The engine exhaust from this product
contains chemicals known to the State
of California to cause cancer, birth
defects or other reproductive harm.
Thank you for purchasing a RedMax
Before using our brushcutters, please
read this manual carefully to understand
the proper use of your unit.
BC3401DL DRIVE UNIT 200101 and up ENGINE UNIT 200101 and up
BC4401DW DRIVE UNIT 200101 and up ENGINE UNIT 200101 and up

Read this manual carefully to understand
all safety precautions, controls, proper
operation and maintenance of your
RedMax brushcutters. Failure to do so
could result in serious injury.
Instructions labeled as shown at left, concern critical steps or
procedures which must be followed in order to prevent accidents
which could lead to serious bodily injury or death.This mark is
used to indicate instructions which must be followed without
Instructions labeled as shown at left concern steps or procedures
which, if not followed correctly, could lead to mechanical failure,
breakdown, or damage.
Used to label supplementary instructions designed to provide
hints or directions useful in the use of the product.
Instructions contained in warnings within this manual marked with a symbol
concern critical points which must be taken into consideration to prevent
possible serious bodily injury, and for this reason you are requested to read all
such instructions carefully and follow them without fail.
Note that there may be times when warning seals peel off or become soiled and
impossible to read. If this happens, you should contact the dealer from which
you purchased the product to order new seals and affix the new seal(s) in the
required location(s).
■ Notes on types of warnings

Safety Precautions······················································································· 4
In Order To Ensure Proper And Safe Operation Of Your Brushcutter
Work Gear And Clothing
Warnings Considering Handling Of Fuel
Things To Check Before Using Your Brushcutter
Things To Check Before Starting Up The Engine
Avoid Noise Problem
Things To Be Careful About When Using Your Brushcutter
Notes On Care And Maintenance Of Your Brushcutter
Set Up············································································································ 9
Mounting Engine
Installing Handle
Installing Debris Guard
Connecting Throttle Wire
Connecting Switch Wires
Putting On Waist Pad
Installing Cutting Head
Fuel·············································································································· 11
How To Mix Fuel
Fueling The Unit
Operation···································································································· 12
Starting Engine
Stopping Engine
Adjusting Idling Speed
Line Head Usage
Optional Blade Usage················································································ 15
Choose The Blade
Set Up
Starting Engine
Cutting Method
Controlling Blade Bounce
Transporting The Unit
Maintenance······························································································· 20
Refilling Trimming Line
Air Filter
Fuel Filter
Spark Plug
Spark Arrester
Gear Case
Intake Air Cooling Vent
Procedures To Be Performed After Every 100 Hours Of Use
Storage········································································································ 23
Specifications····························································································· 24
Parts List····································································································· 25

In order to ensure proper and safe
operation of your brushcutter
•Read this Owner/Operator Manual
carefully. Be sure you understand how to
operate this unit properly before you use
it. Failure to do so could result in serious
•Be sure to keep this manual handy so that
you may refer to it later whenever any
questions arise. Also note that you are
requested to contact the dealer from
whom you purchased the product for
assistance in the event that you have any
questions which cannot be answered
• Always be sure to include this manual
when selling, lending, or otherwise
transferring the ownership of this product.
• This product has been designed for use in
cutting grass, and it should never be used
for any other purpose since doing so could
result in unforeseen accidents and injuries
• You should never use this brushcutter
when under the influence of alcohol, when
suffering from exhaustion or lack of sleep,
when suffering from drowsiness as a result
of having taken cold medicine, or at any
other time when a possibility exists that
your judgment might be impaired or that
you might not be able to operate the
brushcutter properly and in a safe manner.
Also be sure never to allow children or
anyone unable to fully understand the
directions given in this manual to use this
Safety Precautions
• Avoid running the engine indoors. The
exhaust gases contain harmful carbon
•Never use your brushcutter under
circumstances like those described below:
1. When the ground is slippery or when
other conditions exist which might make
it not possible to maintain a steady
posture while using the brushcutter.
2.At night, at times of heavy fog, or at any
other times when your field of vision
might be limited and it would be difficult
to gain a clear view of the area where
the brushcutter is to be used to ensure
3. During rain storms, during lightning
storms, at times of strong or gale-force
winds, or at any other times when
weather conditions might make it unsafe
to use this product.
• When using this product for the first time,
before beginning actual work, take the
brushcutter to a wide, clear, open space,
turn on the power, and practice handling
the brushcutter until you are sure that you
will be able to handle in it properly in actual
• Lack of sleep, tiredness, or physical
exhaustion results in lower attention spans,
and this in turn leads to accidents and
injury. When planning your work schedule,
allow plenty of time to perform the work of
cutting and allow plenty of time for rest.
Limit the amount of time over which the
brushcutter is to be used continuously to
somewhere around 30~40 minutes per
session, and take 10~20 minutes of rest
between work sessions. Also try to keep
the total amount of work performed in a
single day under 2 hours or less.

Safety Precautions
■Work gear and clothing
• When using your brushcutter, always be
sure to wear strong, durable, work clothing;
shirts should be long-sleeved shirts and
pants should be full-length pants reaching
down to the ankles.
• Always be sure to wear helmet and face
protector when using your brushcutter.
• When using your brushcutter, always be
sure to wear thick work gloves to protect
your hands and non-slip-sole work boots to
prevent you from slipping. Never use your
brushcutter when wearing pants with loose
cuffs, when wearing sandals, or when
•When using your brushcutter for an
extended period of time, you should wear
ear protectors to protect yourself from loss
of hearing from overexposure to high levels
of sound.
■Warnings considering handling of fuel
• The engine of the RedMax® brushcutter is
designed to run on a mixed fuel which
contains highly flammable gasoline. This
fuel is highly flammable and you should
never store cans of fuel or refill the tank of
the brushcutter in any place where there is
a boiler, stove, wood fire, electrical sparks,
welding sparks, or any other source of heat
or fire which might ignite the fuel.
•Smoking while operating the brushcutter or
refilling its fuel tank is extremely
dangerous. Always be sure to keep lit
cigarettes away from the brushcutter at all
• When refilling the tank, always turn off the
engine first and take a careful look around
to make sure that there are no sparks or
open flames anywhere nearby before
• If any fuel spillage occurs during refueling,
always be sure to use a dry rag to wipe any
fuel which has been spilled onto the
brushcutter before turning the engine back
on again.
• After refueling, screw the fuel cap back
tightly onto the fuel tank and then carry the
brushcutter to a spot 10 feet (3m) or more
away from where it was refueled before
turning on the engine.

Safety Precautions
■ Things to check before using your
•Before beginning work, look around
carefully to get a feel for the shape of the
land, grass to be trimmed, and whether or
not there are any obstacles which might get
in the way while working, and remove any
obstacles before beginning work.
• The area within a perimeter of 50 feet
(15m) of the person using the brushcutter
should be considered a hazardous area
into which no one should enter while the
brushcutter is in use, and when necessary
yellow warning rope, warning signs, or
some other form of warnings should be
placed around the perimeter of the area.
When work is to be performed
simultaneously by two or more persons,
care should also be taken to constantly
look around or otherwise check for the
presence and locations of other people
using brushcutters within the work area so
as to maintain a distance between each
person sufficient to ensure safety.
•Before beginning work, each component of
the brushcutter should be checked to make
sure that it is in proper working order and to
make sure that there are no loose screws
or bolts, fuel leaks, ruptures, dents, or any
other problems which might interfere with
safe operation. Be especially careful at this
time to check that there is nothing wrong
with the blades or with the joints by which
the blades are attached to the brushcutter.
■ Things to check before starting up the
• Take a careful look around to make sure
that no obstacles exist within a perimeter of
15 feet (5m) or less around the brushcutter
before starting the engine.
•The RedMax brushcutter is equipped with a
centrifugal clutch mechanism which causes
the cutting blades to begin to rotate as
soon as the engine is started by putting the
throttle into the start position. When starting
the engine, place the body of the
brushcutter onto the ground in a flat clear
area and hold it firmly in place so as to
ensure that neither the blades nor the
throttle come into contact with any
obstacles when the engine starts up.
•Never place the throttle into the high speed
position when starting the engine.
•After starting up the engine, check to make
sure that the blades stop rotating when the
throttle is moved fully back to its original
position. If the blades continue to rotate
even after the throttle has been moved fully
back, turn off the engine and take the unit
to your authorized Red Max servicing
dealer for repair.
Check and follow the local regulations
as to sound level and hours of
operations for brushcutter.
• In general, operate brushcutters between
8a.m.and 5p.m.on week days and 9a.m.to
5p.m.weekends. Avoid using brushcutter
late at night and/or early in the morning.

■ Things to be careful about when using
your brushcutter
• When using your brushcutter, grip the
handles of the brushcutter firmly with both
hands, place your feet slightly apart
(slightly further apart than the width of your
shoulders) so that your weight is distributed
evenly across both legs, and always be
sure to maintain a steady, even posture
while working.
• Maintain the speed of the engine at the
level required to perform cutting work, and
never raise the speed of the engine above
the level necessary.
• Always be sure never to allow other
persons to come within the work area while
• Be especially careful not to slip if it is
raining or if rain has just stopped, as the
ground is likely to be slippery at such times.
• If the grass or other object gets caught in
the blade during operation, always be sure
to turn off the engine before removing the
• Guard against hazardous situations at all
times. Warn adults to keep pets and
children away from the area. Establish a
safe method for gaining your attention
during operation. Be careful if you are
•If someone calls out or otherwise interrupts
you while working, always be sure to turn
off the engine before turning around.
• Keep operation area clear of all persons,
particularly small children and pets. Injury
may result from flying debris.
• Never touch the spark plug or plug cord
while the engine is in operation. Doing so
may result in being subjected to an
electrical shock.
Safety Precautions
• Never touch the muffler, spark plug, or
other metallic parts of the engine while the
engine is in operation or immediately after
shutting down the engine. These metallic
parts reach high temperatures during
operation and doing so could result in
serious burns.
•When you finish cutting in one location and
wish to continue work in another spot, turn
off the engine, place the protective cover
over the blades, and turn the brushcutter
so that the blade face away from your body
before carrying it to the new location.
• Never transport the brushcutter over rough
roads over long distances without removing
all fuel from the fuel tank. If doing so, fuel
might leak from the tank during transport.

Safety Precautions
■ Notes on care and maintenance of your
• In order to maintain your brushcutter in
proper working order, perform the
maintenance and checking operations
described in this manual at regular
intervals. In the event that any parts must
be replaced or any maintenance or repair
work not described in this manual must be
performed, please contact a representative
from the store nearest RedMax authorized
servicing dealer for assistance.
• Under no circumstances should you ever
take apart the brushcutter or alter it in any
way. Doing so might result in the
brushcutter becoming damaged during
operation or the brushcutter becoming
unable to operate properly.
•Always be sure to turn off the engine before
performing any maintenance or checking
•When sharpening, removing, or reattaching
the blade, be sure to wear thick, sturdy
gloves and use only proper tools and
equipment to prevent injury.
•When replacing blade or any other parts or
when replacing the oil or any lubricants,
always be sure to use only RedMax
products or products which have been
certified by RedMax for use with the
RedMax brushcutter.
• Do not use any accessory or attachment
other than those bearing the RedMax mark
and recommended for the unit.

• Put the engine onto the clutch side end of
the driveshaft assembly, making the fuel
tank and the cutter head come to the same
side. Attach the engine firmly with the 4
screw provided.
• Mount the handle to the shaft tube and
clamp it at your best operating position.
•Put the debris guard on the shaft tube near
the gear box, attach it with the 2 screws
and hardware provided.
1.Remove the air cleaner cover.
2.Connect the end of the throttle wire to the
joint on the top of the carburetor.
• When installing the cleaner cover, make
sure to put the high-tension wire in it.
• Connect the switch wires between the
engine and the main unit. Pair the wires of
the same color.
Set Up

(BC4401DW only)
• Warp the waist pad around the shaft tube
and the throttle wire.
1. While locking the gear shaft by inserting
the attached bar into the upper holder and
the gear box, loosen and remove the
hexagon bolt(left-handed)
2. Fit the spacer attached to the head
assembly between the upper and lower
holders. Then screw in the cutting head to
the gear shaft over the holders. Handtighten it securely.
Set Up

• Gasoline is very flammable. Avoid
smoking or bringing any flame or
sparks near fuel. Make sure to stop the
engine and allow it cool before
refueling the unit. Select outdoor bare
ground for fueling and move at least
3m(10ft) away from the fueling point
before starting the engine.
• The RedMax engines are lubricated by oil
specially formulated for air-cooled 2-cycle
gasoline engine use. If RedMax oil is not
available, use an anti-oxidant added quality
oil expressly labeled for air-cooled 2-cycle
engine use.
•Exhaust emission are controlled by the
fundamental engine parameters and
components(eq., carburation, ignition
timing and port timing) without addition
of any major hardware or the
introduction of an inert material during
• These engines are certified to operate on
unleaded gasoline.
• Make sure to use gasoline with a minimum
octane number of 90 ROZ(USA/Canada :
pump octane min.87)
• Unleaded gasoline is recommended to
reduce the contamination of the air for the
sake of your health and the environment.
• Poor quality gasolines or oils may damage
sealing rings, fuel lines or fuel tank of the
1.Measure out the quantities of gasoline and
oil to be mixed.
2. Put some of the gasoline into a clean,
approved fuel container.
3.Pour in all of the oil and agitate well.
4. Pour in the rest of gasoline and agitate
again for at least one minute.
5.Put a clear indication on the outside of the
container to avoid mixing up with gasoline
or other containers.
6. Indicate the contents on outside of
container for easy identification.
1.Untwist and remove the fuel cap. Rest the
cap on a dustless place.
2.Put fuel into the fuel tank to 80% of the full
3. Fasten the fuel cap securely and wipe up
any fuel spillage around the unit.
1.Select bare ground for fueling.
2. Move at least 10 feet (3 meters) away
from the fueling point before starting the
3.Stop the engine before refueling the unit.
It will cause severe damage to the internal
engine parts very quickly.
2.GASOHOL – It can cause deterioration of
rubber and/or plastic parts and disruption
of engine lubrication.
USE – It can cause spark plug fouling,
exhaust port blocking, or piston ring
4. Mixed fuels which have been left
unused for a period of one month or
more may clog the carburetor and result
in the engine failing to operate properly.
GASOLINE gal. 1 2 3 4 5
2-CYCLE OIL fl.oz 4 8 12 16 20
GASOLINE liter 1 2 3 4 5
2-CYCLE OIL ml 32 64 96 128 160

4. Shift the ignition switch to the START
5.Pull the starter rope.
•The product is equipped with a
centrifugal clutch mechanism, so the
cutting attachment begins to rotate as
soon as the engine is started by putting
the throttle into the start position. When
starting the engine, place the product
onto the ground in a flat clear area and
hold it firmly in place so as to ensure
that neither the cutting part nor the
throttle come into contact with any
obstacle when the engine starts.
•Keep bystanders and animals at least 50
feet (15m) away from the operating
point. If you are approached,
immediately stop the engine.
1.Rest the unit on a flat, firm place. Keep the
cutting head off the ground and clear of
surrounding objects as it will start rotating
upon starting of the engine.
2.Pump the primer until fuel flows out in the
clear tube.
3.Move the choke lever upward to close the