RENESAS H8-38024, H8-38024S, H8-38024F-ZTAT, H8-38124 Hardware Manual

Revision Date: Jan 16, 2008
Notes regarding these materials
1. This document is provided for reference purposes only so that Renesas customers may select the appropriate Renesas products for their use. Renesas neither makes warranties or representations with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this document nor grants any license to any intellectual property rights or any other rights of Renesas or any third party with respect to the information in this document.
2. Renesas shall have no liability for damages or infringement of any intellectual property or other rights arising out of the use of any information in this document, including, but not limited to, product data, diagrams, charts, programs, algorithms, and application circuit examples.
3. You should not use the products or the technology described in this document for the purpose of military applications such as the development of weapons of mass destruction or for the purpose of any other military use. When exporting the products or technology described herein, you should follow the applicable export control laws and regulations, and procedures required by such laws and regulations.
4. All information included in this document such as product data, diagrams, charts, programs, algorithms, and application circuit examples, is current as of the date this document is issued. Such information, however, is subject to change without any prior notice. Before purchasing or using any Renesas products listed in this document, please confirm the latest product information with a Renesas sales office. Also, please pay regular and careful attention to additional and different information to be disclosed by Renesas such as that disclosed through our website. ( )
5. Renesas has used reasonable care in compiling the information included in this document, but Renesas assumes no liability whatsoever for any damages incurred as a result of errors or omissions in the information included in this document.
6. When using or otherwise relying on the information in this document, you should evaluate the information in light of the total system before deciding about the applicability of such information to the intended application. Renesas makes no representations, warranties or guaranties regarding the suitability of its products for any particular application and specifically disclaims any liability arising out of the application and use of the information in this document or Renesas products.
7. With the exception of products specified by Renesas as suitable for automobile applications, Renesas products are not designed, manufactured or tested for applications or otherwise in systems the failure or malfunction of which may cause a direct threat to human life or create a risk of human injury or which require especially high quality and reliability such as safety systems, or equipment or systems for transportation and traffic, healthcare, combustion control, aerospace and aeronautics, nuclear power, or undersea communication transmission. If you are considering the use of our products for such purposes, please contact a Renesas sales office beforehand. Renesas shall have no liability for damages arising out of the uses set forth above.
8. Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, you should not use Renesas products for the purposes listed below: (1) artificial life support devices or systems (2) surgical implantations (3) healthcare intervention (e.g., excision, administration of medication, etc.) (4) any other purposes that pose a direct threat to human life Renesas shall have no liability for damages arising out of the uses set forth in the above and purchasers who elect to use Renesas products in any of the foregoing applications shall indemnify and hold harmless Renesas Technology Corp., its affiliated companies and their officers, directors, and employees against any and all damages arising out of such applications.
9. You should use the products described herein within the range specified by Renesas, especially with respect to the maximum rating, operating supply voltage range, movement power voltage range, heat radiation characteristics, installation and other product characteristics. Renesas shall have no liability for malfunctions or damages arising out of the use of Renesas products beyond such specified ranges.
10. Although Renesas endeavors to improve the quality and reliability of its products, IC products have specific characteristics such as the occurrence of failure at a certain rate and malfunctions under certain use conditions. Please be sure to implement safety measures to guard against the possibility of physical injury, and injury or damage caused by fire in the event of the failure of a Renesas product, such as safety design for hardware and software including but not limited to redundancy, fire control and malfunction prevention, appropriate treatment for aging degradation or any other applicable measures. Among others, since the evaluation of microcomputer software alone is very difficult, please evaluate the safety of the final products or system manufactured by you.
11. In case Renesas products listed in this document are detached from the products to which the Renesas products are attached or affixed, the risk of accident such as swallowing by infants and small children is very high. You should implement safety measures so that Renesas products may not be easily detached from your products. Renesas shall have no liability for damages arising out of such detachment.
12. This document may not be reproduced or duplicated, in any form, in whole or in part, without prior written approval from Renesas.
13. Please contact a Renesas sales office if you have any questions regarding the information contained in this document, Renesas semiconductor products, or if you have any other inquiries.
前 言
Renesas USB Stick(简称 RU-Stick 或易优 Stick)是由瑞萨科技(北京)有限公司开发的一款超小型在线调试
器。它使用 UART Monitor 的方式,可以调试瑞萨 M16C/28 群、M16C/29 群、M16C/62P 群、M16C/62A 群、 M16C/62M 群、M16C/80 群、M32C/83 群和 R8C/Tiny 系列等单片机(注 1)。
1:所支持产品系列,请留意瑞萨网站上 本使用手册从集成开发环境的安装开始,帮助用户逐步了解 RU-Stick 的使用方法。
目 录
1. HEW......................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 HEW
1.2 HEW
2.1 RU-Stick ........................................................................................................... 16
2.2 RU-Stick
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........................................................................................................ 1
..................................................................................................... 6
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RU-Stick 调试器用户手册

1. HEW

HEW 是高性能嵌入工作空间(High-performance Embedded Workspace)的缩写。它是一款集成开发环境,其
内嵌了汇编器(Assembler)、文本编辑器(Editer)、调试器(Debugger)等诸多软件工具。配合功能强大的 C 编译器(C CompilerM3T-NC30WA,在 HEW 的统一开发环境下,能够仿真和调试绝大部分的瑞萨公司单片 机。
下面将从安装开始,逐步介绍如何使用 HEW

1.1 HEW 的安装

1.1.1 M3T-NC30WA 的安装

在安装 HEW 之前,首先需要安装 C 编译器 M3T-NC30WA M3T-NC30WA 是一款高性能的 C 编译器,根据瑞萨单片机的指令集特点,它将用户的 C 语言代码进行优化
注:① 安装后 60 天内没有限制。60 天后,工程代码的总量不能超过 64K 字节。
a) 双击 CD 中的“nc30wav540r00a_ev.exe”文件,开始安装。 b) 系统自动解压缩安装文件后,将自动启动安装向导。在这个过程中,请按照安装向导的提示,进行安装。
安装程序。这里,请使用产品附带的CD中的M3T-NC30WA Ver 5.40 安装程
c) 当弹出如图 1.1 的界面时,选择安装 C Compiler Package 和 AutoUpdate,并单击“Install”。其中,C Compiler
Package 选项负责安装 C 编译器 M3T-NC30WAAutoUpdate 负责安装自动升级软件,通过它,您将随时获取瑞
1.1 安装 M3T-NC30WA Ver 5.40.00
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RU-Stick 调试器用户手册
d) 继续按照向导的默认设置进行安装,直到出现如图 1.2 的界面。请确认选择“Europe or United State of
America”,并单击“Next”,选择安装的是英文版的 C 编译器。如果选择“Other region (Japan, Asia etc.)”,
系统将自动安装日文版的 C 编译器。
1.2 选择安装语言
e) 继续按照向导提示安装,直至安装结束。结束后将出现如图 1.3 的界面,选择“No, I will restart my computer
later”,并单击“OK”,以继续安装 HEW
1.3 M3T-NC30WA 安装结束界面
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RU-Stick 调试器用户手册

1.1.2 HEW 的安装

HEW 总是和一款调试软件捆绑安装的。考虑到使用 RU-Stick,我们选择安装带有 FoUSB/UART debugger
试软件的 HEW 安装程序。
在瑞萨公司的网站上可以免费下载该软件。这里,通过随 RU-Stick 附带的 CD 来进行安装。 a) 双击 CD 中的“M16cFousbDebuggerV102R00.exe”文件,开始安装。
b) 系统自动解压缩安装文件后,将自动启动安装向导。在这个过程中,请按照安装向导的提示,进行安装。 c) 当出现图 1.4 所示界面时,选择“English”,并单击“Next”。
1.4 选择安装的语言
d) 继续按照向导提示进行,直到安装完毕。

1.1.3 AutoUpdate 的配置和使用

M3T-NC30WA HEW 安装完成后,安装程序将自动弹出如图 1.5 的自动更新配置对话框。配置好网络连接
1.5 自动更新配置对话框
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RU-Stick 调试器用户手册
a) 单击“Next”按钮,开始自动更新。
1.6 自动更新起始界面
b) 自动更新软件查找计算机上能够获取更新的软件。 选择需要更新的软件后,并单击“Next”。
1.7 软件更新列表
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RU-Stick 调试器用户手册
c) 自动更新软件将自动连接瑞萨网址,查找最新的软件升级,并在如图 1.8 所示的对话框中显示。选择需要
1.8 需要更新的软件列表
d) 下载更新完成后,程序将自动启动安装向导进行安装。
1.9 安装更新向导
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RU-Stick 调试器用户手册
e) 继续按照向导提示进行,直到更新安装完毕。 f) 重新启动计算机。

1.2 HEW 窗口说明

如图 1.10 显示了使用 HEW 进行调试时的窗口。
注: ① 系统菜单。
② 工具栏。在调试时,一般需要 Debug、Debug run 等工具栏 ③ 工作空间结构栏。 ④ 主程序窗口。 ⑤ 信息窗口。其中常常使用 Build 窗口进行错误查找,使用 Find in files 窗口进行字符串的查询。 ⑥ 程序状态栏。
1.10 HEW 的主要窗口介绍

1.3 常用设定

1.3.1 支持中文注释

a) 从开始菜单 => 所有程序 => Renesas => High-performance Embedded Workspace => High-performance Embedded Workspace 中启动 HEW。启动后将弹出如图 1.15 所示的欢迎窗口,单击“Cancel”取消工作空间创 建向导。
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RU-Stick 调试器用户手册
b) 如图 1.11 所示在 HEW 的系统菜单的“Tool”选项下选择“Administration”。
1.11 选择 Administration
c) 如图 1.12 所示,选择“Toolchains”下面的“Renesas M16C Stardard Toolchain 5.40.00”
1.12 工具链的选择
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RU-Stick 调试器用户手册
d) 如图 1.13 所示,选择“Environment”选项卡下的“NCKIN”和“NCKOUT”,然后点击“Modify”。
e) 如图 1.14 所示,将“NCKIN”和“NCKOUT”的值改为 EUC
f) 完成如上设置后,单击“OK”返回,这样 HEW 就支持使用中文注释了。

1.3.2 指定默认保存路径

新安装的 HEW 所默认的工作空间保存路径是安装盘符下的“Workspace”文件夹,如“C:\Workspace”。但 是通常工作用的盘符并非安装盘符,此时就需要更换默认保存路径。
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