Remote Technologies RPC-320 User Manual

Copyright 1997, 1999 - Remote Processing Corporation. All rights reserved. However, any part of this document may be reproduced with Remote Processing cited as the source.
The contents of this manual and the specifications her ein may change without notice.
RPBASIC-52™ is a trademark of Remote Processing Corporation.
PC SmartLINK® is a trademark of Octagon Systems Corporation.
BASIC-52© is a trademark of Intel Corporation.
The information contained in this manual is believed correct. However, Remote Processing assumes no responsibility for any of the circuits described herein, conveys no license under any patent or other right, and make no representations that the circuits are free from patent infringement. Remote Processing makes no representation or warr anty that such applications will be suitable for the use specified without further testing or modification. The user must make the final determination as to fitness for a particular use.
Remote Processing Corporation' s general policy does not recommend the use of its products in life support applications where the failure or malfunction of a component may directly threaten life or injury. It is a Condition of Sale that the user of Remote Processing products in life support applications assum es all the risk of such use and indemnifies Remote Pr ocessing against all damages.
Remote Processing Corporation 79 75 E. Harvard Ave. Denver, Co 802 31 USA Tel: (303) 690 - 1588 Fax: (303) 690 - 1875 w w
P/N 1366 Revision: 2.8
Page i RPC-320
DESCRIPTION ................... 1-1
MANUAL CONVENTIONS ........... 1-1
Symbols and Terminology ......... 1-2
TECHNICAL SUPPORT ............. 1-2
INTRODUCTION ................. 2-1
EQUIPMENT .................... 2-1
FIRST TIME OPERATION ........... 2-2
Using a PC ................... 2-2
Using a Terminal ............... 2-2
PROGRAMS ................. 2-2
Editing program s and pro gram ming hints 2-3
WHERE TO GO FROM HERE ......... 2-4
TROUBLESHOOTING .............. 2-4
INTRODUCTION ................. 3-1
SAVING A PROGRAM ............. 3-1
AUTORUNNING .................. 3-2
PREVENTING AUTORUN ........... 3-2
LOADING A PROGRAM ............ 3-2
CHANGING EPROM SIZE ........... 3-2
ALTERNATE EPROMS ............. 3-3
COMMANDS .................... 3-3
INTRODUCTION ................. 6-1
DIGITAL I/O PORTS ............... 6-1
Digital Port J3 ................. 6-1
Digital Port P6 ................. 6-2
High Current Port L8 ............ 6-2
Optically Isolated Input ........... 6-2
Digital I/O Commands ............ 6-2
High Curr ent Output ............. 6-3
Interfacing Digital I/ O to an opto- module
rack ..................... 6-4
Interfacing to switches and other devices 6-4
Digital I/O program ming exa mple .... 6-4
Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) ...... 6-5
COMMANDS .................... 6-6
DESCRIPTION ................... 7-1
SETTING DATE AND TIME .......... 7-1
COMMANDS .................... 7-1
INTRODUCTION ................. 8-1
DISPLAY TYPES ................. 8-2
COMMANDS .................... 8-2
DESCRIPTION ................... 4-1
COM0 SERIAL PORT .............. 4-1
COM1 SERIAL PORT .............. 4-1
RS-422/485 Termination network ..... 4-2
Two wire RS-485 ............... 4-3
Multidrop Network .............. 4-3
DISABLING CON TROL -C ........... 4-4
SERIAL PORT PIN OUT ............ 4-4
INTRODUCTION ................. 5-1
CHANGING M EMORY ............. 5-1
BATTERY BACKUP ............... 5-1
Checking the battery ............. 5-1
RESERVED MEMORY ............. 5-2
BLOCK DATA TRANSFER ........... 5-3
COMMANDS .................... 5-3
INTRODUCTION ................. 9-1
KEYPAD P ORT P IN OU T - J5 ......... 9-2
DESCRIPTION ................... 10-1
Overvoltage conditions ............ 10-1
Grounding .................... 10-1
INITIALIZATION ................. 10-1
Differential Mode ............... 10-2
Examples using CON FIG AIN ....... 10-2
Acquiring Analog Data .............. 10-2
Noise Notes ................... 10-3
Temperature Measurement ......... 10-3
Data logging on a timer tick ........ 10-4
Measuring 4-20 mA current loops ..... 10-4
AMPLIFIERS .................... 10-5
CALIBRATION .................. 10-5
COMMANDS .................... 10-5
Page ii RPC-320
DESCRIPTION ................... 11-1
EXTERNAL RESET ................ 11-1
DESCRIPTION ................... 11-1
DESCRIPTION ................... 12-1
PROGRAMMING ................. 12-1
Program examples .............. 12-1
COMMANDS .................... 12-2
DESCRIPTION ................... 13-1
Program Exam ple ............... 14-2
MEMORY AND I/O BANK MAP ....... 15-2
JUMPER DESCRIPTIONS ........... 15-2
Page iii RPC-320
V1.04 Release for RPC320
V1.05 BSAVE returned a hardware er ror when ver ify
was bad. In fact, save was OK.
V1.06 LCD graphics hardware CS and reset are
reversed. Compensated in software.
V1.07 MTOP was useless in any system, especially a
32K RAM.
V1.08 Variables E and F would get dropped if
followed by a space. Added delays between data strob e writes to LCD display.
V1.09 STR(7, . . .) did not put in a CR into the put
string, causing longer strings to be printed.
V1.10 Initial release for RPC-330.
Added AOT command (330 only) Added COUNT, ON COM, ON COUNT, ON LINE, and ON KEYPAD
V1.11 11/29/95
Added day of week to DAT E comm and and function.
V1.12 12/01/95
Added code to use Atmel 29C040A flash.
V1.13 01/12/96
Added code to support IEE centry series display (3602-100-05420) Includes PRINT #port
V1.14 03/28/96
Fixed bug in ON COUNT. Returns error for lines > 100.
V1.15 06/26/96
PEEK$ could cause BASIC to lock up under right conditions.
V1.16 02/18/97
ON LIN E OF F could cause program to lock up if running ON COM. Syntax error when DISPLAY used with IF­THEN-ELSE. Added PE EKF a nd POKE F com mands.
Page iv RPC-320
The RP C-320 is a n embed ded contr oller with a built in Basic language. Several features make it suitable as a stand alone unit:
Built in RPBASIC-52 programm ing language supports hardware using single commands. On card flash EPROM programm er can save up to 8 programs to 62K , or about 500K tota l.
High speed multimode counter accepts quadrature or
single inputs. Programmable for up/dow n, binary, divide-by-N, X1, X2 or X4 quadr ature counting.
LCD charac ter and gr aphic display and keypad ports
for operator interface.
Two R S-232 ser ial ports, one of whic h is
configurable for RS-422/485.
Watchdog timer resets card if a program "crashes".
34 digital I/O lines, 9 of which are high current
outputs. 24 of these lines can connect to an opto rack or other TTL devices.
Eight channel, 12 bit resolution analog to digital
converter. Configurable operational amplifiers allow you to signal condition inputs or measure temperature.
from your PC are downloaded using a serial communication program.
This manual provides all the infor mation r equired to install, configure, and operate the RPC-320. Using this manual you will be able to:
Interface the RPC-320 to your IBM compatible PC or terminal.
Understand the operation of the RPC-320 hardware using RPBASIC-52 programming software.
This manual assumes you are familiar with some type of BASIC programming software. The syntax used by RPBASIC-52 is similar to BASIC-52. If you are not experienced with any BASIC softwar e, y ou may w ant to refer to books and training programs available through your local book store. The BASIC-52 Programming Manual has information and examples for the original commands. Comm ands unique or modified by RPBASIC-52 are in the Software Supplement in this manual.
Each chapter or section is written to first provide an overview. Then, m ore specific information is provided. Each chapter has some examples using Basic. A summary of related hardware commands is at the end of most chapters.
32K, 128K, or 512K RAM battery backable to save
process variables and other data when power is off.
32K or 512K flash EPROM to save program s and data.
The RPC -320 uses an 80C320 CPU operating at 22.1184 Mhz. It can operate stand alone or on a network using the RS-485 port. Its 4.7" x 7.0" size with 4 mounting holes makes it easy to mount in a NEMA box. Compactness is enhanced by on-board analog and digital terminal strips.
RPBASIC-52 programming language is standard. T his language is a version of the original Intel BASIC-52. It was modified for the RPC -320 for c ontrol, data acquisition applications, and on board hardware features.
Program development can take place on your PC, using your word processor, or on the RPC-320. Programs
Page 1-1 RPC-320
Information appearing on your screen is shown in a different type.
RPBASIC-52 V1.0 Copyright Intel (1985) and Remote Processing Bytes free: 27434
Symbols and Term inology
If you have a question about the RPC-320 or RPBASIC-
NOTE: Text under this heading is helpful information.
It is intended to act as a reminder of some operation or interaction with another device that may not be obvious.
Information under this heading warns you of situations which might cause catastrophic or irreversible damage.
52 and can' t find it in this manual, call us and ask for technical support. Technic al support hours ar e 9 AM to 4 PM mountain time.
When you call, please have your RPC-320 and BASIC- 52 PROGRAMMING MANUAL ready. Many times it is helpful to know what the RPC-320 is used for, so please be ready to describe its application as well as the problem.
W[-] Denotes jumper block pins.
< xxx> Paired angle brackets are used to indicate a
specific key on your keyboard. F or exam ple < esc> means the escape key.
BASIC uses the decimal convention for designating addresses and data. There are times when hexadecimal notation is more convenient to use. Notation use d in this manual and BASIC-52 is the ' H' character after the number. 8CH stands for 8C hexadecimal.
Phone: 303-690-1588 FAX: 303-690-1875
The RPC -320 uses a Dallas Semiconductor DS80C320 processor. Additional information can be obtained from Dallas Semiconductor (214-450-0448, F AX 214-450
0470), or your distributor.
Page 1-2 RPC-320
Figure 1-1 System layout
Page 1-3 RPC-320
The RPC -320 is ready to program as soon as you connect it to a ter minal or PC a nd apply pow er. This chapter describes what is needed to get a sign- on message and begin programming.
Requirements for uploading and downloading programs are discussed. A "W here to go from here" section tells you what chapters to refer to in order to use the various capabilities of the RPC-320. Finally, a troubleshooting section helps out on the most common problems.
The RPC -320 is designed to handle a wide variety of temperature ranges at low power. These characteristics require using CM OS components. CM OS is static sensitive. To avoid damaging these components, observe the following precautions before handling the RPC-320.
1. Ground yourself before handling the RPC -320 or plugging in cables. Static electricity
can easily arc through cables and to the card. Simply touching your PC before you touch the card can greatly reduce the amount of static.
2. Do not insert or remove components when power is applied. While the ca rd is a + 5 volt only system, other voltages generated on the card which affect other components.
You will need the following equipment to begin using the RPC-320:
RPC-320 embedded controller PC with a serial port and com munications program
or a
Terminal VTC -9F ser ial cable + 5, 2 00 ma po wer su pply
Refer to Chapter 4, SERIAL PORTS, for wiring information to make your own serial cable.
Figure 2-1 Connector location and function
Page 2-1 RPC-320
Become familiar with the locations of connectors before getting started. See Figure 2-1.
RPC -320 jump ers have been set at the fa ctory to op erate the system immediately. For first time operation, do not install any connectors or parts unless specified below. Jumpers should be kept in default positions.
1. Connect power.
The RPC-320 needs + 5 ±0.25 volts at 100 ma. Any well regulated supply that supplies this will work. Be careful when using "switching" power supplies. Some of the se supplies do no t regulate properly unless they are adequately loaded. Don' t forget that power requirements increase w hen opto modules are used. G4 opto modules require up to 20 ma each.
Make sure pow er is off. Connect the power supply to one of the appropriately marked terminals on the RPC-320. There two power connectors: P2 and P6. Either one may be used to connect power.
2. Hook up to a PC or terminal.
Turn on your power supply. On power up a copyright message is printed.
RPBASIC-52 V1.09 RPC-320 Copyright Remote Processing (1994) Bytes free: 63740
65,536 bytes of additional expanded memory detected 512K byte EPROM installed
If a nonsense message appears, your terminal or PC may not be set to the appropriate communication parameters. If the system still does not respond, refer to TROUBLESHOOTING later in this chapter.
The sign on message may differ based on the RAM and flash EPROM installed.
4. Testing.
The system is now in the " imme diate mode" and is ready for you to start programming. T ype the following program:
10 FOR X=0 TO 2 20 PRINT "Hello ", 30 NEXT 40 PRINT
You can use either a PC or CRT term inal to program the RPC-320. Connect one end of the VTC-9F connector to the 10 pin COM0 port on the RPC-320. Refer to Figure 2-1 for connector location.
Using a PC
Connect the VTC-9F serial cable to the PC's COM1 or COM 2 port. Y ou may need a 9 pin male to 25 pin female adapter. The VTC-9F is designed to plug directly into the 9 pin serial port connector on a PC.
Start up your serial communication program. Set comm unication par ameter s to 9600 baud, 8 data
bits, no parity, 1 stop.
Using a Terminal
Follow your terminal instructions to set the baud rate to 9600 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, and 1 stop. You may need a 9 pin male to 25 pin male adapter to connect the VTC-9F.
3. Power up.
Now type RUN. The system will display:
Hello Hello Hello
Terminate a program by typing a < Ctrl> -C.
Downloading program s means transferring them fr om your PC (or terminal) to the RPC-320. Uploading means transferring them from the RPC -320 back to the PC. This section explains how to do both of these procedures using generalized instructions for terminal programs (Procomm , Windows Ter minal, etc.)
When uploading or downloading files, select ASCII text format. XMODEM, YMODEM, or other formats are not used.
RPBASIC-52 does not know when you are typing in a program or if something else (laptop or mainfr ame) is
Page 2-2 RPC-320
sending it char acters. The upload and download file does not contain any special codes; they are sim ply ASCII characters.
Uploading programs is simply a process of receiving an ASCII file. You or your program simply need to send "LIST" to receive the entire program . The default baud rate (9600) is rather high. The RP C-320' s baud rate is changed using the CONFIG BAUD command.
Downloading a program requires transmitting an ASCII file. As you type in (or download) a line, RPBASIC-52 tokenizes, or com piles, that line. The time to do this depends upon its complexity and how many lines of code have been entered.
RPBASIC-52 m ust finish compiling a line before starting the next one. When a line is compiled, a "> " character is sent. This should be your terminal programs pacing character for downloading.
If your communications program cannot look for a pacing prompt, set it to delay transmission after each line is sent. A 100 ms delay is usually adequate, but your program may be long and complex and require more time. A r esult of a short transmission time is missing or incomplete program lines.
increased download time.
Notice that you can write a program in lower case characters. RPBASIC-52 translates them to upper case.
Some program mers put "N EW" as the first line in the file. During debugging, it is common to insert "temporary" lines. This ensures that these lines are gone. Down loading time is increase d when the old program is still pre sent. If you like to wr ite progr ams in separate modules, you can download them separately. Modules are assigned blocks of line numbers. Start up code might be from 1 to 999. Interrupt handling (keypad, serial ports) might be from lines 1000 to 1499. Display output might be from 1500 to 2500. The programmer must determine the number of lines required for each section.
RPBASIC-52 automatically formats a line for minimum code space. For example, you could download the following line of code:
10 fora= 0to5
When you listed this line, it would appear as:
10 FOR A=0 TO 5
Editing programs and program ming hints
Files uploaded or downloaded are simply ASCII DOS text files. No special characters or control codes are used. You may create and edit programs using your favorite word processor or editor. Just be sure to save
files in DOS text form at.
A technique used to further program documentation and reduce code space is the use of comments in a downloaded file. For example, you could have the following in a file written on your editor:
REM Check position
REM Read output from the pot and REM calculate the position
2200 a = ain(0) :REM Get position
The first 3 comments downloaded to the RPC -320 are ignored. Similarly, the empty lines between comm ents are a lso ignored . L ine 2200, with its comment, is a part of the program and could be listed. The major pena lty by wr iting a progr am this w ay is
Spaces are displayed but not stored. The following line:
10 for a = 0 to 5
would be compressed and displayed as in the second example above. Spaces are removed. However, spaces as part of a remark or PRINT are not removed.
Instead of uploading and downloading programs, you can save them to the on card EPROM. This is useful if you are using a terminal to write program s. Simply type SAVE. To retrieve a program, type LOAD.
Page 2-3 RPC-320
If you want to do this: Turn to
Save a program 3 Run a program at power up or
reset (autorun) 3 Know m ore abo ut serial por ts 4 Install a different RAM mem ory chip 5 Using RAM to save variables 5 Run an assembly language program 5 Configure digital I/O lines 6 Detect on/off switch status 6 Use high current outputs 6 Connect an external opto rack 6 Calendar/clock option 7 Connect Displays 8 Use a keypad 9 Measure voltages 10 Using inter rupts 12 Multi-mode counter 13 Use low power operation 14
attached, you should see a burst of activity. With a volt meter, you should see a change in voltage. Using a Fluke 8060A set to measure AC, you should see a momentary reading above 2 volts.
3. Install the serial cable and make sure the voltages and output activity are still there. Output is from pin 3 on the VTC-9F. If not, check to make sure something is not shorting the output.
4. Check the serial pa ram eters on y our P C or termin al. They should be set to:
9600 baud, no parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop
5. If you are receiving a sign on me ssage but not ab le to enter characters, check U8, pin 4 for at least -6 volts. When it is near 0 volts, the terminal or PC's Tx line is not connected. When you pr ess a character on the terminal or PC, you should see the voltage go positive. Check the serial cable. Transmitted signals from the PC or terminal are from pin 5 on the 10 pin IDC connector.
Refer to the table of contents for a more detailed listing.
You would probably turn to this section because you could not get the sign on message. If you are getting a sign on message but can't enter characters, then read section 5 below . T he following are tr oubleshooting hints when you can' t get anything.
1. Check the power source. If it is below 4.65 volts at the input power terminal, the RPC -320 will reset. Power is 5 ±0.25 volts. Make sure it is a clean 5 volt source. If it dips intermittently to 4.65 volts (due to switching noise or ripple), the card will reset for about 100 ms. If the noise is frequent enough, the card will be in permanent reset. Check U7, pin
8. If it is high (about 5 volts), then the car d is in reset. This line should be low (about 0 volts).
2. Check the COM 0 port (J3). Rem ove the connector from COM 0. R efer to the outline drawing earlier in this chapter. Connect an oscilloscope (preferred) or a voltmeter to pin 3 (Txd) and gr ound. Pin 3 should be -6 volts or more negative. (Pin 1 is designated by the v symbol on the connecto r. Pin 3 is next to it, nearer the key opening.) If you have -6 volts or more, press the reset switch. If you have a scope
If all of this fails, call technical support listed in chapter
Page 2-4 RPC-320
Program s are stored in an EPRO M in socket U6. You can store one or more programs, depending upon EPROM size. A BASIC program can call another when a 512K byte EPROM is used.
Maximum program size that can be run at any one time is about 62K, not including space for variables. 32K bytes is the maximum program size when a 29C256 IC type is used to save a program.
A conservative rule to determine program memory requirements is one line requires 40 bytes. 32K bytes would stor e 800 lines of code. Your application could be significantly more or less, depending upon the number of comm ands/line, com ments, and pr int statements.
Despite the fact you may have a 128K or 512K RAM installed, the maximum program size RPBASIC-52 can run at one time is about 60K (including room for some variable storage). The table below shows the maximum capacity, maximum number of program lines, program size at one time, and number of programs for an EPROM type.
A flash EPROM is non-volatile (retaining data even when power is disconnected), having an unlimited number of read cycles and a limited number of write cycles (about 1,000). A program is not run from EPROM . It is transferred to RAM and run from there. Programs in RAM can be m odified. They are saved to EPROM for execution later.
The RPC -320 can autorun on power up or r eset by removing jumper (W9). W hen autorun is on, the program in EPROM segment 0 is loaded into RAM and begins to execute immediately.
Figure 3-1 W3 autorun jumper
EPROM Max Prog Max No. type Cap. lines Bytes Progs
29C256 30K 400 32K 1 29C040 509K 12400 62K 8
One program can call another using the EXECUTE n command. n is from 0 to 7, depending upon the EPROM type.
NOTE: When a program calls another, the old program
is completely replaced. All variables and arrays are cleared (set to 0).
To keep variables, you m ust save them before calling the new progr am. When the new program is running, these variables are restored. Use PEEK and POKE to read and save numbers and strings. See Chapter 5, STORING VARIABLES IN RAM for more information.
Binary data is saved and read from the EPROM using BSAVE and BLOAD commands. The EP ROM has a limited number of write cycles (about 1000), so writing information should be kept to a minimum.
This chapter discusses saving programs to EPROM (U6) and program autoexecution.
For this example, assume you wanted to save the following program:
20 FOR N= 0 TO 2 30 PRINT "Hello ", 40 NEXT 50 PRINT
If this progr am is not alr eady in, type it in now (or , if you prefer, use your own program).
Type in the following command:
RPBASIC-52 responds with:
Saving 35 bytes
Verifying --- OK
Page 3-1 RPC-320
The time it takes save a program depends upon the length and complexity of the program and flash EPROM type. Programming rate is roughly 600 bytes/second. If the program is not successfully saved to EPROM, an error message will appear.
Saving a program overw rites the pr evious one. Ther e is no way to recover the old one since both occupy the same space.
Using SAVE without any parameters is the same as typing SAVE 0.
When a 128K (29C 010) or 5 12K (29C 040) EP ROM is installed in U6, the SAVE segment parameter is 0 or 1 (128K) or 0 - 7 (512K). EXECU TE loads and runs the program in the segment specified by SAVE. A 32K (29C256) EPROM can run just one program.
Make the following modifications to the above program as instructed to see how one program can call another. There must be a 128K or 512K EPROM installed to run this code.
Add the following lines:
10 PRINT "Program segment 0" 60 EXECUTE 1
To autorun a program:
1. Make sure there is a program in EP ROM (from above). When using a 128K or 512K size EPROM, make sure the start up progr am w as saved to segment 0.
2. Remove jumper W9.
Push the reset button. The program will run. If there are any error s, the program will stop (assuming you have not trapped them with ON ERROR) and display the error m essage. EX ECU TE n is used within any program to load and run another program. The EPROM size must be a 128K or 512K.
When troubleshooting a program, it' s not always convenient for an autoexecute file to r un. This is especially true if the program has been configured to ignore the < ESC> or < Ctl-C> keys.
To prevent autorun, install jumper W9 before power up or reset.
Now type:
Now m odify lines 10 and 60 as follows:
10 PRINT "Program segment 1" 60 EXECUTE 0
Now type:
To see the programs operate, type RUN. To stop program execution, press < Ctrl-C> .
You may notice there is a slight pause between the printed hello' s and pro gram segmen t number . This is the time it takes to clear memory and load the program. Loading and clearing take appr oximately 0.2 5 seconds in a very small program up to 1 second in a very large program.
There are tim es when y ou may w ish to tempor arily modify or otherwise test out a change to a program. Since the program is loaded into RAM in autorun, modifications are m ade withou t affecting the pr ogram in EPROM. Use the LOAD or LOAD n comm and to transfer the EPROM program to RAM.
If you find out that modifications are not desirable or did not work, you can restore the original program to RAM using the LOAD command.
The RPC-320 can com e with a 32K or 512 K flash EPROM . The size may be changed at any time. Set W3 according to the type/size.
Type Size W3
Bytes Configuration
29C256 32K [3-5], [4-6] 29C010 128K [3-5], [2-4]
Page 3-2 RPC-320
29C040 512K [1-3], [2-4]
To change the EPRO M in U6, remove the IC and replace it with the new one. When installing a 29C256, pin 1 on the IC goes into socket pin 3. The top two rows of pins are empty.
Flash EPROMs are more expensive than UV er asable or OTPs as of this writing. Large volume OEM' s may wish to use lower cost EPRO Ms.
Program development must use flash EPROM s. When a program is finished, the flash EP ROM is used as a master. Use an exter nal progra m to duplicate progr ams.
Jumper W2 is normally configured for flash EPROM (W2[3-5] and W2[4-6]). For non-flash E PRO Ms, W2 is configured for [1-3] and [2-4]. Large volume OEM's should contact Remote Processing regarding pre­configuring W2 and W3 for your application.
The following is a list of RPBASIC-52 commands used for saving, loading, and executing programs and data. These commands and functions are explained in the Software Supplement in this manual.
Command Function
BLOAD Transfers binary data from
BSAVE Transfers binary data from RAM
to flash EPROM
EXECUTE Loads, clears memory, then runs
a program from within a program LOAD n Loads a program from EPROM SAVE n Saves a program to flash EPROM
Page 3-3 RPC-320
The RPC -320 has two serial ports that interface to a printer, terminal, RS-485 network, or other serial devices. This chapter describes their characteristics and how to use them. Fre quent ref erence s are m ade to commands listed in the BASIC-52 Programming Manual or RPBASIC-52 Software Supplement in this manua l. Please refer to these manuals for more information about these commands.
Serial por ts are num bered C OM0 and CO M1. COM 0 is RS232 only and is used for progr am deve lopment. During r un time, it can be used for other functions. COM 1 is a general purpose port and is jumperable for RS-232 or RS-422/485.
Each port has a 256 character interrupt driven input and output buffer. This allows sending characters without slowing down program execution. However, if the PRIN T buffer fills, pr ogram execution is suspended until all PRINT characters are in the buffer. Both ports have a 256 character input buffer. When more than 256 characters are received, excess ones are ignored.
This port uses a VTC-9F serial cable to connect external serial devices to the port. The cable con sists of a 10 pin IDC connector wired one-to-one to a DB-9 connector. Line 10 is sim ply cut off. The pin ou t is designed so it plugs directly into the 9 pin serial port connector on a PC.
CTS is a output and is set to high on power up. Normally, this tells the other device to send data. The CTS line is set high or low to hold off communication. The sending device must have a RTS input. Line 400 sets CTS high and 500 sets it low, or to hold off.
400 LINEB 5,0,(LINEB(5,0) .AND. 247) 500 LINEB 5,0,(LINEB(5,0) .OR. 8)
COM 0 is normally used for program ming. D uring run time it may be used as a general purpose serial port. When used for programming or with the INPUT statement, it will accept ASCII character values from 0 to 127. When used with the GET function, it will return ASCII values from 0 to 255.
CONFIG BAUD controls baud rate and RS-232/485 mode (COM1 only).
Figure 4-1 Serial port and jumper locations
ON C OM $ is useful whe n data is sent in pac kets. This multitasking command branches to a BASIC subroutine when a specific character or number of characters is received.
Another useful function is STR. Strings can be formatted, analyzed for length and content. When used in conjunction with ON COM$, networ king over RS-485 is much easier than with the original BASIC-52.
COM 1 is either an RS-232 or RS-422/485 port. A VTC-9F serial cable, described above, is used for RS­232 level communications. RS-485 is from screw terminals. COM 1 has 2 hardware handshaking lines, CTS and RTS.
RTS is an input to the card. W hen RT S to the car d is low, it usually indicates the sender does not want any data sent to it. The status of this port is read by the LINEB statement. The example below retur ns a status of the RTS line:
100 B = LINEB(5,1) .AND. 32
If B = 32, the sender is not requesting information and nothing further should be printed.
The CTS line may be set high or low to hold off communication from a sending device. The sender must recognize the CTS line. Line 400 sets CTS high and 500 sets it low, or to hold off.
Page 4-1 RPC-320
Figure 4-2 Network diagram
400 LINEB 5,0,(LINEB(5,0) .AND. 251) 500 LINEB 5,0,(LINEB(5,0) .OR. 4)
Jumper W4 determines if COM 1 receive is RS-232 or RS-422/485.
W4[1-2] RS-485 W4[2-3] RS-232 (default)
COM1 default is RS-232. Use the CONFIG BAUD statement to set the software to RS-422 or RS-485. When set to RS-422, the transmitter is always on. RS­485 mode turns on the transmitter only when sending.
Page 4-2 RPC-320
RS-422/485 Termination network
When the RPC-320 is the last physical unit on a network (RS-485), or it is the only unit (RS-422), the receiver must be terminated to prevent ringing. Jumper block W5, 6 installs or removes this network. Insert a jumper in W5 and W6 to install the network terminator.
Only one slave device on a RS-485 network should have a terminator installed. The host transmitter should also have a 100 ohm resistor in series with a 0.1 mfd capacitor. T he term inator on the RPC -320 includes pull up and pull down resistors to prevent lines from floating and generating er roneous char acters.
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