Red Hat GLOBAL FILE SYSTEM 4.5 User Manual

Global File System
Red Hat Global File
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Global File System
Global File System: Red Hat Global File System
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Global File System
Introduction .............................................................................................................. vii
1. Audience ...................................................................................................... vii
2. Related Documentation ................................................................................. vii
3. Document Conventions ................................................................................ viii
4. Send in Your Feedback ..................................................................................ix
5. Recommended References .............................................................................x
1. GFS Overview ....................................................................................................... 1
1. New and Changed Features ........................................................................... 1
2. Performance, Scalability, and Economy ........................................................... 2
2.1. Superior Performance and Scalability ................................................... 2
2.2. Performance, Scalability, Moderate Price .............................................. 3
2.3. Economy and Performance .................................................................. 4
3. GFS Functions ............................................................................................... 5
4. GFS Software Subsystems ............................................................................. 6
5. Before Setting Up GFS ................................................................................... 7
2. System Requirements ............................................................................................ 9
1. Platform Requirements ................................................................................... 9
2. Red Hat Cluster Suite ..................................................................................... 9
3. Fencing ......................................................................................................... 9
4. Fibre Channel Storage Network .....................................................................10
5. Fibre Channel Storage Devices ......................................................................10
6. Network Power Switches ...............................................................................11
7. Console Access ............................................................................................11
8. Installing GFS ...............................................................................................11
3. Getting Started .....................................................................................................13
1. Prerequisite Tasks ........................................................................................13
2. Initial Setup Tasks .........................................................................................13
4. Managing GFS .....................................................................................................15
1. Making a File System ....................................................................................15
2. Mounting a File System .................................................................................18
3. Unmounting a File System .............................................................................20
4. GFS Quota Management ...............................................................................21
4.1. Setting Quotas ...................................................................................21
4.2. Displaying Quota Limits and Usage .....................................................23
4.3. Synchronizing Quotas ........................................................................24
4.4. Disabling/Enabling Quota Enforcement ................................................26
4.5. Disabling/Enabling Quota Accounting ..................................................27
5. Growing a File System ..................................................................................28
6. Adding Journals to a File System ...................................................................29
7. Direct I/O ......................................................................................................32
7.1. O_DIRECT ...........................................................................................32
7.2. GFS File Attribute ...............................................................................32
7.3. GFS Directory Attribute .......................................................................33
8. Data Journaling .............................................................................................34
9. Configuring atime Updates ............................................................................35
9.1. Mount with noatime ...........................................................................35
9.2. Tune GFS atime Quantum .................................................................36
10. Suspending Activity on a File System ...........................................................37
11. Displaying Extended GFS Information and Statistics ......................................38
12. Repairing a File System ...............................................................................39
13. Context-Dependent Path Names ..................................................................41
A. Upgrading GFS ....................................................................................................45
Index .......................................................................................................................49
Global File System
Welcome to the Global File System Configuration and Administration document. This book provides information about installing, configuring, and maintaining Red Hat GFS (Red Hat Global File System). Red Hat GFS depends on the cluster infrastructure of Red Hat Cluster Suite. For information about Red Hat Cluster Suite refer to Red Hat Cluster Suite Overview and Configuring and Managing a Red Hat Cluster.
HTML and PDF versions of all the official Red Hat Enterprise Linux manuals and release notes are available online at
1. Audience
This book is intended primarily for Linux system administrators who are familiar with the following activities:
• Linux system administration procedures, including kernel configuration
• Installation and configuration of shared storage networks, such as Fibre Channel SANs
2. Related Documentation
For more information about using Red Hat Enterprise Linux, refer to the following resources:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Installation Guide — Provides information regarding installation of
Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Introduction to System Administration — Provides introductory
information for new Red Hat Enterprise Linux system administrators.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux System Administration Guide — Provides more detailed information
about configuring Red Hat Enterprise Linux to suit your particular needs as a user.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Reference Guide — Provides detailed information suited for more
experienced users to reference when needed, as opposed to step-by-step instructions.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Security Guide — Details the planning and the tools involved in
creating a secured computing environment for the data center, workplace, and home.
For more information about Red Hat Cluster Suite for Red Hat Enterprise Linux, refer to the following resources:
Red Hat Cluster Suite Overview — Provides a high level overview of the Red Hat Cluster
Configuring and Managing a Red Hat Cluster — Provides information about installing,
configuring and managing Red Hat Cluster components.
LVM Administrator's Guide: Configuration and Administration — Provides a description of the
Logical Volume Manager (LVM), including information on running LVM in a clustered environment.
Using GNBD with Global File System — Provides an overview on using Global Network Block
Device (GNBD) with Red Hat GFS.
Linux Virtual Server Administration — Provides information on configuring high-performance
systems and services with the Linux Virtual Server (LVS).
Red Hat Cluster Suite Release Notes — Provides information about the current release of
Red Hat Cluster Suite.
Red Hat Cluster Suite documentation and other Red Hat documents are available in HTML and PDF versions online at the following location:
3. Document Conventions
Certain words in this manual are represented in different fonts, styles, and weights. This highlighting indicates that the word is part of a specific category. The categories include the following:
Courier font
Courier font represents commands, file names and paths, and prompts . When shown as below, it indicates computer output:
Desktop about.html logs paulwesterberg.png Mail backupfiles mail reports
bold Courier font
Bold Courier font represents text that you are to type, such as: service jonas start If you have to run a command as root, the root prompt (#) precedes the command:
# gconftool-2
italic Courier font
Italic Courier font represents a variable, such as an installation directory:
bold font
Bold font represents application programs and text found on a graphical interface. When shown like this: OK , it indicates a button on a graphical application interface.
Additionally, the manual uses different strategies to draw your attention to pieces of information. In order of how critical the information is to you, these items are marked as follows:
A note is typically information that you need to understand the behavior of the system.
A tip is typically an alternative way of performing a task.
Important information is necessary, but possibly unexpected, such as a configuration change that will not persist after a reboot.
A caution indicates an act that would violate your support agreement, such as recompiling the kernel.
A warning indicates potential data loss, as may happen when tuning hardware for maximum performance.
4. Send in Your Feedback
If you spot a typo in the Global File System Configuration and Administration document or if you
Send in Your Feedback
have thought of a way to make this manual better, we would love to hear from you! Please submit a report in Bugzilla ( against the component rh-gfsg.
Be sure to mention the manual's identifier:
If you mention this manual's identifier, we will know exactly which version of the guide you have. If you have a suggestion for improving the documentation, try to be as specific as possible. If
you have found an error, please include the section number and some of the surrounding text so we can find it easily.
5. Recommended References
For additional references about related topics, refer to the following table:
Topic Reference Comment
Shared Data Clustering and File Systems
Shared Data Clusters by Dilip M. Ranade. Wiley, 2002.
Provides detailed technical information on cluster file system and cluster volume-manager design.
Storage Area Networks (SANs)
Designing Storage Area Networks: A Practical Reference for Implementing Fibre Channel and IP SANs, Second Edition by Tom Clark.
Addison-Wesley, 2003.
Provides a concise summary of Fibre Channel and IP SAN Technology.
Building SANs with Brocade Fabric Switches by C.
Beauchamp, J. Judd, and B. Keo. Syngress, 2001.
Best practices for building Fibre Channel SANs based on the Brocade family of switches, including core-edge topology for large SAN fabrics.
Building Storage Networks, Second Edition by Marc
Farley. Osborne/McGraw-Hill,
Provides a comprehensive overview reference on storage networking technologies.
Applications and High Availability
Blueprints for High Availability: Designing Resilient Distributed Systems
by E. Marcus and H. Stern. Wiley, 2000.
Provides a summary of best practices in high availability.
Table 1. Recommended References Table
Recommended References
GFS Overview
Red Hat GFS is a cluster file system that is available with Red Hat Cluster Suite. Red Hat GFS nodes are configured and managed with Red Hat Cluster Suite configuration and management tools. Red Hat GFS provides data sharing among GFS nodes in a Red Hat cluster. GFS provides a single, consistent view of the file-system name space across the GFS nodes in a Red Hat cluster. GFS allows applications to install and run without much knowledge of the underlying storage infrastructure. GFS is fully compliant with the IEEE POSIX interface, allowing applications to perform file operations as if they were running on a local file system. Also, GFS provides features that are typically required in enterprise environments, such as quotas, multiple journals, and multipath support.
GFS provides a versatile method of networking your storage according to the performance, scalability, and economic needs of your storage environment. This chapter provides some very basic, abbreviated information as background to help you understand GFS. It contains the following sections:
Section 1, “New and Changed Features”
Section 2, “Performance, Scalability, and Economy”
Section 3, “GFS Functions”
Section 4, “GFS Software Subsystems”
Section 5, “Before Setting Up GFS”
1. New and Changed Features
This section lists new and changed features included with the initial release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.5.
• Multipath GNBD is available with GFS in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.5. GNBD with
device-mapper multipath allows you to configure multiple GNBD server nodes (nodes that export GNBDs to GFS nodes) to provide redundant paths to the storage devices. The GNBD server nodes, in turn, present multiple storage paths to GFS nodes via redundant GNBDs. When using GNBD with device-mapper multipath, if a GNBD server node becomes unavailable, another GNBD server node can provide GFS nodes with access to storage devices.
For information on GNBD with device-mapper multipath, see Using GNBD with Global File System.
• Documentation for Red Hat Cluster Suite for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.5 has been
expanded and reorganized. For information on the available documents, see Section 2,
Chapter 1.
“Related Documentation”.
2. Performance, Scalability, and Economy
You can deploy GFS in a variety of configurations to suit your needs for performance, scalability, and economy. For superior performance and scalability, you can deploy GFS in a cluster that is connected directly to a SAN. For more economical needs, you can deploy GFS in a cluster that is connected to a LAN with servers that use GNBD (Global Network Block Device).
The following sections provide examples of how GFS can be deployed to suit your needs for performance, scalability, and economy:
Section 2.1, “Superior Performance and Scalability”
Section 2.2, “Performance, Scalability, Moderate Price”
Section 2.3, “Economy and Performance”
The deployment examples in this chapter reflect basic configurations; your needs might require a combination of configurations shown in the examples.
2.1. Superior Performance and Scalability
You can obtain the highest shared-file performance when applications access storage directly. The GFS SAN configuration in Figure 1.1, “GFS with a SAN” provides superior file performance for shared files and file systems. Linux applications run directly on GFS nodes. Without file protocols or storage servers to slow data access, performance is similar to individual Linux servers with directly connected storage; yet, each GFS application node has equal access to all data files. GFS supports over 300 GFS nodes.
Chapter 1. GFS Overview
Figure 1.1. GFS with a SAN
2.2. Performance, Scalability, Moderate Price
Multiple Linux client applications on a LAN can share the same SAN-based data as shown in
Figure 1.2, “GFS and GNBD with a SAN”. SAN block storage is presented to network clients as
block storage devices by GNBD servers. From the perspective of a client application, storage is accessed as if it were directly attached to the server in which the application is running. Stored data is actually on the SAN. Storage devices and data can be equally shared by network client applications. File locking and sharing functions are handled by GFS for each network client.
Clients implementing ext2 and ext3 file systems can be configured to access their own dedicated slice of SAN storage.
Performance, Scalability, Moderate Price
Figure 1.2. GFS and GNBD with a SAN
2.3. Economy and Performance
Figure 1.3, “GFS and GNBD with Directly Connected Storage” shows how Linux client
applications can take advantage of an existing Ethernet topology to gain shared access to all block storage devices. Client data files and file systems can be shared with GFS on each client. Application failover can be fully automated with Red Hat Cluster Suite.
Chapter 1. GFS Overview
Figure 1.3. GFS and GNBD with Directly Connected Storage
3. GFS Functions
GFS is a native file system that interfaces directly with the VFS layer of the Linux kernel file-system interface. GFS is a cluster file system that employs distributed metadata and multiple journals for optimal operation in a cluster. Cluster management of GFS nodes is managed through Red Hat Cluster Suite. Volume management is managed through CLVM (Cluster Logical Volume Manager). For information about Red Hat Cluster Suite refer to Configuring and
Managing a Red Hat Cluster. For information about using CLVM, refer to LVM Administrator's Guide.
CLVM is a cluster-wide implementation of LVM, enabled by the CLVM daemon,
clvmd running in a Red Hat Cluster Suite cluster. The daemon makes it possible
to use LVM2 to manage logical volumes across a cluster, allowing all nodes in the cluster to share the logical volumes.
GFS provides the following main functions:
GFS Functions
• Making a File System
• Mounting a File System
• Unmounting a File System
• GFS Quota Management
• Growing a File System
• Adding Journals to a File System
• Direct I/O
• Data Journaling
• Configuring atime Updates
• Suspending Activity on a File System
• Displaying Extended GFS Information and Statistics
• Repairing a File System
• Context-Dependent Path Names (CDPN)
4. GFS Software Subsystems
Table 1.1, “GFS Software Subsystem Components” summarizes the GFS Software subsystems
and their components.
Software Subsystem Components Description
GFS gfs.ko Kernel module that implements the GFS
file system and is loaded on GFS cluster nodes.
gfs_fsck Command that repairs an unmounted
GFS file system.
gfs_grow Command that grows a mounted GFS file
gfs_jadd Command that adds journals to a
mounted GFS file system.
gfs_mkfs Command that creates a GFS file system
on a storage device.
gfs_quota Command that manages quotas on a
mounted GFS file system.
gfs_tool Command that configures or tunes a GFS
file system. This command can also gather a variety of information about the
Chapter 1. GFS Overview
Software Subsystem Components Description
file system.
lock_harness.ko Implements a pluggable lock module
interface for GFS that allows for a variety of locking mechanisms to be used (for example, the DLM lock module,
lock_dlm.ko A lock module that implements DLM
locking for GFS. It plugs into the lock harness, lock_harness.ko and communicates with the DLM lock manager in Red Hat Cluster Suite.
lock_gulm.ko A lock module that implements GULM
locking for GFS. It plugs into the lock harness, lock_harness.ko and communicates with the GULM lock manager in Red Hat Cluster Suite.
lock_nolock.ko A lock module for use when GFS is used
as a local file system only. It plugs into the lock harness, lock_harness.ko and provides local locking.
Table 1.1. GFS Software Subsystem Components
5. Before Setting Up GFS
Before you install and set up GFS, note the following key characteristics of your GFS file systems:
Number of file systems
Determine how many GFS file systems to create initially. (More file systems can be added later.)
File-system name
Determine a unique name for each file system. Each file-system name is required in the form of a parameter variable. For example, this book uses file-system names gfs1 and
gfs2 in some example procedures.
Determine the number of journals for your GFS file systems. One journal is required for each node that mounts a GFS file system. Make sure to account for additional journals needed for future expansion.
Before Setting Up GFS
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