Red Hat NETWORK SATELLITE 5.3.0 - CLIENT Configuration Manual

Red Hat Network
Satellite 5.3.0
Client Configuration Guide
Red Hat Network Satellite
Client Configuration Guide
Red Hat Network Satellite 5.3.0 Client Configuration Guide Red Hat Network Satellite Edition 5.3.0
Copyright © 2009 Red Hat, Inc. This material may only be distributed subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Open Publication License, V1.0 or later (the latest version of the OPL is presently available at
Red Hat and the Red Hat "Shadow Man" logo are registered trademarks of Red Hat, Inc. in the United States and other countries.
All other trademarks referenced herein are the property of their respective owners.
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1. Introduction 1
2. Client Applications 3
2.1. Deploying the Latest Red Hat Network Client RPMs ....................................................... 3
2.2. Configuring the Client Applications ................................................................................ 4
2.2.1. Registering with Activation Keys ......................................................................... 4
2.2.2. The up2date --configure Option ................................................................. 5
2.2.3. Updating the Configuration Files Manually .......................................................... 6
2.2.4. Implementing Server Failover ............................................................................. 7
2.3. The Package Updater Applet ........................................................................................ 7
2.4. Configuring the Red Hat Network Alert Notification Tool with Satellite .......................... 8
3. SSL Infrastructure 9
3.1. A Brief Introduction To SSL .......................................................................................... 9
3.2. The RHN SSL Maintenance Tool ............................................................................... 10
3.2.1. SSL Generation Explained ............................................................................... 11
3.2.2. RHN SSL Maintenance Tool Options ............................................................... 12
3.2.3. Generating the Certificate Authority SSL Key Pair .............................................. 15
3.2.4. Generating Web Server SSL Key Sets .............................................................. 16
3.3. Deploying the CA SSL Public Certificate to Clients ....................................................... 17
3.4. Configuring Client Systems ......................................................................................... 17
4. Importing Custom GPG Keys 19
5. Using RHN Bootstrap 21
5.1. Preparation ................................................................................................................ 21
5.2. Generation ................................................................................................................. 22
5.3. Script Use .................................................................................................................. 23
5.4. RHN Bootstrap Options ............................................................................................. 23
6. Manually Scripting the Configuration 27
7. Implementing Kickstart 29
A. Sample Bootstrap Script 31
B. Revision History 37
Index 39
Chapter 1.
This best practices guide is intended to help customers of RHN Satellite Server and RHN Proxy Server configure their client systems more easily.
By default, all Red Hat Network client applications are configured to communicate with central Red Hat Network Servers. When connecting clients to RHN Satellite Server or RHN Proxy Server instead, many of these settings must be altered. Altering client settings for a system or two may be relatively simple. A large enterprise environment, containing hundreds or thousands of systems, will likely benefit from the mass reconfiguration steps described here.
Due to the complexity of this undertaking, customers may utilize a pre-populated script that automates many of the tasks necessary to access their Satellite or Proxy server; refer to Chapter 5, Using RHN
Bootstrap for details. Red Hat believes that understanding the implications of these changes is helpful
and therefore describes the manual steps for reconfiguration in the opening chapters. Use your best judgement in determining the ideal solution for your organization.
Although many of the commands provided within this guide can be applied as they appear, it is impossible to predict all potential network configurations adopted by customers. Therefore, Red Hat encourages you to use these commands as references that must take into account your organization's individual settings.
Unix client configuration information may be found in the RHN Satellite Server Reference Guide in the Unix Support chapter.
Chapter 2.
Client Applications
In order to utilize most enterprise-class features of Red Hat Network, such as registering with a RHN Satellite, configuration of the latest client applications is required. Obtaining these applications before the client has registered with Red Hat Network can be difficult. This paradox is especially problematic for customers migrating large numbers of older systems to Red Hat Network. This chapter identifies techniques to resolve this dilemma.
Red Hat strongly recommends that clients connected to a RHN Proxy Server or RHN Satellite Server be running the latest update of Red Hat Enterprise Linux to ensure proper connectivity.
Additionally, if client firewalls are configured, ports 80 and 443 should be open for proper functionality with Red Hat Network.
2.1. Deploying the Latest Red Hat Network Client RPMs
The Package Updater (pup), yum, and Red Hat Network Registration Client (rhn_register) on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (up2date on earlier versions of Red Hat Enterprise Linux) are prerequisites for using much of Red Hat Network's enterprise functionality. It is crucial to install them on client systems before attempting to use RHN Proxy Server or RHN Satellite Server in your environment.
There are several sensible approaches to accomplish this update of the RHN client software. One of which involves storing the RPMs in a location that is accessible by all client systems and deploying the packages with the simplest command possible. In nearly all cases, a manual deployment of yum, pup, and rhn_register (up2date if earlier version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux) do not need to be performed. Those client tools should have no issues connecting to your RHN Satellite or Proxy environment. These discussion below assumes that the "out of box" yum, pup, and rhn_register (or up2date) are not the latest and do not work for your environment.
Remember, only systems running Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 systems must have registered with RHN in firstboot after installation or use the rhn_register. Systems running Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 and 4 can use the registration functionality built into the Red Hat Update Agent.
This document presumes that the customer has installed at least one RHN Satellite Server and/or RHN Proxy Server on their network. The example below demonstrates a simple approach of deploying yum, pup, and rhn_register (or up2date) for the first time by an administrator assuming the machines don't already have a working RHN. The administrator has populated the /var/www/html/ pub/ directory with a copy of the yum, pup, and rhn_register (or up2date) RPMs that the client systems need, and then has simply deployed those RPMs onto the client systems with a simple rpm -Uvh command. Run from a client, this command installs the RPMs to that client, assuming the domain name, paths, and RPM versions are correct:
rpm -Uvh \­setup-0.4.17-8.el5.i386.rpm \ \
Chapter 2. Client Applications
Keep in mind that the architecture (in this case, i386) may need to be altered depending on the systems to be served.
2.2. Configuring the Client Applications
Not every customer must connect securely to a RHN Satellite Server or RHN Proxy Server within their organization. Not every customer needs to build and deploy a GPG key for custom packages. (Both of these topics are explained in detail later.) Every customer who uses RHN Satellite Server or RHN Proxy Server must reconfigure the Red Hat Update Agent (up2date) and possibly the Red Hat Network Registration Client (rhn_register) to redirect it from Red Hat Network to their RHN Satellite Server or RHN Proxy Server.
Although this is not configurable, note that the port used by the up2date is 80 for HTTP and 443 for secure HTTP (HTTPS). By default, yum on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 uses SSL only. For this reason, users should ensure that their firewalls allow connections over port 443. To bypass SSL, change the protocol for serverURL from https to http in / etc/sysconfig/rhn/up2date. Similarly, to use RHN's Monitoring feature and probes requiring the Red Hat Network Monitoring Daemon, note that client systems must allow connections on port 4545 (or port 22, if using sshd instead).
By default, the rhn_register and up2date refer to the main Red Hat Network Servers. Users must reconfigure client systems to refer to their RHN Satellite Server or RHN Proxy Server.
Note that the latest versions of the Red Hat Update Agent can be configured to accommodate several RHN Servers, thereby providing failover protection in case the primary server is inaccessible. Refer to Section 2.2.4, “Implementing Server Failover” for instructions on enabling this feature.
The next sections describe three methods of configuring the client systems to access your RHN Satellite Server or RHN Proxy Server: using an Activation Key, up2date --configure, and manually updating the configuration files.( To see how virtually all reconfiguration can be scripted, see
Chapter 6, Manually Scripting the Configuration.)
2.2.1. Registering with Activation Keys
Red Hat recommends using activation keys for registering and configuring client systems that access RHN Proxy Server or RHN Satellite Server. Activation keys can be used to register, entitle, and subscribe systems in a batch. Refer to the section "Activation Keys" in the RHN Satellite Server Reference Guide for more information on activation keys.
Registering with an activation key has four basic steps:
1. Generate an Activation Key.
2. Import custom GPG keys.
3. Download and install the SSL Certificate RPM from the /pub/ directory of the RHN Proxy Server
or RHN Satellite Server. The command for this step could look something like this:
The up2date --configure Option
rpm -Uvh\­cert-1.0-1.noarch.rpm
4. Register the system with your RHN Proxy Server or RHN Satellite Server. The command for this step could look something like:
rhnreg_ks --activationkey mykey --serverUrl XMLRPC
Alternatively, most of the above steps can be combined in a shell script that includes the following lines:
wget -0 - http://your-satellite-DQDN/pub/ | bash \ && rhnreg_ks --activation-key my_key --serverUrl \ https://your-satellite­FQDN/XMLRPC
The bootstrap script, generated at installation and available for both RHN Satellite Server and RHN Proxy Server, is such a script. The script and the RHN Bootstrap that generates it are discussed in detail in Chapter 5, Using RHN Bootstrap.
Systems running Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.1 and versions of Red Hat Linux prior to 8.0 may experience problems using Activation Keys to migrate SSL certificate settings from rhn_register to up2date. Therefore, the SSL certificate information on those systems must be set manually. All other settings, such as the server URL, transfer properly.
2.2.2. The up2date --configure Option
The Red Hat Update Agent in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 and 4 provides an interface for configuring various settings. For full listings of these settings, refer to the up2date manual page (man up2date at a command line).
To reconfigure the Red Hat Update Agent, issue the following command as root:
up2date --configure
You are presented with a dialog box offering various settings that may be reconfigured. In the General tab, under Select a Red Hat Network Server to use replace the default value with the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the RHN Satellite Server or RHN Proxy Server, such as Retain the /XMLRPC at the end. When finished, click OK.
Chapter 2. Client Applications
Figure 2.1. Red Hat Update Agent GUI Configuration
Make sure you enter the domain name of your RHN Satellite Server or RHN Proxy Server correctly. Entering an incorrect domain or leaving the field blank may prevent up2date --configure from launching. This may be resolved, however, by editing the value in the up2date configuration file. Refer to Section 2.2.3, “Updating the Configuration Files Manually” for precise instructions.
Systems running Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 or 4 have registration functionality built into the Red Hat Update Agent and therefore do not install the Red Hat Network Registration Client. Systems on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 do not use up2date, and need rhn_register to register their systems to RHN or Satellite and yum and pup to update their packages.
2.2.3. Updating the Configuration Files Manually
As an alternative to the GUI interface described in the previous section, users may also reconfigure the Red Hat Update Agent by editing the application's configuration file.
To configure Red Hat Update Agent on the client systems connecting to the RHN Proxy Server or RHN Satellite Server, edit the values of the serverURL and noSSLServerURL settings in the /etc/ sysconfig/rhn/up2date configuration file (as root). Replace the default Red Hat Network URL
Implementing Server Failover
with the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for the RHN Proxy Server or RHN Satellite Server. For example:
serverURL[comment]=Remote server URL serverURL=
noSSLServerURL[comment]=Remote server URL without SSL noSSLServerURL=
The httpProxy setting in /etc/sysconfig/rhn/up2date does not refer to the RHN Proxy Server. It is used to configure an optional HTTP proxy for the client. With an RHN Proxy Server in place, the httpProxy setting must be blank (not set to any value).
2.2.4. Implementing Server Failover
Beginning with up2date-4.2.38, the Red Hat Update Agent can be configured to seek updates from a series of RHN Servers. This can be especially helpful in sustaining constant updates if your primary RHN Proxy Server or RHN Satellite Server may be taken offline.
To use this feature, first ensure that you are running the required version of up2date. Then manually add the secondary servers to the serverURL and noSSLServerURL settings in the /etc/ sysconfig/rhn/up2date configuration file (as root). Add the fully qualified domain names (FQDN) for the Proxy or Satellite immediately after the primary server, separated by a semicolon (;). For example:
serverURL[comment]=Remote server URL serverURL=; \;
noSSLServerURL[comment]=Remote server URL without SSL noSSLServerURL=; \;
Connection to the servers is attempted in the order provided here. You can include as many servers as you wish. You may list the central RHN Servers, as well. This makes sense, however, only if the client systems can reach the Internet.
2.3. The Package Updater Applet
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 features a running program on the graphical desktop panel that periodically checks for updates from the RHN or Satellite server and will alert users when a new update is available.
Chapter 2. Client Applications
Figure 2.2. Package Updater Applet
The Package Updater Applet stays in the notification tray of the desktop panel and checks for new updates periodically. The applet also allows you to perform a few package maintenance tasks from the applet by clicking the notification icon and choosing from the following actions:
• Refresh — Check RHN or the Satellite for new updates
• View Updates — launches the Package Updater application so that you can see any available updates in more detail and configure the updates to your specifications
• Apply Updates — Download and Install all updated packages.
• Quit — close the applet
2.4. Configuring the Red Hat Network Alert Notification Tool
with Satellite
The Red Hat Network Alert Notification Tool, the round icon in the panel of your Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 or 4 desktop, can be configured on systems running Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 or later to recognize updates available from custom channels on your RHN Satellite Server. You must ensure the RHN Satellite Server is configured to support this feature. (RHN Proxy Server supports the applet without modification of client or server.) The steps to configure the Red Hat Network Alert Notification Tool are as follows:
1. Ensure that your RHN Satellite Server is version 3.4 or later and that you have the rhns-applet
package installed on the Satellite. The package can be found in the RHN Satellite software channel for versions 3.4 and newer.
2. Retrieve the rhn-applet-actions package with up2date or through the Red Hat Network
Tools software channel. Install the package on all Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 and newer client systems to be notified of custom updates with the Red Hat Network Alert Notification Tool. The client systems must be entitled to the Management or Provisioning service levels.
3. Within the Satellite's version of the RHN website, go to the System Details page for each system
and click the link within the RHN Applet area to redirect the Red Hat Network Alert Notification Tool to the Satellite.
The next time the applet is started, it will apply its new configuration and connect to the RHN Satellite Server for updates.
Chapter 3.
SSL Infrastructure
For Red Hat Network customers, security concerns are of the utmost importance. One of the strengths of Red Hat Network is its ability to process every single request over Secure Sockets Layer, or SSL. To maintain this level of security, customers installing Red Hat Network within their infrastructures must generate custom SSL keys and certificates.
Manual creation and deployment of SSL keys and certificates can be quite involved. Both the RHN Proxy Server and the RHN Satellite Server allow you to build your own SSL keys and certificates based on your own private Certificate Authority (CA) during installation. In addition, a separate command line utility, the RHN SSL Maintenance Tool, exists for this purpose. Regardless, these keys and certificates must then be deployed to all systems within your managed infrastructure. In many cases, deployment of these SSL keys and certificates is automated for you. This chapter describes efficient methods for conducting all of these tasks.
Please note that this chapter does not explain SSL in depth. The RHN SSL Maintenance Tool was designed to hide much of the complexity involved in setting up and maintaining this public-key infrastructure (PKI). For more information, please consult some of the many good references available at your nearest bookstore.
3.1. A Brief Introduction To SSL
SSL, or Secure Sockets Layer, is a protocol that enables client-server applications to pass information securely. SSL uses a system of public and private key pairs to encrypt communication passed between clients and servers. Public certificates can be left accessible, while private keys must be secured. It's the mathematical relationship (a digital signature) between a private key and its paired public certificate that makes this system work. Through this relationship, a connection of trust is established.
Throughout this document we discuss SSL private keys and public certificates. Technically both can be referred to as keys (public and private keys). But it is convention, when discussing SSL, to refer to the public half of an SSL key pair (or key set) as the SSL public certificate.
An organization's SSL infrastructure is generally made up of these SSL keys and certificates:
• Certificate Authority (CA) SSL private key and public certificate — only one set per organization generally generated. The public certificate is digitally signed by its private key. The public certificate is distributed to every system.
• Web server SSL private key and public certificate — one set per application server. The public certificate is digitally signed by both its private key and the CA SSL private key. We often refer to a Web server's key set; this is because there is an intermediary SSL certificate request that is generated. The details of what this is used for are not important to this discussion. All three are deployed to an RHN Server.
Here's a scenario: If you have one RHN Satellite Server and five RHN Proxy Servers, you will generate one CA SSL key pair and six Web server SSL key sets. The CA SSL public certificate is distributed to all systems and used by all clients to establish a connection to their respective upstream
Chapter 3. SSL Infrastructure
servers. Each server has its own SSL key set that is specifically tied to that server's hostname and generated using its own SSL private key and the CA SSL private key in combination. This establishes a digitally verifiable association between the Web server's SSL public certificate and the CA SSL key pair and server's private key. The Web server's key set cannot be shared with other web servers.
The most critical portion of this system is the CA SSL key pair. From that private key and public certificate an administrator can regenerate any Web server's SSL key set. This CA SSL key pair must be secured. It is highly recommended that once the entire RHN infrastructure of servers is set up and running, you archive the SSL build directory generated by this tool and/or the installers onto separate media, write down the CA password, and secure the media and password in a safe place.
3.2. The RHN SSL Maintenance Tool
Red Hat Network provides a command line tool to ease management of your secure infrastructure: the RHN SSL Maintenance Tool, commonly known by its command rhn-ssl-tool. This tool is available as part of the rhns-certs-tools package. This package can be found within the software channels for the the latest RHN Proxy Server and RHN Satellite Server (as well as the RHN Satellite Server ISO). RHN SSL Maintenance Tool enables you to generate your own Certificate Authority SSL key pair, as well as Web server SSL key sets (sometimes called key pairs).
This tool is only a build tool. It generates all of the SSL keys and certificates that are required. It also packages the files in RPM format for quick distribution and installation on all client machines. It does not deploy them, however. That is left to the administrator, or in many cases, automated by the RHN Satellite Server.
The rhns-certs-tools, which contains rhn-ssl-tool, can be installed and run on any current Red Hat Enterprise Linux system with minimal requirements. This is offered as a convenience for administrators who wish to manage their SSL infrastructure from their workstation or another system other than their RHN Server(s).
Here are the cases in which the tool is required:
• When updating your CA public certificate - this is rare.
• When installing an RHN Proxy Server version 3.6 or later that connects to the central RHN Servers as its top-level service - the hosted service, for security reasons, cannot be a repository for your CA SSL key and certificate, which is private to your organization.
• When reconfiguring your RHN infrastructure to use SSL where it previously did not.
• When adding RHN Proxy Servers of versions prior to 3.6 into your RHN infrastructure.
• When adding multiple RHN Satellite Servers to your RHN infrastructure - consult with a Red Hat representative for instructions regarding this.
Here are the cases in which the tool is not required:
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