RENESAS M16C, M62P, M62PT User Manual

M16C/62P Group (M16C/62P, M16C/62PT)
Hardware Manual
Before using this material, please visit our website to verify that this is the most updated document available.
Rev.2.41 Revision Date:Jan 10, 2006
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These materials are intended as a reference to assist our customers in the selection of the Renesas Technology Corp. product best suited to the customer's application; they do not convey any license under any intellectual property rights, or any other rights, belonging to Renesas Technology Corp. or a third party.
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How to Use This Manual

1. Introduction
This hardware manual provides detailed information on th e M16C/62P Group (M16C/62P, M16C/62PT) of microcomputers. Users are expected to have basic knowledge of electric circuits, logical circuits and microcomputers.
2. Register Diagram
The symbols, and descriptions, used for bit function in each register are shown below.
XXX Register
b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0
Symbol Address After Reset XXX XXX 00h
Bit NameBit Symbol
Nothing is assigned.
When write, should set to “0”. When read, its content is indeterminate.
Reserved Bit
b1 b0
1 0: XXX 0 1: XXX 1 0: Avoid this setting 1 1: XXX
Must set to “0”
Function varies depending on each operation mode
0: XXX 1: XXX
Blank: Set to “0” or “1” according to the application 0: Set to “0” 1: Set to “1” X: Nothing is assigned
RW: Read and write RO: Read only WO: Write only
: Nothing is assigned
Reserved bit Reserved bit. Set to specified value.
Nothing is assigned Nothing is assigned to the bit concerned. As the bit may be use for future functions, set to “0” when writing to this bit.
Do not set to this value The operation is not guaranteed when a value is set.
Function varies depending on mode of operation Bit function varies depending on peripheral function mode. Refer to respective register for each mode.
3. M16C Family Documents
The following documents were prepared for the M16C family.
Document Contents Short Sheet Hardware overview Data Sheet Hardware overview and electrical characteristics Hardware Manual Hardware specifications (pin assignments, memory map s, peripheral
specifications, electrical characteristics, timing charts)
Software Manual Detailed description of assembly instructions and microcomputer
performance of each instruction
Application Note • Application examples of peripheral functions
• Sample programs
• Introduction to the basic functions in the M16C family
• Programming method with Assembly and C languages
RENESAS TECHNICAL UPDATE Preliminary report about the specifica tio n of a pr od u ct, a document,
1. Before using this material, please visit the our website to confirm that this is the most current document available.

Table of Contents

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1. Overview 1
1.1 Applications.................................................................................................1
1.2 Performance Outline ...................................................................................2
1.3 Block Diagram.............................................................................................5
1.4 Product List .................................................................................................7
1.5 Pin Configuration.......................................................................................14
1.6 Pin Description..........................................................................................25
2. Central Processing Unit (CPU) 30
2.1 Data Registers (R0, R1, R2 and R3).........................................................30
2.2 Address Registers (A0 and A1).................................................................31
2.3 Frame Base Register (FB) ........................................................................31
2.4 Interrupt Table Register (INTB).................................................................31
2.5 Program Counter (PC) ..............................................................................31
2.6 User Stack Pointer (USP) and Interrupt Stack Pointer (ISP).....................31
2.7 Static Base Register (SB)..........................................................................31
2.8 Flag Register (FLG)...................................................................................31
2.8.1 Carry Flag (C Flag).............................................................................31
2.8.2 Debug Flag (D Flag)...........................................................................31
2.8.3 Zero Flag (Z Flag)...............................................................................31
2.8.4 Sign Flag (S Flag)...............................................................................31
2.8.5 Register Bank Select Flag (B Flag)....................................................31
2.8.6 Overflow Flag (O Flag).......................................................................31
2.8.7 Interrupt Enable Flag (I Flag)..............................................................31
2.8.8 Stack Pointer Select Flag (U Flag).....................................................32
2.8.9 Processor Interrupt Priority Level (IPL) ..............................................32
2.8.10 Reserved Area....................................................................................32
3. Memory 33
4. Special Function Register (SFR) 34
5. Reset 40
5.1 Hardware Reset 1 .....................................................................................40
5.1.1 Reset on a Stable Supply Voltage......................................................40
5.1.2 Power-on Reset..................................................................................40
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5.2 Brown-out Detection Reset (Hardware Reset 2).......................................42
5.3 Software Reset..........................................................................................43
5.4 Watchdog Timer Reset.............................................................................43
5.5 Oscillation Stop Detection Reset...............................................................43
5.6 Internal Space. ..........................................................................................44
6. Voltage Detection Circuit 45
6.1 Low Voltage Detection Interrupt................................................................49
6.2 Limitations on Exiting Stop Mode.............................................................51
6.3 Limitations on Exiting Wait Mode..............................................................51
6.4 Cold Start-up / Warm Start-up Determine Function ..................................52
7. Processor Mode 54
7.1 Types of Processor Mode .........................................................................54
7.2 Setting Processor Modes..........................................................................55
8. Bus 59
8.1 Bus Mode..................................................................................................59
8.1.1 Separate Bus......................................................................................59
8.1.2 Multiplexed Bus..................................................................................59
8.2 Bus Control................................................................................................60
8.2.1 Address Bus.......................................................................................60
8.2.2 Data Bus.............................................................................................60
8.2.3 Chip Select Signal..............................................................................60
8.2.4 Read and Write Signals......................................................................63
8.2.5 ALE Signal..........................................................................................63
8.2.6 RDY Signal.........................................................................................64
8.2.7 HOLD Signal.......................................................................................65
8.2.8 8.2.8 BCLK Output .............................................................................65
8.2.9 External Bus Status When Internal Area Accessed ..........................67
8.2.10 Software Wait.....................................................................................68
9. Memory Space Expansion Function 72
9.1 1-Mbyte Mode ...........................................................................................72
9.2 4-Mbyte Mode ...........................................................................................72
9.2.1 9.2.1 Addresses 04000h to 3FFFFh, C0000h to FFFFFh..................72
9.2.2 9.2.2 Addresses 40000h to BFFFFh ..................................................72
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10. Clock Generation Circuit 82
10.1 Types of the Clock Generation Circuit.......................................................82
10.1.1 Main Clock..........................................................................................89
10.1.2 Sub Clock...........................................................................................90
10.1.3 On-chip Oscillator Clock.....................................................................91
10.1.4 PLL Clock...........................................................................................91
10.2 CPU Clock and Peripheral Function Clock................................................93
10.2.1 CPU Clock and BCLK.........................................................................93
10.2.2 Peripheral Function Clock (f1, f2, f8, f32, f1SIO, f2SIO, f8SIO,
f32SIO, fAD, fC32)..............................................................................93
10.3 Clock Output Function............................................................................... 93
10.4 Power Control............................................................................................94
10.4.1 Normal Operating Mode.....................................................................94
10.4.2 Wait Mode ..........................................................................................96
10.4.3 Stop Mode..........................................................................................98
10.5 System Clock Protection Function ..........................................................102
10.6 Oscillation Stop and Re-oscillation Detect Function................................103
10.6.1 Operation When CM27 bit = 0 (Oscillation Stop Detection Reset)...103
10.6.2 Operation When CM27 bit = 0 (Oscillation Stop and Re-oscillation
Detect Interrupt)................................................................................103
10.6.3 How to Use Oscillation Stop and Re-oscillation Detect Function.....104
11. Protection 105
12. Interrupt 106
12.1 Type of Interrupts....................................................................................106
12.2 Software Interrupts..................................................................................107
12.2.1 Undefined Instruction Interrupt.........................................................107
12.2.2 Overflow Interrupt.............................................................................107
12.2.3 BRK Interrupt....................................................................................107
12.2.4 INT Instruction Interrupt....................................................................107
12.3 Hardware Interrupts.................................................................................108
12.3.1 Special Interrupts..............................................................................108
12.3.2 Peripheral Function Interrupts..........................................................108
12.4 Interrupts and Interrupt Vector ................................................................109
12.4.1 Fixed Vector Tables..........................................................................109
12.4.2 Relocatable Vector Tables ...............................................................110
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12.5 Interrupt Control......................................................................................111
12.5.1 I Flag.................................................................................................113
12.5.2 IR Bit.................................................................................................113
12.5.3 ILVL2 to ILVL0 Bits and IPL .............................................................113
12.5.4 Interrupt Sequence...........................................................................114
12.5.5 Interrupt Response Time..................................................................115
12.5.6 Variation of IPL when Interrupt Request is Accepted.......................115
12.5.7 Saving Registers ..............................................................................116
12.5.8 Returning from an Interrupt Routine.................................................118
12.5.9 Interrupt Priority................................................................................118
12.5.10 Interrupt Priority Level Select Circuit................................................119
12.6 INT Interrupt............................................................................................120
12.7 NMI Interrupt ...........................................................................................121
12.8 Key Input Interrupt...................................................................................121
12.9 Address Match Interrupt..........................................................................122
13. Watchdog Timer 124
13.1 Count source protective mode................................................................125
14. DMAC 126
14.1 Transfer Cycles.......................................................................................132
14.1.1 Effect of Source and Destination Addresses....................................132
14.1.2 Effect of BYTE Pin Level..................................................................132
14.1.3 Effect of Software Wait.....................................................................132
14.1.4 Effect of RDY Signal.........................................................................132
14.2 DMA Transfer Cycles..............................................................................134
14.3 DMA Enable............................................................................................135
14.4 DMA Request..........................................................................................135
14.5 Channel Priority and DMA Transfer Timing.............................................136
15. Timers 137
15.1 Timer A....................................................................................................139
15.1.1 Timer Mode ......................................................................................144
15.1.2 Event Counter Mode.........................................................................146
15.1.3 One-shot Timer Mode.......................................................................151
15.1.4 Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Mode..............................................153
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15.2 Timer B....................................................................................................156
15.2.1 Timer Mode ......................................................................................159
15.2.2 Event Counter Mode.........................................................................160
15.2.3 Pulse Period and Pulse Width Measurement Mode.........................162
16. Three-Phase Motor Control Timer Function 165
17. Serial Interface 176
17.1 UARTi (i=0 to 2) ......................................................................................176
17.1.1 Clock Synchronous Serial I/O Mode.................................................189
17.1.2 Clock Asynchronous Serial I/O (UART) Mode..................................197
17.1.3 Special Mode 1 (I2C mode)..............................................................205
17.1.4 Special Mode 2.................................................................................215
17.1.5 Special Mode 3 (IE mode)................................................................220
17.1.6 Special Mode 4 (SIM Mode) (UART2)..............................................222
17.2 SI/O3 and SI/O4......................................................................................227
17.2.1 SI/Oi Operation Timing.....................................................................231
17.2.2 CLK Polarity Selection......................................................................231
17.2.3 Functions for Setting an SOUTi Initial Value....................................232
18. A/D Converter 233
18.1 Mode Description....................................................................................238
18.1.1 One-Shot Mode................................................................................238
18.1.2 Repeat Mode....................................................................................240
18.1.3 Single Sweep Mode..........................................................................242
18.1.4 Repeat Sweep Mode 0.....................................................................244
18.1.5 Repeat Sweep Mode 1.....................................................................246
18.2 Function...................................................................................................248
18.2.1 Resolution Select Function...............................................................248
18.2.2 Sample and Hold..............................................................................248
18.2.3 Extended Analog Input Pins.............................................................248
18.2.4 18.2.4 External Operation Amplifier (Op-Amp) Connection Mode....248
18.2.5 18.2.5 Current Consumption Reducing Function .............................249
18.2.6 Output Impedance of Sensor under A/D Conversion.......................249
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19. D/A Converter 251
20. CRC Calculation 253
21. Programmable I/O Ports 255
21.1 Port Pi Direction Register (PDi Register, i = 0 to 13) ..............................256
21.2 Port Pi Register (Pi Register, i = 0 to 13)................................................256
21.3 Pull-up Control Register 0 to Pull-up Control Register 3
(PUR0 to PUR3 Registers).....................................................................256
21.4 Port Control Register (PCR Register) .....................................................256
22. Flash Memory Version 270
22.1 Memory Map...........................................................................................272
22.1.1 Boot Mode........................................................................................273
22.2 Functions To Prevent Flash Memory from Rewriting..............................273
22.2.1 ROM Code Protect Function ............................................................273
22.2.2 ID Code Check Function ..................................................................273
22.3 CPU Rewrite Mode..................................................................................275
22.3.1 EW0 Mode........................................................................................276
22.3.2 EW1 Mode........................................................................................276
22.3.3 Flash memory Control Register (FIDR, FMR0 and FMR1 registers)276
22.3.4 Precautions on CPU Rewrite Mode..................................................284
22.3.5 Software Commands.......................................................................286
22.3.6 Data Protect Function.......................................................................291
22.3.7 Status Register.................................................................................291
22.3.8 Full Status Check .............................................................................293
22.4 Standard Serial I/O Mode........................................................................295
22.4.1 ID Code Check Function ..................................................................295
22.4.2 Example of Circuit Application in the Standard Serial I/O Mode ......301
22.5 Parallel I/O Mode.....................................................................................303
22.5.1 User ROM and Boot ROM Areas .....................................................303
22.5.2 ROM Code Protect Function ............................................................303
23. Electrical Characteristics 304
23.1 Electrical Characteristics (M16C/62P).....................................................304
23.2 Electrical Characteristics (M16C/62PT) ..................................................346
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24. Precautions 359
24.1 SFR.........................................................................................................359
24.1.1 Register Settings..............................................................................359
24.2 Reset.......................................................................................................360
24.3 Bus..........................................................................................................361
24.4 PLL Frequency Synthesizer....................................................................362
24.5 Power Control..........................................................................................363
24.6 Protect.....................................................................................................365
24.7 Interrupt...................................................................................................366
24.7.1 Reading address 00000h .................................................................366
24.7.2 Setting the SP...................................................................................366
24.7.3 The NMI Interrupt .............................................................................366
24.7.4 Changing the Interrupt Generate Factor...........................................367
24.7.5 INT Interrupt .....................................................................................367
24.7.6 Rewrite the Interrupt Control Register..............................................368
24.7.7 Watchdog Timer Interrupt.................................................................368
24.8 DMAC......................................................................................................369
24.8.1 Write to DMAE Bit in DMiCON Register...........................................369
24.9 Timers.....................................................................................................370
24.9.1 Timer A.............................................................................................370
24.9.2 Timer B.............................................................................................372
24.10 Serial interface ........................................................................................373
24.10.1 Clock Synchronous Serial I/O...........................................................373
24.10.2 UART................................................................................................374
24.10.3 SI/O3, SI/O4.....................................................................................374
24.11 A/D Converter..........................................................................................375
24.12 Programmable I/O Ports..........................................................................377
24.13 Electric Characteristic Differences Between Mask ROM
and Flash Memory Version Microcomputers...........................................378
24.14 Mask ROM ..............................................................................................378
24.15 Flash Memory Version ............................................................................379
24.15.1 Functions to Inhibit Rewriting Flash Memory Rewrite ......................379
24.15.2 Stop mode........................................................................................379
24.15.3 Wait mode ........................................................................................379
Low power dissipation mode, on-chip oscillator low power dissipation mode
24.15.5 Writing command and data...............................................................379
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24.15.6 Program Command..........................................................................379
24.15.7 Lock Bit Program Command ............................................................379
24.15.8 Operation speed...............................................................................380
24.15.9 Instructions inhibited against use .....................................................380
24.15.10Interrupts ..........................................................................................380
24.15.11How to access..................................................................................380
24.15.12Writing in the user ROM area...........................................................380
24.15.13DMA transfer ....................................................................................381
24.15.14Regarding Programming/Erasing Endurance and Execution Time..381
24.16 Noise.......................................................................................................382
25. Differences Depending on Manufacturing Period 383 Appendix 1. Package Dimensions 385 Appendix 2. Difference between M16C/62P and M16C/30P 387 Register Index 390
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SFR Page Reference

Address Register Symbol Page 0000h 0001h 0002h 0003h 0004h Processor Mode Register 0 PM0 56 0005h Processor Mode Register 1 PM1 57 0006h System Clock Control Register 0 CM0 84 0007h System Clock Control Register 1 CM1 85 0008h Chip Select Control Register CSR 6 1 0009h Address Match Interrupt Enable Register AIER 123 000Ah Protect Register PRCR 105 000Bh Data Bank Register DBR 73 000Ch Oscillation Stop Detection Register CM2 8 6 000Dh 000Eh Watchdog Timer Start Register WDTS 125 000Fh Watchdog Timer Control Register WDC 53, 125 0010h Address Match Interrupt Register 0 RMAD0 123 0011h 0012h 0013h 0014h Address Match Interrupt Register 1 RMAD1 123 0015h 0016h 0017h 0018h 0019h Voltage Detection Register 1 VCR1 46 001Ah Voltage Detection Register 2 VCR2 46 001Bh Chip Select Expansion Control Register CSE 68 001Ch PLL Control Register 0 PLC0 88 001Dh 001Eh Processor Mode Register 2 PM2 87 001Fh Low Voltage Detection In terrupt Register D4INT 47 0020h DMA0 Source Pointer SAR0 131 0021h 0022h 0023h 0024h DMA0 Destination Pointer DAR0 131 0025h 0026h 0027h 0028h DMA0 Transfer Counter TCR0 131 0029h 002Ah 002Bh 002Ch DMA0 Control Register DM0CON 130 002Dh 002Eh 002Fh 0030h DMA1 Source Pointer SAR1 131 0031h 0032h 0033h 0034h DMA1 Destination Pointer DAR1 131 0035h 0036h 0037h 0038h DMA1 Transfer Counter TCR1 131 0039h 003Ah 003Bh 003Ch DMA1 Control Register DM1CON 130 003Dh 003Eh 003Fh
1. Blank columns are all reserved space. No access is allowed.
Address Register Symbol Page 0040h 0041h 0042h 0043h 0044h INT3 Interrupt Control Register INT3IC 112 0045h Timer B5 Interrupt Control Register TB5IC 111 0046h Timer B4 Interrupt Control Registe r , UART1 BUS
0047h Timer B3 Interrupt Control Registe r , UART0 BUS
0048h SI/O4 Interrupt Control Register, INT5 Interrupt
0049h SI/O3 Interrupt Control Register, IINT4 Interrupt
004Ah 004Bh DMA0 Interrupt Control Register DM0IC 111 004Ch DMA1 Interrupt Control Register DM1IC 111 004Dh Key Input Interrupt Control Register KUPIC 111 004Eh A/D Conversion Interrupt Control Register ADIC 11 1 004Fh UART2 Transmit Interrupt Control Register S2TIC 111 0050h UART2 Receive Interrupt Control Register S2RIC 111 0051h UART0 Transmit Interrupt Control Register S0TIC 111 0052h UART0 Receive Interrupt Control Register S0RIC 111 0053h UART1 Transmit Interrupt Control Register S1TIC 111 0054h UART1 Receive Interrupt Control Register S1RIC 111 0055h Timer A0 Interrupt Control Register TA0IC 111 0056h Timer A1 Interrupt Control Register TA1IC 111 0057h Timer A2 Interrupt Control Register TA2IC 111 0058h Timer A3 Interrupt Control Register TA3IC 111 0059h Timer A4 Interrupt Control Register TA4IC 111 005Ah Timer B0 Interrupt Control Register TB0IC 111 005Bh Timer B1 Interrupt Control Register TB1IC 111 005Ch Timer B2 Interrupt Control Register TB2IC 111 005Dh INT0 Interrupt Control Register INT0IC 112 005Eh INT1 Interrupt Control Register INT1IC 112 005Fh INT2 Interrupt Control Register INT2IC 112 0060h 0061h 0062h 0062h 0064h 0065h 0066h 0067h 0068h 0069h 006Ah 006Bh 006Ch 006Dh 006Eh 006Fh 0070h 0071h 0072h 0073h 0074h 0075h 0076h 0077h 0078h 0079h 007Ah 007Bh 007Ch 007Dh 007Eh 007Fh
Collision Detection Interrupt Control Register
Collision Detection Interrupt Control Register
Control Register
Control Register UART2 Bus Collision Detection Interrupt Control Register
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Address Register Symbol Page 0080h 0081h 0082h 0083h 0084h 0085h 0086h 0087h to 01AFh 01B0h 01B2h 01B3h 01B4h Flash Identification Register FIDR 276 01B5h Flash Memory Control Register 1 FMR1 278 01B6h 01B7h Flash Memory Control Register 0 FMR0 277 01B8h Address Match Interrupt Register 2 RMAD2 123 01B9h 01BAh 01BBh Address Match Interrupt Enable Register 2 AIER2 123 01BCh Address Match Interrupt Register 3 RMAD3 123 01BDh 01BEh 01BFh 01C0h to 02AFh 0250h 0251h 0252h 0253h 0254h 0255h 0256h 0257h 0258h 0259h 025Ah 025Bh 025Ch 025Dh 025Eh Peripheral Clock Select Register PCLKR 87 025Fh 0260h 0261h 0262h 0263h 0264h 0265h 0266h 0267h 0268h 0269h 026Ah to 0335h 0336h 0337h 0338h 0339h 033Ah 033Bh 033Ch 033Dh 033Eh 033Fh
Address Register Symbol Page 0340h Timer B3, 4, 5 Count Start Flag TBSR 158 0341h 0342h Timer A1-1 Register TA11 169 0343h 0344h Timer A2-1 Register TA21 169 0345h 0346h Timer A4-1 Register TA41 169 0347h 0348h Three-Phase PWM Control Register 0 INVC0 167 0349h Three-Phase PWM Control Register 1 INVC1 168 034Ah Three-Phase Output Buffer Register 0 IDB0 170 034Bh Three-Phase Output Buffer Register 1 IDB1 170 034Ch Dead Time Timer DTT 171 034Dh Timer B2 Interrupt Occurrence Frequency Se t
034Eh 034Fh 0350h Timer B3 Register TB3 157 0351h 0352h Timer B4 Register TB4 157 0353h 0354h Timer B5 Register TB5 157 0355h 0356h 0357h 0358h 0359h 035Ah 035Bh Timer B3 Mode Register TB3MR 157 035Ch Timer B4 Mode Register TB4MR 157 035Dh Timer B5 Mode Register TB5MR 157 035Eh Interrupt Factor Select Register 2 IFSR2A 120 035Fh Interrupt Factor Select Register IFSR 120 0360h SI/O3 Transmit/Receive Register S3TRR 229 0361h 0362h SI/O3 Control Register S3C 228 0363h SI/O3 Bit Rate Generator S3BRG 229 0364h SI/O4 Transmit/Receive Register S4TRR 229 0365h 0366h SI/O4 Control Register S4C 228 0367h SI/O4 Bit Rate Generator S4BRG 229 0368h 0369h 036Ah 036Bh 036Ch UART0 Special Mode Register 4 U0SMR4 188 036Dh UART0 Special Mode Register 3 U0SMR3 187 036Eh UART0 Special Mode Register 2 U0SMR2 187 036Fh UART0 Special Mode Register U0SMR 186 0370h UART1 Special Mode Register 4 U1SMR4 188 0371h UART1 Special Mode Register 3 U1SMR3 187 0372h UART1 Special Mode Register 2 U1SMR2 187 0373h UART1 Special Mode Register U1SMR 186 0374h UART2 Special Mode Register 4 U2SMR4 188 0375h UART2 Special Mode Register 3 U2SMR3 187 0376h UART2 Special Mode Register 2 U2SMR2 187 0377h UART2 Special Mode Register U2SMR 186 0378h UART2 Transmit/Receive Mode Register U2MR 183 0379h UART2 Bit Rate Generator U2BRG 182 037Ah UART2 Transmit Buffer Register U2TB 181 037Bh 037Ch UART2 Transmit/Receive Control Register 0 U2C0 184 037Dh UART2 Transmit/Receive Control Register 1 U2C1 185 037Eh UART2 Receive Buffer Register U2RB 181 037Fh
ICTB2 169
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Address Register Symbol Page 0380h Count Start Flag TABSR 141, 158 0381h Clock Prescaler Reset Fag CPSRF 143, 158 0382h One-Shot Start Flag ONSF 14 2 0383h Trigger Select Register TRGSR 142 0384h Up-Down Flag UDF 141 0385h 0386h Timer A0 Register TA0 140 0387h 0388h Timer A1 Register TA1 140 0389h 038Ah Timer A2 Register TA2 140 038Bh 038Ch Timer A3 Register TA3 140 038Dh 038Eh Timer A4 Register TA4 140 038Fh 0390h Timer B0 Register TB0 157 0391h 0392h Timer B1 Register TB1 157 0393h 0394h Timer B2 Register TB2 157 0395h 0396h Timer A0 Mode Register TA0MR 140 0397h Timer A1 Mode Register TA1MR 140 0398h Timer A2 Mode Register TA2MR 140 0399h Timer A3 Mode Register TA3MR 140 039Ah Timer A4 Mode Register TA4MR 140 039Bh Timer B0 Mode Register TB0MR 157 039Ch Timer B1 Mode Register TB1MR 157 039Dh Timer B2 Mode Register TB2MR 157 039Eh Timer B2 Special Mode Register TB2SC 170 039Fh 03A0h UART0 Transmit/Receive Mode Register U0MR 183 03A1h UART0 Bit Rate Generator U0BRG 182 03A2h UART0 Transmit Buffer Register U0TB 181 03A3h 03A4h 03A5h 03A6h UART0 Receive Buffer Register U0RB 181 03A7h 03A8h UART1 Transmit/Receive Mode Register U1MR 183 03A9h UART1 Bit Rate Generator U1BRG 182 03AAh UART1 Transmit Buffer Register U1TB 181 03ABh 03ACh 03ADh 03AEh UART1 Receive Buffer Register U1RB 181 03AFh 03B0h 03B1h 03B2h 03B3h 03B4h 03B5h 03B6h 03B7h 03B8h DMA0 Request Factor Select Register DM0SL 128 03B9h 03BAh DMA1 Request Factor Select Register DM1SL 129 03BBh 03BCh CRC Data Register CRCD 253 03BDh 03BEh CRC Input Register CRCIN 2 53 03BFh
UART0 Transmit/Receive Control Register 0 UART0 Transmit/Receive Control Register 1
UART1 Transmit/Receive Control Register 0 UART1 Transmit/Receive Control Register 1
UART Transmit/Receive Control Register 2
U0C0 184 U0C1 185
U1C0 184 U1C1 185
UCON 186
Address Register Symbol Page 03C0h A/D Register 0 AD0 237 03C1h 03C2h A/D Register 1 AD1 237 03C3h 03C4h A/D Register 2 AD2 237 03C5h 03C6h A/D Register 3 AD3 237 03C7h 03C8h A/D Register 4 AD4 237 03C9h 03CAh A/D Register 5 AD5 237 03CBh 03CCh A/D Register 6 AD6 237 03CDh 03CEh A/D Register 7 AD7 237 03CFh 03D0h 03D1h 03D2h 03D3h 03D4h A/D Control Register 2 ADCON2 236 03D5h 03D6h A/D Control Register 0 ADCON0 235 03D7h A/D Control Register 1 ADCON1 235 03D8h D/A Register 0 DA0 252 03D9h 03DAh D/A Register 1 DA1 252 03DBh 03DCh D/A Control Register DACON 252 03DDh 03DEh Port P14 Control Register PC14 264 03DFh Pull-Up Control Register 3 PUR3 264 03E0h Port P0 Register P0 263 03E1h Port P1 Register P1 263 03E2h Port P0 Direction Register PD0 262 03E3h Port P1 Direction Register PD1 262 03E4h Port P2 Register P2 263 03E5h Port P3 Register P3 263 03E6h Port P2 Direction Register PD2 262 03E7h Port P3 Direction Register PD3 262 03E8h Port P4 Register P4 263 03E9h Port P5 Register P5 263 03EAh Port P4 Direction Register PD4 262 03EBh Port P5 Direction Register PD5 262 03ECh Port P6 Register P6 263 03EDh Port P7 Register P7 263 03EEh Port P6 Direction Register PD6 262 03EFh Port P7 Direction Register PD7 262 03F0h Port P8 Register P8 263 03F1h Port P9 Register P9 263 03F2h Port P8 Direction Register PD8 262 03F3h Port P9 Direction Register PD9 262 03F4h Port P10 Register P10 263 03F5h Port P11 Register P11 263 03F6h Port P10 Direction Register PD10 262 03F7h Port P1 1 D ir ec ti on Register PD11 262 03F8h Port P12 Register P12 263 03F9h Port P13 Register P13 263 03FAh Port P12 Direction Register PD12 262 03FBh Port P13 Direction Register PD13 262 03FCh Pull-Up Control Register 0 PUR0 265 03FDh Pull-Up Control Register 1 PUR1 265 03FEh Pull-Up Control Register 2 PUR2 266 03FFh Port Control Register PCR 266
1. Blank columns are all reserved space. No access is allowed.
B - 3
M16C/62P Group (M16C/62P, M16C/62PT)

1. Overview

The M16C/62P Group (M16C/62P, M16C/62PT) of single-chip microcomputers are built using the high performance silicon gate CMOS process using a M16C/60 Series CPU core and are packaged in a 80-pin, 100-pin and 128-pin plastic molded QFP. These single-chip microcom puters operate using soph isticated instructions featuring a high level of instruction efficiency. With 1M bytes of address space, they are capable of executing instructions at high speed. In addition, this microcomputer contains a multiplier and DMAC which combined with fast instruction processing capability, makes it suitable for control of various OA, communication, and industrial equipment which requires high­speed arithmetic/logic operations.

1.1 Applications

Audio, cameras, television, home appliance, office/communications/portable/industrial equipment, automobile, etc.
Specifications written in this manual are believed to be accurate, but are not guaranteed to be entirely free of error. Specifications in this manual may be changed for functional or performance improvements. Please make sure your manual is the latest edition.
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M16C/62P Group (M16C/62P, M16C/62PT) 1. Overview

1.2 Performance Outline

Table 1.1 to 1.3 list Performance Outline of M16C/62P Group (M16C/62P, M16C/62PT)(128-pin version).
Table 1.1 Performance Outline of M16C/62P Group (M16C/62P, M16C/62PT)(128-pin version)
Item Performance
CPU Number of Basic Instructions 91 instructions
Minimum Instruction Execution Time
Operating Mode Single-chip, memory expansion and microprocessor mode Address Space
Memory Capacity
Peripheral Function
Port Input/Output : 113 pins, Input : 1 pin Multifunction Timer Timer A : 16 bits x 5 channels,
Serial Interface 3 channels
A/D Converter 10-bit A/D converter: 1 circuit, 26 channels D/A Converter 8 bits x 2 channels DMAC 2 channels CRC Calculation Circuit CCITT-CRC Watchdog Timer 15 bits x 1 channel (with prescaler) Interrupt Internal: 29 sources, External: 8 sources, Software: 4 sources,
Clock Generation Circuit 4 circuits
Oscillation Stop Detection Function
Voltage Detection Circuit Available (option
Supply Voltage VCC1=3.0 to 5.5 V, VCC2=2.7V to VCC1 (f(BCLK=24MHz)
Power Consumption 14 mA (VCC1=VCC2=5V, f(BCLK)=24MHz)
Flash memory version
Program/Erase Supply Voltage 3.3±0.3 V or 5.0±0.5 V Program and Erase Endurance 100 times (all area)
Operating Ambient Temperature -20 to 85°C,
Package 128-pin plastic mold LQFP
1. I2C bus is a registered trademark of Koninklijke Philips Electronics N. V.
2. IEBus is a registered trademark of NEC Electronics Corporation.
3. See Table 1.8 Product Code for the program and erase endurance, and operating ambient temperature. In addition 1,000 times/10,000 times are under development as of Jul., 2005. Please inquire about a release schedule.
4. All options are on request basis.
41.7ns(f(BCLK)=24MHz, VCC1=3.3 to 5.5V) 100ns(f(BCLK)=10MHz, VCC1=2.7 to 5.5V)
1 Mbyte (Available to 4 Mbytes by memory space expansion function)
See Table 1.4 to 1.5 Product List
Timer B : 16 bits x 6 channels, Three phase motor control circuit
Clock synchronous, UART, I
C bus
2 channels
Clock synchronous
Priority level: 7 levels
Main clock generation circuit (*), Subclock generation circuit (*), On-chip oscillator, PLL synthesizer
(*)Equipped with a built-in feedback resistor. Stop detection of main clock oscillation, re-oscillation detection
VCC1=2.7 to 5.5 V, VCC2=2.7V to VCC1 (f(BCLK=10MHz)
8 mA (VCC1=VCC2=3V, f(BCLK)=10MHz)
1.8µA (VCC1=VCC2=3V, f(XCIN)=32kHz, wait mode)
0.7µA (VCC1=VCC2=3V, stop mode)
or 1,000 times (user ROM area without block A and block 1) / 10,000 times (block A, block 1)
-40 to 85°C
, IEBus
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M16C/62P Group (M16C/62P, M16C/62PT) 1. Overview
Table 1.2 Performance Outline of M16C/62P Group (M16C/62P, M16C/62PT)(100-pin version)
Item Performance
M16C/62P M16C/62PT
Number of Basic Instructions Minimum Instruction
Execution Time
91 instructions
41.7ns(f(BCLK)=24MHz, VCC1=3.3 to 5.5V) 100ns(f(BCLK)=10MHz, VCC1=2.7 to 5.5V)
Operating Mode Single-chip, memory expansion
41.7ns(f(BCLK)=24MHz, VCC1=4.0 to 5.5V)
and microprocessor mode
Address Space
1 Mbyte (Available to 4 Mbytes by
1 Mbyte
memory space expansion function)
Peripheral Function
Memory Capacity Port Input/Output : 87 pins, Input : 1 pin Multifunction Timer Timer A : 16 bits x 5 channels, Timer B : 16 bits x 6 channels,
Table 1.4 to 1.7 Product List
Three phase motor control circuit
Serial Interface 3 channels
Clock synchronous, UART, I
C bus
, IEBus
2 channels
Clock synchronous A/D Converter 10-bit A/D converter: 1 circuit, 26 channels D/A Converter 8 bits x 2 channels DMAC 2 channels CRC Calculation Circuit CCITT-CRC Watchdog Timer 15 bits x 1 channel (with prescaler) Interrupt
Internal: 29 sources, External: 8 sources, Software: 4 sources, Priority level: 7 levels
Clock Generation Circuit 4 circuits
Main clock generation circuit (*), Subclock generation circuit (*),
On-chip oscillator, PLL synthesizer
(*)Equipped with a built-in feedback resistor.
Oscillation Stop
Stop detection of main clock oscillation, re-oscillation detection function
Detection Function
VCC1=VCC2=4.0 to 5.5V (f(BCLK=24MHz)
Electric Characteristics
Voltage Detection Circuit Available (option Supply Voltage VCC1=3.0 to 5.5 V, VCC2=2.7V to
VCC1 (f(BCLK=24MHz) VCC1=2.7 to 5.5 V, VCC2=2.7V to VCC1 (f(BCLK=10MHz)
Power Consumption
14 mA (VCC1=VCC2=5V, f(BCLK)=24MHz) 8 mA (VCC1=VCC2=3V, f(BCLK)=10MHz)
A (VCC1=VCC2=3V, f(XCIN)=32kHz,
1.8 wait mode)
A (VCC1=VCC2=3V, stop mode)
Flash memory version
Program/Erase Supply Voltage Program and Erase
3.3±0.3 V or 5.0±0.5 V 5.0±0.5 V 100 times (all area)
or 1,000 times (user ROM area without block A and block 1) / 10,000 times (block A, block 1)
Operating Ambient Temperature -20 to 85°C,
-40 to 85°C
14 mA (VCC1=VCC2=5V, f(BCLK)=24MHz)
A (VCC1=VCC2=5V, f(XCIN)=32kHz,
wait mode)
A (VCC1=VCC2=5V, stop mode)
T version : -40 to 85°C V version : -40 to 125°C
Package 100-pin plastic mold QFP, LQFP
1. I2C bus is a registered trademark of Koninklijke Philips Electronics N. V.
2. IEBus is a registered trademark of NEC Electronics Corporation.
3. See Table 1.8 and 1.9 Product Code for the program and erase endurance, and operating ambient temperature. In addition 1,000 times/10,000 times are under development as of Jul., 2005. Please inquire about a release schedule.
4. Use the M16C/62PT on VCC1=VCC2
5. All options are on request basis.
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M16C/62P Group (M16C/62P, M16C/62PT) 1. Overview
Table 1.3 Performance Outline of M16C/62P Group (M16C/62P, M16C/62PT)(80-pin version)
Item Performance
M16C/62P M16C/62PT
Number of Basic Instructions Minimum Instruction
Execution Time
91 instructions
41.7ns(f(BCLK)=24MHz, VCC1=3.3 to 5.5V) 100ns(f(BCLK)=10MHz, VCC1=2.7 to 5.5V)
41.7ns(f(BCLK)=24MHz, VCC1=4.0 to 5.5V)
Operating Mode Single-chip mode
Peripheral Function
Address Space Memory Capacity Port Input/Output : 70 pins, Input : 1 pin
Multifunction Timer Timer A : 16 bits x 5 channels (Timer A1 and A2 are internal timer),
1 Mbyte See Table 1.4 to 1.7 Product List
Timer B : 16 bits x 6 channels (Timer B1 is internal timer)
Serial Interface 2 channels
Clock synchronous, UART, I
C bus
, IEBus
1 channel
Clock synchronous, I2C bus
, IEBus
2 channels
Clock synchronous (1 channel is only transmission) A/D Converter 10-bit A/D converter: 1 circuit, 26 channels D/A Converter 8 bits x 2 channels DMAC 2 channels CRC Calculation Circuit CCITT-CRC Watchdog Timer 15 bits x 1 channel (with prescaler) Interrupt
Internal: 29 sources, External: 5 sources, Software: 4 sources, Priority level: 7 levels
Clock Generation Circuit 4 circuits
Main clock generation circuit (*), Subclock generation circuit (*),
On-chip oscillator, PLL synthesizer
(*)Equipped with a built-in feedback resistor.
Oscillation Stop
Stop detection of main clock oscillation, re-oscillation detection function
Detection Function
VCC1=4.0 to 5.5V, (f(BCLK=24MHz)
14 mA (VCC1=5V, f(BCLK)=24MHz)
2.0µA (VCC1=5V, f(XCIN)=32kHz, wait mode)
0.8µA (VCC1=5V, stop mode)
Electric Characteristics
Voltage Detection Circuit Available (option Supply Voltage
VCC1=3.0 to 5.5 V , (f(BCLK=24MHz) VCC1=2.7 to 5.5 V , (f(BCLK=10MHz)
Power Consumption
14 mA (VCC1=5V, f(BCLK)=24MHz) 8 mA (VCC1=3V, f(BCLK)=10MHz)
A (VCC1=3V, f(XCIN)=32kHz,
wait mode)
0.7µA (VCC1=3V, stop mode)
Flash memory version
Program/Erase Supply Voltage Program and Erase
Operating Ambient Temperature -20 to 85°C,
3.3 ± 0.3V or 5.0 ± 0.5V 5.0 ± 0.5V 100 times (all area)
or 1,000 times (user ROM area without block A and block 1) / 10,000 times (block A, block 1)
T version : -40 to 85°C
-40 to 85°C
V version : -40 to 125°C
Package 80-pin plastic mold QFP
1. I2C bus is a registered trademark of Koninklijke Philips Electronics N. V.
2. IEBus is a registered trademark of NEC Electronics Corporation.
3. See Table 1.8 and 1.9 Product Code for the program and erase endurance, and operating ambient temperature. In addition 1,000 times/10,000 times are under development as of Jul., 2005. Please inquire about a release schedule.
4. All options are on request basis.
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M16C/62P Group (M16C/62P, M16C/62PT) 1. Overview

1.3 Block Diagram

Figure 1.1 is a M16C/62P Group (M16C/62P, M16C/62PT) 128-pin and 100-pin version Block Diagram, Figure 1.2 is a M16C/62P Group (M16C/62P, M16C/62PT) 80-pin version Block Diagram.
Port P0
Internal peripheral functions
Port P18Port P2
Timer (16-bit)
Output (timer A): 5
Input (timer B): 6
Three-phase motor
control circuit
Watchdog timer
(15 bits)
(2 channels)
D/A converter
(8 bits X 2 channels)
8 8 8 8
Port P4Port P3
Port P5
Port P6
<VCC2 ports>(4) <VCC1 ports>(4)
A/D converter
(10 bits X 8 channels
Expandable up to 26 channels)
clock synchronous serial I/O
(8 bits X 3 channels)
CRC arithmetic circuit (CCITT )
(Polynomial : X
M16C/60 series16-bit CPU core
R2 R3
A0 A1 FB
System clock
generation circuit
PLL frequency synthesizer
On-chip oscillator
Clock synchronous serial I/O
(8 bits X 2 channels)
Port P7
7 8 8
<VCC1 ports>(4)
Port P8_5Port P8
Port P9
Port P10
<VCC2 ports>(4)<VCC1 ports>(4)
Port P11 Port P12Port P14
(3) (3)
Port P13
8 8 82
1. ROM size depends on microcomputer type.
2. RAM size depends on microcomputer type.
3. Ports P11 to P14 exist only in 128-pin version.
4. Use M16C/62PT on VCC1= VCC2.
Figure 1.1 M16C/62P Group (M16C/62P, M16C/62PT) 128-pin and 100-pin version Block Diagram
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M16C/62P Group (M16C/62P, M16C/62PT) 1. Overview
Port P0
Internal peripheral functions
Timer (16-bit)
Output (timer A): 5 Input (timer B): 6
Watchdog timer
(15 bits)
(2 channels)
D/A converter
(8 bits X 2 channels)
Port P28Port P3
A/D converter
(10 bits X 8 channels
Expandable up to 26 channels)
UART or clock synchronous serial I/O (2 channels) UART (1 channel)
CRC arithmetic circuit (CCITT )
(Polynomial : X
M16C/60 series16-bit CPU core
R2 R3
A0 A1 FB
Port P4
Port P5
System clock
generation circuit
PLL frequency synthesizer
On-chip oscillator
Clock synchronous serial I/O
(8 bits X 2 channels)
Port P6
Port P7
4 7 7 8
Port P8_5
Port P9Port P8
Port P10
1. ROM size depends on microcomputer type.
2. RAM size depends on microcomputer type.
3. To use a UART2, set the CRD bit in the U2C0 register to “1” (CTS/RTS function disabled).
4. There is no external connections for port P1, P4_4 to P4_7, P7_2 to P7_5 and P9_1 in 80-pin version. Set the direction bits in these ports to “1” (output mode), and set the output data to “0” (“L”) using the program.
Figure 1.2 M16C/62P Group (M16C/62P, M16C/62PT) 80-pin version Block Diagram
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M16C/62P Group (M16C/62P, M16C/62PT) 1. Overview

1.4 Product List

Table 1.4 to 1.7 list the product list, Figure 1.3 sho ws the Type No., Memory Size, and Package, Table 1.8 lists the Product Code of Flash Memory version and ROMless vers ion for M16C/62P, and Table 1.9 lists the Product Code of Flash Memory version for M16C/62PT. Figure 1.4 shows the Marking Diagram of Flash Memory version and ROM-less version for M16C/62P (Top View), and Figure 1.5 shows the Marking Diagram of Flash Memory version for M16C/62PT (Top View) at the time of ROM order.
Table 1.4 Product List (1) (M16C/62P) As of Dec. 2005
Type No. ROM Capacity RAM Capacity Package Type M30622M6P-XXXFP 48 Kbytes 4 Kbytes PRQP0100JB-A Mask ROM version M30622M6P-XXXGP PLQP0100KB-A M30622M8P-XXXFP 64 Kbytes 4 Kbytes PRQP0100JB-A M30622M8P-XXXGP PLQP0100KB-A M30623M8P-XXXGP PRQP0080JA-A M30622MAP-XXXFP 96 Kbytes 5 Kbytes PRQP0100JB-A M30622MAP-XXXGP PLQP0100KB-A M30623MAP-XXXGP PRQP0080JA-A M30620MCP-XXXFP 128 Kbytes 10 Kbytes PRQP0100JB-A M30620MCP-XXXGP PLQP0100KB-A M30621MCP-XXXGP PRQP0080JA-A M30622MEP-XXXFP 192 Kbytes 12 Kbytes PRQP0100JB-A M30622MEP-XXXGP PLQP0100KB-A M30623MEP-XXXGP PLQP0128KB-A M30622MGP-XXXFP 256 Kbytes 12 Kbytes PRQP0100JB-A M30622MGP-XXXGP PLQP0100KB-A M30623MGP-XXXGP PLQP0128KB-A M30624MGP-XXXFP 20 Kbytes PRQP0100JB-A M30624MGP-XXXGP PLQP0100KB-A M30625MGP-XXXGP PLQP0128KB-A M30622MWP-XXXFP 320 Kbytes 16 Kbytes PRQP0100JB-A M30622MWP-XXXGP PLQP0100KB-A M30623MWP-XXXGP PLQP0128KB-A M30624MWP-XXXFP 24 Kbytes PRQP0100JB-A M30624MWP-XXXGP PLQP0100KB-A M30625MWP-XXXGP PLQP0128KB-A M30626MWP-XXXFP 31 Kbytes PRQP0100JB-A M30626MWP-XXXGP PLQP0100KB-A M30627MWP-XXXGP PLQP0128KB-A
(D): Under development NOTES:
1. The old package type numbers of each package type are as follows. PLQP0128KB-A : 128P6Q-A, PRQP0100JB-A : 100P6S-A, PLQP0100KB-A : 100P6Q-A, PRQP0080JA-A : 80P6S-A
Rev.2.41 Jan 10, 2006 Page 7 of 390 REJ09B0185-0241
M16C/62P Group (M16C/62P, M16C/62PT) 1. Overview
Table 1.5 Product List (2) (M16C/62P) As of Dec. 2005
Type No. ROM Capacity
Package Type
M30622MHP-XXXFP 384 Kbytes 16 Kbytes PRQP0100JB-A Mask ROM version M30622MHP-XXXGP PLQP0100KB-A M30623MHP-XXXGP PLQP0128KB-A M30624MHP-XXXFP 24 Kbytes PRQP0100JB-A M30624MHP-XXXGP PLQP0100KB-A M30625MHP-XXXGP PLQP0128KB-A M30626MHP-XXXFP 31 Kbytes PRQP0100JB-A M30626MHP-XXXGP PLQP0100KB-A M30627MHP-XXXGP PLQP0128KB-A M30626MJP-XXXFP (D) 512 Kbytes 31 Kbytes PRQP0100JB-A M30626MJP-XXXGP (D) PLQP0100KB-A M30627MJP-XXXGP (D) PLQP0128KB-A M30622F8PFP 64K+4 Kbytes 4 Kbytes PRQP0100JB-A Flash memory M30622F8PGP PLQP0100KB-A
M30623F8PGP PRQP0080JA-A M30620FCPFP 128K+4 Kbytes 10 Kbytes PRQP0100JB-A M30620FCPGP PLQP0100KB-A M30621FCPGP PRQP0080JA-A
(D) 256K+4 Kbytes 20 Kbytes PRQP0100JB-A (D) PLQP0100KB-A
M30625FGPGP PLQP0128KB-A M30626FHPFP 384K+4 Kbytes 31 Kbytes PRQP0100JB-A M30626FHPGP PLQP0100KB-A M30627FHPGP PLQP0128KB-A M30626FJPFP 512K+4 Kbytes 31 Kbytes PRQP0100JB-A M30626FJPGP PLQP0100KB-A M30627FJPGP PLQP0128KB-A M30622SPFP 4 Kbytes PRQP0100JB-A ROM-less version M30622SPGP PLQP0100KB-A M30620SPFP 10 Kbytes PRQP0100JB-A M30620SPGP PLQP0100KB-A M30624SPFP (D) 20 Kbytes PRQP0100JB-A M30624SPGP (D) PLQP0100KB-A M30626SPFP (D) 31 Kbytes PRQP0100JB-A M30626SPGP (D) PLQP0100KB-A
(D): Under development NOTES:
1. The old package type numbers of each package type are as follows. PLQP0128KB-A : 128P6Q-A, PRQP0100JB-A : 100P6S-A, PLQP0100KB-A : 100P6Q-A, PRQP0080JA-A : 80P6S-A
2. In the flash memory version, there is 4K bytes area (block A).
3. Please use M3062LFGPFP and M3062LFGPGP for your new system instead of M30624FGPFP and M30624FGPGP. The M16C/62P Group (M16C/62P, M16C/62PT) hardware manual is still good
for M30624FGPFP and M30624FGPGP.
M30624FGPFP 256K+4 Kbytes 20 Kbytes PRQP0100JB-A Fl ash memory version M30624FGPGP PLQP0100KB-A
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M16C/62P Group (M16C/62P, M16C/62PT) 1. Overview
Table 1.6 Product List (3) (T version (M16C/62PT)) As of Dec. 2005
Type No. ROM Capacity
Package Type
M3062CM6T-XXXFP (D) 48 Kbytes 4 Kbytes PRQP0100JB-A Mask ROM M3062CM6T-XXXGP (D) PLQP0100KB-A M3062EM6T-XXXGP (P) PRQP0080JA-A
T Version (High reliability 85°C version)
M3062CM8T-XXXFP (D) 64 Kbytes 4 Kbytes PRQP0100JB-A M3062CM8T-XXXGP (D) PLQP0100KB-A M3062EM8T-XXXGP (P) PRQP0080JA-A M3062CMAT-XXXFP (D) 96 Kbytes 5 Kbytes PRQP0100JB-A M3062CMAT-XXXGP (D) PLQP0100KB-A M3062EMAT-XXXGP (P) PRQP0080JA-A M3062AMCT-XXXFP (D) 128 Kbytes 10 Kbytes PRQP0100JB-A M3062AMCT-XXXGP (D) PLQP0100KB-A M3062BMCT-XXXGP (P) PRQP0080JA-A M3062CF8TFP (D) 64 K+4 Kbytes 4 Kbytes PRQP0100JB-A Flash M3062CF8TGP PLQP0100KB-A M3062AFCTFP (D) 128K+4 Kbytes 10 Kbytes PRQP0100JB-A
memory version
M3062AFCTGP (D) PLQP0100KB-A M3062BFCTGP (P) PRQP0080JA-A M3062JFHTFP (D) 384K+4 Kbytes 31 Kbytes PRQP0100JB-A M3062JFHTGP (D) PLQP0100KB-A
(D): Under development (P): Under planning NOTES:
1. The old package type numbers of each package type are as follows. PRQP0100JB-A : 100P6S-A, PLQP0100KB-A : 100P6Q-A, PRQP0080JA-A : 80P6S-A
2. In the flash memory version, there is 4K bytes area (block A).
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M16C/62P Group (M16C/62P, M16C/62PT) 1. Overview
Table 1.7 Product List (4) (V version (M16C/62PT)) As of Dec. 2005
Type No. ROM Capacity
Package Type
M3062CM6V-XXXFP (P) 48 Kbytes 4 Kbytes PRQP0100JB-A Mask ROM M3062CM6V-XXXGP (P) PLQP0100KB-A M3062EM6V-XXXGP (P) PRQP0080JA-A
V Version (High reliability 125°C version)
M3062CM8V-XXXFP (P) 64 Kbytes 4 Kbytes PRQP0100JB-A M3062CM8V-XXXGP (P) PLQP0100KB-A M3062EM8V-XXXGP (P) PRQP0080JA-A M3062CMAV-XXXFP (P) 96 Kbytes 5 Kbytes PRQP0100JB-A M3062CMAV-XXXGP (P) PLQP0100KB-A M3062EMAV-XXXGP (P) PRQP0080JA-A M3062AMCV-XXXFP (D) 128 Kbytes 10 Kbytes PRQP0100JB-A M3062AMCV-XXXGP (D) PLQP0100KB-A M3062BMCV-XXXGP (P) PRQP0080JA-A M3062AFCVFP (D) 128K+4 Kbytes 10 Kbytes PRQP0100JB-A Flash M3062AFCVGP (D) PLQP0100KB-A M3062BFCVGP (P) PRQP0080JA-A
memory version
M3062JFHVFP (P) 384K+4 Kbytes 31 Kbytes PRQP0100JB-A M3062JFHVGP (P) PLQP0100KB-A
(D): Under development (P): Under planning NOTES:
1. The old package type numbers of each package type are as follows. PLQP0128KB-A : 128P6Q-A, PRQP0100JB-A : 100P6S-A, PLQP0100KB-A : 100P6Q-A, PRQP0080JA-A : 80P6S-A
2. In the flash memory version, there is 4K bytes area (block A).
Rev.2.41 Jan 10, 2006 Page 10 of 390 REJ09B0185-0241
M16C/62P Group (M16C/62P, M16C/62PT) 1. Overview
Type No. M 3 0 6 2 6 M H P - X X X F P
Package type: FP : Package PRQP0100JB-A (100P6S-A) GP : Package PRQP0080JA-A (80P6S-A),
PLQP0100KB-A (100P6Q-A), PLQP0128KB-A (128P6Q-A),
ROM No. Omitted for flash memory version and ROMless version
Classification P : M16C/62P T : T version (M16C/62PT) V : V version (M16C/62PT)
Figure 1.3 Type No., Memory Size, and Package
ROM capacity: 6: 48 Kbytes 8: 64 Kbytes A: 96 Kbytes C: 128 Kbytes E: 192 Kbytes
Memory type: M: Mask ROM version F: Flash memory version S: ROM-less version
Shows RAM capacity, pin count, etc Numeric, Alphabet (L) : M16C/62P Alphabet (L is excluded.) : M16C/62PT
M16C/62(P) Group
M16C Family
G: 256 Kbytes W: 320 Kbytes H: 384 Kbytes J: 512 Kbytes
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M16C/62P Group (M16C/62P, M16C/62PT) 1. Overview
Table 1.8 Product Code of Flash Memory version and ROMless version for M16C/62P
Flash memory Version
ROM-less version
Internal ROM
(User ROM Area Without Block A,
D3 Lead­D5 -20°C to 85°C D7 1,000 10,000 -40°C to 85°C-40°C to 85°C D9 -20°C to 85°C-20°C to 85°C U3 Lead-free 100 100 0°C to 60°C-40°C to 85°C U5 -20°C to 85°C U7 1,000 10,000 -40°C to 85°C-40°C to 85°C U9 -20°C to 85°C-20°C to 85°C D3 Lead­D5 -20°C to 85°C U3 Lead-free −−− −-40°C to 85°C U5 -20°C to 85°C
Program and Erase Endurance
Block 1)
100 0°C to 60°C 100 0°C to 60°C-40°C to 85°C
−− − −-40°C to 85°C
Internal ROM
(Block A, Block 1)
and Erase
M1 6 C
The product without marking of chip version of the flash memory version and the ROMless version corresponds to the chip version “A”.
Figure 1.4 Marking Diagram of Flash Memory version and ROM-less version for M16C/62P (Top View)
Type No. (See Figure 1.3 Type No., Memory Size, and Package) Chip version and product code
B : Shows chip version.
Henceforth, whenever it changes a version, it continues with B, C, and D.
D5 : Shows Product code. (See table 1.8 Product Code)
Date code seven digits
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M16C/62P Group (M16C/62P, M16C/62PT) 1. Overview
Table 1.9 Product Code of Flash Memory version for M16C/62PT
Flash memory Version
Version Version
Internal ROM
(User ROM Area
B Lead-
B7 1,000 10,000 -40°C to 85°C-40°C to 85°C
U Lead-free 100 100 0°C to 60°C-40°C to 85°C
U7 1,000 10,000 -40°C to 85°C-40°C to 85°C
Without Block A, Block 1) Program
and Erase
100 0°C to 60°C1000°C to 60°C-40°C to 85°C
Internal ROM
(Block A, Block 1)
and Erase
-40°C to 125°C-40°C to 125°C
-40°C to 125°C-40°C to 125°C
-40°C to 125°C
-40°C to 125°C
M1 6 C M3 0 6 2 J F H TF P YYY XXXXXXX
Type No. (See Figure 1.3 Type No., Memory Size, and Package) Date code seven digits
Product code. (See table 1.9 Product Code)
” : Product code “B” “ P B F ” : Product code “U” “ B 7 ” : Product code “B”
“ U 7 ” : Product code “U7”
1. : Blank
Figure 1.5 Marking Diagram of Flash Memory version for M16C/62PT (Top View)
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M16C/62P Group (M16C/62P, M16C/62PT) 1. Overview

1.5 Pin Configuration

Figures 1.6 to 1.9 show the Pin Configuration (Top View).
9 D
/ 1 _ 1 P
P1_0/D8 P0_7/AN0_7/D7 P0_6/AN0_6/D6 P0_5/AN0_5/D5 P0_4/AN0_4/D4 P0_3/AN0_3/D3 P0_2/AN0_2/D2 P0_1/AN0_1/D1 P0_0/AN0_0/D0
P11_7 P11_6 P11_5 P11_4 P11_3 P11_2 P11_1
P11_0 P10_7/AN7/KI3 P10_6/AN6/KI2 P10_5/AN5/KI1 P10_4/AN4/KI0
P10_3/AN3 P10_2/AN2 P10_1/AN1
103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718192021222324252627282930
M16C/62P Group (M16C/62P)
31 32 33 34 35 36 37
49 48
P13_5 P13_6
46 45
P6_0/CTS0/RTS0 P6_1/CLK0
40 39
P9_7/A D TRG/SIN 4
P9_6/AN EX1/SO UT4
1. P7_0 and P7_1 are N channel open-drain output pins.
2. Use the M16C/62PT on VCC1=VCC2.
Figure 1.6 Pin Configuration (Top View)
P8_4/IN T 2 /Z P
P7_3/C T S2/RTS2 /T A1IN/V
Package : PLQP0128KB-A (128P6Q-A)
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M16C/62P Group (M16C/62P, M16C/62PT) 1. Overview
Table 1.10 Pin Characteristics for 128-Pin Package (1)
Pin No. Control Pin Port Interrupt Pin Timer Pin UART Pin Analog Pin Bus Control Pin
3 P9_7 SIN4 ADTRG 4 P9_6 SOUT4 ANEX1 5 P9_5 CLK4 ANEX0 6P9_4 TB4IN DA1 7P9_3 TB3IN DA0 8 P9_2 TB2IN SOUT3
9 P9_1 TB1IN SIN3 10 P9_0 TB0IN CLK3 11 P14_1 12 P14_0 13 BYTE 14 CNVSS 15 XCIN P8_7 16 XCOUT P8_6 17
22 23 24 25 26 27 P8_0 TA4OUT/U
28 P7_7 TA3IN 29 P7_6 TA3OUT 30
31 P7_4 TA2OUT/W 32 33 P7_2 TA1OUT/V CLK2
34 P7_1 TA0IN/TB5IN RXD2/SCL2 35 P7_0 TA0OUT TXD2/SDA2 36 P6_7 TXD1/SDA1 37 VCC1 38 P6_6 RXD1/SCL1 39 VSS 40 P6_5 CLK1
41 42 P6_3 TXD0/SDA0
43 P6_2 RXD0/SCL0 44 P6_1 CLK0 45
46 P13_7 47 P13_6 48 P13_5 49 P13_4
P8_5 NMI P8_4 INT2 P8_3 INT1 P8_2 INT0 P8_1 TA4IN/U
P7_5 TA2IN/W
P7_3 TA1IN/V
P6_4 CTS1
P6_0 CTS0
P5_7 RDY
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