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H8S/2378, H8S/2378R Group
Hardware Manual
Renesas 16-Bit Single-Chip Microcomputer
H8S Family/H8S/2300 Series
Rev. 5.00
Revision Date: Nov 18, 2005
Keep safety first in your circuit designs!
1. Renesas Technology Corp. puts the maximum effort into making semiconductor products better and
more reliable, but there is always the possibility that trouble may occur with them. Trouble with
semiconductors may lead to personal injury, fire or property damage.
Remember to give due consideration to safety when making your circuit designs, with appropriate
measures such as (i) placement of substitutive, auxiliary circuits, (ii) use of nonflammable material or
(iii) prevention against any malfunction or mishap.
Notes regarding these materials
1. These materials are intended as a reference to assist our customers in the selection of the Renesas
Technology Corp. product best suited to the customer's application; they do not convey any license
under any intellectual property rights, or any other rights, belonging to Renesas Technology Corp. or
a third party.
2. Renesas Technology Corp. assumes no responsibility for any damage, or infringement of any thirdparty's rights, originating in the use of any product data, diagrams, charts, programs, algorithms, or
circuit application examples contained in these materials.
3. All information contained in these materials, including product data, diagrams, charts, programs and
algorithms represents information on products at the time of publication of these materials, and are
subject to change by Renesas Technology Corp. without notice due to product improvements or
other reasons. It is therefore recommended that customers contact Renesas Technology Corp. or
an authorized Renesas Technology Corp. product distributor for the latest product information
before purchasing a product listed herein.
The information described here may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors.
Renesas Technology Corp. assumes no responsibility for any damage, liability, or other loss rising
from these inaccuracies or errors.
Please also pay attention to information published by Renesas Technology Corp. by various means,
including the Renesas Technology Corp. Semiconductor home page (
4. When using any or all of the information contained in these materials, including product data,
diagrams, charts, programs, and algorithms, please be sure to evaluate all information as a total
system before making a final decision on the applicability of the information and products. Renesas
Technology Corp. assumes no responsibility for any damage, liability or other loss resulting from the
information contained herein.
5. Renesas Technology Corp. semiconductors are not designed or manufactured for use in a device or
system that is used under circumstances in which human life is potentially at stake. Please contact
Renesas Technology Corp. or an authorized Renesas Technology Corp. product distributor when
considering the use of a product contained herein for any specific purposes, such as apparatus or
systems for transportation, vehicular, medical, aerospace, nuclear, or undersea repeater use.
6. The prior written approval of Renesas Technology Corp. is necessary to reprint or reproduce in
whole or in part these materials.
7. If these products or technologies are subject to the Japanese export control restrictions, they must
be exported under a license from the Japanese government and cannot be imported into a country
other than the approved destination.
Any diversion or reexport contrary to the export control laws and regulations of Japan and/or the
country of destination is prohibited.
8. Please contact Renesas Technology Corp. for further details on these materials or the products
contained therein.
Rev. 5.00 Nov 18, 2005 page ii of lxii
General Precautions on Handling of Product
1. Treatment of NC Pins
Note: Do not connect anything to the NC pins.
The NC (not connected) pins are either not connected to any of the internal circuitry or are
used as test pins or to reduce noise. If something is connected to the NC pins, the
operation of the LSI is not guaranteed.
2. Treatment of Unused Input Pins
Note: Fix all unused input pins to high or low level.
Generally, the input pins of CMOS products are high-impedance input pins. If unused pins
are in their open states, intermediate levels are induced by noise in the vicinity, a passthrough current flows internally, and a malfunction may occur.
3. Processing before Initialization
Note: When power is first supplied, the product’s state is undefined.
The states of internal circuits are undefined until full power is supplied throughout the
chip and a low level is input on the reset pin. During the period where the states are
undefined, the register settings and the output state of each pin are also undefined. Design
your system so that it does not malfunction because of processing while it is in this
undefined state. For those products which have a reset function, reset the LSI immediately
after the power supply has been turned on.
4. Prohibition of Access to Undefined or Reserved Addresses
Note: Access to undefined or reserved addresses is prohibited.
The undefined or reserved addresses may be used to expand functions, or test registers
may have been be allocated to these addresses. Do not access these registers; the system’s
operation is not guaranteed if they are accessed.
Rev. 5.00 Nov 18, 2005 page iii of lxii
Configuration of This Manual
This manual comprises the following items:
1. General Precautions on Handling of Product
2. Configuration of This Manual
3. Preface
4. Main Revisions and Additions in this Edition (only for revised versions)
5. Contents
6. Overview
7. Description of Functional Modules
•CPU and System-Control Modules
•On-Chip Peripheral Modules
The configuration of the functional description of each module differs according to the
module. However, the generic style includes the following items:
i) Feature
ii) Input/Output Pin
iii) Register Description
iv) Operation
v) Usage Note
When designing an application system that includes this LSI, take notes into account. Each section
includes notes in relation to the descriptions given, and usage notes are given, as required, as the
final part of each section.
8. List of Registers
9. Electrical Characteristics
The list of revisions is a summary of points that have been revised or added to earlier versions.
This does not include all of the revised contents. For details, see the actual locations in this
Rev. 5.00 Nov 18, 2005 page iv of lxii
The H8S/2378 Group and H8S/2378R Group microcomputers (MCU) made up of the H8S/2000
CPU employing Renesas Technology's original architecture as their cores, and the peripheral
functions required to con fig ure a sys tem.
The H8S/2000 CPU has an internal 32-bit configuration, sixteen 16-bit general registers, and a
simple and optimized instruction set for high-speed operation. The H8S/2000 CPU can handle a
16-Mbyte linear address space.
This LSI is equipped with direct memory access controller (DMAC and EXDMAC) and data
transfer controller (DTC) bus masters, ROM and RAM memory, a 16-bit timer pulse unit (TPU), a
programmable pulse generator (PPG), an 8-bit timer (TMR), a watchdog timer (WDT), a serial
communication interface (SCI and IrDA), a 10-bit A/D converter, an 8-bit D/A converter, and I/O
ports as on-chip peripheral modules required for system configuration. I
can also be included as an optional interface.
A high functionality bus controller is also provided, enabling fast and easy connection of DRAM
and other kinds of memory.
A single-power flash memory (F-ZTAT
) version is available for this LSI's ROM. The F-ZTAT
version provides flexibility as it can be reprogrammed in no time to cope with all situations from
the early stages of mass production to full-scale mass production. This is particularly applicable to
application devices with specifications that will most probably change.
C bus interface 2 (IIC2)
This manual describes this LSI's hardware.
Note: * F-ZTAT is a trademark of Renesas Technology Corp.
Target Users: This manual was written for users who will be using this LSI in the design of
application systems. Target users are expected to understand the fundamentals of
electrical circuits, logical circuits, and microcomputers.
Objective:This manual was written to explain the hardware functions and electrical
characteristics of this LSI to the target users.
Refer to the H8S/2600 Series, H8S/2000 Series Programming Manual for a
detailed description of the instru ction se t.
Notes on reading this manual:
In order to understand the overall functions of the chip
Read the manual according to the contents. This manual can be roughly categorized into parts
on the CPU, system control functions, peripheral functions and electrical characteristics.
Rev. 5.00 Nov 18, 2005 page v of lxii
In order to understand the details of the CPU's functions
Read the H8S/2600 Series, H8S/2000 Series Programming Manual.
For the execution state of each instruction in this LSI, see Appendix D, Bus State during
Execution of Instructions.
In order to understand the details of a register when its name is known
Read the index that is the final part of the manual to find the page number of the entry on the
register. The addresses, bits, and initial values of the registers are summarized in section 25,
List of Registers.
Examples:Register name:The following notation is used for cases when the same or a
similar function, e.g. 16-bit timer pulse unit or serial
communication, is implemented on more than one channel:
XXX_N (XXX is the register name and N is the channel
Bit order:The MSB is on the left and the LSB is on the right.
Number notation:Binary is B'xxxx, hexadecimal is H'xxxx, decimal is xxxx.
Signal notation:An overbar is added to a low-active signal:
Related Manuals:The latest versions of all related manuals are available from our web site.
Please ensure you have the latest versions of all documents you require.
H8S/2378 Group and H8S/2378R Group manuals:
Manual TitleDocument No.
H8S/2378 Group,H8S/2378R Group Hardware ManualThis manual
H8S/2600 Series, H8S/2000 Series Programming ManualREJ09B0139-0300O
In master mode, when a stop
condition is detected after frame
•In slave mode, when a stop
condition is detected after the
general call address or the first
byte slave address, next to
detection of start condition,
accords with the address set in
When download, initialization, or on-chip program is executed,
registers of the CPU except for ER0 and ER1 are stored.
Table amended
Name of
programm ing/
erasing frequency
Flash user bra nch
address set
Flash multi purpose addr ess
Flash multi purpose data
destinatio n area
Abbrevi a-
FMPARR/W Undefined ER1 of
FMPDRR/W Undefined ER0 of
mingEr asure R/W
R/W Undefined ER0 of
R/W Undefined ER1 of
Rev. 5.00 Nov 18, 2005 page xi of lxii
ItemPageRevisions (See Manual for Details)
21.3.2 Programming/
Erasing Interface
(2) Programming/
Erasing Initialization
918(a) Flash programming/erasing frequency parameter (FPEFEQ:
general resister ER0 of CPU)
Description amended
This parameter sets the operating frequency of the CPU and
enables the user branch function.
FUBF15 to
31 to
15 to 0 F15 to F0—R/WFrequency Set
Value R/WDescription
R/WSet to H'AAFF if the user branch function is enabled by
the flash user branch enable bit. Otherwise, set to
Set the operating frequency of the CPU. The setting
value must be calculated as the following methods.
1. The operating frequency which is shown in MHz
units must be rounded in a number to three decimal
places and be shown in a number of two decimal
2. The value multiplied by 100 is converted to the
binary digit and is written to the FPEFEQ parameter
(general register ER0).
For example, when the operating frequency of the CPU
35.000 MHz, the value is as follows.
1. The number to three decimal places of 35.000 is
rounded and the value is thus
2. The formula that 35.00 × 100 = 3500 is converted to
the binary digit and B'0000,1101,
H'0DAC) is set to R0.
919(b) Flash user branch address setting parameter (FUBRA:
general register ER1 of CPU)
(c) Flash pass/fail parameter (FPFR: general register R0L of
Table amended
7 to 3 Unused
Return 0
2BRR/WUser Branch Error Detect (BR)
Returns the check result
whether the specified user
branch destination address is in
the area other than the storage
area of the programmi ng/erasing
program which has been
0: User branch address setting
is normal
1: User branch address setting
is abnormal
Rev. 5.00 Nov 18, 2005 page xii of lxii
ItemPageRevisions (See Manual for Details)
21.3.2 Programming/
Erasing Interface
(2) Programming/
Erasing Initialization
922(3) Programming Execution
(c) Flash pass/fail parameter (FPFR: general register R0L of
Table amended
5EER/WProgramming Execution Error
1 is returned to this bit when the
specified data could not be
written because the user MAT
was not erased or when flashmemory related register settings
are partially changed on
returning from the user branch
processing. If this bit is set to 1,
there is a high possibility that the
user MAT is partially rewritten.
In this case, after removing the
error factor, erase the user MAT.
If FMATS is set to H'AA and the
user boot MAT is selected, an
error occurs when programming
is performed. In this case, both
the user MAT and user boot
MAT are not rewritten.
Programming of the user boot
MAT should be performed in
boot mode or PROM mode.
0: Programming has ended
1: Programming has ended
abnormally (programmi ng
result is not guaranteed)
(4) Erasur e Execution924(a) Flash erase blo ck select parameter (FEBS: general register
ER0 of CPU)
Description amended
This parameter specifies the erase-block number.
7 to 0 EBN7 to
—R/WErase Block Number
Set an erase-block number within the range from 0 to 15.
H'00 corresponds to the EB0 block and H'0F
corresponds to the EB15 block. An error occurs if a
number outside the range from H'00 to H'0F is set..
Rev. 5.00 Nov 18, 2005 page xiii of lxii
ItemPageRevisions (See Manual for Details)
21.3.2 Programming/
Erasing Interface
(4) Erasure Execution
924, 925 (b) Flash pass/fail parameter (FPFR: general register R0L of
Table amended
5EER/WErasure Execution Error Detect
MDR/WProgramming Mode Related
Setting Error Detect
Returns the check result of
whether the error protection
state is entered. The error
protection state is entered, 1 is
written to this bit. The error
protection state can be
confirmed with the FLER bit in
FCCS. For conditions to enter
the error protection state, see
section 21.5.3, Error Protection.
0: FLER setting is normal
(FLER = 0)
1: FLER = 1 and programming
cannot be performed
1 is returned to this bit when the
user MAT could not be erased
or when flash-memory related
register settings are partially
user branch processing. If this
bit is set to 1, there is a high
possibility that the user MAT is
partially erased. In this case,
after removing the error factor,
erase the user MAT. If FMATS
is set to H'AA and the user boot
MAT is selected, an error occurs
when erasure is performed. In
this case, both the user MAT
and user boot MAT are not
erased. Erasing of the user boot
MAT should be performed in
boot mode or PROM mode.
0: Erasure has ended normally
1: Erasure has ended
on returning from the
abnormally (erasure result is
not guaranteed)
Rev. 5.00 Nov 18, 2005 page xiv of lxii
ItemPageRevisions (See Manual for Details)
21.4.2 User Program
933Figure amended
(2) Programming
Procedure in User
Program Mode
Figure 21.11
DPFR = 0?
JSR FTDAR setting + 32
FPFR = 0?
Download error processing
Initialization error processing
936Description amended
6.The FPEFEQ and FUBRA parameters are set for
The allowable setting range for the FPEFEQ parameter is 8
MHz to 35 MHz. When the ...
— Set the user branch destination address as the FUBRA
parameter (general register ER1) and the user branch enable
bits (FUBE15 to FUBE0) as the FPEFEQ parameter (general
register ER0). Set FUBRA and FUBE15 to FUBE0 to 0 if the
user branch function is not required.
Do use programmable user MAT as the user branch
destination. Also, do not use an area containing a downloaded
internal program as the user branch destination. After user
branch processing completes, use the RTS instruction to return
to programming processing.
For details, see the descriptions in 21.3.2 (2) (a), Flash
programming/erasing frequency parameter (FPEFEQ), and
21.3.2 (2) (b), Flash user branch address setting parameter
— The general registers other than ER0, ER1 are held in the
initialization program.
FPFR = 0?
Required data
programming is
Programming finished
JSR FTDAR setting + 16
FPFR = 0?
Clear FKEY to 0
End programming
procedure program
Clear FKEY and
error processing
Clear FKEY and
error processing
Rev. 5.00 Nov 18, 2005 page xv of lxii
ItemPageRevisions (See Manual for Details)
21.4.2 User Program
(2) Programming
Procedure in User
Program Mode
938, 939 Description amended
12. Programming
The general registers other than ER0 and ER1 are held in
the programming program.
15. Execution of Programming Finished Processing
— Data is stored in a general register other than ER0, ER1 by
the programming finished program.
— Only perform programming finished processing once per
block. Even if multiple 128-byte programming operations have
been performed to the same block, programming finished
processing should only be carried out once. (Due not perform
programming finished processing multiple times.) If it is
necessary to reprogram blocks within a previously programmed
area on which programming finished processing has been
performed, first erase the blocks in question and then
reprogram them.
— Programming finished processing should be performed on
all blocks containing areas that have been programmed after
initialization processing. For example, if programming finished
processing is to be carried out once after programming blocks
EB1 to EB3, programming finished processing should be
performed individually on EB1, EB2, and EB3.
939Description added
16. Determine the FPFR (general-purpose register R0L) value
returned by the programming program.
(3) Erasing Procedure
940Figure amended
in User Program Mode
Figure 21.12 Erasing
JSR FTDAR setting
+ 32
941Description amended
• The general registers other than ER0, ER1 are held in the
erasing program.
Rev. 5.00 Nov 18, 2005 page xvi of lxii
ItemPageRevisions (See Manual for Details)
21.4.3 User Boot
943Figure amended
Figure 21.13
Procedure for
Programming finished
JSR FTDAR setting + 16
Programming User
MAT in User Boot Mode
FPFR = 0 ?
Clear FKEY to 0
Clear FKEY and programming
error processing*
Set FMATS to H'AA to
select user boot MAT
End programming
procedure program
21.8 Serial
Interface Specification
for Boot Mode