Renesas H8S2215R User Manual

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User’s Manual
Renesas Starter Kit
RSK H8S2215R Tutorial Manual
Rev.1.00 2007.01
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Preface..................................................................................................................................................3
Chapter 2. Introduction............................................................................................................................................4
Chapter 3. Tutorial Project W orkspace ...................................................................................................................5
Chapter 4. Project Workspace................................................................................................................................6
4.1. Introduction...................................................................................................................................................6
4.2. Creating a new Project Workspace..............................................................................................................6
4.3. Build Configurations and Debug Sessions...................................................................................................7
4.3.1. Build Configuration ................................................................................................................................7
4.3.2. Debug Session.......................................................................................................................................7
Chapter 5. Building the Tutorial Project ..................................................................................................................8
5.1. Building Code...............................................................................................................................................8
5.2. Connecting the debugger.............................................................................................................................9
5.3. Connecting to the target with E8Direct & HMon...........................................................................................9
5.3.1. Connecting To HMon ...........................................................................................................................13
Chapter 6. Downloading and Running the Tutorial...............................................................................................16
Chapter 7. Project Files.........................................................................................................................................21
7.1. Standard Project Files ................................................................................................................................21
7.1.1. Initialisation code (Resetprg.c / resetprg.h).........................................................................................21
7.1.2. Board initialisation code (Hwsetup.c / hwsetup.h)...............................................................................22
7.1.3. Main Tutorial Code (main.c / main.h)...................................................................................................23
Chapter 8. Additional Information..........................................................................................................................24

Chapter 1. Preface

This document may be, wholly or partially, subject to change without notice. All rights reserved. No one is permitted to reproduce or duplicate, in any form, a part or this entire document without the written
permission of Renesas Technology Europe Limited.
All brand or product names used in this manual are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or organisations.
© Renesas Technology Europe Ltd. 2006. All rights reserved. © Renesas Technology Corporation. 2006. All rights reserved. Website:
ADC Anaglog to Digital Conversion HMON Embedded Monitor RSK Renesas Starter Kit RSO Renesas Solutions Organisation. HEW High performance Embedded Workshop CPU Central Processing Unit IRQ Interrupt ReQuest
NMI Non-Maskable Interrupt LED Light Emitting Diode LCD Liquid Crystal Display USB Universal Serial Bus FDT Flash Development Toolkit RTC Real Time Clock

Chapter 2. Introduction

This manual is designed to answer, in tutorial form, the most common questions asked about using a Renesas Starter Kit (RSK): The tutorials help explain the following:
How do I compile, link, download, and run a simple program on the RSK?
How do I build an embedded application?
How do I use Renesas’ tools?
The project generator will create a tutorial project with two selectable build configurations
‘Debug’ is a project built with the debugger support included.
‘Release’ build demonstrating code suitable for release in a product.
Files referred to in this manual are installed using the project generator as you work through the tutorials. The tutorial exam ples in this manual assume that installation procedures described in the RSK Quick Start Guide have been completed. Please refer to the Quick Start Guide for details of preparing the configuration.
NOTE: These tutorials are designed to show you how to use the RSK and are not intended as a comprehensive introduction to the High performance Embedded Workshop (HEW) debugger or the compiler tool-chains – please consult the relevant user manuals for more in-depth information.

Chapter 3. Tutorial Project Workspace

The workspace includes all of the files for two build configurations. The tutorial code is common to both the Debug and the Release build configurations. The tutorial is designed to show how code can be written, debugged then downloaded without the debug monitor in a ‘Release’ situation.
The build configuration menu in High-performance Embedded Workshop (HEW) allows the project to be configured such that certain files may be excluded from each of the build configurations. This allows the inclusion of the debug monitor within the Debug build, and its exclusion in the Release build. Contents of common C files are controlled with defines set up in the build configuration options and #ifdef statements within the source files.
Maintaining only one set of project files means that projects are more controllable. The HMON monitor code is provided in a pre-compiled library for inclusion in the user code. This library must be included in the tool chain
linker settings. There are some configuration options provided to the user. These are provided in the following files ­hmonserialconfiguser.c, hmonconfiguser.c, hmonconfiguser.h and hmonserialconfiguser.h. For more detailed information on this please refer to HMon User Manual.

Chapter 4. Project Workspace

4.1. Introduction

HEW is an integrated development tool that allows the user to write, compile, program and debug a software project on any of the Renesas Microcontrollers. HEW will have been installed during the software installation for the RSK product.
To begin using the RSK, this manual will describe the stages required to create and debug the supplied tutorial code.

4.2. Creating a new Project Workspace

To look at the program, start High-performance Embedded Workshop from the Windows Start Menu (i.e. Start Menu > Programs > Renesas > High-performance Embedded Workshop > High-performance Embedded Workshop) or from its icon:
Open a new tutorial workspace from the [File -> New Workspace…] menu or select ‘Create a new project workspace’ when presented with the ‘Welcome!’ dialog.
The example above shows the New Project Workspace dialog with the RSKH8S2215R selected.
Select the ‘H8S,H8/300’ CPU family and ‘Hitachi H8S,H8/300 Standard’ Tool chain for the RSK
Select the ‘RSKH8S2215R’ Project type for the RSK from the project list.
Enter a name for the workspace; all your files will be stored under a directory with this name.
The project name field will be pre-filled to match the workspace name above; this name may be changed.
Note: HEW allows you to add multiple projects to a workspace. You may add the sample code projects later so you may wish to choose a suitable name for the Tutorial project now.
Click OK to start the RSK Project Generator wizard.
The next dialog presents the example projects available. Choose the Tutorial code which will be explained later in this manual. There is also an option for Sample code which provides examples for using various peripherals. This will open a new dialog allowing the selection of many code examples for the peripheral modules of the device. The final option is for an application build where the debugger is configured but there is no program code. This project is suitable for the user to add code without having to configure the debugger.
Select ‘Tutorial’ as the type of project to generate and then click <Next>.
Click <Finish> to create the project
The project generator wizard will display a confirmation dialog. Press <OK> to create the project and insert the necessary files. A tree showing all the files in this project will appear in the HEW Workspace window.
To view the file ‘main.c’, double click on the file in the Workspace window. A new window will open showing the code.

4.3. Build Configurations and Debug Sessions

The workspace that has been created contains two Build Configurations and two Debug Sessions. The Build Configuration allows the same project to be built but with different compiler options. The options available to the user are described fully in the HEW Users Manual.

4.3.1. Build Configuration

The build configurations are selected from the left hand drop down list on the tool bar. The options available are Debug and Release. The debug build is configured for use with the debugger. The Release build is configured for final ROM-able code.
A common difference between the two builds may be the optimisation settings. With Optimisation turned on the Debugger may seem to execute code in an unexpected order. To assist in debugging it is often helpful to turn off the optimisation when the code being debugged.
Select the Debug Build Configuration.

4.3.2. Debug Session

The debug sessions are selected from the right hand drop down list on the tool bar. The options may vary between RSKs however one will always start Debug and include the type of debug interface. The alternate selection will be ‘DefaultSession’. This purpose of the debug session is to allow the use of different debugger targets or different debugger settings on the same project.
Select the ‘Session_H8S_2215R_HMon’ debug session.
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