This equipment h as be e n tested and found to c o mply with the limits for a C lass B digital
device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide
re a so n a ble pro tectio n a ga in st h armful interfere n ce in a r esiden t ia l in sta lla tio n .
This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed
and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio
commun ic a t ion s. Howe ver, t h ere is no guar a n t e e tha t interfer enc e will not o c cur in a
part ic ula r installatio n .
If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can
be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct
the interference by one or more of the following measures:
Re o r ient o r relo c a te the rece iving an tenn a.
Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver.
Conn e c t th e equipment into an outle t o n a c irc uit differ e n t fro m tha t to whic h the
receiver is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
This de vic e complies with Pa rt 15 o f th e FCC Rules. Opera tio n is sub ject t o t h e followin g two
conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference and (2) this device must accept
any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
For environmental reasons, your TheaterTouch unive rsal syste m c o n t r o lle r
uses “environmentally sound” nickel-metal hydride rechargeable batteries.
The batteries do not contain any poisonous heavy metals that can damage
the environment.
In the in te r e st of r e c yc ling, ple ase do n ot dispose o f these batte r ie s in th e
household waste at the end of their useful life. Instead, dispose of them
an a ppropiat e colle c tio n sit e .
Keep the un it awa y fr o m h e a t so ur c es such a s r a diato r s, he a t r egister s, stove s, etc .,
inclu din g a mplifiers th a t pr o duce h eat.
Power Source s .
ope r a tin g in structio n s, or a s ma r ked on t h e unit.
Power C o r d Protec t ion.
on or pinched by items placed on or against them, paying particular attention to the cords at
plugs, a t c onven ient r ece pt a c les, a n d a t th e poin t a t which th ey exit fr o m th e unit.
Nonuse Pe r i ods .
for a long period.
Water and Moisture.
basement, near a swimming pool, near an open window, etc.
Objec t a nd Liquid Entry.
enclosure through openings.
Re fer all o th er servic e n eeds t o qu alified service personne l.
The unit should be cleaned only as recommended by the manufacturer.
Do not atte mpt an y se r vice beyond that de scr ibe d in th e o pe r atin g instr uction s.
Keep the safety and operating instructions for future reference.
Adhe re to a ll wa r n in g s o n th e unit and in th e ope r a t in g in st r uction s.
Follow op e ratin g in structio n s a n d in st r uctions for use.
Conn e c t th e un it on ly to a powe r supply of the type desc r ibe d in th e
Route power supply cords so that they are not likely to be walked
Unplug the power supply from the outlet when the unit is to be left unused
Do not use the unit near water—for e xample, near a sink, in a wet
Do no t allo w o bj e cts to fall o r liquids to be spilled in t o t h e
Dam a ge R e quiring Service .
The powe r supply c ord or the plug has be e n damage d.
Objects have falle n o r liqu id h as b een spilled into th e unit.
The unit has been exposed to rain.
The unit does not appear to operate normally or exhibits a marked change in
The unit has been dropped, or the enclosure damaged.
Remote Technologies Incorporated • 7630 Executive Dr. • Eden Prairie, MN • 55344-3677 USA
The un it sh ou ld be ser viced by qu alified service perso n n el
Theat er Touch S y s tem Con troller
Remote Technologies Incorporated warrants its products for a period of one (1) year from
the date of purchase from Remote Techn ologies Incorporated or an authorized Re mote
Technologies Incorporated dealer.
This warranty may be enforced by the original purchaser and subsequent owners during the
warranty period, so long as the original dated sales receipt or other pr oof of warranty
coverage is presented when warranty service is required.
Exce pt as sp e cified below, t h is warra n ty cove r s a ll defec t s in ma terial a n d wo r k ma n sh ip in
this pr o duc t . The fo llo win g a r e
Damage resulting from:
1. Accident, misuse, abuse, or neglect.
2. Failur e t o fo llo w in st r uc t io n s c o n ta in ed in yo ur User’s Guide.
3. Repa ir o r atte mpte d r e pair by a nyo n e oth e r th a n R emote Tec h n ologie s
4. Failure to perform recommended periodic maintenance.
covered by the warranty:
5. Caus e s o t h e r tha n product de fects, inc ludin g la c k o f skill, comp e t e nce o r
experience of user.
6. Sh ipment o f th is p r o duc t (claims must be made to th e ca r r ier).
7. Bein g a lt e red o r which th e se r ia l n u mber h a s b e en defac e d, modifie d o r remove d.
Re mo te Tec hnolo gies Inc o r po rate d is n o t lia b le fo r any da ma ges ca used by its pr o duc t s o r
for its fa ilure o f its product s to perfo r m, inc ludin g a n y lo st p r o fits, lost savin g s, incide n ta l
damages, or consequential damages.
Re mo te Tec hnolo gies Inc o r po rate d is n o t lia b le fo r damages base d up on inc onven ienc e , loss
of use o f th e pro duct, lo ss o f time, interrupt e d o pera tio n , co mme rcial lo ss, any c la im made
by a th ird par t y o r ma de by you fo r a t h ir d p a r t y.
Re mo te Tec hnolo gies Inc o r p orate d’ s lia bilit y fo r a n y de fective pro duct is limite d to r epair o r
replacement of the product, at our option.
If your TheaterTouch system controller needs service, please contact Remote Technologies
Incorporated by telephone, fax or E-mail for return information (See
not r e t ur n product s t o R e mot e Te c hnologie s Incor por at e d without r e t urn author iz at ion.
All rights are reserved. No part of this document may be photocopied, reproduced, or
translate d without the prior wr itte n n o tice o f Remote Tec h no logie s Inc or por a te d.
The infor mation c on tain e d in th is documen t is subjec t to c h an ge without n otic e . R emote
Technologies Incorporated shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for consequential
damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material.
Chapter 10
). Please do
Microsoft and Windows are registere d trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Other brands
and their products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.
TheaterTouch and the RTI logo are property of Remote Technologies Incorporated.
Theat er Touch S y s tem Con troller
Theat er Touch S y s tem Con troller
Table of Contents
Federal Communications Commission Notice .......................................................................IV
Congratulations on your purchase of the TheaterTouch unive r sa l syst e m c o n t r o lle r.
The TheaterTouch combines the powe r and flexibility o f a gr a p h ic LCD touchsc r een
with an ergonomic design that permits effortless one-handed operation. This design
overcomes the need for compromise between form and function. Sleek and perfectly
balanced, the TheaterTouch is infinit e ly fle xib le and expan dab le.
TheaterTouch takes co mplete c o ntr o l of the home th e a te r , r eplacing all othe r r emotes.
It features an intuitive, easy to read LCD that can display custom buttons, text,
graphics and symbols. In addition to the backlit display, 25 “Hard” keypad buttons
allow e asy a c c ess to frequen tly used funct ion s.
Prog r a mmin g is easy an d convenie n t th a n k s to the built -in in frared lea r ning ab ility
and th e W in dows® ba sed softwar e . TheaterTouch is capable of both infrared and radio
freque n c y output. A se pa r ate R F to IR c o nve r ter is available for tr a n smission thr ough
walls an d c a bin ets. Th e converter will also mo n ito r the p ower sta t us o f mo st A /V
equipment thru the use of voltage and video sensors.
Chapter 1 • Welc om e
The TheaterTouch and TheaterTouch Designer software a r e co mpa tible with in frared
(IR) commands with carrier frequencies betwee n 15kHz and 460kHz, as well as those
commands that do no t use a c ar r ie r . This cover s the vast major ity of r e motes
available to date, including Bang & Olufsen® (most of which use 455kHz) and
Vidikron® (some of which use 333kHz).
Despite every effort to make the TheaterTouch unive rsal syste m c o n trolle r wo r k wit h
all IR-syst ems, so me IR-contro lle d p r o duc t s a r e unab le to be lea r n ed by th e
TheaterTouch due to in c o mp at ible fre q uenc ie s o r non-st an da rd IR formats. Th e
TheaterTouch cannot learn non -IR formats such as RF and ultrasonic.
After un pa c king yo ur n e w TheaterTouch univer sa l system co n tr o ller, sa ve all of the
packing mate rials in c a se you e ver h a ve t o ship the unit.
Thoroughly inspect the TheaterTouch and packin g ma terials for signs of dama ge .
Report any damage to the carrier immediately. Report any equipment malfunctions
to Re mote Te ch n ologie s Inc o r por ated or an a utho r ize d Remote Tec h n ologie s
Incorporated dealer.
After un pa c king yo ur n e w TheaterTouch universal system controller for the first time,
charge e ach battery pack for at least 12 hours.
Theat er Touch S y s tem Con troller
Contents within the box include the following items:
Owner’s Manual
Warranty and Registration card
TheaterTouch™ System Controller
Two (2) r e char g e a ble Nickel Me t al-Hy dr ide battery pa c k s
Smart battery ch ar ge r
Wall-mount power supply for battery charger
TheaterTouch Designer™ software CD-ROM
Serial cable for programming
TheaterTouch Designer software min imu m system re quireme nts:
Windows 95, Windows 98,Windows NT 4.0 or higher oper ating
IBM or compatible PC with 486DX2/66Mhz or higher
16 Megabytes (MB) of RAM
8 Me ga byt e s o f fr ee disk space for minimum inst alla tio n
(16 MB recommended)
A mouse is r equired
VGA monitor (256 color Super VGA rec ommended)
CD-ROM drive
Open RS-232 serial port
Optional printe r for printing setup r e po r ts
Chapter 2. Introduction
The TheaterTouch is a programmable touchscreen computer that is designed to
provide wireless control of audio/video and automation systems. Like other
“universal” or “learning” remote controls, the TheaterTouch allows you to c o n so lidat e
the func tion s of man y inde pe n de nt in fra r e d r e mote c o ntr o ls into on e un it. The
TheaterTouch also in c o r po r a t e s a u n ique pro gr a mma ble use r in t e rfac e , allowin g it to
provide a simple , intuit ive , an d c ust omiz ed inte rface for a n y syst em. Be fo re usin g th e
TheaterTouch, please r ead an d fo llow a ll in st r uc t io n s in this manua l.
The TheaterTouch provide s superio r qua lity and re lia bilit y a s well as th e se spe c ific
A replacement for all of your system’s remote controls. The TheaterTouch can
reproduce all of the commands of almost any other infrared remote control.
Chapter 2 • Introduc tion
A progr ammable gr aph ic display. The TheaterTouch uses power ful W indo ws
based software that makes it easy to place buttons, text, graphics and symbols
anywhe r e on the display.
A backlit LCD with digital matrix touchsc r e en. W h e n you wan t to pe r for m a
comma n d, simply touch th e display wh ere t h a t c o mma n d is displa y e d. The
touchscreen never needs calibrating.
25 backlit “hard” keypad buttons that allow easy access to frequently used
Two det a c h a ble, lo w-p r o file re chargea ble batt e ry pac k s. The TheaterTouch can
run c on t inuo usly for severa l h our s betwee n c h arges. Be c a use th e re mote is
nor ma lly used only a few minutes per sessio n , the unit typic ally will r un fo r a
week or more between charges. A built-in low battery indicator warns you
when it’s time to r e c h ar ge the battery.
A macro function. This featur e allows th e TheaterTouch to perform a series of
commands by pressing a single button. For example, you can create a macro
called “Mo vie” th at tur n s on th e TV, sets the c or r e c t c h an n e l, tur n s on th e
VCR, dims the lights, and starts playing a movie.
Two output o ptio n s fo r c o n t r o llin g y ou r equipmen t : infr ared (IR ), ra dio
fre quenc y (R F ), a n d t h e a b ility t o u se b ot h in the sa me syst em.
Automatic power on an d off. The TheaterTouch turns itself off whene ve r it is
not used for a pre-set amount of time. Touching any area of the display or a
har d bu tt on will t urn it on again , also a built in tilt se nsor can tu r n t h e unit o n
whe n it is picked up.
Theat er Touch S y s tem Con troller
A serial port for communication with the TheaterTouch Designer programming
Non-vo la tile flash memor y. The TheaterTouch will not lo se any p r o gramme d
data when the batteries are exchanged.
One-year parts and labor warranty.
Please r e a d the se impor tan t no te s abo ut the TheaterTouch:
The TheaterTouch should be placed in an area where it is around normal room
temperature (between 60°F to 90°F). If the tempera tur e is too h ot, the display
appears dim. If the temperature is too cold, the display appears dark and may
re spon d slo wly.
Occasional cleaning may be required, depending on use.
To clean y o ur TheaterTouch:
Do not use sharp objects on the touchscreen. It is designed to operate with a
touch o f your fin ge r .
Do not let th e TheaterTouch get wet. It should not be h an dle d with wet h an ds
or placed in an area where it could get wet.
Do not subjec t th e TheaterTouch to smoke, dust, or vibrations. The display may
be damaged from excessive shock or vibration.
Use only the power supply that is pro vided with the TheaterTouch. Using the
wrong type of power supply may result in battery leakage or other damage.
Do no t disa sse mb le t h e unit. Th e TheaterTouch contains high voltage circuits
that ma y c a use inju r y if c o n ta c t ed.
1. Remove th e battery pack fr om the TheaterTouch.
2. Lightly dampen a lint-fre e c loth with wate r o r mild deter ge n t an d wipe th e
touchscreen , keypad and outer surfaces.
The follo win g r ecommendat io n s will a ssur e the best ba t tery perfo r ma n c e.
Chapter 2 • Introduc tion
1. Operate the unit until you receive a
Low Battery
warn in g in th e uppe r left
hand corner of display.
2. At tha t po in t, you will h a ve appr o xima tely 10 - 2 0 min utes of r un t ime
re ma in in g b e fo r e the unit sh u ts do wn . At an y p oint afte r the
Low Battery
icon appears, you can exchange the depleted battery with a charged
batter y fro m the c h a r ge r . If you operate th e ba tte r y past a usable le ve l,
you will receive a warnin g sta t in g
Battery must be recharged
Recharge the TheaterTouch batteries for about 3 -4 ho ur s. (The light on th e ba tte r y
cha r g e r will stop flas h in g a n d sta y o n wh en th e ch a r ge cyc le is co mple t ed).
The batte r ie s ca n remain in the c h ar ge r in definite ly without damage to th e ba tte r ie s.
Charging Status
Theat er Touch S y s tem Con troller
Custom Installation Note:
The TheaterTouch battery charger’s power can be hardwired through the back of the charger
for permanent mounting on a wall or other flat surface. This is done by removing the
bottom plate of the char ger an d har d wirin g the wall mount power supply direc tly to th e
terminal str ip. R e plac e th e bo ttom plate be fo r e moun ting.
Use only the original po we r supply.
Power Connection - (J2)
9VDC 0.5A
Battery Charger with bottom plate removed.
Watch th e po lar ity.
Star t by snappin g a fully cha r ge d batte r y o n th e ba c k of the TheaterTouch. This is don e by
insertin g the end of th e battery with the c o nta c ts in first, a nd th e n ge n tly pushing th e end
with th e clip un til it sn a ps in t o p lace.
The TheaterTouch is powered-up by touc hin g an y a r e a of th e display or an y ke ypa d button as
well as p ic kin g up t h e unit if th e tilt se n s or is act ive .
Chapter 2 • Introduc tion
Transmitting and
Learning Window
Battery Pack
Transmitting and
Learning Window
Keypad Buttons
Backlight Key
(Glows in the Dark)
Theat er Touch S y s tem Con troller
The TheaterTouch touchscreen display is organized as a series of pages and frames. A
page can consist of up to 12 frames of information having one frame displayed on the
screen at a time.
Normally each frame on a page contains objects (buttons, text, graphics, and symbols)
that are r elate d in some way . F o r in st an ce, the y ma y a ll displa y in fo r ma tio n
ne c e ssa ry for controlling a pa rticula r V C R.
By defa ul t, the TheaterTouch has one Main Menu page—all other pages are
con sidere d su bmenus. A n y p ag e can c o n t ain a butto n t h a t will displa y a n y ot h er
page when selected.
Normally the Main Menu page is used to display the names of the submenus (e.g.,
the equipment being controlled). The submenus may consist of one or more pages.
The TheaterTouch will support 63 p ag e s plu s th e Main Men u pa ge; each page c a n
consist of up to 12 frames.
A repre sen tation of a programmed Main Menu page is shown below.
Pre ssin g th e
differe n t pa ge is assign ed using the TheaterTouch Designer software).
Main Menu
key a t a n y t ime will return you to th is pa ge (unless a
The Control Panel page can be displayed by pressing the backlight key for
You c a n a lso acce ss t h e Cont r o l Pa n el page by assig n in g a “ C o n t r o l Pa n e l” pa ge link
to a button using th e TheaterTouch Designer software.
at least 3
The C o n t r o l Pa n el con sist s o f th e followin g th ree frame s:
Chapter 2 • Introduc tion
To change frames, press the frame
the botto m of the to uc hsc r e e n .
To return to your TheaterTouch progr a m, pr e ss th e
This button displays a window that allows you to adjust the LC D c on tr a st.
Pre ss th e
button in the window to c lose .
Left Arrow
Right Arrow
or frame
buttons on
Main Manu
keypad buttons to a djust. Press the
Theat er Touch S y s tem Con troller
This button displays a window that allows you to turn the audible bee p o n o r
off. The beeper provides feedback that a button was pressed. Press the
button in the window to c lose .
This button displays a window that allows you to adjust the amoun t of time
the un it stays awake afte r th e last button pre ss. The time is variable fr om 1
sec on d to 6 0 secon ds (default is 10 se c o n ds). Pre ss th e arrows to th e left o r
right of the
Tim e Out
setting to adjust the time. Press the OK button in the
window to close. During Sleep mode, the TheaterTouch uses virtua lly no
battery power.
Chapter 2 • Introduc tion
This button displays a window that allows you to adjust the se ttings for th e
built in t ilt switch, wh ic h is a de vic e tha t tu r n s t h e remo te on when tilt ed
passed a 45 degree angle.
mean s t h e tilt switc h is a c tive an d will turn on disp lay a n d ba c k ligh t when
picked up.
mean s t h e tilt switc h is in a c t ive .
Pre ss th e OK button in the window to c lose .
This button displays a window that allows you to turn th e pr o gr am loc kout
featur e on an d off. This is used to loc ko ut un -auth o r ized users from the
Com pute r Link
If the
before you can c ha n ge th is settin g.
the passcode.
a passco de .
Pre ss th e OK button in the window to c lose .
mean s t h e
means the
mode, so th at th e pr ogr a m can n ot be altered.
feat ur e is en a bled, y ou will n e ed to e n t e r the cur r ent pa ssc o de
Com pute r Link
Com pute r Link
mode is locked and can only be accessed with
mode is unlocked and can be accessed without
Theat er Touch S y s tem Con troller
This button displays a window that allows you to set th e pa ssco de th a t is used
to limit access to the
con trol pan el page, a s well as th e
all butto n s.
Com pute r Link
Button Lo c kout
mode a nd
Clear All
function that is available on
function on the
When you press the
ente r th e
(The default co de is
passcode using the hard keys, then press the
Now en te r a
You will b e p r o mpt e d t o enter the
confirmation , th e n pr e ss
Change Passcode
four-digit passc o de , the n pr ess
button , the scr e en will pr o mpt yo u to
key on th e
four-digit passc o de a ga in for
When new code is entered successfully, the
will pop up to let you know you h a ve ch a n ged the passc ode.
Code Changed
Do not forget the passcode!
Chapter 2 • Introduc tion
This button displays a window that allows you to put the TheaterTouch into
Com pute r Link
This is used for RS-232 communications between a personal computer and the
TheaterTouch for lo a din g a progr am into th e TheaterTouch or e xtra ctin g a
program from the TheaterTouch.
The two options available for the tr ansfer of a program in the TheaterTouchDesigner software a r e:
Send File to Rem ote ,
to the r emote, ove r wr iting the existing progr am.
Receive File from Remote,
the r e mote to the software , le aving th e pr ogr a m in the remote intact
Pre ss th e OK button to close th e window afte r th e tr an sfe r is complete.
which sends the new program fr om the software
which e xtr ac ts a c opy o f the pr o gr am fro m
Theat er Touch S y s tem Con troller
This butt on disp la ys a win do w th a t allo ws the TheaterTouch to align, lea rn,
and test infra r e d co mmands from donor r emotes. Use d toge th e r with th e
TheaterTouch Designer Infrare d Libra r y M an a ge r so ftwar e you can c r e a te a
custom da ta ba se of infr a r ed comma n ds.
The use of the IR Capture command is described in chapter 6 “IR Library
To e xit
mode, press th e Main Menu button on the remote.
This butt on displays a window tha t will allo w y ou to e rase the c urre nt
progra m in the TheaterTouch re mo t e . Wh e n t h e button is pressed, you will be
prompted to enter the current passcode. If the proper code is entered, the
entire program in the TheaterTouch will be era se d.
This will e r a s e the c omplete program in the
restore it, except by reloading the program fr om the
with no way to
TheaterTouch Designer
If you inadvertently press the
button, simply pre ss t h e
button wit h o ut enterin g th e passc o de a n d y ou will be re t ur n ed to th e Co n trol
Pane l page .
Chapter 3 • TheaterTouch Des i gner S oftware
Chapter 3. TheaterTouch Designer
TheaterTouch Designer allows you to create the entire gr aph ic al inte r fa ce for a R TI
TheaterTouch System Controller on your computer. Once the interface has been
cr e a ted, it is do wn lo a de d t o t h e TheaterTouch using the included programming cable.
Existing programming can a lso be e xtra c te d, modified, a nd r e -se n t to an y
TheaterTouch system c o n tr o ller.
Soft ware upda tes will be ava ila ble for do wn lo ad a t www.rticorp . com
1. Close any open programs.
2. Place the TheaterTouch Designer compact disc into the C D- R OM dr ive.
3. If the in st a llat io n do e sn’t app e a r automa t ic a lly, clic k
drive ). Click OK.
4. Follow th e on-sc reen inst r uctions.
(For d, type th e le tter for your C D -ROM
and choose
Here is an overview of the process of programming a TheaterTouch fro m sc r at c h .
Instructions on carrying out these tasks can be found in chapters 4 and 5.
1. Cre a te a new page an d add buttons for each sour c e component in a
2. Place a button on the main menu to access each one of the source
3. Use the Assign Page too l to link the buttons on th e main me n u to th e ir
re spe c tive sourc e compon ent pages.
4. Assign infrared code s a n d o th er co mma n ds to butt on s usin g th e
Comma n d Lib r a ry.
5. Create macros using the macro editor (if needed).
6. Check the Remote Properties.
7. Save the file.
8. Sen d the file to the TheaterTouch using the communications commands.
Theat er Touch S y s tem Con troller
Menu Bar
Page ListTouchscreen
Design Window
Chapter 3 • TheaterTouch Des i gner S oftware
Frame Left and
Right arrows
Theat er Touch S y s tem Con troller
Tool PaletteKeypad Buttons
The touchscreen grid is where the buttons, text, graphics and symbols are placed.
Click on the frame
touchsc r e e n gr id to plac e button s on o ther fra me s.
or frame
buttons at the botto m of the
Chapter 3 • TheaterTouch Des i gner S oftware
1. Be con sisten t with th e loc ation o f similar buttons. For example, if you
2. It’s not necessary to re-create each donor remote in its entirety on the
3. Use macros to hide complex command sequences from the user. For
TheaterTouch Designer includes an extensive on-line help system. If you need help
have a DVD player and a VCR in your system, try to make the transport
controls (Play, Pause, Stop, etc.) on both pages look similar.
TheaterTouch. Th in k o f t h e func tio n s t h e user will be u sin g da ily.
example, instead of presenting the user with only the key pad for
changing channels on their TV, make a set of macros for CBS, HBO, etc.
that sen d the pr o pe r c ha n nel numbers automatic ally. The
makes it easy to c r e a te th is type of mac r o.
Channel Macro
button in
with any tool or command, click the
If you need an explanation of any item in a dialog box, click the
the dialog’s title bar , a nd th e n c lick on th e c on tr ol you would like to le a r n a bout.
What’s this?
button on th e
Theat er Touch S y s tem Con troller
+ 85 hidden pages
You need points to download manuals.
1 point = 1 manual.
You can buy points or you can get point for every manual you upload.