Reflecta DigitDia 5000, Cyberview X User Manual

Reflecta DigitDia 5000 and Cyberview X
Table of Contents
1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................3
2 Definitions....................................................................................................................................4
3 Cyberview Software and Firmware............................................................................................4
4 Installation of Cyberview............................................................................................................4
4.1 Pre-Requisites........................................................................................................................4
4.2 Installation..............................................................................................................................5
4.3 Reported Problems.................................................................................................................5
5 Working with Cyberview.............................................................................................................6
5.1 Starting Cyberview..................................................................................................................6
5.2 The Cyberview Workplace......................................................................................................7
5.2.1 Cyberview Menus.............................................................................................................7 Scan Menu................................................................................................................7 Digital ICE3 Menu.....................................................................................................8 Preview Menu............................................................................................................8 Image Adjustment Menu............................................................................................8 Window Menu............................................................................................................8 Help Menu.................................................................................................................8
5.2.2 Cyberview Toolbar...........................................................................................................9 Film Type..................................................................................................................9 Pre-scan..................................................................................................................10 Scan........................................................................................................................10 Image Adjustment...................................................................................................10 Output Preview........................................................................................................11 Backward One Frame..............................................................................................11 Forward One Frame................................................................................................11 Reload Magazine....................................................................................................11 Set Current Position................................................................................................11 Go To....................................................................................................................11
6 Scanner Operations..................................................................................................................13
6.1 Define Basic Settings............................................................................................................13 Scan Setting............................................................................................................13 Advanced Setting....................................................................................................14 Default Scanning Area.............................................................................................14 ICE/ROC/GEM........................................................................................................15
6.2 Preparing To Scan................................................................................................................18
6.3 Pre-scanning........................................................................................................................19
Cyberview Page 1 of 33 Dec 2008 Defining the Selection Area.....................................................................................21 Active Frame...........................................................................................................21 Zoom In and Zoom Out...........................................................................................22 Rotate 90 Left, Rotate 90 Right, Flip Horizontal, Flip Vertical..................................22
6.4 Image Adjustment.................................................................................................................24
6.5 Scanning Slides to Files.......................................................................................................28
6.6 Scanning from Image Editor.................................................................................................29
6.7 Using the Scan Button on the Scanner.................................................................................29
6.8 Exit Cyberview......................................................................................................................30
7 Other Features...........................................................................................................................31
7.1 Window Menu.......................................................................................................................31
7.2 Help Menu............................................................................................................................32
7.3 Status Line............................................................................................................................33
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1 Introduction
Prior to acquiring my Reflecta DigitDia 5000 slide scanner, I read a certain amount about it, much of it in German, and found that there are two common opinions, namely:
The Instruction Manual supplied with the scanner is very minimal
It is not really possible to obtain satisfactory scans using just the Cyberview driver supplied, a
much more powerful tool such as Silverfast is essential for good quality results.
My friend Martin, who lives in Germany, has shared some of his experiences with me, and also directed me to the website of Josef Stark, who has written a much more comprehensive Cyberview Instruction Manual (in German) than the official version.
Everyone agrees that there is scope for much improvement in the official Cyberview Instruction Manual. It describes the actual operation of the scanner adequately, but the description of Cyberview itself leaves much to be desired. The only alternative to Cyberview is Silverfast, a powerful Image Editor which includes its own driver for the DigitDia 5000. Josef Stark, hereafter referred to as JS, and others, are of the opinion, that although Silverfast is good, because it is so powerful, it requires considerable effort to master it, and that the reputation of Cyberview is due more to the poor quality of the supplied documentation, than any deficiencies in the program itself, i.e. it is easy to learn and can do more than it is given credit for.
Martin has both Silverfast and Cyberview, and has come round to this opinion.
I have seen some sample Silverfast documentation, and can see that it looks very comprehensive, but because it has such a wealth of features, it does look difficult to master. I already have an Image Editor (Uead Photoimpact), which is also very comprehensive with a lot of features I do not really understand, so I hardly wanted to buy another program which does the same things.
This document is based to some extent on JS’s document, but is not a direct translation. As well as giving instructions on the various features of Cyberbiew, it also includes some commentary based on the experiences and opinions of myself and others.
There are two basic approaches to scanning:
Experiment as much as possible with all the combinations of settings available in Cyberview (or
Silverfast, if you have it), in order to produce the “perfect” scan which requires no further processing.
Define only the basic settings in Cyberview (e.g. JPG files at 3600 dpi with ICE) and adjust the
results as necessary afterwards.
Actual practice is likely to be a combination of both methods. Reflecta Support, confirmed that the “best” approach is define only basic settings in the driver and post-process after scanning.
The following general principles apply:
Experimentation is necessary, to see what works best.
Some type of Image Editor is essential.
The scanner is supplied with Adobe Photoshop Elements 6. I use Ulead Photoimpact; of course there is Silverfast or the full Adobe Photoshop. The freeware program Irfan View offers a wide range of functionality, and it has a batch mode, so the same adjustments can be applied to multiple pictures in one operation. No doubt, there are many other programs available. In this document, I use the generic term “Image Editor”. Many of the functions available in Cyberview (before scanning) may be available in the Image Editor (after scanning).
This document is based on the Reflecta DigitDia 5000, which is very similar to its predecessor, the
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2 Definitions
Acronym Meaning
GEM Grain Equalisation and Management – see section ICE Image Correction and Enhancement – see section Image Editor Generic term for any program capable of manipulating image files, e.g.
Silverfast, Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro, Irfan View etc. JS Josef Stark – publisher of website (German) ROC Restoration of Colours – see section
3 Cyberview Software and Firmware
For a new purchase, the current version of software is on the CD that comes with the scanner.
The subject of firmware will come as a complete surprise to anyone who has only seen the official Cyberview Instruction Manual. There is just one obscure reference to firmware which says “the latest files may be downloaded from our website” but does not even give the website address.
Although marketed as the Reflecta DigitDia in Europe, the scanner is actually an American product manufactured by Pacific Image Electronics The scanner is called the Power Slide 3650 in the US. I am not sure if that is the equivalent of the DigitDia 4000 or 5000, but both use the same software and firmware.
The link for the DigitDia 5000 is
After installing the software, the scanner seemed to work satisfactorily, so I assumed that the latest version of firmware must be preloaded. I contacted Native Digital, the UK distributor for the scanner, they confirmed I did not need to download firmware, and Reflecta Support confirmed that the latest version of firmware is pre-loaded (but see section 7.2.2).
JS comments that Scanace often have firmware with the same version number but a newer date than before.
The current software (Nov 2008) is Cyberview 1.18a and the latest firmware on the website is Version 1.10, dated 16 April 2008.
4 Installation of Cyberview
4.1 Pre-Requisites
The Cyberview Instruction Manual recommends that you install the supplied Adobe Photoshop Elements before installing Cyberview. As stated in section 1, there are many other Image Editors available, e.g. Irfan View. In theory, you can make all adjustments in Cyberview before you scan, and not use any other software at all.
Even if not using Photoshop Elements, the official advice appears to be that whatever Image Editor is being used, it should be installed before Cyberview. I presume this is to ensure that the Cyberview driver overwrites any other scanner driver that the Image Editor may have installed.
Various problems with installation have been reported (see section 4.3), but one official recommendation is that other scanner drivers, e.g. for a flatbed scanner, should be uninstalled.
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4.2 Installation
Do not connect the scanner to the computer
Load the Cyberview CD into the drive. The Installation Wizard should start automatically – see
section 4.3 if it does not. On completion, there will be a reboot.
The Installation Wizard instructs you to take the CD out of the drive before rebooting
(presumably so it will not be mistaken for a System Disk on reboot). This contradicts the Cyberview Instruction Manual.
After reboot, reload the Cyberview CD into the drive.
Connect the scanner USB cable to the computer and turn the scanner on. It will initialise. This
takes about 3 minutes for the 5000, which is longer than its predecessors, and happens every time on power-up.
In the “Install New Hardware” wizard, select Install Software automatically.
4.3 Reported Problems
The nature of any problems encountered when installing Cyberview is likely to be dependent on the configuration of the host computer.
Martin reported adverse interactions with virus software.
My driver installation did not start automatically, but this might be because another program
was configured to automatically detect insertion of a CD and this prevented the AUTORUN.INF file from executing.
I had to manually initiate the installation by running the file
D:\Install\DiskImages\Disk1\Setup.exe (which is pointed to by AUTORUN.INF) (My CD reader is Drive D).
After reboot, when I switched the scanner on for the first time, a message was displayed “You
have an old version driver, do you want to remove it” (even though this was the first installation), so I clicked Yes and it uninstalled, then nothing more happened. I switched the scanner off, reinstalled Cyberview and rebooted, and switched the scanner on again. This time it found new hardware.
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5 Working with Cyberview
5.1 Starting Cyberview
Turn on the scanner before starting Cyberview, then double click on the Cyberview icon on the desktop, or select Start > Programs > Cyberview.
The following message is displayed
It takes about 3 minutes for the scanner to initialise, then the Cyberview Preview window appears as shown below.
This window may be displayed differently, according to whatever settings have been previously selected in Cyberview.
JS reports that sometimes the “egg timer” does not disappear. Click any Menu to get the cursor back.
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The Thumbnail Panel only appears when Pre-scan is selected for the first time (section 6.3). It can be dragged anywhere on the desktop, i.e. outside the Cyberview Preview window. On my installation, the Close function is disabled, i.e. after the first Pre-scan, the Thumbnail Panel is always displayed when Cyberview is active.
If Cyberview cannot be started for any reason, the following error message is usually displayed.
Check the first two items and ignore the third – the User Manual will not help.
JS recommends:
The scanner should be directly connected to the PC (i.e. not via a hub).
Always use the originally supplied cable – cables which are too long can cause problems.
Turn off the scanner and PC.
Restart the PC and wait until it has booted up completely.
Switch on the scanner.
Start Cyberview.
5.2 The Cyberview Workplace
This section gives an overview of the Menus, Toolbar and Toolbox in a convenient reference format, listing each function and sub-function. Certain simple functions are described here, but detailed descriptions are given in Scanner Operations – section 6.
5.2.1 Cyberview Menus
Depending on the Cyberview mode (e.g. pre-scan), certain entries may be greyed out. Scan Menu
Pre-scan – see section 6.3.
Scan – see section 6.5.
Revert - see section 6.3.7
Preference – see section 6.1.2.
Exit – close down Cyberview – see section 6.8.
Cyberview Page 7 of 33 Dec 2008 Digital ICE3 Menu
See section Preview Menu
Zoom In
Zoom Out
Rotate 90 Left
Rotate 90 Right
Flip Horizontal
Flip Vertical
See section 6.3.4. Image Adjustment Menu
Variations – see section 6.4.2.
Colour Balance – see section 6.4.3.
Curves and Levels – see section 6.4.4. Window Menu
Exposure Setting – see section 7.1.1.
Output Preview – see section 7.1.2. Help Menu
User Manual – see section 7.2.1.
Update Firmware – see section 7.2.2.
About – see section 7.2.3.
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5.2.2 Cyberview Toolbar Film Type
Agfa 100
Agfa 200
Agfa 400
Fuji 100
Fuji 200
Fuji 400
Fuji 800
Generic Negative
Raw Image
Eastman Kodak
Kodak 100
Kodak 200
Kodak 400
Kodak 800
Kodak Portra 160NC
Konica 100
Konica 200
Konica 400
Generic Positive 2
Generic Positive
Raw Image
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One Frame
Film Type
Go To
Agfapan APX 100 PRO
Agfapan APX 400 PRO
Fuji 100 ACROS 36
Fuji Neopan 1600 PR 36
Fuji Neopan 400 PR 36
Generic B&W
Ilford 100 Delta PRO
Ilford 400 Delta PRO
Ilford FP4 Plus
Ilford HP5 Plus Pre-scan
Pre-scan Current Frame
Pre-scan 1 – 36
Pre-scan 1 – 50
Pre-scan 1 – 80
Pre-scan 1 – 100
Pre-scan …
See section 6.3. Scan
Scan Current Frame
Scan Selected
Multi Scan
The above 3 options are only displayed if scanning is initiated from an Image Editor – see section
Scan Current Frame to File
Scan Selected to File
Multi Scan to File
See section 6.5 Image Adjustment
See section 6.4.1.
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+ 23 hidden pages