REI R-475 Instruction Manual

Heavy-duty AM/FM Stereo Weather Band Receiver, with
Front-Panel Auxiliary Input
R-4 75
50W X 4
Thank you for purchasing this AM/FM Weather Band Receiver from REI. This product is designed and tested to withstand temperature and vibration extremes. Please read the owners manual carefully before attempting to install this unit.
NOAA Weather Band Receiver AM/FM Stereo Receiver Digital Tune and Seek Automatic Scan of Preset Stations Preset Up to 30 Radio Stations (18 FM and 12 AM) Front & Rear Aux Input RCA pre-amp Output Volume Select Knob LED Backlighting
US/Euro Band Switch
SPC IFICATI ONS AUD IO SECT ION Pow er supp ly volt age (n egati ve grou nd) ……… …………… …12V DC ( 11V-16 V) Nom inal Cu rrent C onsum ption ……... …………… …………… ……..l ess tha n 2.5 A Max C urren t Consu mptio n…….. .………… …………… …………… .………. … ..10A Spe aker im pedan ce ………… …………. …………… …………4 -8 Ohms p er chan nel
POW ER OUTP UT (RM S) Con tinuo us Outp ut into 4Ω, 2 0 to 20,0 00 Hz at 3 % TH D …….. .………4 x1 4 Watt s Max imum Po wer Out put (Vol ume co ntr ol Max imum)… ………50W× 4 (at 1k Hz)
FM TU NER Ran ge ………… …………… …………… …………… …….. (U SA) 87. 5 – 107.9 M hz
(EU R) 87.5 0 – 108.0 0 Mhz Usa ble sen sitiv ity ……… …………… …………… …………. .14dB f (2.0u V/75o hms) 50 dB q uiet ing sen sitiv ity ……… …………… …………… …………… 34 dB f (50u V) Sig nal to no ise rat io ………… …………… …………… …………… ..…6 0d B(M ono) Ste reo sep arati on (@ 1 K Hz) … ………… …………… ……..… …………… ….35 dB
AM TU NER Ran ge ………… …………… …………… …………… ……… (US A) 530 – 17 10 Khz
(EU R) 522 – 16 20 Khz Sen sitiv ity (2 0 dB q uiet ing) …… …………… …………… ……… ………… 10 uV Sig nal to no ise rat io (@ 5 0 uV) … ………… …………… …………… …...… 4 2 dB
WEATH ER BAND SEC TION CH. 1 1 62 .4 00 MH Z CH. 2 16 2. 425 MHZ CH. 3 1 62 .4 50 MH Z CH. 4 16 2. 475 MHZ CH. 5 1 62 .5 00 MH Z CH. 6 16 2. 525 MHZ CH. 7 1 62 .5 50 MH Z
DIM ENSIO NS Cha ssis ( W x H x D) …… ………… …………… …….…… ……178 x 5 0 x 154 mm Nos epiec e (W x H x D) …… …………… …………… .……… 18 8 x 58 x 17.5 mm Weig ht ……… ……… ………… ………………… ………………… ………. …. 1.6 kg
Power On/Off Button
Band Selector
Radio Station Tune/Seek Buttons
LCD Display
Radio Status Display Button
Radio Station Scan Button
MODE Select Button
Auto Store Preset Radio Stations Button
Front Auxiliary Input Jack
Volume/Select Knob
Preset Memory/Recall and Weather Band Select Buttons
US/EURO Band Select Switch (Not Shown)
+ 2 hidden pages