A
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Emulation Adapter Outline
WARNING: This is a Class A product. This equipment can cause radio frequency noise when used

1.3 Regulatory Compliance Notices

European Union regulatory notices
This product complies with the following EU Directives. (These directives are only valid in the European Union.)
CE Certifications:
This product complies with the following European EMC standards.
EMC Directive (2014/30/EU)
EN 55032 Class A
in the residential area. In such cases, the user/operator of the equipment may be requ ir ed to take a ppropriate countermeasures under his responsibility.
EN 55024
Information for traceability:
Authorised representative & Manufacturer
Name: Renesas Electronics Corporation Address:
Person responsible for placing on the market
Name: Renesas Electronics Europe GmbH Address: Arcadiastrasse 10, 40472 Dusseldorf, Germany
Trademark and Type name
Trademark: Renesas
TOYOSU FORESIA, 3-2-24, Toyosu, Koto-ku, Tokyo, 135-0061, Japan
Product name: RH850/E2x-FCC2 Emulation adapter + Bas e board Type name: RTE7702012EAB00000J
Environmental Compliance and Certifications:
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equip ment (W EE E) Direc tiv e 201 2/1 9/EU
United States Regulatory notices on Electromagnetic compatibility
This product complies with the following EMC regulation. (This is only valid in the United States.)
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Emulation Adapter Outline
CAUTION: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for
FCC Certifications:
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
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Emulation Adapter Names and Functions of Hardwar e
(7) JP5
(10) LED
(3) CN2

2. Names and Functions of Hardware

This chapter describes the names and functions of each part of the emulation adapter and of the other items included with it. You can avoid damaging the product and affecting the system by reading this chapter with reference to the actual hardware.
Chapter 3 shows a list of the settings of hardware according to the system configuration (type of usage).

2.1 Emulation Adapter (RTE7702012EAB00000J)

An emulation adapter is an emulation board on which the debug chip is mounted. Using the emulation adapter with the exchange adapter allows connection to the target system. The emulation adapter can also be used as a simple evaluation board in combination with the attached base board.
(9) JP7
(13) Pin 1
Top view
(7) JP4
(8) JP6
Figure 2-1 Names of the Parts of the Emula tion Adapter (RTE7702012EAB00000J)
(6) JP3
(1) IC1
(5) JP1
(5) JP2
(12) JP8
(2) CN1
(4) X1
(11) Interfaces for the exchange adapter
Bottom view
(1) Debug chi p: IC1
IC1 is the debug chip (R7F702Z10AADBG), which can emulate target devices of the RH850/E2UH and E2H groups.
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Emulation Adapter Names and Functions of Hardwar e
1 2 TVCC (VCC)
5 6 TMS
(2) Connector for external tracing: CN1
CN1 is a connector for connection to emulators which support Aurora tracing, such as the IE850A emulator (type name: RTE0T0850AKCT00000J) f rom Renesas.
CN1 is a 34-pin connector from SAMTEC, the type name of which is ASP-137973-01. The table below lists the pin assignments.
Read the user's manual for the emulator you will be using and connect the emulator with this connector.
Table 2-1 Pin Assignments of the Connector for External Tracing
Signal Name Pin No. Pin No. Signal Name
GND 11 12 TRST
TODN2 15 16 EVTI
TODP3 19 20 MD1
GND 23 24 GND
(BREQ) 31 32 DRDY
(3) Power-supply connector: CN2
CN2 is connected to the power-supply cable that comes with this product or that come s with the IE850A. When a base board is connected and emulation RAM (ERAM) or external tracing (Aurora tracing) is used, be sure to connect the power-supply cable to CN2 and supply +5 V.
When disconnecting the power-supply cable from the emulation adapter, press the tabs on both sides of the CN1 connector of the power-supply cable to unlock the connector.
Applied voltage:
Make sure that the voltage applied to CN2 is within the specified range (4.5 V to 5.5 V). An applied voltage out of the range may cause the emulation adapter to emit smoke or
catch fire or otherwise be damaged.
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