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Red Hat Linux 7.2
Introduction................... ..................... ..................... ..................... . vii
Document Conventions.................................................................... vii
How to Use This Manual .................................................................. x
Chapter 1Steps to Get You Started...... ..................... ............ 13
1.1Do You Have the Right Red Hat Linux Components? ........................ 13
1.2Is Your Hardware Compatible?.................................................. 14
1.3Do You Have Enough Disk Space?............................................. 14
1.4Which Installation Class is Best For You?...................................... 15
Chapter 2Before You Begin the Installation Process......... 21
Appendix E An Introduction to Disk Partitions .............. ......... 99
E.1Hard Disk Basic Concepts....................................................... 99
Section 0.1:Document Conventionsvii
Welcome to the Official Red Hat Linux Itanium Installation Guide.
The Official Red Hat Linux Itanium Installation Guide contains useful information to assist you during
the installation of Red Hat Linux. From fundamental concepts such as installation preparation (gathering information about your current system) to the step-by-step installation procedure, this book will
be a valuable resource as you install Red Hat Linux.
This manual will walk you through a typical installation using the Red Hat Linux CD-ROMs. Once
you have completed the installation as outlined in this manual, you will have a fully functioning Red
Hat Linux desktop system.
Document Conventions
When you read this manual, you will see that certain words are represented in different fonts, typefaces, sizes and weights. This highlighting is systematic; different words are represented in the same
style to indicate their inclusion in a specific category. The types of words that are represented this way
include the following:
Linux commands (and other operating system commands, when used) are represented this way.
This style should indicate to you that you can type in the word or phrase on the command line
and press
displayed in a different style on their own (e.g., filenames). In these cases, they are considered
to be part of the command, so the entire phrase will be displayed as a command. For example:
Use the cat testfile command to view the contents of a file, named testfile, in the
current working directory.
Filenames, directory names, paths and RPM package names are represented this way. This style
should indicate that a particular file or directory exists by that name on your Red Hat Linux
system. Examples:
The .bashrc file in your home directory contains bash shell definitions and aliases for your
own use.
The /etc/fstab file contains information about different system devices and filesystems.
The /usr/share/doc directory contains documentation for various programs.
Install the webalizer RPM if you want to use a Web server log file analysis program.
[Enter] to invoke a command. Sometimes a command contains words that would be
This style should indicate to you that the program named is an end-user application (as opposed
to system software). For example:
Use Netscape Navigator to browse the Web.
A key on the keyboard is shown in this style. For example:
To use
completion, type in a character and then press the [Tab] key. Your terminal will
display the list of files in the directory that start with that letter.
A combination of keystrokes is represented in this way. For example:
[Ctrl]-[Alt]-[Backspace] key combination will restart the X Window System.
text found on a GUI interface
A title, word or phrase found on a GUI interface screen or window will be shown in this style.
When you see text shown in this style, it is being used to identify a particular GUI screen or an
element on a GUI screen (e.g., text associated with a checkbox or field). Examples:
On the GNOME
Control Center screen, you can customize your GNOME window manager.
RequirePasswordcheckbox if you would like your screensaverto require a password
before stopping.
top level of a menu on a GUI screen or window
When you see a word in this style, it indicates that the word is the top level of a pulldown menu.
If you click on the word on the GUI screen, the rest of the menu should appear. For example:
Settings on a GNOME terminal, you will see the following menu items: Preferences,
Reset Terminal, Reset and Clear, and Color selector.
If you need to type in a sequence of commands from a GUI menu, they will be shown like the
following example:
Click on
button on a GUI screen or window
Programs=>Applications=>Emacs to start the Emacs text editor.
This style indicates that the text will be found on a clickable button on a GUI screen. For example:
Click on the
Back button to return to the Web page you last viewed.
computer output
Section 0.1:Document Conventionsix
When you see text in this style, it indicates text displayed by the computer on the command line.
You will see responses to commands you typed in, error messages and interactive prompts for
your input during scripts or programs shown this way. For example:
Use the ls to display the contents of a directory:
The output returned in response to the command (in this case, the contents of the directory) is
shown in this style.
A prompt, which is a computer’s way of signifying that it is ready for you to input something,
will be shown in this style. Examples:
[stephen@maturin stephen]$
leopard login:
user input
Text that the user has to type, either on the command line, or into a text box on a GUI screen, is
displayed in this style. In the following example, text is displayed in this style:
To boot your system into the text based installation program, you will need to type in the text
command at the boot: prompt.
Another example, with the word root displayed as something the user needs to type in:
If you need to log in as root when you first log into your system, and you are using the graphical
login screen, at the Login prompt, type root. At the Password prompt, type in the root
Additionally,we use several different strategies to draw your attention to certain pieces of information.
In order of how critical the information is to your system, these items will be marked as a note, a
caution or a warning. For example:
Remember that Linux is case sensitive. In other words, a rose is not a ROSE
is not a rOsE.
Do not do routine tasks as root — use a regular user account unless you need
to use the root account to administer your system.
If you choose not to partition manually, a server installation will remove
all existing partitions on all installed hard drives. Do not choose this
installation class unless you are sure you have no data you need to save.
How to Use This Manual
This manual focuses on a CD-ROM based installation, so it is ideal for users (both new and old) who
want a quick and simple installation solution. It will help you prepare your system, walk you through
the installation, and assist you in the configuration of Red Hat Linux.
If you currently use Red Hat Linux 3.0.3 (or greater), you can perform an
upgrade. Skim Chapter 1, Steps to Get You Started to review the basics, then
read Chapter 3, Installing Red Hat Linux, following the directions as you go.
Once you have chosen to perform an upgrade in the installation program,
refer to Appendix A, Upgrading Your Current System.
If you are an experienced user who wants to perform a Red Hat Linux CD-ROM installation, and you
do not need a review of the basics, you can skip ahead to Chapter 3, Installing Red Hat Linux to begin
the installation process.
Section 0.2:How to Use This Manualxi
Refer to the Red Hat Frequently Asked Questions for answers to questions
and problems that may occur before, during, or after the installation. You
will find the FAQ online at:
If you spot a typo in the Official Red Hat Linux Itanium Installation Guide, or if you have thought of
a way to make this manual better, we would love to hear from you! Please submit a report in Bugzilla
( http://www.redhat.com/bugzilla/) against the component rhl-ig-itanium.
That way we will know exactly which version of the guide you have.
If you have a suggestion for improving the documentation, try to be as specific as possible when de-
scribing it. If you have found an error, please include the section number and some of the surrounding
text so we can find it easily.
If you have a support question (for example, if you need help configuring X, or if you are not sure how
to partition your hard drive[s]), please register your product at http://www.redhat.com/apps/activate/
and use the online support system for those type of requests.
Section 1.1:Do You Have the Right Red Hat Linux Components?13
1Steps to Get You Started
Before you install Red Hat Linux, you will need to perform the following steps:
1.1 Do You Have the Right Red Hat Linux
If you have purchased the Official Red Hat Linux boxed set, you are ready to go. However, mistakes
occasionally happen, so now is a good time to double-check the contents of your boxed set.
A black, red, and white Registration Information card is included in your boxed set. A list of the
contents of your boxed set version is on the back of the card. Please read over the list and check to
make sure that you have all the CDs and manuals that are included with the version of Red Hat Linux
that you purchased.
If you have purchased the Official Red Hat Linux boxed set from Red Hat, Inc. (or one of its distributors), and you are missing one or more of the items listed, please let us know. Contact information
is also available on the Registration Information card.
How to identify our official boxed set: The bottom of our box has an ISBN number next to one of the
bar codes. That ISBN number should be in this form:
(The x and y will be unique numbers.)
Red Hat partners with companies (international and domestic) so that we can make Red Hat Linux
available to you in the most convenient form. Because of these partnerships, you might find that your
Red Hat Linux boxed set may not have been actually produced by Red Hat.
If your box has a different ISBN number (or none at all), you will need to contact the company that
produced your boxed set. Normally, third-party producers will include their logo and/or contact information on the outside of the box; an official Red Hat Linux boxed set lists only our name and contact
1.1.1 Where to Find Other Red Hat Linux Manuals
If your particular boxed set did not include all of the printed Red Hat Linux manuals, you can find
them online or on the Red Hat Linux Documentation CD.
To find the manuals in both HTML and PDF formats online, go to http://www.redhat.com/docs.
14Chapter 1:Steps to Get You Started
1.1.2 Why You Should Register Your Red Hat Linux Boxed
If you have purchased an Official Red Hat Linux 7.2 boxed set, you should register your product.
Registration offers many useful services, such as installation support, access to Red Hat Network, and
To register your product, go to http://www.redhat.com/apps/activate/. You will find your Product ID
on the Registration Information card in your Official Red Hat Linux boxed set. Once registered, you
will have access to all the extras that Red Hat provides to its registered users.
For more information on registering and the scope of Red Hat’s technical support offerings, see Appendix C, Getting Technical Support.
1.1.3 No Boxed Set? No Problem!
Of course, not everyone purchases a Red Hat Linux boxed set. It is entirely possible to install Red
Hat Linux using a CD created by another company, or even via FTP. In these cases, you may need to
create one or more diskettes to get started.
For information on downloading and installing Red Hat Linux, refer to http://www.redhat.com/download/howto_download.html.
For people installing Red Hat Linux from a CD-ROM not from Red Hat, you may need a boot disk.
It may also be able to start the installation directly from the CD. We will discuss this in more detail
when we outline the various installation methods.
For information on making diskettes, see Booting the Installation Program from an LS-120 Diskette
in Section 2.2.3.
1.2 Is Your Hardware Compatible?
Hardware compatibility is particularly important if you have an older system or a system that you built
yourself. Red Hat Linux 7.2 should be compatible with most hardware in systems that were factory
built within the last two years. However, hardware specifications change almost daily, so it is hard to
guarantee that your hardware will be 100% compatible.
The most recent list of supported hardware can be found at http://hardware.redhat.com.
1.3 Do You Have Enough Disk Space?
Nearly every modern-day operating system (OS) uses disk partitions, and Red Hat Linux is no exception. When you install Red Hat Linux, you may have to work with disk partitions. If you have not
Section 1.4:Which Installation Class is Best For You?15
worked with disk partitions before (or need a quick review of the basic concepts) read Appendix E,
An Introduction to Disk Partitions before proceeding.
The disk space used by Red Hat Linux must be separate from the disk space used by other OSes you
may have installed on your system. At least three partitions (/, /boot/efi, and swap) must be
dedicated to Red Hat Linux.
Before you start the installation process, one of the following conditions must be met:
•Your computer must have enough unpartitioned disk space for the installation of Red Hat Linux.
•You must have one or more partitions that may be deleted, thereby freeing up enough disk space
to install Red Hat Linux.
1.3.1 Installation Disk Space Requirements
These recommendations are based on an installation that only installs one
language (such as English). If you plan to install multiple languages to use
on your system, you should increase the disk space requirements.
A workstation installation, choosing to install GNOME or KDE, requires at least 1.5 GB of free
space. Choosing both GNOME and KDE requires at least 1.8 GB of free disk space.
A server installation requires 1 GB for a minimal installation without X (the graphical environment), at least 1.3 GB of free space if all components (package groups) other than X are
installed, and at least 2.0 GB to install all packages including GNOME and KDE.
Acustom installation requires 1.1 GB for a minimal installation and at least 4.5 GB of free space
if every package is selected.
If you are not sure that you meet these conditions, or if you want to know how to create free disk space
for your Red Hat Linux installation, please refer to Appendix E, An Introduction to Disk Partitions.
1.4 Which Installation Class is Best For You?
Usually,Red Hat Linux is installed on its own disk partition or set of partitions, or over another installation of Linux.
16Chapter 1:Steps to Get You Started
Installing Red Hat Linux over another installation of Linux (including
Red Hat Linux) does not preserve any information (files or data) from a
prior installation. Make sure you save any important files! To preserve
the current data on your existing system, you should back up your data
and/or consider performing an upgrade instead.
Red Hat Linux provides four different classes, or types, of installations:
A workstation installation is most appropriate if you are new to the world of Linux, and would
like to give it a try. A workstation installation will create a system for your home or desktop
use. A graphical, Windows-like environment will be installed.
A server installation is most appropriate for you if you would like your system to function as a
Linux-based server, and you do not want to heavily customize your system configuration.
A custom installation allows you the greatest flexibility during your installation. You choose
your boot loader, which packages you want, and more. Custom installations are most appropriate for those users more familiar with Red Hat Linux installations and for those afraid of losing
complete flexibility.
If you already have a version of Red Hat Linux running on your system and you want to quickly
update to the latest packages and kernel version, then an upgrade is most appropriate for you.
These classes give you the option of simplifying the installation process (with some potential for loss
of configuration flexibility), or retaining flexibility with a slightly more complex installation process.
Next, take a detailed look at each class, so you can see which one is right for you.
1.4.1 Workstation Installations
Most suitable for new users, the workstation installation will install your choice of the GNOME or
KDE desktop environments, or both, and the X Window System (the graphical environment).
Below are the minimum recommended disk space requirements for a workstation installation where
only one language (such as English) will be installed.
Section 1.4:Which Installation Class is Best For You?17
•Workstation choosing GNOME or KDE : 1.5 GB
•Workstation choosing both GNOME and KDE, and games: 1.8 GB
If you plan to choose all group packages (for example, GNOME is a group of packages), as well as
select additional individual packages, you may want to allow yourself 1.8 GB or more of disk space.
If you provide this extra space, you will have room for additional data, if needed.
Unlike workstation installations previous to Red Hat Linux 7.0, performing
a Red Hat Linux 7.2 workstation installation will not install the network daemon xinetd (inet services). When xinetd is not installed, you will have a
more secure installation. However,in-bound network-related services such
as finger, telnet, talk, and FTP will not work.
services, please go back and choose a server or a custom installation.
If you require these types of
What a Workstation Installation Will Do
If you choose automatic partitioning, a workstation installation will create the following partitions:
•A 100 MB partition (mounted as /boot/efi and formatted as type vfat) in which the Linux
kernel, the ELILO configuration files, and other related files reside.
•Thesizeof the swap partition is determined by the amount of RAM in your system and the amount
of space available on your hard drive. For example, if you have 128 MB of RAM then the swap
partition created can be 128 MB - 256 MB (twice your RAM), depending on how much disk space
is available.
•A root partition (mounted as /) in which all other files are stored (the exact size of this partition
is dependent on your available disk space).
1.4.2 Server Installations
A server installation is most appropriate for you if you would like your system to function as a Linuxbased server, and you do not want to heavily customize your system configuration.
Below are the minimum recommended disk space requirements for a server installation where only
one language (such as English) will be installed.
•Server (minimum, no graphical interface): 1 GB
•Server (choosing everything, no graphical interface): 1.3 GB
For example, you can telnet out to other systems, but other systems cannot telnet in to your system.
18Chapter 1:Steps to Get You Started
•Server (choosing everything, GNOME and KDE): 2.0 GB
If you plan to choose all group packages, as well as select additional individual packages, you may
want to allow yourself 2.0 GB or more of disk space. This will provide space where additional data
may be written.
What a Server Installation Will Do
During the server installation, the X WindowSystem is not configuredand no GUI will be loaded when
the system boots, unless you choose to install the appropriate packages during package selection.
•A 100 MB partition (mounted as /boot/efi and formatted as type vfat) in which the Linux
kernel, ELILO configuration files, and other related files are kept.
•Thesizeof the swap partition is determined by the amount of RAM in your system and the amount
of space available on your hard drive. For example, if you have 128 MB of RAM then the swap
partition created can be 128 MB - 256 MB (twice your RAM), depending on how much disk space
is available.
•A partition of at least 1400 MB (mounted as /usr).
•A partition of at least 512 MB (mounted as /home).
•A 256 MB partition (mounted as /var).
•A partition of at least 384 MB (mounted as /) in which all other files are stored (the exact size of
this partition is dependent on your available disk space).
This disk partitioning scheme results in a reasonably flexible filesystem configuration for most server
1.4.3 Custom Installations
The custom installation allows you the most flexibility during your installation. The workstation and
server installations automatically go through the installation process for you and omit certain steps.
During a custom installation, you have complete control over the packages that will be installed on
your system.
The recommended disk space requirements for a custom installation are as follows:
•Custom (minimum): 1.1 GB
•Custom (choosing everything): 3.4 GB
What a Custom Installation Will Do
As you might guess from the name, a custom installation puts the emphasis on flexibility. You have
complete control over which packages will be installed on your system.
Section 1.4:Which Installation Class is Best For You?19
If you choose automatic partitioning, a custom installation will create the following partitions:
•A 100 MB partition (mounted as /boot/efi and formatted as vfat) in which the Linux kernel,
ELILO configuration files, and other related files reside.
•Thesizeof the swap partition is determined by the amount of RAM in your system and the amount
of space available on your hard drive. For example, if you have 128 MB of RAM then the swap
partition created can be 128 MB - 256 MB (twice your RAM), depending on how much disk space
is available.
•A root partition (mounted as /) in which all other files are stored (the exact size of this partition
is dependent on your available disk space).
1.4.4 Upgrading Your System
Upgrading Red Hat Linux will not delete any existing data. The installation program updates the
modular kernel and all currently installed software packages. See Chapter 3, Installing Red Hat Linux
and Appendix A, Upgrading Your Current System for those instructions.
20Chapter 1:Steps to Get You Started
Section 2.2:The EFI Shell21
2Before You Begin the Installation
2.1 Installation Overview
Installing Red Hat Linux on an Itanium system is different from installing Red Hat Linux on an x86
or Alpha machine. In general, the sequence of steps to a successful installation are the following:
1.Boot into the Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI) Shell.
2.If you can’t boot from the CD-ROM, make an LS-120 diskette from the boot image file provided
with Red Hat Linux.
3.Using the EFI Shell and the ELILO bootloader, load and run the kernel, and boot into the Red
Hat Linux installation program.
2.1.1 Disk Space Requirements
Before you begin the installation, be awarethat you’ll need certain amounts of free disk space to install
Red Hat Linux.
•At minimum, you’ll need 512 MB of RAM and 1 GB of free hard disk space to install Red Hat
•You should have 1024 MB of RAM and 4 GB or more of free hard disk space on your machine
for a full installation of Red Hat Linux.
Depending upon what type of installation you are performing, you may need an LS-120 diskette.
2.2 The EFI Shell
Before you start to install Red Hat Linux on an Itanium, you’ll need a basic understanding of the EFI
Shell, what it does, and the information it can provide.
The EFI Shell is a console interface used to launch applications (such as the Red Hat Linux installation
program), load EFI protocols and device drivers, and execute simple scripts. It is similar to a DOS
console and can only access media that is FAT16 (vfat) formatted.
The EFI Shell also contains common utilities that can be used on the EFI system partition. These
utilities include edit, type, cp, rm, and mkdir. To see a list of utilities and other commands, type
help at the EFI Shell prompt.
22Chapter 2:Before You Begin the Installation Process
The EFI Shell contains a bootloader called elilo. Additional information on EFI can be found at
the following URL:
The map command can be used to list all devices and filesystems that EFI can recognize. When your
Itanium system boots into the EFI shell, it probes your system in the following order:
1. LS-120 drive (if it contains media)
2. IDE hard drives on the primary IDE interface
3. IDE hard drives on the secondary IDE interface
4. SCSI hard drives on the SCSI interface
5. CD-ROM drives on the IDE interface
6. CD-ROM drives on the SCSI interface
To view the results of this system poll, type the following command at the EFI Shell prompt:
The output is listed in the order the system was probed. So, all FAT16 filesystems are listed first, then
IDE hard drives, then SCSI hard drives, then IDE CD-ROM drives,and finally SCSI CD-ROM drives.
For example, output of the map command might look like the following:
In this example, there is an LS-120 diskette in the LS-120 driveas well as a CD-ROM in the CD-ROM
drive.All the listings beginning with fs are FAT16 file systems that EFI can read. All the listings
beginning with blk are block devices that EFI recognizes. Both the filesystems and block devices are
Section 2.2:The EFI Shell23
listed in the order they are probed. Therefore, fs0 is the system partition on the LS-120, fs1 is the
system partition on the hard drive, and fs2 is the system partition on the CD-ROM.
For additional information on how to determine which devices EFI recognizes, visit this website:
When partitioning your hard drive for Linux, you must create a system partition that is FAT16 (vfat)
formatted and has a mount point of /boot/efi. This partition will contain the installed Linux kernel(s) as well as the elilo configuration file (elilo.conf). The elilo.conf file contains a
list of kernels from which you can boot your system.
2.2.3 Booting the Installation Program
Your Itanium system will probably be able to boot the Red Hat Linux installation program directly
from the Red Hat Linux CD 1. Ifyour Itanium cannot boot the installation program from the CD-ROM
(or if you want to perform a hard drive, NFS image, FTP, or HTTP installation) you’ll need to boot
from a diskette. See Booting the Installation Program from an LS-120 Diskette in Section 2.2.3 for
more information on booting from a diskette.
Booting the Installation Program from the CD-ROM
To boot from Red Hat Linux CD 1 follow these steps:
1. Remove all media except Red Hat Linux CD 1.
2. From the
3.At the Shell> prompt, change to the filesystem on the CD-ROM. For example, in the above
samplemap output, the system partition on the CD-ROMisfs1. To change to the fs1 filesystem,
you would type fs1: at the prompt.
4. Type elilo linux to boot into the installation program.
5. Go to Chapter 3, Installing Red Hat Linux to begin the installation.
Boot Option menu choose EFI Shell.
Booting the Installation Program from an LS-120 Diskette
If your Itanium will not boot from Red Hat Linux CD 1, you will need to boot from an LS-120 diskette.
If you want to perform a hard drive, NFS image, FTP, or HTTP installation, you’ll need to boot from
boot LS-120 diskette.
24Chapter 2:Before You Begin the Installation Process
You will need to create an LS-120 boot image file diskette from the boot image file on CD 1: images/boot.img. To create this diskette in Linux, insert a blank LS-120 diskette and type the
following command at a shell prompt:
dd if=boot.img of=/dev/hda bs=180k
Replace boot.img with the full path to the boot image file and /dev/hda with the correct device
name for the LS-120 diskette drive.
If you aren’t using the Red Hat Linux CD, the installation program will start in text mode. You will
need to choose a few basic options for your system and then you will need to select which installation
method you would like to use. See Section 3.18, Package Group Selection for more information on
the different installation methods.
If you are using the CD-ROM to load the installation program, follow the instructions contained in
Chapter 3, Installing Red Hat Linux to install Red Hat Linux.
To boot from an LS-120 diskette follow these steps:
1.Insert the LS-120 diskette you made from the boot image file boot.img. If you are performing
a local CD-ROM installation but booting off the LS-120 diskette, insert the Red Hat Linux CD 1
also. If you are performing a hard drive, NFS image, FTP, or HTTP installation, you do not need
the CD-ROM.
2.From the
Boot Option menu choose EFI Shell.
3. At the Shell> prompt, change the device to the LS-120 drive by typing the command fs0:,
using the example map output above.
4.Type elilo linux to boot into the installation program.
5.Go to Chapter 3, Installing Red Hat Linux to begin the installation.
Boot Loader Options
To pass options to the boot loader, enter the following at the EFI Shell prompt:
Shell>elilo linux
Acceptable options that can be passed to the installation program are as follows:
•text — use text mode installation program
•lowres — use 640 x 480 resolution
•dd — use a driver disk
•expert — expert mode
Section 3.1:The Installation Program User Interface25
3Installing Red Hat Linux
This chapter explains how to install Red Hat Linux from the CD-ROM using the graphical, mousebased installation program. The following topics are discussed:
•Getting familiar with the installation program’s user interface
•Starting the installation program
•Selecting an installation method
•Configuration steps during the installation (language, keyboard, mouse, etc.)
•Finishing the installation
3.1 The Installation Program User Interface
If you have used a graphical user interface (GUI) before, you will be familiar with this process;
simply use your mouse to navigate the screens, "click" buttons, or enter text fields. You can also
navigate through the installation using the
[Tab] and [Enter] keys.
If you do not wish to use the GUI installation program, the text mode installation program is also available. Tostart the text mode installation program,
type the following command at the EFI Shell prompt:
Shell> elilo linux text
3.1.1 A Note about Virtual Consoles
The Red Hat Linux installation program offers more than the dialog boxes of the installation process.
Several different kinds of diagnostic messages are available to you, in addition to providing a way
to enter commands from a shell prompt. The installation program displays these messages on five
virtual consoles, among which you can switch using a single keystroke combination.
These virtual consoles can be helpful if you encounter a problem while installing Red Hat Linux.
Messages displayed on the installation or system consoles can help pinpoint a problem. Please see
Table 3–1, Console, Keystrokes, and Contents for a listing of the virtual consoles, keystrokes used to
switch to them, and their contents.
26Chapter 3:Installing Red Hat Linux
Table 3–1Console, Keystrokes, and Contents
Generally,thereis no reason to leave the default console (virtual console #7) unless you are attempting
to diagnose installation problems.
installation dialog
shell prompt
install log (messages from
installation program)
system-related messages
other messages
X graphical display
3.2 Selecting an Installation Method
Next, you will be asked what type of installation method you wish to use. This chapter explains installation from the CD-ROM. Other installation methods are briefly discussed in Chapter 4, InstallingRed Hat Linux via Text Mode. The following installation methods are available:
If you have a CD-ROM drive and the Red Hat Linux CD-ROM, you can use this method. You
will need a boot disk or a bootable CD-ROM.
Hard Drive
If you have copied the Red Hat Linux ISO images to a local hard drive,you can use this method.
Refer to Chapter 4, Installing Red Hat Linux via Text Mode for hard drive installation instruc-
tions. You will need a boot disk.
NFS Image
If you are installing from an NFS server which is exporting the Red Hat Linux CD-ROM(s) or
a mirror image of Red Hat Linux, you can use this method. You will need a network boot disk.
Refer to Chapter 4, Installing Red Hat Linux via Text Mode for network installation instructions.
Please note that NFS installations may also be performed in GUI mode.
Section 3.3:Language Selection27
If you are installing directly from an FTP server, use this method. You will need a network
boot disk. Refer to Chapter 4, Installing Red Hat Linux via Text Mode for FTP installation
If you are installing directly from an HTTP (Web) server, use this method. You will need a
network boot disk. Refer to Chapter 4, Installing Red Hat Linux via Text Mode for HTTP in-
stallation instructions.
3.3 Language Selection
Using your mouse, select the language you would prefer to use for the installation and as the system
default (see Figure 3–1, Language Selection).
Selecting the appropriate language will also help target your time zone configuration later in the installation. The installation program will try to define the appropriate time zone based on what you
specify on this screen.
Once you select the appropriate language, click
Figure 3–1Language Selection
Next to continue.
28Chapter 3:Installing Red Hat Linux
3.4 Keyboard Configuration
Choose the keyboard model that best fits your system (see Figure 3–2, Keyboard Configuration). If
you cannot find an exact match, choose the best
Generic 101-key PC
Next, choose the correct layout type for your keyboard (for example, U.S. English).
Creating special characters with multiple keystrokes (such as Ñ, Ô, and Ç) is done using "dead keys"
(also known as compose key sequences). Dead keys are enabled by default. If you do not wish to use
them, select
To test your keyboard configuration, use the blank text field at the bottom of the screen to enter text.
Once you have made the appropriate selections, click
Disable dead keys.
Figure 3–2Keyboard Configuration
Generic match for your keyboard type (for example,
Next to continue.
Section 3.5:Mouse Configuration29
To change your keyboardtype after you haveinstalled Red Hat Linux, as root
use the /usr/sbin/kbdconfig command. Alternatively, you can type
setup at the root prompt.
To become root, type su - at the shell prompt in a terminal window and
then press
[Enter]. Then, enter the root password and press [Enter].
3.5 Mouse Configuration
Choose the correct mouse type for your system. If you cannot find an exact match, choose a mouse
type that you are sure is compatible with your system (see Figure 3–3, Mouse Configuration).
To determine your mouse’s interface, follow the mouse cable back to where it plugs into your system.
If the connector at the end of the mouse cable plugs into a rectangular connector, you have a serial
mouse; if the connector is round, you have a PS/2 mouse.
If you cannot find a mouse that you are sure is compatible with your system, select one of the
entries, based on your mouse’s number of buttons, and its interface.
30Chapter 3:Installing Red Hat Linux
Figure 3–3Mouse Configuration
If you have a PS/2 or a bus mouse, you do not need to pick a port and device. If you have a serial
mouse, you should choose the correct port and device that your serial mouse is on.
Emulate 3 Buttons checkbox allows you to use a two-button mouse as if it had three buttons. In
general, the X WindowSystem is easier to use with a three-button mouse. If you select this checkbox,
you can emulate a third, "middle" button by pressing both mouse buttons simultaneously.
To change your mouse configuration after you have completed the installation of Red Hat Linux, become root; then use the /usr/sbin/mousec-onfig command from a shell prompt.
To configure your mouse to work as a left-handed mouse, reset the order of
the mouse buttons. To do this, after you have booted your Red Hat Linux
system, type gpm -B 321 at the shell prompt.
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