Renesas M32R-FPU User Manual

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User’s Manual
Software Manual
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Rev.1.01 2003.10
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M32R-FPU Software Manual
Rev. Date Description
Page Summary
1.00 Jan 08, 2003 First edition issued
1.01 Oct 31, 2003 Hexadecimal Instruction Code Table corrected (BTST instruction)APPENDICES-3
Appendix Figure 3.1.1 corrected Incorrect) *The E1 stage of the FDIV instruction requires 13 cycles. Correct) *The E1 stage of the FDIV instruction requires 14 cycles.
Appendix Figure 3.2.1 corrected Incorrect) LD1 Correct) LDI
Appendix Figure 3.2.4 corrected Incorrect) ADD R1,R6,R7 Correct) FMADD R1,R6,R7

Table of contents

1.1 CPU register .......................................................................................................... 1-2
1.2 General-purpose registers ...................................................................................... 1-2
1.3 Control registers ..................................................................................................... 1-3
1.3.1 Processor status word register: PSW (CR0) ...................................... 1-4
1.3.2 Condition bit register: CBR (CR1) ......................................................1-5
1.3.3 Interrupt stack pointer: SPI (CR2)
User stack pointer: SPU (CR3) ..........................................................1-5
1.3.4 Backup PC: BPC (CR6) .....................................................................1-5
1.3.5 Floating-Point Status Register: FPSR (CR7) .....................................1-6
1.3.6 Floating-Point Exceptions (FPE) ........................................................1-8
1.4 Accumulator............................................................................................................ 1-11
1.5 Program counter ..................................................................................................... 1-11
1.6 Data format ............................................................................................................. 1-12
1.6.1 Data type ............................................................................................1-12
1.6.2 Data format......................................................................................... 1-13
1.7 Addressing mode.................................................................................................... 1-15
2.1 Instruction set overview ......................................................................................... 2-2
2.1.1 Load/store instructions .......................................................................2-2
2.1.2 Transfer instructions...........................................................................2-4
2.1.3 Operation instructions ........................................................................2-4
2.1.4 Branch instructions.............................................................................2-6
2.1.5 EIT-related instructions ......................................................................2-8
2.1.6 DSP function instructions ...................................................................2-8
2.1.7 Floating-point Instructions ..................................................................2-11
2.1.8 Bit Operation Instructions ................................................................... 2-11
2.2 Instruction format ................................................................................................... 2-12
M32R-FPU Software Manual (Rev.1.01)
3.1 Conventions for instruction description................................................................... 3-2
3.2 Instruction description............................................................................................. 3-5
Appendix 1 Hexadecimal Instraction Code..................................................................
Appendix 2 Instruction List...........................................................................................
Appendix 3 Pipeline Processing ..................................................................................
Appendix 3.1 Instructions and Pipeline Processing ....................................
Appendix 3.2 Pipeline Basic Operation .......................................................
Appendix 4 Instruction Execution Time .......................................................................
Appendix 5 IEEE754 Specification Overview ..............................................................
Appendix 5.1 Floating Point Formats ..........................................................
Appendix 5.2 Rounding ...............................................................................
Appendix 5.3 Exceptions.............................................................................
Appendix 6 M32R-FPU Specification Supplemental Explanation ......................................
Appendix 6.1 Operation Comparision: Using 1 instruction (FMADD or FMSBU)
vs. two instructions (FMUL and FADD) .................................
Appendix 6.1.1 Rounding Mode ............................................................
Appendix 6.1.2 Exception occurring in Step 1 .......................................
Appendix 6.2 Rules concerning Generation of QNaN in M32R-FPU ...........
Appendix 7 Precautions...............................................................................................
Appendix 7.1 Precautions to be taken when aligning data...........................
Appendix Appendix
Appendix Appendix Appendix
Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix
M32R-FPU Software Manual (Rev.1.01)
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M32R-FPU Software Manual (Rev.1.01)
1.1 CPU Register
1.2 General-purpose Registers
1.3 Control Registers
1.4 Accumulator
1.5 Program Counter
1.6 Data Format
1.7 Addressing Mode

1.1 CPU Register

The M32R family CPU, with a built-in FPU (herein referred to as M32R-FPU) has 16 general-purpose registers, 6 control registers, an accumulator and a program counter. The accumulator is of 56-bit configuration, and all other registers are a 32­bit configuration.

1.2 General-purpose Registers

The 16 general-purpose registers (R0 – R15) are of 32-bit width and are used to retain data and base addresses, as well as for integer calculations, floating-point operations, etc. R14 is used as the link register and R15 as the stack pointer. The link register is used to store the return address when executing a subroutine call instruction. The Interrupt Stack Pointer (SPI) and the User Stack Pointer (SPU) are alternately represented by R15 depending on the value of the Stack Mode (SM) bit in the Processor Status Word Register (PSW). At reset release, the value of the general-purpose registers is undefined.
1.1 CPU Register
Note 1: The stack pointer functions as either the SPI or the SPU depending on the value of the SM bit in the PSW.
R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7
R8 R9 R10 R11 R12 R13 R14 (Link register) R15 (Stack pointer)
Figure 1.2.1 General-purpose Registers
(Note 1)
M32R-FPU Software Manual (Rev.1.01)

1.3 Control Registers

1.3 Control Registers
There are 6 control registers which are the Processor Status Word Register (PSW), the Condition Bit Register (CBR), the Interrupt Stack Pointer (SPI), the User Stack Pointer (SPU), the Backup PC (BPC) and the Floating-point Status Register (FPSR). The dedicated MVTC and MVFC instructions are used for writing and reading these control registers. In addition, the SM bit, IE bit and C bit of the PSW can also be set by the SETPSW instruction or the CLRPSW instruction.
Notes: • CRn (n = 0 - 3, 6 and 7) denotes the control register number.
• The dedicated MVTC and MVFC instructions are used for writing and reading these control registers.
• The SM bit, IE bit and C bit of the PSW can also be set by the SETPSW instruction or the CLRPSW
Figure 1.3.1 Control Registers
Processor Status Register Condition Bit Register Interrupt Stack Pointer User Stack Pointer
Backup PC Floating-point Status Register
1-3 M32R-FPU Software Manual (Rev.1.01)

1.3.1 Processor Status Word Register: PSW (CR0)

7654321 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 b15b0
1.3 Control Registers
0000 000 0000000
?? 00000?00000000
b Bit Name Function R W
0-15 No function assigned. Fix to "0". 0 0
16 BSM Saves value of SM bit when EIT occurs R W
Backup SM Bit
17 BIE Saves value of IE bit when EIT occurs R W
Backup IE Bit
18-22 No function assigned. Fix to "0". 0 0
23 BC Saves value of C bit when EIT occurs R W
Backup C Bit
24 SM 0: Uses R15 as the interrupt stack pointer R W
Stack Mode Bit 1: Uses R15 as the user stack pointer
25 IE 0: Does not accept interrupt R W
Interrupt Enable Bit 1: Accepts interrupt
26-30 No function assigned. Fix to "0". 0 0
31 C Indicates carry, borrow and overflow resulting R W
Condition Bit from operations (instruction dependent)
BPSW field
23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 b3117 18 19 20 21 22b16
PSW field
< At reset release: "B'0000 0000 0000 0000 ??00 000? 0000 0000 >
The Processor Status Word Register (PSW) indicates the M32R-FPU status. It consists of the current PSW field which is regularly used, and the BPSW field where a copy of the PSW field is saved when EIT occurs. The PSW field consists of the Stack Mode (SM) bit, the Interrupt Enable (IE) bit and the Condition (C) bit. The BPSW field consists of the Backup Stack Mode (BSM) bit, the Backup Interrupt Enable (BIE) bit and the Backup Condition (BC) bit. At reset release, BSM, BIE and BC are undefined. All other bits are "0".
M32R-FPU Software Manual (Rev.1.01)

1.3.2 Condition Bit Register: CBR (CR1)

The Condition Bit Register (CBR) is derived from the PSW register by extracting its Condition (C) bit. The value written to the PSW register's C bit is reflected in this register. The register can only be read. (Writing to the register with the MVTC instruction is ignored.) At reset release, the value of CBR is "H'0000 0000".

1.3.3 Interrupt Stack Pointer: SPI (CR2) User Stack Pointer: SPU (CR3)

The Interrupt Stack Pointer (SPI) and the User Stack Pointer (SPU) retain the address of the current stack pointer. These registers can be accessed as the general-purpose register R15. R15 switches between representing the SPI and SPU depending on the value of the Stack Mode (SM) bit in the PSW. At reset release, the value of the SPI and SPU are undefined.
1.3 Control Registers

1.3.4 Backup PC: BPC (CR6)

The Backup PC (BPC) is used to save the value of the Program Counter (PC) when an EIT occurs. Bit 31 is fixed to "0". When an EIT occurs, the register sets either the PC value when the EIT occurred or the PC value for the next instruction depending on the type of EIT. The BPC value is loaded to the PC when the RTE instruction is executed. However, the values of the lower 2 bits of the PC are always "00" when returned (PC always returns to the word-aligned address). At reset release, the value of the BPC is undefined.
1-5 M32R-FPU Software Manual (Rev.1.01)

1.3.5 Floating-point Status Register: FPSR (CR7)

0000 00 0 0000000
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 b3117b16
00 00000100000000
b Bit Name Function R W 0 FS Reflects the logical sum of FU, FZ, FO and FV. R
Floating-point Exception Summary Bit
1 FX Set to "1" when an inexact exception occurs R W
Inexact Exception Flag (if EIT processing is unexecuted (Note 1)).
2 FU Set to "1" when an underflow exception occurs R W
Underflow Exception Flag (if EIT processing is unexecuted (Note 1)).
3 FZ Set to "1" when a zero divide exception occurs R W
Zero Divide Exception Flag (if EIT processing is unexecuted (Note 1)).
4 FO Set to "1" when an overflow exception occurs R W
Overflow Exception Flag (if EIT processing is unexecuted (Note 1)).
5 FV Set to "1" when an invalid operation exception R W
Invalid Operation Exception occurs (if EIT processing is unexecuted (Note 1)). Flag Once set, the flag retains the value "1" until
6–16 No function assigned. Fix to "0". 0 0
17 EX 0: Mask EIT processing to be executed when an R W
Inexact Exception Enable inexact exception occurs Bit 1: Execute EIT processing when an inexact
18 EU 0: Mask EIT processing to be executed when an R W
Underflow Exception Enable underflow exception occurs Bit 1: Execute EIT processing when an underflow
19 EZ 0: Mask EIT processing to be executed when a R W
Zero Divide Exception zero divide exception occurs Enable Bit 1: Execute EIT processing when a zero divide
20 EO 0: Mask EIT processing to be executed when an R W
Overflow Exception overflow exception occurs Enable Bit 1: Execute EIT processing when an overflow
Once set, the flag retains the value "1" until it is cleared to "0" in software.
Once set, the flag retains the value "1" until it is cleared to "0" in software.
Once set, the flag retains the value "1" until it is cleared to "0" in software.
Once set, the flag retains the value "1" until it is cleared to "0" in software.
it is cleared to "0" in software.
exception occurs
exception occurs
exception occurs
exception occurs
<At reset release: H0000 0100>
1.3 Control Registers
M32R-FPU Software Manual (Rev.1.01)
21 EV 0: Mask EIT processing to be executed when an R W
Invalid Operation Exception invalid operation exception occurs Enable Bit 1: Execute EIT processing when an invalid
operation exception occurs 22 No function assigned. Fix to "0". 0 0 23 DN 0: Handle the denormalized number as a R W
Denormalized Number Zero denormalized number Flash Bit (Note 2) 1: Handle the denormalized number as zero
24 CE 0: No unimplemented operation exception occurred . R(Note 3)
Unimplemented Operation 1: An unimplemented operation exception occurred. Exception Cause Bit When the bit is set to "1", the execution of an
FPU operation instruction will clear it to "0". 25 CX 0: No inexact exception occurred. R (Note 3)
Inexact Exception Cause 1: An inexact exception occurred. Bit When the bit is set to "1", the execution of an
FPU operation instruction will clear it to "0". 26 CU 0: No underflow exception occurred. R (Note 3)
Underflow Exception Cause 1: An underflow exception occurred. Bit When the bit is set to "1", the execution of an
FPU operation instruction will clear it to "0". 27 CZ 0: No zero divide exception occurred. R (Note 3)
Zero Divide Exception 1: A zero divide exception occurred. Cause Bit When the bit is set to "1", the execution of an
FPU operation instruction will clear it to "0". 28 CO 0: No overflow exception occurred. R(Note 3)
Overflow Exception 1: An overflow exception occurred. Cause Bit When the bit is set to "1", the execution of an
FPU operation instruction will clear it to "0". 29 CV 0: No invalid operation exception occurred. R (Note 3)
Invalid Operation Exception 1: An invalid operation exception occurred. Cause Bit When the bit is set to "1", the execution of an
FPU operation instruction will clear it to "0".
30, 31 RM 00: Round to Nearest R W
Rounding Mode Selection Bit 01: Round toward Zero
10: Round toward +Infinity
11: Round toward -Infinity
Note 1: If EIT processing is unexecuted means whenever one of the exceptions occurs, enable bits
17 to 21 are set to "0" which masks the EIT processing so that it cannot be executed. If two exceptions occur at the same time and their corresponding exception enable bits are set differently (one enabled, and the other masked), EIT processing is executed. In this case, these two flags do not change state regardless of the enable bit settings.
Note 2: If a denormalized number is given to the operand when DN = "0", an unimplemented
exception occurs.
Note 3: This bit is cleared by writing "0". Writing "1" has no effect (the bit retains the value it had
before the write).
1.3 Control Registers
1-7 M32R-FPU Software Manual (Rev.1.01)

1.3.6 Floating-point Exceptions (FPE)

Floating-point Exception (FPE) occurs when Unimplemented Exception (UIPL) or one of the five exceptions specified in the IEEE754 standard (OVF/UDF/IXCT/ DIV0/IVLD) is detected. Each exception processing is outlined below.
(1) Overflow Exception (OVF)
The exception occurs when the absolute value of the operation result exceeds the largest describable precision in the floating-point format. The following table shows the operation results when an OVF occurs.
Operation Result (Content of the Destination Register)
Rounding Mode Sign of the Result When the OVF EIT processing When the OVF EIT processing
is masked (Note 1) is executed (Note 2)
infinity + +MAX
+infinity + +infinity
––MAX No change
0 + +MAX
Nearest + +infinity
Note 1: When the Overflow Exception Enable (EO) bit (FPSR register bit 20) = "0" Note 2: When the Overflow Exception Enable (EO) bit (FPSR register bit 20) = "1" Note: If an OVF occurs while EIT processing for OVF is masked, an IXCT occurs at the same time.
1.3 Control Registers
(2) Underflow Exception (UDF)
The exception occurs when the absolute value of the operation result is less than the largest describable precision in the floating-point format. The following table shows the operation results when a UDF occurs.
Operation Result (Content of the Destination Register)
When UDF EIT processing is masked (Note 1) When UDF EIT processing is executed (Note 2)
DN = 0: An unimplemented exception occurs No change
DN = 1: 0 is returned
Note 1: When the Underflow Exception Enable (EU) bit (FPSR register bit 18) = "0" Note 2: When the Underflow Exception Enable (EU) bit (FPSR register bit 18) = "1"
M32R-FPU Software Manual (Rev.1.01)
(3) Inexact Exception (IXCT)
The exception occurs when the operation result differs from a result led out with an infinite range of precision. The following table shows the operation results and the respective conditions in which each IXCT occurs.
Operation Result (Content of the Destination Register)
Occurrence Condition When the IXCT EIT processing is When the IXCT EIT processing is
masked (Note 1) executed (Note 2)
Overflow occurs in OVF Reference OVF operation results No change masked condition
Rounding occurs Rounded value No change
Note 1: When the Inexact Exception Enable (EX) bit (FPSR register bit 17) = "0" Note 2: When the Inexact Exception Enable (EX) bit (FPSR register bit 17) = "1"
(4) Zero Division Exception (DIV0)
The exception occurs when a finite nonzero value is divided by zero. The following table shows the operation results when a DIV0 occurs.
1.3 Control Registers
Operation Result (Content of the Destination Register)
Dividend When the DIV0 EIT processing is When the DIV0 EIT processing is
masked (Note 1) executed (Note 2)
Nonzero finite value ±infinity (Sign is derived by exclusive- No change
ORing the signs of divisor and dividend)
Note 1: When the Zero Division Exception Enable (EZ) bit (FPSR register bit 19) = "0" Note 2: When the Zero Division Exception Enable (EZ) bit (FPSR register bit 19) = "1"
Please note that the DIV0 EIT processing does not occur in the following conditions.
Dividend Behavior 0 An invalid operation exception occurs infinity No exception occur (with the result "infinity")
1-9 M32R-FPU Software Manual (Rev.1.01)
(5) Invalid Operation Exception (IVLD)
The exception occurs when an invalid operation is executed. The following table shows the operation results and the respective conditions in which each IVLD occurs.
Occurrence Condition Operation Result (Content of the Destination Register)
When the IVLD EIT processing When the IVLD EIT is masked (Note 1) processing is executed
Operation for SNaN operand +infinity -(+infinity), -infinity -(-infinity) QNaN 0 ✕ infinity 0 ÷ 0, infinity ÷ infinity
When FTOI Return value when
instruction pre-conversion signed bit is: When an integer conversion was executed "0" = H7FFF FFFF No change overflowed "1" = H8000 0000
When NaN or Infinity was When FTOS Return value when converted into an integer instruction pre-conversion signed bit is:
was executed "0" = H0000 7FFF
"1" = HFFF 8000
When < or > comparison was Comparison results performed on NaN (comparison invalid)
Note 1: When the Invalid Operation Exception Enable (EV) bit (FPSR register bit 21) = "0" Note 2: When the Invalid Operation Exception Enable (EV) bit (FPSR register bit 21) = "1" Notes: NaN (Not a Number)
SNaN (Signaling NaN): a NaN in which the MSB of the decimal fraction is 0. When SNaN is used as the source operand in an operation, an IVLD occurs. SNaNs are useful in identifying program bugs when used as the initial value in a variable. However, SNaNs cannot be generated by hardware. QNaN (Quiet NaN): a NaN in which the MSB of the decimal fraction is "1". Even when QNaN is used as the source operand in an operation, an IVLD will not occur (excluding comparison and format conversion). Because a result can be checked by the arithmetic operations, QNaN allows the user to debug without executing an EIT processing. QNaNs are created by hardware.
1.3 Control Registers
(Note 2)
(6) Unimplemented Exception (UIPL)
The exception occurs when the Denormalized Number Zero Flash (DN) bit (FPSR register bit 23) = "0" and a denormalized number is given as an operation operand (Note 1). Because the UIPL has no enable bits available, it cannot be masked when they occur. The destination register remains unchanged.
Note: A UDF occurs when the intermediate result of an operation is a denormalized number, in which case if the DN bit (FPSR register bit 23) = "0", an UIPL occurs.
M32R-FPU Software Manual (Rev.1.01)

1.4 Accumulator

The Accumulator (ACC) is a 56-bit register used for DSP function instructions. The accumulator is handled as a 64-bit register when accessed for read or write. When reading data from the accumulator, the value of bit 8 is sign-extended. When writing data to the accumulator, bits 0 to 7 are ignored. The accumulator is also used for the multiply instruction "MUL", in which case the accumulator value is destroyed by instruction execution.
Use the MVTACHI and MVTACLO instructions for writing to the accumulator. The MVTACHI and MVTACLO instructions write data to the high-order 32 bits (bits 0-31) and the low-order 32 bits (bits 32-63), respectively.
Use the MVFACHI, MVFACLO, and MVFACMI instructions for reading data from the accumulator. The MVFACHI, MVFACLO and MVFACMI instructions read data from the high-order 32 bits (bits 0-31), the low-order 32 bits (bits 32-63) and the middle 32 bits (bits 16-47), respectively. At reset release, the value of accumulator is undefined.
1.4 Accumulator
(Note 1)
read/write range with
MVTACHI or MVFACHI instruction
Note 1: When read, bits 0 to 7 always show the sign-extended value of bit 8. Writing to this bit field is ignored.
read range with MVFACMI instruction
32 48 b63311615b0 4778
read/write range with
MVTACLO or MVFACLO instruction

1.5 Program Counter

The Program Counter (PC) is a 32-bit counter that retains the address of the instruction being executed. Since the M32R CPU instruction starts with even­numbered addresses, the LSB (bit 31) is always "0". At reset release, the value of the PC is "H0000 0000."
1-11 M32R-FPU Software Manual (Rev.1.01)

1.6 Data Format

1.6.1 Data Type

The data types that can be handled by the M32R-FPU instruction set are signed or unsigned 8, 16, and 32-bit integers and single-precision floating-point numbers. The signed integers are represented by 2's complements.
1.6 Data Format
signed byte (8-bit) integer
unsigned byte (8-bit) integer
signed halfword (16-bit) integer
unsigned halfword (16-bit) integer
signed word (32-bit) integer
unsigned word (32-bit) integer
floating-point single precision values
Figure 1.6.1 Data Type
b0 8 9 b31
S: Sign bit E: Exponent field F: Fraction field
M32R-FPU Software Manual (Rev.1.01)

1.6.2 Data Format

(1) Data format in a register
The data sizes in the M32R-FPU registers are always words (32 bits). When loading byte (8-bit) or halfword (16-bit) data from memory into a register, the data is sign-extended (LDB, LDH instructions) or zero-extended (LDUB, LDUH instructions) to a word (32-bit) quantity before being loaded into the register. When storing data from a register into a memory, the 32-bit data, the 16-bit data on the LSB side and the 8-bit data on the LSB side of the register are stored into memory by the ST, STH and STB instructions, respectively.
1.6 Data Format
< load >
b0 b31
sign-extention (LDH instruction) or zero-extention (LDUH instruction)
b0 b31
b0 b31
< store >
b0 b31
b0 b31
b0 b31
sign-extention (LDB instruction) or zero-extention (LDUB
from memory (LD instruction
from memory (LDH, LDUH
(LDB, LDUB instruction)
to memory (STB instruction)
to memory (STH instruction)
from memory
Figure 1.6.2 Data Format in a Register
to memory (ST
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(2) Data format in memory
The data sizes in memory can be byte (8 bits), halfword (16 bits) or word (32 bits). Although byte data can be located at any address, halfword and word data must be located at the addresses aligned with a halfword boundary (least significant address bit = "0") or a word boundary (two low-order address bits = "00"), respectively. If an attempt is made to access memory data that overlaps the halfword or word boundary, an address exception occurs.
1.6 Data Format
+0 address +1 address +2 address +3 address
b0 b31
half word
Figure 1.6.3 Data Format in Memory
7 8 15 16 23 24
M32R-FPU Software Manual (Rev.1.01)

1.7 Addressing Mode

M32R-FPU supports the following addressing modes.
(1) Register direct [R or CR]
The general-purpose register or the control register to be processed is specified.
(2) Register indirect [@R]
The contents of the register specify the address of the memory. This mode can be used by all load/store instructions.
(3) Register relative indirect [@(disp, R)]
(The contents of the register) + (16-bit immediate value which is sign­extended to 32 bits) specify the address of the memory.
(4) Register indirect and register update
1.7 Addressing Mode
Adds 4 to register contents [@R+] The contents of the register specify the memory address, then 4 is added to the register contents. (Can only be specified with LD instruction).
Add 2 to register contents [@R+] [M32R-FPU extended addressing mode] The contents of the register specify the memory address, then 2 is added to the register contents. (Can only be specified with STH instruction).
Add 4 to register contents [@+R] The contents of the register is added by 4, the register contents specify the memory address. (Can only be specified with ST instruction).
Subtract 4 to register contents [@–R] The content of the register is decreased by 4, then the register contents specify the memory address. (Can only be specified with ST instruction).
(5) immediate [#imm]
The 4-, 5-, 8-, 16- or 24-bit immediate value.
(6) PC relative [pcdisp]
(The contents of PC) + (8, 16, or 24-bit displacement which is sign-extended to 32 bits and 2 bits left-shifted) specify the address of memory.
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1.7 Addressing Mode
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M32R-FPU Software Manual (Rev.1.01)
2.1 Instruction set overview
2.2 Instruction format

2.1 Instruction set overview

2.1 Instruction set overview
The M32R-FPU has a total of 100 instructions. The M32R-FPU has a RISC architecture. Memory is accessed by using the load/store instructions and other operations are executed by using register-to-register operation instructions. M32R CPU supports compound instructions such as " load & address update" and "store & address update" which are useful for high-speed data transfer.

2.1.1 Load/store instructions

The load/store instructions carry out data transfers between a register and a memory.
LD Load LDB Load byte LDUB Load unsigned byte LDH Load halfword LDUH Load unsigned halfword LOCK Load locked ST Store STB Store byte STH Store halfword UNLOCK Store unlocked
M32R-FPU Software Manual (Rev.1.01)
Three types of addressing modes can be specified for load/store instructions.
(1) Register indirect
The contents of the register specify the address. This mode can be used by all load/ store instructions.
(2) Register relative indirect
(The contents of the register) + (32-bit sign-extended 16-bit immediate value) specifies the address. This mode can be used by all except LOCK and UNLOCK instructions.
(3) Register indirect and register update
• Adds 4 to register contents [@R+] The contents of the register specify the memory address, then 4 is added to the register contents. (Can only be specified with LD instruction).
• Add 2 to register contents [@R+] [M32R-FPU extended addressing mode] The contents of the register specify the memory address, then 2 is added to the register contents. (Can only be specified with STH instruction).
2.1 Instruction set overview
• Add 4 to register contents [@+R] The contents of the register is added by 4, the register contents specity the memory address. (Can only be specified with ST instruction).
• Subtract 4 to register contents [@–R] The content of the register is decreased by 4, then the register contents specify the memory address. (Can only be specified with ST instruction).
When accessing halfword and word size data, it is necessary to specify the address on the halfword boundary or the word boundary (Halfword size should be such that the low­order 2 bits of the address are "00" or "10", and word size should be such that the low order 2 bits of the address are "00"). If an unaligned address is specified, an address exception occurs. When accessing byte data or halfword data with load instructions, the high-order bits are sign-extended or zero-extended to 32 bits, and loaded to a register.
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2.1.2 Transfer instructions

The transfer instructions carry out data transfers between registers or a register and an immediate value.
LD24 Load 24-bit immediate LDI Load immediate MV Move register MVFC Move from control register MVTC Move to control register SETH Set high-order 16-bit

2.1.3 Operation instructions

Compare, arithmetic/logic operation, multiply and divide, and shift are carried out between registers.
2.1 Instruction set overview
• compare instructions
CMP Compare CMPI Compare immediate CMPU Compare unsigned CMPUI Compare unsigned immediate
• arithmetic operation instructions
ADD Add ADD3 Add 3-operand ADDI Add immediate ADDV Add with overflow checking ADDV3 Add 3-operand with overflow checking ADDX Add with carry NEG Negate SUB Subtract SUBV Subtract with overflow checking SUBX Subtract with borrow
M32R-FPU Software Manual (Rev.1.01)
• logic operation instructions
AND AND AND3 AND 3-operand NOT Logical NOT OR OR OR3 OR 3-operand XOR Exclusive OR XOR3 Exclusive OR 3-operand
• multiply/divide instructions
DIV Divide DIVU Divide unsigned MUL Multiply REM Remainder REMU Remainder unsigned
• shift instructions
SLL Shift left logical SLL3 Shift left logical 3-operand SLLI Shift left logical immediate SRA Shift right arithmetic SRA3 Shift right arithmetic 3-operand SRAI Shift right arithmetic immediate SRL Shift right logical SRL3 Shift right logical 3-operand SRLI Shift right logical immediate
2.1 Instruction set overview
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2.1.4 Branch instructions

The branch instructions are used to change the program flow.
BC Branch on C-bit BEQ Branch on equal to BEQZ Branch on equal to zero BGEZ Branch on greater than or equal to zero BGTZ Branch on greater than zero BL Branch and link BLEZ Branch on less than or equal to zero BLTZ Branch on less than zero BNC Branch on not C-bit BNE Branch on not equal to BNEZ Branch on not equal to zero BRA Branch JL Jump and link JMP Jump NOP No operation
2.1 Instruction set overview
Only a word-aligned (word boundary) address can be specified for the branch address.
M32R-FPU Software Manual (Rev.1.01)
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