REI VR-3000 Installation & Operation Manual

AM/FM/DVD/CD/MP3 Receiver with USB/SD & Auxiliary Inputs
3 Built-in Microphone inputs for PA Announcements
Installation/Operation Manual
50W x 4 VR-3000
Th a nk you for p urchas i ng the VR-3000 AM/FM/DVD/CD/MP3/USB/SD Recei ver from REI. This product is designed and tested to withstand temperature and vibration extremes. Please r ead the owner’s manua l careful ly befor e attem p ting to install.
If you have an installation question or need installation as sistan ce, pl ease call the:
1-877-726-4617 Toll Free USA & CANADA
Your player will only play comm ercia l DV Ds with regi on co d e l a bels on th em.
FEATURES: Electronic AM/FM Stereo Tuner w/RBDS Anti-skip DVD/CD M e chani s m Front-panel USB type-A input Front-panel SD/SDHC CARD input Plays MP3/W M A/ AAC file format s Independent front panel 3.5mm Audio Input jack Independent rear RCA A/V AUX 2 input jacks w/ automatic trigger Wireless Remo te Control Non-Volatil e m e mory ba ck -up 50W x 4 Output powe r USA/EURO Radio Frequency bands Radio Station Lock-Out Green LE D ba ck l i ghti ng Displays ID3 tag information Composite Video Output via locking BNC connection 3 Micr ophone inp ut jacks for PA announce ments
Radio Engineering Industries, Inc.
6534 “L” Street
Omaha, Nebraska 68117
(1) Power Butt on (2) Volume/Select Knob (3) Band/Enter Button (4) Mode Button (5) Rese t Button (6) Scan/Setup Button (7) Pres et Memory/ Menu Scroll Buttons (8) EQ/Language Button (9) Radio Station Tune/Seek, Track Control Buttons (10) Front Auxiliary Input Jack (11) SD C a rd Input s lot (12) Display Button (13) Menu Bu t ton (14) USB I np ut Slot
(15) Eject Button
1) Power Button
Press the Power Butt on to turn ON or OFF the unit. A red light means the unit is in standby, a Blue light means the radio is on.
2) Volume/Select Knob
Rot ate t he knob left o r righ t to change the volu me level . Press t he knob to sel e c t one of the fol lowin g fun c tions : VOL---BASS---TREB---BAL---FAD Rotate t he knob to adjust t he desired settin g.
3) Band/Enter Button
Press this button to change radio bands as follows: FM1—FM2—FM3—AM1—AM2 Press this button to confirm changes in the SETUP menu
4) Mode Button
Pres s th is button to select sour ce mode (RADIO/DISC/USB/CARD/AUX1/AUX2) *USB and SD card must be insert ed to activate these modes
5) Reset Button
If there is a malfunction of the unit, pressing the RESET button will clear the system
6) Scan/Setup Button
Press a nd h old this button for 2 sec ond s to auto prog ram avail abl e stations into all the preset memory buttons. This function will erase previous memorized stations and store the n ewly searched stations. Once com p leted, the rad io will scan for 5 seconds through each of the pres e t stations of e i ther the AM or FM band.
Press this button to automatically preview all radio stations in that band for 5 seconds Setup Button
During video playback operation only, th e Setup button can be pressed to access the radio’s SETUP MENU. Doing so will PAUSE the source mater ial until the user exits.
**The SETUP options can only be seen with a mon itor connec ted t o the composi te video output. The radio will displa y PAUSE, cont in ue to press SE T UP to e xit this menu.
7) Preset Memory, Scroll, Recall Buttons
Press these buttons momen tarily to select the pr eset stations. Press and holding a button will preset the current station to the button being pr essed.
While in video SETUP, use these buttons to scroll through availabl e options. Press or BAND/ENTER to confirm the desir ed selection. The Button selects th e d esired fi le forma t for playback ie. MUSIC, PHOTO, or MOVIE when mu ltiple formats are av ailable on the source media(CD/DVD /USB/SD) .
Press this button to PAUSE/PLAY the m edia (CD/DVD/SD/USB) Press and hold this butt on to select INT RO ON/OFF on CD p l aybac k
Press and hold this button to change REPEAT from Track, Folder, All
Press and hold this button to turn RANDOM ON/OFF
8) EQ/Language Button
Press this button to apply preset sound effects to the units audio output signal. Pressing this button selects E Q POP, EQ CLASS, EQ ROCK, & EQ CUST. When any of the soun d modes ot her th an EQ CUST is sel ected, the BASS & TREBLE contr ol s are disabled on the volume sele c t kn ob.
Langu age Butt on
Press and hold this bu tton dur i ng DVD playbac k to select one of the optional subtitle languages available on multi-language DVD discs.
9) TUNE / SEEK /TRACK Buttons
Under Radio mode, pres s the desired button to manu ally tun e a station movin g upward or downward. Press and hold button momentarily and the radio will automatically seek or down to the next available radio st ation. Pr e s s an d hold button for 2 se c ond s a nd the radio continuously tunes up or down until the but ton is released.
When pl aying dig ital m edi a, use thes e buttons to track UP/DOWN t o the desired ch apt er to pla ybac k.
10) Auxiliary Input Jacks
The unit is equipped with a front pan el 3.5mm auxiliary audio input so you can connect your extern al port a ble audi o player or portable s atel lite rad io receiver. Press Mode to display AUX 1 for operat ion .
The r ad io is also equipped with a second Rea r AUX 2 Audio/Video RCA input for connecting a second ary A/V device. Press Mode for AUX 2 for op erati on. When vid eo is connected a nd the player is in AUX 2 mode , the video will output through the main VIDE O O UT BNC connection.
When connecte d to GROUND, the Brown AUX 2 trigger wire on the rear of the radio will automatically power the VR-3000 and switch the source to AUX 2. When the ground is removed, the Radio will return to its previous state.
*It may be necessary to adju st the vol u me level on the auxiliary devis e to ach ieve the optimal volume level.
11) SD Card Input
Insert the SD card and the radio will automatically switch to the CA RD input and begin playback .
12) DIS Button
Pres s th is button to change between Time and Mode Inform ation displa y. Setting the Time:
Press this button momentarily to display the time. Next, press and h old this button until the hour displ ay begins to flas h . Ro tate Volume/S elect Knob to adjus t the hour. Press the DISP button again, and the minute display will f lash. Rotate Volume/Sele c t Knob to adjus t th e mi nute. Press Volume/Select to s ave the desired time.
13) Menu Butt on
Press this button to go to the mai n menu of the DVD disc. This button also serves as Root DIR access for available digital files on the source media bein g playe d.
14) USB Input
Insert a USB drive and the radio will automatically switch to USB input and be gin playback.
**Note : Th e unit 's USB por t does n ot s upp ort the Apple iPod or iPhone.
15) Eject Button
Press this button to eject the CD/DVD
Press and hold the VOL/SEL button for 2 seconds. LCD will display MENU, make the d esired selecti on below:
To chan g e d ispla y SCROLL OPTIONS, rotate VOL/SEL, then press t o c hoose :
Scroll OFF - RDS text will not display automaticall y, must press th e DISP
key to view.
Scrol l ONCE - RDS text will display automatically but is limited to one time.
It will update automatically when new information is received.
Scroll ON - RDS text will display automatically and continuously.
To enable t he RDS option, rotate VOL/S EL, then press to choose:
This is the firmwar e version present on th e r ad io.
VER 001
To save and exit MENU mode, pres s and hold t he VOL /SEL but ton. Note: Menu will exit automatically after 5 continuous seconds without saving any selections.
Rad io station L oc k-Out gives Fleet managers the ability to restrict AM/FM pla yba ck . To enabl e op eration, set acceptable st ations in to all th e AM & FM pr esets. I f onl y one s tati on is allowed, pres et that same station into all pr es ets of eith er the F M or AM band. On ce th e s t ations ar e set, Press and h ol d both the VOL/SEL (2) and BAND (3) buttons for 3 seconds. The display will scroll “ENTER CODE”, at which time the user can enter a personal 4 digit code using pr esets 1-6. Once entered, the display will show “LOCKED” giving the user confirmation. The user will have access to only the AM & FM station s found in pr esets 1-6. If the user attempts to change t he station using the SEEK /TUNE button s, the display will scr oll “ENTER CODE”. Entering the wrong code will scrol l “ERR CODE”. On ce the user enters the corr ect code, the disp lay will show “UNLOCKED” and restore the radio to normal operation.
The VR-3000 has three PA Microphone inputs, 2 Dynamic & 1 Carbon microphone input. All microphones have pri ority over al l ot her audio modes and MUTE th e source audio bein g played when keyed. W hen t he PA is trigg ered, the front dis pla y wi ll show MIC 1, MIC 2 or M IC, until the trigger is un-keyed. Once released, it wi ll r e turn to the pr evious source mode a t th e previous volume level.
The Dyn amic MI C 1 input is the Primary, and the other input MIC 2 is the Secon dary. When the two are keyed simultaneously, the MIC 1 microphone will always have priority over the MIC 2.
All PA inputs operate regardless of radio power status, as long as both ACC a nd Battery pow e r is applied to the radio. Th e volume l e vels of MIC 1 & M IC 2 can be independently adjusted from t he r ad io’s ma in Volume/Select knob on the front of the radio. Once released, th eir final volume levels ar e s tored into memory as default for the next time they ar e keyed. The volume levels of MIC 1 & MIC 2 can only
be adjusted when they a re keyed. The volume of the Carbon m icrophon e MIC is only adjustable on the micro phone itself and therefore its l evel is not saved. A rear vi ew of the rad io’s PA pin connections ar e sh o wn b e lo w:
+ 15 hidden pages