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User’s Manual
User’s Manual
Emulation Pod for 740 Family MCUs
Rev.2.00 2003.11
• Renesas Technology Corporation and Renesas Solutions Corporation put the maximum effort into making semiconductor products better
and more reliable, but there is always the possibility that trouble may occur with them. Trouble with semiconductors may lead to personal
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measures such as (i) placement of substitutive, auxiliary circuits, (ii) use of nonflammable material or (iii) prevention against any
malfunction or mishap.
Keep safety first in your circuit designs!
• These materials are intended as a reference to assist our customers in the selection of the Renesas Technology product best suited to
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• Renesas Technology Corporation and Renesas Solutions Corporation assume no responsibility for any damage, or infringement of any
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• All information contained in these materials, including product data, diagrams, charts, programs and algorithms represents information
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• Renesas Technology semiconductors are not designed or manufactured for use in a device or system that is used under circumstances
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• Please contact Renesas Technology Corporation or Renesas Solutions Corporation for further details on these materials or the products
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Notes regarding these materials
• This product is a development supporting unit for use in your program development and evaluation stages. In mass-producing your
program you have finished developing, be sure to make a judgment on your own risk that it can be put to practical use by performing
integration test, evaluation, or some experiment else.
• In no event shall Renesas Solutions Corporation be liable for any consequence arising from the use of this product.
• Renesas Solutions Corporation strives to renovate or provide a workaround for product malfunction at some charge or without charge.
However, this does not necessarily mean that Renesas Solutions Corporation guarantees the renovation or the provision under any
• This product has been developed by assuming its use for program development and evaluation in laboratories. Therefore, it does not fall
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• This product is not qualified under UL or other safety standards and IEC or other industry standards. This fact must be taken into account
when taking this product from Japan to some other country.
For inquiries about the contents of this document or product, fill in the text file the installer of the emulator debugger generates in the
following directory and email to your local distributor.
The M38000TL2-FPD is an emulation pod for the 740 Family of Renesas 8-bit MCUs. It is used with
a PC4701 emulator.
This user's manual mainly describes specifications of the M38000TL2-FPD emulation pod and how
to setup it. For details on the following products, which are used with the M38000TL2-FPD, refer
to each product's user's manual.
• Emulator:PC4701 User's Manual
• Emulator debugger:M3T-PD38 User's Manual
All the components of this product are shown in "2.1 Package Components" (page 16) of this user's
manual. If there is any question or doubt about this product, contact your local distributor.
To use the product properly
Precautions for Safety:
•Both in this User's Manual and on the product itself, several icons are used to insure
proper handling of this product and also to prevent injuries to you or other persons,
or damage to your properties.
• The icons' graphic images and meanings are given in "Chapter 1. Precautions for
Safety". Be sure to read this chapter before using the product.
When using outside Japan
• When using in Europe, the United States, or Canada, be sure to use both the emulator
and the emulation pod which meet overseas standards. EMI standards are not met
when the M38000TL2-FPD is used with the PC4700H or PC4700L emulator.
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Some specific words used in this user's manual are defined as follows:
Emulator system
This means an emulator system built around the PC4701 emulator. The PC4701 emulator system is
configured with an emulator main unit, emulation pod, host machine and emulator debugger.
Emulator main unit (Hereafter PC4701)
This means the generic name for emulators for 8 and 16-bit MCUs. For details on specific models
of PC4701, visit Renesas Tools Homepage at http://www.renesas.com/en/tools
Emulation pod main unit
This means the M38000TL2-FPD (this product). This emulation pod is for the 740 Family MCUs.
Host machine
This means a personal computer used to control the emulator and emulation pod.
Emulator debugger
This means a software tool M3T-PD38 to control the emulator from the host machine through an
In this user's manual, the emulator debugger "M3T-PD38" may be represented as "PD38". Please read
"M3T-PD38" for "PD38".
Program that analyzes contents of communication with the emulator debugger and controls the
emulator hardware. This program is installed in the EEPROM. This program is downloadable from
the emulator debugger to upgrade the firmware or to support other MCUs.
Emulator MCU
This means the special package MCU for the emulator mounted on the emulation pod. This is used
by connected to the tip of this product (target system side).
Target MCU
This means the microcomputer you are going to debug.
Target system
This means a user's application system using the MCU to be debugged.
In this user's manual, this symbol is used to show active LOW. (e.g. RESET*: Reset signal)
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Chapter 1. Precautions for Safety ...........................................................................................7
1.1 Safety Symbols and Meanings ..............................................................................8
7.4 How to Request for Repair..................................................................................51
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Chapter 1. Precautions for Safety
This chapter describes precautions for using this product safely and properly. For precautions for the emulator main unit,
the emulation pod main unit and the emulator debugger, refer to each user's manual included with your product.
1.1 Safety Symbols and Meanings ..................................................................................................... 8
Warning for Installation...............................................................................................9
Warnings for Use Environment ...................................................................................9
Caution to Be Taken for Modifying This Product ....................................................... 9
Cautions to Be Taken for Handling This Product........................................................9
Note on Malfunctions in the PC4701 System............................................................11
Notes on Downloading Firmware..............................................................................11
Notes on Target System ............................................................................................. 11
Note on Differences between Actual MCU and Emulator ........................................ 12
Notes on Watchdog Function..................................................................................... 12
Notes on Internal Resources of MCU........................................................................12
Note on Software Breaks ...........................................................................................12
Note on Interruption...................................................................................................13
Notes on MAP References and Settings ....................................................................13
Notes on Stack Area................................................................................................... 13
Note on When the Emulator Debugger Ends.............................................................13
Notes on Connecting the Target System....................................................................13
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Chapter 1. Precautions for Safety
In both the user's manual and on the product itself, several icons are used to insure proper handling
of this product and also to prevent injuries to you or other persons, or damage to your properties.
This chapter describes the precautions which should be taken in order to use this product safely and
properly. Be sure to read this chapter before using this product.
1.1 Safety Symbols and Meanings
If the requirements shown in the "WARNING"
In addition to the three above, the following are also used as appropriate.
sentences are ignored, the equipment may
cause serious personal injury or death.
If the requirements shown in the "CAUTION"
sentences are ignored, the equipment may
It means important information on using this
The following pages describe the symbols "WARNING", "CAUTION", and "IMPORTANT".
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Warning for Installation:
• Do not set this product in water or areas of high humidity. Spilling water or some other liquid into
the main unit can cause an unrepairable damage.
Warnings for Use Environment:
• The emulation pod is air-cooled with the ventilation slot. Therefore, do not block the ventilation
slot. When heated to high temperatures, the emulation pod may not work properly.
• This equipment is to be used in an environment with a maximum ambient temperature of 35°C. Care
should be taken that this temperature is not exceeded.
Caution to Be Taken for Modifying This Product:
• Do not disassemble or modify this product. Disassembling or modifying this product can cause
damage. Disassembling and modifying the product will void your warranty.
Cautions to Be Taken for Handling This Product:
• Use caution when handling the main unit. Be careful not to apply a mechanical shock.
• Do not touch the connector pins of the emulator main unit and the target MCU connector pins. Static
electricity may damage the internal circuits.
•Do not pull the pod probe by the flexible cable for connecting to the emulator main unit or the
flexible cable PCA7733 REV.B for connecting the target system. The cable may cause a break.
• The flexible cable for connecting to the emulator main unit or the flexible cable PCA7733 REV.B
for connecting the target system are different from earlier models. The slits make them more
flexible. However, excessive flexing or force may break conductors. Figure 1.1 (next page) shows
the examples of excessively flexed cables and how to handle them.
•Do not use inch-size screws for this equipment. The screws used in this equipment are all ISO
(meter-size) type screws. When replacing screws, use same type screws as equipped before.
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(1) Set the target system on a platform to relax bends
and relieve stress in the board.
(2) The boundary between the firm and flexible parts
of the flexible board does not ready bend. Do not
bend it excessively.
When bending the flexible board,
keep R to 30 mm or more as shown at left.
Figure 1.1 Note on handling the flexible cable PCA7733 REV.B
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Note on Malfunctions in the PC4701 System:
• If the emulator malfunctions because of interference such as external noise, do the following to
remedy the trouble.
(1) Press the RESET button on the emulator front panel.
(2) If normal operation is not restored after step (1), shut OFF power to the emulator once and then
reactivate it.
Notes on Downloading Firmware:
• Before using this product for the first time, it is necessary to download the dedicated firmware
(control software for the emulation pod built into the PC4701). Please note that, to do this, it is
necessary to start up the PC4701 in maintenance mode. For firmware download procedures, see
"4.2 Downloading Firmware" (page 34). Once the firmware has been downloaded, the product can
be used by simply turning on the power.
• Do not shut off the power while downloading the firmware. If this happens, the product will not
start up properly. If power is shut off unexpectedly, redownload the firmware.
• Except when a target status error occurs, if the self-check is not completed successfully, there may
be trouble with the product. In such case, contact your sales representative.
Notes on Target System:
• For starting up the emulation pod normally, the following are needed.
(1) Connection to the emulator MCU
(2) Power to the emulator MCU (Vcc and GND)
• The Vcc pin is connected to the target system to observe the voltage of the target system.
Therefore the emulator cannot supply the power to the target system. Design your system
so that the target system is powered separately.
• The voltage of the target system should be within the MCU's specified range and between
+0.9 and 5.5 V.
•Do not change the voltage of the target system after turning on the power.
(3) Clock to the emulator MCU
(4) Processing RESET pin and Vref pin (if the MCU has it)
When debugging with M38000TL2-FPD, use either an open-drain type reset IC or a CR reset
circuit. The recommended pull-up value is about 10kΩ. The MCU can be reset by outputting
"L" to the target through the reset clip on the M38000TL2-FPD. However, if the reset circuit
on the target is an H-output type RESET IC, it cannot be set to "L" and the emulator will not
operate properly.
According to the MCU specifications, terminate the Vref pin properly.
• Before powering on your emulator system, check that the host machine, the PC4701, converter
board and target system are all connected correctly. Next, turn on the power to each equipment
following the procedure below.
(1) Turn ON/OFF the target system and the PC4701 as simultaneously as possible.
(2) When the PC4701 and emulator debugger M3T-PD38 start up, check the target status LEDs
on the emulator main unit's front panel to see if this product is ready to operate.
(For the target status LEDs on the emulator main unit's front panel when starting up the
PC4701, refer to "4.1 (3) LED Display When the PC4701 Starts Up Normally" on page 33.)
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Note on Differences between Actual MCU and Emulator:
•Operations of the emulator differ from those of mask MCUs as listed below.
(1) Reset condition
(2) Initial values of internal resource data at power-on
(3) Interrupt stack pointer after releasing reset
(4) Internal memory (ROM and RAM) capacities, etc.
Therefore, be sure to evaluate your system with an evaluation MCU. Before starting mask
production, evaluate your system and make final confirmation with an ES (Engineering
Sample) version MCU.
Notes on Watchdog Function:
• The MCU's watchdog timer can be used only while programs are being executed. To use it
otherwise, disable the watchdog timer.
• If the reset circuit of the target system has a watchdog timer, disable it when using the emulator.
Notes on Internal Resources of MCU:
• In the MCU's internal RAM area, single-step and break operations cannot be performed.
• When using the 38000 Series emulator MCU, note that addresses $FFFE and $FFFF cannot be used.
When using any MCU other than the 38000 Series, you cannot use addresses $8000 and $8001.
Note on Software Breaks:
• Software breaks generate break interruptions by forcibly inserting a BRK instruction "00h" instead
of an instruction code. Therefore, when referencing the result of a trace in bus mode, "00h" is
displayed for the instruction fetch address where a software break is set.
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Note on Interruption:
• While the program is paused, interrupts are made by running a selected address loop. For this
reason, timers and other functions are not stopped while the program is paused (including while
debug programs are running).
If an interrupt request is generated at any time other than when the program is being executed (while
the user program is paused or a debug program is running), the interrupt is not generated because
the emulator disables interrupts. However, the interrupt request bit is not cleared.
Notes on MAP References and Settings:
•When starting up the M38000TL2-FPD, initial MAP settings are as follows.
•Be sure to set the internal RAM of MCU and SFR area to "EXT".
•When the RAM area of the target MCU is larger than the RAM in the emulator MCU, set the
marginal area to "INT".
Notes on Stack Area:
• With this product, a maximum 3 bytes of the user stack is consumed as a work area.
• If the user stack area does not have enough area, do not use areas which cannot be used as stack (SFR
area, RAM area which stores data, or ROM area) as work area. Using areas like this is a cause of
user program crashes and destabilized emulator control. Therefore, ensure the +3 bytes maximum
capacity used by the user program as the user stack area.
•With this product, the address listed in MCU file is used as stack area after the reset is released.
Note on When the Emulator Debugger Ends:
• To restart the emulator debugger after it ends, always shut power to the emulator module off once
and then on again.
Notes on Connecting the Target System:
•When connecting the PCA7733 REV.B flexible board and the probe direction converter board, be
careful not to forcibly press the top of the J1 part of the PCA7733 REV.B flexible board. (The J1
connector is guaranteed for only 20 insertion/removal iterations.)
• Especially be careful not to insert the J1 connector in the wrong direction.
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Chapter 2. Preparation
This chapter describes the package components, the system configuration and the preparation for using this product for the
first time.