1) Power Button
Press a nd HOLD the P ower But ton to turn the un it ON or OFF. Once on, a quick
press an d release will MUTE the audio.
2) Tune Buttons
Press these butt on s to select th e PREVIOUS or NEXT track while in USB mode.
Press these butt on s to tune AM/FM stations.
3) Volume UP/DOWN buttons
Press eith er VOL+ / VOL- buttons to increase or d ecrease the volume level
4) Band Button
Press this button to change radio bands as follows:
Press an d HOLD this button to chan g e bet we en Clock and Mode In formation disp l ay.
Pres s the butt on to select the desired FM or AM band.
5) Auto St ore / Seek Button
Press a nd h old this bu tt on for 2 s e cond s to auto prog ram a vail able s tation s into the
prese t memory b u ttons. Q uick pres s to auto SEEK up to the next sta tion.
6) Mode Button
Press this button to navigate between modes TUNER-USB-Bluetooth®-AUX.
NOTE: USB mode will not appear unless a USB drive is inserted.
Press and HOLD to select BT PAIR, then q ui ck ly press again t o a cces s either:
(allows the user to adjust the BASS level)
(allows the user to adjust the TREBLE level)
BAL (allows the user to adjust the BALANCE from left to right)
(allows the user to adjust the FADER from front to back)
LOUD (selects either LOUDNESS ON or OFF)
(d isabl e s the tone se ttings and selects between OFF, FLAT, CLASS, POP, or ROCK)
AREA TU NING (sel e cts betwe en USA & EUR O PE AN freq u e ncy bands)
BEEP (turns the audible bee p O N or OFF with each key press)
TIME FORMAT (selects between 12Hr and 24Hr formats)
Change using th e VOL+/VOL- buttons. If either Volume buttons have not been
pressed for 5 seconds it will automatically r evert back to the previous operation.