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3. Bugs Fixed in Directory Server 7.1 SP7 .............................................................................8
4. Known Issues ................................................................................................................11
Release Notes
This is a service pack release for bug fixes and patches for the 7.1 version of Red Hat Directory Server. These Release Notes contain important information available at the time of the release of Red Hat
Directory Server 7.1 SP7. System requirements, installation notes, known problems, resources, and
other current issues are addressed here. Read this document before beginning to use Directory Server 7.1 SP7.
There are no new features in Directory Server 7.1 SP7.
1. System Requirements
This section contains information related to installing and upgrading Red Hat Directory Server 7.1
SP7, including prerequisites and hardware or platform requirements.
Directory Server Supported Platforms
Directory Server 7.1 SP7 is supported on the following platforms:
HP-UX 11i (PA-RISC, 64-bit)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 Update 4 (i386, 32-bit)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 (i386, 32-bit)
Sun Solaris 9 (SPARC, 32-bit)
Sun Solaris 9 (SPARC, 64-bit)
Directory Server Console Supported Platforms
The Directory Server Console is supported on the following platforms:
HP-UX 11i (PA-RISC, 64-bit)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 Update 4 (i386, 32-bit)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 (i386, 32-bit)
Sun Solaris 9 (SPARC, 32-bit)
Sun Solaris 9 (SPARC, 64-bit)
Windows XP
Windows 2000 Server
Windows 2003 Server
The Directory Server Console can be installed on additional Windows platforms at an
additional cost.
Windows Sync Service Platforms
The Windows Sync tool runs on these Windows platforms:
Windows 2003 Active Directory
System Requirements
Windows 2000 Active Directory
Windows NT SAM Registry
Web Application Browser Support
Directory Server 7.1 SP7 supports the following browsers to access web-based interfaces, such as
Admin Express (for administrators), Org Chart, and Phonebook (for all users):
Firefox 1.0 (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 and 4 and Solaris 9)
Mozilla 1.4 (HP-UX)
Mozilla 1.4.3 (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 and Solaris 9)
Mozilla 1.7.3 (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4)
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 (Windows; supported only for Org Chart and Phonebook)
Red Hat Directory Server web tools like Admin Express and Org Chart are not suppor-
Release Notes
ted on Netscape browsers or any browser running on Mac.
2. Installing Directory Server 7.1 SP7
To install Directory Server 7.1 SP7 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, simply download the RPM and either
upgrade the existing installation with the rpm -U flag, as described in Section 2.2, “Installing Directory
Server 7.1 SP7 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux”, or install a new Directory Server using the RPM pack-
age with the rpm -i flag and configure the server.
To install Directory Server 7.1 SP7 on HP-UX and Sun Solaris, download the packages from Red Hat
Network, extract the binaries, then run the setup command.
For instructions on installing and configuring Directory Server 7.1 SP7, see the Directory Server In-
Red Hat Network (RHN) (http://1rhn.redhat.com) is the software distribution mechanism for Red Hat
customers. When purchasing the entitlements for Red Hat Directory Server 7.1 SP7, you will also
have received account login information for Red Hat Network.
Log into Red Hat Network.
Go to the Channels tab, and select the Red Hat Directory Server 7.1 channel. Browse through the
complete channel list if needed.
Go to the Downloads tab in the Red Hat Directory Server 7.1 channel, and download the Red Hat
Directory Server packages.
The files are tarball (.tar.gz) archive files, not ISO images.
ISO images containing both RPM and SRPM package files are available as downloads through the
Red Hat Directory Server 7.1 channel. The RPM packages can be downloaded and installed in the
usual manner. The ISO images can be downloaded and burned on to a CD-recordable media using
the appropriate software.
The Solaris 9 64-bit packages can be found there under the ISOs list, as well as the tarball (.tar.gz
file) archive for the source code.
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