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Welcome to the Official Red Hat Linux iSeries Installation Guide.
The Official Red Hat Linux iSeries Installation Guide contains useful information to assist you during
the installation of Red Hat Linux. From fundamental concepts such as installation preparation (gathering information about your current system) to the step-by-step installation procedure, this book will
be a valuable resource as you install Red Hat Linux.
This manual will walk you through a typical installation using the Red Hat Linux CD-ROMs. Once
you have completed the installation as outlined in this manual, you will have a fully functioning Red
Hat Linux desktop system.
In order to complete the installation process, you must follow all steps as
given in Section 3.22, Installation Complete. If these steps are not appropriately followed, you will not have a fully functioning Red Hat Linux
iSeries installation.
1.1 Documentation Conventions
When you read this manual, you will see that certain words are represented in different fonts, typefaces, sizes and weights. This highlighting is systematic; different words are represented in the same
style to indicate their inclusion in a specific category. The types of words that are represented this way
include the following:
Linux commands (and other operating system commands, when used) are represented this way.
This style should indicate to you that you can type in the word or phrase on the command line
and press
displayed in a different style on their own (like filenames). In these cases, they are considered
to be part of the command, so the entire phrase will be displayed as a command. For example:
Use the cat testfile command to view the contents of a file, named testfile, in the
current working directory.
[Enter] to invoke a command. Sometimes a command contains words that would be
6Chapter 1:Introduction
Filenames, directory names, paths, and RPM package names are represented this way. This
style should indicate that a particular file or directory exists by that name on your Red Hat
Linux system. Examples:
The .bashrc file in your home directory contains bash shell definitions and aliases for your
own use.
The /etc/fstab file contains information about different system devices and filesystems.
The /usr/share/doc directory contains documentation for various programs.
Install the webalizer RPM if you want to use a Web server log file analysis program.
This style should indicate to you that the program named is an end-user application (as opposed
to system software). For example:
Use Netscape Navigator to browse the Web.
A key on the keyboard is shown in this style. For example:
To use
completion, type in a character and then press the [Tab] key. Your terminal will
display the list of files in the directory that start with that letter.
Combinations of keystrokes
A combination of keystrokes is represented like this:
[Ctrl]-[Alt]-[Backspace] key combination will restart the X Window System.
[key]-[key]. For example:
Sequences of commands in Graphical User Interface (GUI) menus
If you need to type in a sequence of commands from a GUI menu, they’ll be shown similar to
the following example:
Click on
Programs=>Applications=>Emacs to start the Emacs text editor.
Additionally,we use several different strategies to draw your attention to certain pieces of information.
In order of how critical the information is to your system, these items will be marked as a note, a
caution, or a warning. For example:
Remember that Linux is case sensitive. In other words, a rose is not a ROSE
is not a rOsE.
Section 1.2:How to Use This Manual7
Do not do routine tasks as root — use a regular user account unless you need
to use the root account to administer your system.
If you choose not to partition manually, a server-class installation will
remove all data on hard drives assigned to the Linux logical partition
you are installing on. See Appendix C, Re-installation of Red Hat Linuxand Preserving Existing Data for information regarding saving existing
databeforereinstalling,or consider a differentinstallation class that will
preserve your data.
1.2 How to Use This Manual
This manual focuses on a CD-ROM based installation, so it is ideal for users (both new and old) who
want a quick and simple installation solution. It will help you prepare your system, walk you through
the installation, and assist you in the configuration of Red Hat Linux.
If you are an experienced user who wants to perform a Red Hat Linux CD-ROM installation, and you
do not need a review of the basics, you can skip ahead to Chapter 3, Installing Red Hat Linux to begin
the installation process.
Refer to the Red Hat Frequently Asked Questions for answers to questions
and problems that may occur before, during, or after the installation. You
will find the FAQ online at:
Section 2.3:iSeries Hardware Preparation for Installation9
2Steps to Get You Started
Before you install Red Hat Linux, you will need to perform the following steps:
2.1 Checking For Additional Hardware-Specific
The installation process assumes basic familiarity with the IBM iSeries platform and makes
reference to IBM’s Configuring Linux in a Guest Partition.In general, this section assumes
that you have read the Configuring Linux in a Guest Partition document ( http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/pubs/html/as400/v5r1/ic2924/info/rzalm/rzalmlinuxkickoff.htm) in its entirety.
2.1.1 Additional Resources
For more information on iSeries hardware, refer to the following resources.
•Linux for iSeries — http://www-1.ibm.com/servers/eserver/iseries/linux/
2.2 Where to Find Other Red Hat Linux Manuals
If your particular boxed set did not include all of the printed Red Hat Linux manuals, you can find
them online or on the Red Hat Linux Documentation CD.
To find the manuals in both HTML and PDF formats online, visit http://www.redhat.com/support/manuals.
2.3 iSeries Hardware Preparation for Installation
In order to prepare your iSeries system for installation, you should follow the instructions in the Planning to run Linux on a logical partition and Creating a logical partition to run Linux sections of the
Configuring Linux in a Guest Partition document.
The virtual LAN interface may be configured for DHCP or a static IP address. Consult your OS/400
command documentation for information on configuring the OS/400 facilities. The partition may be
configured for IPL type A, B, or *NWSSTG. If IPL type *NWSSTG is used, a 4 MB PReP Boot
(primary, active) partition is required on the first virtual disk.
10Chapter 2:Steps to Get You Started
2.4 Do You Have Enough Disk Space?
Nearly every modern-day operating system (OS) uses disk partitions, and Red Hat Linux is no exception. When you install Red Hat Linux, you may have to work with disk partitions. If you have not
worked with disk partitions before (or need a quick review of the basic concepts) read An Introductionto Disk Partitions in the appendix of the Official Red Hat Linux Reference Guide before proceeding.
You must ensure that Red Hat Linux has enough available disk space on the hard drive(s) for this
These disks, especially virtual disks, must be made large enough for your maximum needs before the
installation. For the iSeries, it is not necessary to share these disks with other Linux partitions or with
other operating systems. Plan your disk space accordingly for the partitions where Red Hat Linux will
be installed.
Before you start the installation process, one of the following conditions must be met:
•Your computer must have enough unpartitioned disk space for the installation of Red Hat Linux.
•You must have one or more partitions that may be deleted, thereby freeing up enough disk space
to install Red Hat Linux.
2.4.1 Installation Disk Space Requirements
A workstation-class installation, choosing to install GNOME or KDE, requires at least 1.2 GB
of free space. Choosing both GNOME and KDE requires at least 1.5 GB of free disk space.
A server-class installation requires 650 MB for a minimal installation and at least 1.2 GB of free
space if every package is selected.
A custom-class installation requires 300 MB for a minimal installation and at least 2.4 GB of
free space if every package is selected.
To use automatic partitioning, you must have enough free disk space available (1.2 GB or more); if you do not have enough free disk space available,
this option will not appear during your installation.
Section 2.5:Which Installation Class is Best For You?11
If you are not sure that you meet these conditions, or if you want to know how to create free disk space
for your Red Hat Linux installation, please refer to the partitioning appendix in the Official Red HatLinux Reference Guide. Sections relating to LILO and Intel-specific BIOS issues can be ignored.
2.5 Which Installation Class is Best For You?
Usually,Red Hat Linux is installed on its own disk partition or set of partitions, or over another installation of Linux.
Installing Red Hat Linux over another installation of Linux (including
Red Hat Linux) does not preserve any information (files or data) from
a prior installation. Make sure you save any important files! If you are
installing this way, and you want to preserve the current data, refer to
Appendix C, Re-installation of Red Hat Linux and Preserving ExistingData.
For the iSeries platforms, Red Hat Linux provides three different classes, or types, of installations:
A workstation-class installation is most appropriate for a desktop system user. This option is
not recommended for iSeries systems.
A server-class installation is most appropriate for you if you would like your system to function
as a Linux-based server, and you do not want to heavily customize your system configuration.
The server-class installation is the preferred type of installation for iSeries systems.
A custom-class installation allows you the greatest flexibility during your installation. You
choose your partitioning scheme, which packages you want and more. Custom-class installations are most appropriate for those users more familiar with Red Hat Linux installations.
These classes give you the option of simplifying the installation process (with some potential for loss
of configuration flexibility), or retaining flexibility with a slightly more complex installation process.
Next, take a detailed look at each class, so you can see which one is right for you.
12Chapter 2:Steps to Get You Started
2.5.1 Workstation-Class Installations
Most suitable for new users, the workstation-class installation will install your choice of the GNOME
or KDE desktop environments, or both, and the X Window System.
A workstation-class installation will erase all information in all Linuxrelated hardfile (disk) partitions assigned to that Linux Logical partition.
Refer to Appendix C, Re-installation of Red Hat Linux and Preserving
Existing Data foroptions that will allow youto save existing data on your
Below are the minimum recommended disk space requirements for a workstation-class installation.
•Workstation choosing GNOME: 1.2 GB
•Workstation choosing KDE: 1.2 GB
•Workstation choosing both GNOME and KDE, and games: 1.5 GB
If you plan to choose all group packages (for example, GNOME is a group of packages), as well as
select additional individual packages, you may want to allow yourself 1.5 GB or more of disk space.
If you provide this extra space, you will have room for additional data, if needed.
Unlike workstation-class installations previous to Red Hat Linux 7.0, performing a Red Hat Linux 7.1 workstation-class installation will not install
the network daemon xinetd (inet services). When xinetd is not installed,
you will have a more secure installation. However,in-boundnetwork-related
services such as finger, telnet, talk, and FTP will not work.
these types of services, please go back and choose a server- or a custom-class
For example, you can telnet out to other systems, but other systems cannot telnet in to your system.
If you require
Section 2.5:Which Installation Class is Best For You?13
What a Workstation-Class Installation Will Do
If you choose automatic partitioning, a workstation-class installation removes all Linux-related partitions on all installed hard drives (and uses all free unpartitioned disk space) to create the following
•A 64 MB swap partition.
•An 8 MB PReP Boot partition in which the Linux kernel or the boot loader resides.
•A variable-sized root partition (mounted as /) in which all other files are stored (the exact size of
this partition is dependent on your available disk space).
2.5.2 Server-Class Installations
A server-class installation is most appropriate for you if you would like your system to function as a
Linux-based server, and you do not want to heavily customize your system configuration.
The minimum recommended disk space requirements for a server-class installation are as follows:
•Server (minimum): 650 MB
•Server (choosing everything): 1.2 GB
If you plan to choose all group packages, as well as select additional individual packages, you may
want to allow yourself 1.2 GB or more of disk space.
At this point, you should have already planned your disk space requirements so that you know how
much additional space is needed beyond what the Red Hat installation program requires. You should
have also determined where that space will come from, whether from a virtual disk, a physical disk,
or a combination of the two. Once you have completed the installation, altering the sizes of your
partitions can be disruptive.
A server-class installation will erase all disk data (physical or virtual) that
is assigned to the Linux Logical partition being installed. Refer to Appen-
dix C, Re-installation of Red Hat Linux and Preserving Existing Data for
options that will allow you to preserve your existing data.
What a Server-Class Installation Will Do
During the server-class installation, the X Window System is not configuredand no GUI will be loaded
when the system boots, unless you choose to install the appropriate packages during package selection.
14Chapter 2:Steps to Get You Started
If you choose automatic partitioning, the installation program deletes all data in all existing partitions
of any kind and decides how to partition the disk for the new version.
If you choose automatic partitioning, a server-class installation removes ALL existing partitions on
ALL installed hard drives, so choose this installation class only if you are sure you have nothing you
want saved! When the installation is complete, you will find the following partitions:
•A 256 MB swap partition.
•A 256 MB partition (mounted as /).
•A partition of at least 512 MB (mounted as /usr).
•A partition of at least 512 MB (mounted as /home).
•A 256 MB partition (mounted as /var).
•An 8 MB PReP Boot partition in which the Linux kernel or the boot loader resides.
This disk partitioning scheme results in a reasonably flexible filesystem configuration for most server-
class tasks.
2.5.3 Custom-Class Installations
The custom-class installation allows you the most flexibility during your installation. The workstation-class and server-class installations automatically go through the installation process for you and
omit certain steps. During a custom-class installation, you must decide how disk space should be partitioned. You have complete control over the packages that will be installed on your system.
The minimum recommended disk space requirements for a custom-class installation are as follows:
•Custom (minimum): 300 MB
•Custom (choosing everything): 2.4 GB
At this point, you should have already planned your disk space requirements so that you know how
much additional space is needed beyond what the Red Hat installation program requires. You should
have also determined where that space will come from, whether from a virtual disk, a physical disk,
or a combination of the two. Once you have completed the installation, altering the sizes of your
partitions can be disruptive.
What a Custom-Class Installation Will Do
As you might guess from the name, a custom-class installation puts the emphasis on flexibility. During
a custom-class installation, you can choose how disk space should be partitioned. You have complete
control over which packages will be installed on your system.
The following list may help those of you who are trying to decide which installation class will better
suit your needs. If you think you will have trouble performing any of the tasks on this list, you should
Section 2.5:Which Installation Class is Best For You?15
not perform a custom-class installation without reading through this manual and clarifying any questions you may have.
•Selecting and Installing Packages — This step is performed after your partitions have been configured and selected for formatting. You are allowed to select groups of packages, individual
packages, a combination of the two, or choose an
Everything install.
•AuthenticationConfiguration — During a custom-class installation, you can set up network passwords using authentication configuration.
Choosing between automatic or manual partitioning is an important choice. In choosing automatic
partitioning, a custom-class installation erases all disk storage related to that Linux LPAR and re-allocates the space to the following partitions:
•A 64 MB swap partition.
•An 8 MB PReP Boot partition in which the Linux kernel or the boot loader resides.
•A variable-sized root partition (mounted as /) in which all other files are stored (the exact size of
this partition is dependent on your available disk space).
In choosing manual partitioning, you have more control and can preserve portions of existing disks
(hard disk partitions). This can be a strong reason to choose manual partitioning within a custom-class
installation when performing a reinstall of an iSeries Linux Logical partition installation.
16Chapter 2:Steps to Get You Started
Section 3.1:The Installation Program User Interface17
3Installing Red Hat Linux
This chapter explains how to install Red Hat Linux from the CD-ROM. The following topics will be
•Getting familiar with the installation program’s user interface
•Booting the installation program
•Configuration steps during the installation (language, keyboard, mouse, etc.)
•Finishing the installation
3.1 The Installation Program User Interface
This release of Red Hat Linux features a text-based installation. A graphical, mouse-based installation
is not available at this time.
The Red Hat Linux text mode installation program uses a screen-based interface that includes most
of the on-screen "widgets" commonly found on graphical user interfaces. Figure 3–1, Installation
Program Widgets as seen in
Disk Druid
illustrate the screens you will see.
Configure TCP/IP and Figure 3–2, Installation Program Widgets as seen
Figure 3–1Installation Program Widgets as seen in Configure TCP/IP
18Chapter 3:Installing Red Hat Linux
Figure 3–2Installation Program Widgets as seen in Disk Druid
Here is a list of the most important widgets shown in Figure 3–1, Installation Program Widgets as
seen in
Configure TCP/IP and Figure 3–2, Installation Program Widgets as seen in
•Window — windows (usually referred to as dialogs in this manual) will appear on your screen
throughout the installation process. At times, one window may overlayanother; in these cases, you
can only interact with the window on top. When you are finished in that window, it will disappear,
allowing you to continue working in the window underneath.
•Text Input — text input lines are regions where you can enter information required by the installation program. When the cursor rests on a text input line, you may enter and/or edit information
on that line.
•Checkbox — checkboxes allow you to select or deselect a feature. The box displays either an
asterisk (selected) or a space (unselected). When the cursor is within a checkbox, press
select an unselected feature or to deselect a selected feature.
•Text widget — text widgets are regions of the screen for the display of text. At times, text widgets
may also contain other widgets, such as checkboxes. If a text widget contains more information
than can be displayed in the space reserved for it, a scroll bar appears; if you position the cursor
within the text widget, you can then use the
[Up] and [Down] arrow keys to scroll through all the
information available. Your current position is shown on the scroll bar by a
moves up and down the scroll bar as you scroll.
Disk Druid
# character, which
[Space] to
Section 3.2:Booting the Installation Program19
•Button widget — button widgets are the primary method of interacting with the installation program. You progress through the windows of the installation program by navigating these buttons,
using the
•Cursor— although not a widget, the cursor is used to select (and interact) with a particular widget.
As the cursor is moved from widget to widget, it may cause the widget to change color, or you may
only see the cursor itself positioned in or next to the widget. In Figure 3–1, Installation Program
Widgets as seen in
Installation Program Widgets as seen in
[Tab] and [Enter] keys. Buttons can be selected when they are highlighted.
Configure TCP/IP, the cursor is positioned on the OK button. Figure 3–2,
Disk Druid
shows the cursor on the Edit button.
3.1.1 Using the Keyboard to Navigate
Navigation through the installation dialogs is performed through a simple set of keystrokes. To move
the cursor, use [Left], [Right], [Up], and [Down] arrow keys. Use [Tab], and [Alt]-[Tab] to cycle forward
or backward through each widget on the screen. Along the bottom, most screens display a summary
of available cursor positioning keys.
To "press" a button, position the cursor over the button (using
or [Enter]. To select an item from a list of items, move the cursor to the item you wish to select and
press [Enter]. To select an item with a checkbox, move the cursor to the checkbox and press
to select an item. To deselect, press [Space] a second time.
[F12] accepts the current values and proceeds to the next dialog; it is equivalent to pressing
[Tab], for example) and press [Space]
Unless a dialog box is waiting for your input, do not press any keys during
the installation process (doing so may result in unpredictable behavior).
3.2 Booting the Installation Program
Insert the installation CD into the CD-ROM drive. Determine the volume name by which OS/400
refers to the CD. This can be found by executing the command wrklnk ’/qopt/*’ at the OS/400
command line. Unless there is another CD with the same label in another drive, the volume name will
be Red_Hat. Note, if the volume name includes a timestamp (as it does when there are name conflicts), ejecting and re-inserting the CD will cause the volume name to change and you must determine
what it is again.
If you will be installing to SCSI disks, you must have a copy of the ibmsis driver CD-ROM. If you
have multiple CD-ROM drives available to the target LPAR, you must determine which CD-ROM
20Chapter 3:Installing Red Hat Linux
drive will be the first CD-ROM drive (/dev/vcda) for the LPAR. Refer to IBM documentation for
information how to determine this. You will place the driver disk into the first CD-ROM drive when
instructed by the installation program.
Vary off the NWS.
Edit the NWS description. Set the IPL source option to
Set the IPL stream file option to
/PPC/ISERIES/VMLINUX (case is not sig-
nificant), where RED_HAT is the name of the CD volume as it appears under /QOPT.
Set the IPL parameters option to
set the option to
’dd’ (including quotes) if you will be using a driver disk. Otherwise,
Use a telnet client to connect to the virtual console of the LPAR. When prompted, select the partition
you want to work with and then enter the OS/400 service tools userid and password.
Vary on the NWS. You should see the boot sequence begin on the virtual console in a few seconds.
The installation program will begin automatically.
3.3 Using the Driver Disk
You may be asked if you have a driver disk. If you are not asked about a driver disk, skip to Section
3.4, Language Selection.
If you no not need to load a driver from a driver disk, answer No to the driver disk question and skip
to Section 3.4, Language Selection.
If you have specified a driver disk (IPL parameters set to
driver disk. Answer yes to this question. When the the installation programs tells you to insert the
driver disk, put it in the first CD-ROM, then select
removethe driver disk, take it out of the CD-ROM drive and re-insert the installation disk if necessary,
then select
’dd’), you will first be asked if you have a
OK. When the installation program tells you to
If you removed the installation disk to insert the driver disk, re-insert the
installation disk when you are prompted to remove the driver disk, before
you select
Section 3.5:Welcome to Red Hat Linux21
3.4 Language Selection
Using the [Up] and [Down] arrow keys, select the language you would prefer to use for the installation
and as the system default (see Figure 3–3, Language Selection).
Selecting the appropriate language will also help target your time zone configuration later in the installation. The installation program will try to define the appropriate time zone based on what you
specify on this screen.
Figure 3–3Language Selection
Once you have made your selection, press [Enter].
A scroll bar appears to the right of the list. This indicates that there are more entries than can be
displayed in the available space at once. You’ll see other scroll bars like this throughout the installation
3.5 Welcome to Red Hat Linux
The Welcome screen does not prompt you for any input.
22Chapter 3:Installing Red Hat Linux
Figure 3–4Welcome Screen
Select the OK button and press [Enter] to continue.
3.6 Install Options
Red Hat Linux allows you to choose the installation type that best fits your needs. Your options are
Workstation, Server,orCustom.
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