Renesas Microcomputer Development Environment System
Stub Generator
User’s Manual
Revision Date: Mar. 17, 2008
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This manual describes how to use the stub generator. Read this manual and understand it well
before using the stub generator.
Notes on Descriptions
RPCGEN Abbreviation for the stub generator
Prefix Prefix 0x indicates a hexadecimal number. Numbers with no prefix are
\ ‘\’ is the directory delimiter.
[Menu -> Menu item] ‘->’ leads to the menu item (e.g. File -> Save).
$(xxxx) Custom placeholder in the High-performance Embedded Workshop
All trademarks and registered trademarks belong to their respective owners.
1. TRON is an acronym formed from "The Real Time Operating system Nucleus". ITRON is
short for "Industrial TRON" and µITRON is short for "Micro Industrial TRON".
TRON, ITRON, and µITRON are the names of computer specifications and do not indicate
specific products or groups of products.
The µITRON4.0 specification is an open realtime-kernel specification defined by the TRON
Association. The µITRON4.0 specification can be downloaded from the TRON Association
homepage (
The copyright of the µITRON specification belongs to the TRON Association.
2. Microsoft® and Windows® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United
States and/or other countries. The formal name of Windows® is Microsoft Windows Operating
3. All other product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of the respective holders.
Renesas Technology Homepage
Various support information are available on the following Renesas Technology homepage:
The stub generator (hereafter referred to as RPCGEN) is a tool used to generate the source code of
the client and server stubs that are required whenever the remote procedure call (RPC) facility of
the HI7200/MP realtime operating system is to be used. A config file is created by using a text
editor and then input to RPCGEN, which creates the source code of the client and server stubs.
C o n fig file
Source code of the client
and server stubs
Figure 1.1 Overview of RPCGEN
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Section 1 Overview
1.2 Operating Environment
RPCGEN is provided as a Perl script file. Table 1.1 shows the operating environment.
Table 1.1 Operating Environment
Item Operating Environment
Realtime OS HI7200/MP V.1.00 Release 00 or later
Perl environment We have confirmed correct execution of RPCGEN by ActivePerl (for Windows® (x86)) produced by ActiveState Software Inc.
ActivePerl is available for free download from the following Web site:
Host machine Any machine with Windows® XP (32 bits) or Windows® 2000 as the
operating system
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Section 2 Installation
Section 2 Installation
2.1 Downloading
RPCGEN can be downloaded for free from the Renesas Web site at the following URL.
2.2 Installing RPCGEN
The file for downloading has been compressed in the zip format. Expanding the zip file generates
the files listed in table 2.1. These files must be stored in a suitable folder.
Table 2.1 Files Provided as RPCGEN
Filename Description Main body of RPCGEN
Package modules for use by the main body of RPCGEN
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Section 2 Installation
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Section 3 Functions and Files Generated by RPCGEN
Section 3 Functions and Files Generated by RPCGEN
3.1 Functions Generated by RPCGEN
Figure 3.1 shows the functions generated by RPCGEN.
init ia lizatio n
init ialization
C lient-s t u b
fun ctio n
Figure 3.1 Functions Generated by RPCGEN
fun ctio n
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Section 3 Functions and Files Generated by RPCGEN
3.1.1 Client
(1) Client-initialization function
This function initiates the connection with the server. Specifying CLNT_NOINIT prevents the
creation of the client-initialization function.
(2) Client-shutdown function
This function ends the connection with the server. Specifying CLNT_NOSHUTDOWN prevents
the creation of the client-shutdown function.
(3) Client-stub functions
Each of these functions makes an RPC call and has the same API as or an API similar to the server
function. If SVRAUTH has not been specified, the API will be the same as that of the server
function. Specifying CLNTSTUB prevents the creation of a specific client-stub function.
3.1.2 Server
(1) Server-initialization function
This function starts up the server. Specifying SVR_NOINIT prevents the creation of the serverinitialization function.
(2) Server-shutdown function
This function shuts the server down. Specifying SVR_NOSHUTDOWN prevents the creation of
the server-shutdown function.
(3) Server-stub functions
Each of these functions is called back from the RPC library and then calls a server function.
Specifying SVRSTUB prevents the creation of a specific server-stub function, while specifying
SVRFUNC allows the name of the called server function to be replaced.
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Section 3 Functions and Files Generated by RPCGEN
3.2 Files Generated by RPCGEN
RPCGEN generates the files listed in table 3.1 in accord with the name of the config file.
Table 3.1 Files Generated by RPCGEN
Filename Description Definition of the File Location
<config file>_clnt.c Client-stub source file CLNTS option or
CLNT_SOURCEPATH in the config file
<config file>_clnt.h Client-stub header file
<config file>_private.h Internal header file for the
client stub
<config file>_svr.c Server-stub source file SVRS option or SVR_SOURCEPATH
<config file>_svr.h Server-stub header file SVRI option or SVR_INCPATH in the
<config file>_public.h Header file for the client and
server stubs
When the config file is “sample.x,” for example, RPCGEN will generate the following files:
sample_clnt.c, sample_clnt.h, sample_svr.c, sample_svr.h, sample_private.h, and sample_public.h.
the config file
in the config file
config file
PUBI option or PUB_INCPATH in the
config file
To temporarily save information during the process of file generation, RPCGEN also generates
intermediate files in the current directory. The names of these intermediate files consist of two
underscores (“__”) appended before the filenames given in the table above.
This file contains definitions required for use of the client-stub functions, client-initialization
function, and client-shutdown function. The definitions include prototype declarations of the
client-stub functions, client-initialization function, and client-shutdown function.
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Section 3 Functions and Files Generated by RPCGEN
(3) <config file>_private.h (internal header file for the client stub)
This is a header file included by <config file>_clnt.c only.
(4) <config file>_svr.c (server-stub source file)
This file contains the server-stub functions, server-initialization function, server-shutdown
function, and server-stub function table.
(5) <config file>_svr.h (server-stub header file)
This file contains definitions required for use of the server-initialization function and servershutdown function. The definitions include prototype declarations of the server-stub functions,
server-initialization function, and server-shutdown function.
(6) <config file>_public.h (header file for the client and server stubs)
This is a header file for the client and server applications. For details, refer to section 8.9, <config
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Section 4 Executing RPCGEN
Section 4 Executing RPCGEN
4.1 Executing RPCGEN
RPCGEN must be executed from the command prompt as follows.
<rpcgen path> is a path to the directory where RPCGEN has been installed.
<config file> refers to a file describing the specifications of the client and server stubs to be
generated. This file must be created by the user. The standard filename extension for the config
file is “.x”, which must not be omitted when the name is entered in a command line.
After execution of the above command, RPCGEN will generate the C-language source files and
header files for the client and server stubs in accord with the information contained in the config
If <config file> and <option> are omitted, the command syntax will be shown.
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Section 4 Executing RPCGEN
4.2 Options
4.2.1 PUBI
This option is used to specify the path for output of <config file>_public.h. If this option is used, a
definition of PUB_INCPATH in the config file is ignored.
4.2.2 CLNTS
This option is used to specify the path for output of <config file>_clnt.c. If this option is used, a
definition of CLNT_SOURCEPATH in the config file is ignored.
4.2.3 CLNTI
This option is used to specify the path for output of <config file>_clnt.h and
<config file>_private.h. If this option is used, a definition of CLNT_INCPATH in the config file
is ignored.
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Section 4 Executing RPCGEN
4.2.4 SVRS
This option is used to specify the path for output of <config file>_svr.c. If this option is used, a
definition of SVR_SOURCEPATH in the config file is ignored.
4.2.5 SVRI
This option is used to specify the path for output of <config file>_svr.h. If this option is used, a
definition of SVR_INCPATH in the config file is ignored.
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Section 4 Executing RPCGEN
4.3 Executing RPCGEN as a Build Phase in the High-performance
Embedded Workshop
After RPCGEN has been registered as a custom build phase in the workspace, it will be
automatically executed at the time of building.
(1) Defining Custom Placeholders
The following two custom placeholders must be defined.
• Path to RPCGEN
[Placeholder]: RPCGEN_INST
[Description]: RPCGEN Base directory
[Directory]: Directory under which RPCGEN is stored
• Path to Perl.exe
[Placeholder]: PERL_INST
[Description]: Perl Base directory
[Directory]: Directory under which perl.exe is stored
To define a custom placeholder, follow the procedure below.
Select [Setup->Customize] from the menu bar of the High-performance Embedded Workshop.
Then select the [Placeholders] tab of the [Customize] dialog box. Choose either [Application wide
custom placeholders] or [Workspace wide custom placeholders] and click on the [Add] button.
This opens the [New Custom Placeholder] dialog box shown in figure 4.1. Define the two custom
placeholders in this dialog box by filling in the information given above.
Figure 4.1 [New Custom Placeholder] Dialog Box
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Section 4 Executing RPCGEN
(2) Adding a File Extension
To make execution as a custom build phase work, the filename extension “.x” for config files must
be added as a filename extension to be used in custom build phases. Select [Project->File
Extensions] from the menu bar of the High-performance Embedded Workshop. This opens the
[File Extensions] dialog box shown in figure 4.2.
Figure 4.2 [File Extensions] Dialog Box
Clicking the [Add] button opens the [Add File Extension] dialog box shown in figure 4.3. Add the
extension “.x” as shown in the figure.
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Section 4 Executing RPCGEN
Figure 4.3 [Add File Extension] Dialog Box
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Section 4 Executing RPCGEN
(3) Creating the RPCGEN Custom Build Phase
Select [Build->Build Phases] from the menu bar of the High-performance Embedded Workshop.
This opens the [Build Phases] dialog box shown in figure 4.4.
Figure 4.4 [Build Phases] Dialog Box
Clicking on the [Add] button invokes the [New Build Phase] wizard (figure 4.5).
[Phase name]: Any name defined by the user (“rpcgen” in this example)
[Command]: $(PERL_INST)\perl.exe
[Default options]: -I $(RPCGEN_INST) $(RPCGEN_INST)\ $(FULLFILE)
[Initial directory]: $(FILEDIR)
Although no environment variables need to be added for RPCGEN, you can add environment
variables for the Perl environment as required.
Creation of the RPCGEN custom build phase is now complete.
Next, the syntax for messages about RPCGEN must be defined. After the syntax has been defined,
the corresponding config file (*.x) will be opened in response to double-clicking on an RPCGEN
error message output in the [Build] window of the High-performance Embedded Workshop.
In the [Build Phases] dialog box shown in figure 4.4, select “rpcgen” and click on the [Modify]
button. The [Modify rpcgen] dialog box opens. Select the [Output Syntax] tab and type in the
syntax for errors shown in figure 4.9.
Figure 4.9 [Add Output Syntax] Dialog Box
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Section 4 Executing RPCGEN
Now settings must be made so that the files output by RPCGEN will be deleted by
[Build->Clean Current Project] or [Build->Clean All Projects] from the High-performance
Embedded Workshop.
Select [Build->rpcgen] to open the [rpcgen Options] dialog box (figure 4.10). Select the [Output
Files] tab, check that the “RPCGEN config file” folder icon is active, and click on the [Add]
button. This opens the [Add Output File] dialog box, in which the names of the files output by
RPCGEN should be entered. For the filenames, refer to section 3.2, Files Generated by RPCGEN.
Figure 4.10 [rpcgen Options] Dialog Box
Figure 4.11 [Add Output File] Dialog Box
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Section 4 Executing RPCGEN
(4) Settings in the [Build Phases] Dialog Box
The created RPCGEN custom build phase is shown at the bottom of the [Build Phases] dialog box.
Use the [Move Up] button to move “rpcgen” so that it is above “SH C/C++ Library Generator.”