Red Hat DIRECTORY SERVER 8.1 - DEPLOYMENT, Directory Server 8.1 Deployment Manual

Red Hat Directory
Server 8.1
Deployment Guide
Ella Deon Lackey
Publication date: April 28, 2009, updated on September 9, 2009
Deployment Guide
Author Ella Deon Lackey Copyright © 2009 Red Hat, Inc.
Copyright © 2009 Red Hat, Inc.. This material may only be distributed subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Open Publication License, V1.0 or later (the latest version of the OPL is presently available at
Red Hat and the Red Hat "Shadow Man" logo are registered trademarks of Red Hat, Inc. in the United States and other countries.
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This manual covers the basic considerations that should be addressed before deploying Red Hat Directory Server. The decisions made during this phase can have a significant and lasting affect on the effectiveness, efficiency, and scalability of your Directory Server. You should have a good understanding of your Directory Server requirements before moving on to the installation phase.
Preface v
1. Directory Server Overview ............................................................................................... v
2. Examples and Formatting ................................................................................................ v
3. Additional Reading ......................................................................................................... vii
4. Giving Feedback ........................................................................................................... viii
5. Documentation History .................................................................................................. viii
1. Introduction to Directory Services 1
1.1. About Directory Services .............................................................................................. 1
1.2. Introduction to Directory Server ..................................................................................... 2
1.3. Directory Server Data Storage ...................................................................................... 5
1.4. Directory Design Overview ............................................................................................ 6
1.5. Other General Directory Resources ............................................................................... 8
2. Planning the Directory Data 9
2.1. Introduction to Directory Data ....................................................................................... 9
2.2. Defining Directory Needs ............................................................................................ 10
2.3. Performing a Site Survey ............................................................................................ 10
2.4. Documenting the Site Survey ...................................................................................... 17
2.5. Repeating the Site Survey .......................................................................................... 18
3. Designing the Directory Schema 19
3.1. Schema Design Process Overview .............................................................................. 19
3.2. Standard Schema ....................................................................................................... 19
3.3. Mapping the Data to the Default Schema .................................................................... 22
3.4. Customizing the Schema ............................................................................................ 24
3.5. Maintaining Consistent Schema .................................................................................. 30
3.6. Other Schema Resources ........................................................................................... 31
4. Designing the Directory Tree 33
4.1. Introduction to the Directory Tree ................................................................................ 33
4.2. Designing the Directory Tree ....................................................................................... 33
4.3. Grouping Directory Entries .......................................................................................... 44
4.4. Virtual Directory Information Tree Views ...................................................................... 47
4.5. Directory Tree Design Examples ................................................................................. 53
4.6. Other Directory Tree Resources .................................................................................. 55
5. Designing the Directory Topology 57
5.1. Topology Overview ..................................................................................................... 57
5.2. Distributing the Directory Data ..................................................................................... 57
5.3. About Knowledge References ..................................................................................... 61
5.4. Using Indexes to Improve Database Performance ........................................................ 71
6. Designing the Replication Process 75
6.1. Introduction to Replication ........................................................................................... 75
6.2. Common Replication Scenarios ................................................................................... 78
6.3. Defining a Replication Strategy ................................................................................... 86
6.4. Using Replication with Other Directory Server Features ................................................ 95
7. Designing Synchronization 99
7.1. Windows Synchronization Overview ............................................................................ 99
7.2. Planning Windows Synchronization ........................................................................... 100
7.3. Schema Elements Synchronized Between Active Directory and Directory Server ........... 105
8. Designing a Secure Directory 111
Deployment Guide
8.1. About Security Threats ............................................................................................. 111
8.2. Analyzing Security Needs ......................................................................................... 112
8.3. Overview of Security Methods ................................................................................... 114
8.4. Selecting Appropriate Authentication Methods ............................................................ 115
8.5. Preventing Authentication by Account Deactivation ..................................................... 118
8.6. Designing a Password Policy .................................................................................... 118
8.7. Designing Access Control ......................................................................................... 125
8.8. Database Encryption ................................................................................................. 133
8.9. Securing Server to Server Connections ..................................................................... 134
8.10. Other Security Resources ....................................................................................... 134
9. Directory Design Examples 137
9.1. Design Example: A Local Enterprise .......................................................................... 137
9.2. Design Example: A Multinational Enterprise and Its Extranet ....................................... 143
The Red Hat Directory Server Deployment Guide provides a solid foundation on the on concepts and configuration options for planning an effective directory service. The information provided here is intended for both designers and administrators.
1. Directory Server Overview
Red Hat Directory Server provides the following key features:
• Multi-master replication — Provides a highly available directory service for both read and write operations. Multi-master replication can be combined with simple and cascading replication scenarios to provide a highly flexible and scalable replication environment.
• Chaining and referrals — Increases the power of the directory by storing a complete logical view of the directory on a single server while maintaining data on a large number of Directory Servers transparently for clients.
• Roles and classes of service — Provides a flexible mechanism for grouping and sharing attributes between entries dynamically.
• Efficient access control mechanisms — Provides support for macros that dramatically reduce the number of access control statements used in the directory and increase the scalability of access control evaluation.
• Resource-limits by bind DN — Grants the power to control the amount of server resources allocated to search operations based on the bind DN of the client.
• Multiple databases — Provides a simple way of breaking down the directory data to simplify the implementation of replication and chaining in the directory service.
• Password policy and account lockout — Defines a set of rules that govern how passwords and user accounts are managed in the Directory Server.
• TLS and SSL — Provides secure authentication and communication over the network, using the Mozilla Network Security Services (NSS) libraries for cryptography.
The major components of Directory Server include the following:
• An LDAP server — The LDAP v3-compliant network daemon.
• Directory Server Console — A graphical management console that dramatically reduces the effort of setting up and maintaining the directory service.
• SNMP agent — Can monitor the Directory Server using the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP).
2. Examples and Formatting
Each of the examples used in this guide, such as file locations and commands, have certain defined conventions.
2.1. Command and File Examples
All of the examples for Red Hat Directory Server commands, file locations, and other usage are given for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (32-bit) systems. Be certain to use the appropriate commands and files for your platform.
To start the Red Hat Directory Server:
service dirsv start
Example 1. Example Command
2.2. Tool Locations
The tools for Red Hat Directory Server are located in the /usr/bin and the /usr/sbin directories. These tools can be run from any location without specifying the tool location.
2.3. LDAP Locations
There is another important consideration with the Red Hat Directory Server tools. The LDAP tools referenced in this guide are Mozilla LDAP, installed with Red Hat Directory Server in the /usr/lib/ mozldap directory on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (32-bit) (or /usr/lib64/mozldap for 64-bit systems).
However, Red Hat Enterprise Linux systems also include LDAP tools from OpenLDAP in the /usr/ bin directory. It is possible to use the OpenLDAP commands as shown in the examples, but you must use the -x argument to disable SASL, which OpenLDAP tools use by default.
2.4. Text Formatting and Styles
Certain words are represented in different fonts, styles, and weights. Different character formatting is used to indicate the function or purpose of the phrase being highlighted.
Formatting Style Purpose
Monospace font Monospace is used for commands, package
names, files and directory paths, and any text displayed in a prompt.
Monospace with a background
This type of formatting is used for anything entered or returned in a command prompt.
Italicized text Any text which is italicized is a variable, such
as instance_name or hostname. Occasionally, this is also used to emphasize a new term or other phrase.
Bolded text Most phrases which are in bold are application
names, such as Cygwin, or are fields or options in a user interface, such as a User Name Here: field or Save button.
Other formatting styles draw attention to important text.
Additional Reading
A note provides additional information that can help illustrate the behavior of the system or provide more detail for a specific issue.
Important information is necessary, but possibly unexpected, such as a configuration change that will not persist after a reboot.
A warning indicates potential data loss, as may happen when tuning hardware for maximum performance.
3. Additional Reading
The Directory Server Administrator's Guide describes how to set up, configure, and administer Red Hat Directory Server and its contents. this manual does not describe many of the basic directory and architectural concepts that you need to deploy, install, and administer a directory service successfully. Those concepts are contained in the Red Hat Directory Server Deployment Guide. You should read that book before continuing with this manual.
When you are familiar with Directory Server concepts and have done some preliminary planning for your directory service, install the Directory Server. The instructions for installing the various Directory Server components are contained in the Red Hat Directory Server Installation Guide. Many of the scripts and commands used to install and administer the Directory Server are explained in detail in the Red Hat Directory Server Configuration, Command, and File Reference.
Also, Managing Servers with Red Hat Console contains general background information on how to use the Red Hat Console. You should read and understand the concepts in that book before you attempt to administer Directory Server.
The document set for Directory Server contains the following guides:
Red Hat Directory Server Release Notes contain important information on new features, fixed bugs, known issues and workarounds, and other important deployment information for this specific version of Directory Server.
Red Hat Directory Server Deployment Guide provides an overview for planning a deployment of the Directory Server.
Red Hat Directory Server Administrator's Guide contains procedures for the day-to-day maintenance of the directory service. Includes information on configuring server-side plug-ins.
Red Hat Directory Server Configuration, Command, and File Reference provides reference information on the command-line scripts, configuration attributes, and log files shipped with Directory Server.
Red Hat Directory Server Installation Guide contains procedures for installing your Directory Server as well as procedures for migrating from a previous installation of Directory Server.
Red Hat Directory Server Schema Reference provides reference information about the Directory Server schema.
Red Hat Directory Server Plug-in Programmer's Guide describes how to write server plug-ins in order to customize and extend the capabilities of Directory Server.
Using Red Hat Console gives an overview of the primary user interface and how it interacts with the Directory Server and Administration Server, as well as how to perform basic management tasks through the main Console window.
Using the Admin Server describes the different tasks and tools associated with the Administration Server and how to use the Administration Server with the Configuration and User Directory Server instances.
For the latest information about Directory Server, including current release notes, complete product documentation, technical notes, and deployment information, see the Red Hat Directory Server documentation site at
4. Giving Feedback
If there is any error in this Deployment Guide or there is any way to improve the documentation, please let us know. Bugs can be filed against the documentation for Red Hat Directory Server through Bugzilla, Make the bug report as specific as possible, so we can be more effective in correcting any issues:
• Select the Red Hat Directory Server product.
• Set the component to Doc - deployment-guide.
• Set the version number to 8.1.
• For errors, give the page number (for the PDF) or URL (for the HTML), and give a succinct description of the problem, such as incorrect procedure or typo.
For enhancements, put in what information needs to be added and why.
• Give a clear title for the bug. For example, "Incorrect command example for setup script options" is better than "Bad example".
We appreciate receiving any feedback — requests for new sections, corrections, improvements, enhancements, even new ways of delivering the documentation or new styles of docs. You are welcome to contact Red Hat Content Services directly at docs@redhat.com1.
5. Documentation History
Revision 8.1.2 September 9, 2009 Ella Deon Lackey
Removing any references to the Directory Server Gateway or Org Chart.
Revision 8.1.1 April 28, 2009 Ella Deon Lackey
Documentation History
Spellchecking and correcting typo, per Bugzilla #516693.
Revision 8.1.0 April 28, 2009 Ella Deon Lackey
Initial draft for version 8.1.
Chapter 1.
Introduction to Directory Services
Red Hat Directory Server provides a centralized directory service for an intranet, network, and extranet information. Directory Server integrates with existing systems and acts as a centralized repository for the consolidation of employee, customer, supplier, and partner information. Directory Server can even be extended to manage user profiles, preferences, and authentication.
This chapter describes the basic ideas and concepts for understanding what a directory service does to help begin designing the directory service.
1.1. About Directory Services
The term directory service refers to the collection of software, hardware, and processes that store information about an enterprise, subscribers, or both, and make that information available to users. A directory service consists of at least one instance of Directory Server and at least one directory client program. Client programs can access names, phone numbers, addresses, and other data stored in the directory service.
An example of a directory service is a domain name system (DNS) server. A DNS server maps computer hostnames to IP addresses. Thus, all of the computing resources (hosts) become clients of the DNS server. Mapping hostnames allows users of computing resources to easily locate computers on a network by remembering hostnames rather than IP addresses. A limitation of a DNS server is that it stores only two types of information: names and IP addresses. A true directory service stores virtually unlimited types of information.
Directory Server stores all user and network information in a single, network-accessible repository. Many kinds of different information can be stored in the Directory Server:
• Physical device information, such as data about the printers in an organization, such as location, color or black and white, manufacturer, date of purchase, and serial number.
• Public employee information, such as name, email address, and department.
• Private employee information, such as salary, government identification numbers, home addresses, phone numbers, and pay grade.
• Contract or account information, such as the name of a client, final delivery date, bidding information, contract numbers, and project dates.
Directory Server serves the needs of a wide variety of applications. It also provides a standard protocol and application programming interfaces (APIs) to access the information it contains.
1.1.1. About Global Directory Services
Directory Server provides global directory services, which means that it provides information to a wide variety of applications. Rather than attempting to unify proprietary databases bundled with different applications, which is an administrative burden, Directory Server is a single solution to manage the same information.
For example, a company is running three different proprietary email systems, each with its own proprietary directory service. If users change their passwords in one directory, the changes are not automatically replicated in the others. Managing multiple instances of the same information results in
Chapter 1. Introduction to Directory Services
increased hardware and personnel costs; the increased maintenance overhead is referred to as the n +1 directory problem.
A global directory service solves the n+1 directory problem by providing a single, centralized repository of directory information that any application can access. However, giving a wide variety of applications access to the directory service requires a network-based means of communicating between the applications and the directory service. Directory Server uses LDAP for applications to access to its global directory service.
1.1.2. About LDAP
LDAP provides a common language that client applications and servers use to communicate with one another. LDAP is a "lightweight" version of the Directory Access Protocol (DAP) described by the ISO X.500 standard. DAP gives any application access to the directory through an extensible and robust information framework but at a high administrative cost. DAP uses a communications layer that is not the Internet standard protocol and has complex directory-naming conventions.
LDAP preserves the best features of DAP while reducing administrative costs. LDAP uses an open directory access protocol running over TCP/IP and simplified encoding methods. It retains the data model and can support millions of entries for a modest investment in hardware and network infrastructure.
1.2. Introduction to Directory Server
Red Hat Directory Server includes the directory itself, the server-side software that implements the LDAP protocol, and a client-side graphical user interface that allows end-users to search and change entries in the directory. Other LDAP clients, both third-party programs and custom programs written using the LDAP client SDK, both the Mozilla LDAP SDK and the OpenLDAP SDK.
Without adding other LDAP client programs, Directory Server can provide the foundation for an intranet or extranet. Every Directory Server and compatible server applications use the directory as a central repository for shared server information, such as employee, customer, supplier, and partner data.
Directory Server can manage user authentication, create access control, set up user preferences, and centralize user management. In hosted environments, partners, customers, and suppliers can manage their own portions of the directory, reducing administrative costs.
When Directory Server is installed and set up, the following components are installed:
• The core Directory Server LDAP server, the LDAP v3-compliant network daemon (ns-slapd) and all of the associated plug-ins, command-line tools for managing the server and its databases, and its configuration and schema files. For more information about the command-line tools, see the Directory Server Configuration, Command, and File Reference.
• Administration Server, a web server which controls the different portals that access the LDAP server. For more information about the Administration Server, see Using the Admin Server.
• Directory Server Console, a graphical management console that dramatically reduces the effort of setting up and maintaining the directory service. For more information about the Directory Server Console, see Using Red Hat Console.
Overview of the Server Frontend
• SNMP agent to monitor the Directory Server using the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). For more information about SNMP monitoring, see the Directory Server Administrator's Guide.
1.2.1. Overview of the Server Frontend
Directory Server is a multi-threaded application. This means that multiple clients can bind to the server at the same time over the same network. As directory services grow to include larger numbers of entries or geographically-dispersed clients, they also include multiple Directory Servers placed in strategic places around the network.
The server frontend of Directory Server manages communications with directory client programs. Multiple client programs can communicate with the server using both LDAP over TCP/IP (Internet traffic protocols) and LDAP over Unix sockets (LDAPI). The Directory Server can establish a secure (encrypted) connection with SSL/TLS, depending on whether the client negotiates the use of Transport Layer Security (TLS) for the connection.
When communication takes place with TLS, the communication is usually encrypted. If clients have been issued certificates, TLS/SSL can be used by Directory Server to confirm that the client has the right to access the server. TLS/SSL is used to perform other security activities, such as message integrity checks, digital signatures, and mutual authentication between servers.
Directory Server runs as a daemon; the process is ns-slapd.
1.2.2. Server Plug-ins Overview
Directory Server relies on plug-ins to add functionality to the core server. For example, a database layer is a plug-in. Directory Server has plug-ins for replication, chaining databases, and other different directory functions.
Generally, a plug-in can be disabled, particularly plug-ins the extend the server functionality. When disabled, the plug-in's configuration information remains in the directory, but its function is not used by the server. Depending on what the directory is supposed to do, any of the plug-ins provided with Directory Server can be enabled to extend the Directory Server functionality. (Plug-ins related to the core directory service operations, like backend database plug-in, naturally cannot be disabled.)
For more information on the default plug-ins with Directory Server and the functions available for writing custom plug-ins, see the Directory Server Plug-in Programmer's Guide.
1.2.3. Overview of the Basic Directory Tree
The directory tree, also known as a directory information tree (DIT), mirrors the tree model used by most file systems, with the tree's root, or first entry, appearing at the top of the hierarchy. During installation, Directory Server creates a default directory tree.
Chapter 1. Introduction to Directory Services
Figure 1.1. Layout of Default Directory Server Directory Tree
The root of the tree is called the root suffix. For information about naming the root suffix, see
Section 4.2.1, “Choosing a Suffix”.
After a standard installation, the directory contains three subtrees under the root suffix:
cn=config, the subtree containing information about the server's internal configuration.
o=NetscapeRoot, the subtree containing the configuration information of the Directory Server and Administration Server.
When additional instances of Directory Server are installed, they can be configured not to have an o=NetscapeRoot database; in that case, the instances use a configuration
directory (or the o=NetscapeRoot subtree) on another server. See the Directory Server Installation Guide for more information about choosing the location of the
configuration directory.
cn=monitor, the subtree containing Directory Server server and database monitoring statistics.
cn=schema, the subtree containing the schema elements currently loaded in the server.
user_suffix, the suffix for the default user database created when the Directory Server is setup. The name of the suffix is defined by the user when the server is created; the name of the associated database is userRoot. The database can be populated with entries by importing an LDIF file at setup or entries can be added to it later.
The user_suffix suffix frequently has a dc naming convention, like dc=example,dc=com. Another common naming attribute is the o attribute, which is used for an entire organization, like
The default directory tree can be extended to add any data relevant to the directory installation. For more information about directory trees, see Chapter 4, Designing the Directory Tree.
Directory Server Data Storage
Figure 1.2. Expanded Directory Tree for Example Corp.
1.3. Directory Server Data Storage
The database is the basic unit of storage, performance, replication, and indexing. All Directory Server operations — importing, exporting, backing up, restoring, and indexing entries — are performed on the database. Directory data are stored in an LDBM database. The LDBM database is implemented as a plug-in that is automatically installed with the directory and is enabled by default.
By default, Directory Server uses one backend database instance for a root suffix, and, by default, there are two databases, o=NetscapeRoot for configuration entries and userRoot for directory entries. A single database is sufficient to contain the directory tree. This database can manage millions of entries.
This database supports advanced methods of backing up and restoring data, in order to minimize risk to data.
For database files that are larger than 2 gigabytes, 32-bit HP-UX machines must be configured to support large files. Use the vxfs file system and set the largefiles option to on.
Multiple databases can be used to support the whole Directory Server deployment. Information is distributed across the databases, allowing the server to hold more data than can be stored in a single database.
1.3.1. About Directory Entries
LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF) is a standard text-based format for describing directory entries. An entry consists of a number of lines in the LDIF file (also called a stanza), which contains information about an object, such as a person in the organization or a printer on the network.
Information about the entry is represented in the LDIF file by a set of attributes and their values. Each entry has an object class attribute that specifies the kind of object the entry describes and defines the set of additional attributes it contains. Each attribute describes a particular trait of an entry.
Chapter 1. Introduction to Directory Services
For example, an entry might be of object class organizationalPerson, indicating that the entry represents a person within an organization. This object class supports the givenname and telephoneNumber attributes. The values assigned to these attributes give the name and phone number of the person represented by the entry.
Directory Server also uses read-only attributes that are calculated by the server. These attributes are called operational attributes. The administrator can manually set operational attributes that can be used for access control and other server functions. Performing Queries on Directory Entries
Entries are stored in a hierarchical structure in the directory tree. LDAP supports tools that query the database for an entry and request all entries below it in the directory tree. The root of this subtree is called the base distinguished name, or base DN. For example, if performing an LDAP search request specifying a base DN of ou=people, dc=example,dc=com, then the search operation examines only the ou=people subtree in the dc=example,dc=com directory tree.
Not all entries are automatically returned in response to an LDAP search, however, because administrative entries (which have the ldapsubentry object class) are not returned by default with LDAP searches. Administrative object, for example, can be entries used to define a role or a class of service. To include these entries in the search response, clients need to search specifically for entries with the ldapsubentry object class. See Section 4.3.1, “About Roles” for more information about roles and Section 4.3.3, “About Class of Service” for more information about class of service.
1.3.2. Distributing Directory Data
When various parts of the directory tree are stored in separate databases, the directory can process client requests in parallel, which improves performance. The databases can even be located on different machines to further improve performance.
Distributed data are connected by a special entry in a subtree of the directory, called a database link, which point to data stored remotely. When a client application requests data from a database link, the database link retrieves the data from the remote database and returns it to the client. All LDAP operations attempted below this entry are sent to the remote machine. This method is called chaining.
Chaining is implemented in the server as a plug-in, which is enabled by default.
1.4. Directory Design Overview
Planning the directory service before actual deployment is the most important task to ensure the success of the directory. The design process involves gathering data about the directory requirements, such as environment and data sources, users, and the applications that use the directory. This information is integral to designing an effective directory service because it helps identify the arrangement and functionality required.
The flexibility of Directory Server means the directory design can be reworked to meet unexpected or changing requirements, even after the Directory Server is deployed.
1.4.1. Design Process Outline
1. Chapter 2, Planning the Directory Data
The directory contains data such as user names, telephone numbers, and group details. This chapter analyzes the various sources of data in the organization and understand their relationship
Deploying the Directory
with one another. It describes the types of data that can be stored in the directory and other tasks to perform to design the contents of the Directory Server.
2. Chapter 3, Designing the Directory Schema
The directory is designed to support one or more directory-enabled applications. These applications have requirements of the data stored in the directory, such as the file format. The directory schema determines the characteristics of the data stored in the directory. The standard schema shipped with Directory Server is introduced in this chapter, as well as a description of how to customize the schema and tips for maintaining a consistent schema.
3. Chapter 4, Designing the Directory Tree
Along with determining what information is contained in the Directory Server, it is important to determine how that information is going to be organized and referenced. This chapter introduces the directory tree and gives an overview of the design of the data hierarchy. Sample directory tree designs are also provided.
4. Chapter 5, Designing the Directory Topology
Topology design means how the directory tree is divided among multiple physical Directory Servers and how these servers communicate with one another. The general principles behind design, using multiple databases, the mechanisms available for linking the distributed data together, and how the directory itself keeps track of distributed data are all described in this chapter.
5. Chapter 6, Designing the Replication Process
When replication is used, multiple Directory Servers maintain the same directory data to increase performance and provide fault tolerance. This chapter describes how replication works, what kinds of data can be replicated, common replication scenarios, and tips for building a high-availability directory service.
6. Chapter 7, Designing Synchronization
The information stored in the Red Hat Directory Server can by synchronized with information stored in Microsoft Active Directory databases for better integration with a mixed-platform infrastructure. This chapter describes how synchronization works, what kinds of data can be synched, and considerations for the type of information and locations in the directory tree which are best for synchronization.
7. Chapter 8, Designing a Secure Directory
Finally, plan how to protect the data in the directory and design the other aspects of the service to meet the security requirements of the users and applications. This chapter covers common security threats, an overview of security methods, the steps involved in analyzing security needs, and tips for designing access controls and protecting the integrity of the directory data.
1.4.2. Deploying the Directory
The first step to deploying the Directory Server is installing a test server instance to make sure the service can handle the user load. If the service is not adequate in the initial configuration, adjust the design and test it again. Adjust the design until it is a robust service that you can confidently introduce to the enterprise.
Chapter 1. Introduction to Directory Services
For a comprehensive overview of creating and implementing a directory pilot, see Understanding and Deploying LDAP Directory Services (T. Howes, M. Smith, G. Good, Macmillan Technical Publishing,
After creating and tuning a successful test Directory Server instance, develop a plan to move the directory service to production which covers the following considerations:
• An estimate of the required resources
• A schedule of what needs to be accomplished and when
• A set of criteria for measuring the success of the deployment
See the Directory Server Installation Guide for information on installing the directory service and the Directory Server Administrator's Guide for information on administering and maintaining the directory.
1.5. Other General Directory Resources
The following publications have very detailed and useful information about directories, LDAP, and LDIF:
• RFC 2849: The LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF) Technical Specification,
• RFC 2251: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3),
Understanding and Deploying LDAP Directory Services. T. Howes, M. Smith, G. Good, Macmillan Technical Publishing, 1999.
All of the Red Hat Directory Server documentation, available at
server, also contain high-level concepts about using LDAP and managing directory services, as well
as Directory Server-specific information.
Chapter 2.
Planning the Directory Data
The data stored in the directory may include user names, email addresses, telephone numbers, and information about groups users are in, or it may contain other types of information. The type of data in the directory determines how the directory is structured, who is given access to the data, and how this access is requested and granted.
This chapter describes the issues and strategies behind planning the directory's data.
2.1. Introduction to Directory Data
Some types of data are better suited to the directory than others. Ideal data for a directory has some of the following characteristics:
• It is read more often than written.
• It is expressible in attribute-data format (for example, surname=jensen).
• It is of interest to more than one person or group. For example, an employee's name or the physical location of a printer can be of interest to many people and applications.
• It will be accessed from more than one physical location.
For example, an employee's preference settings for a software application may not seem to be appropriate for the directory because only a single instance of the application needs access to the information. However, if the application is capable of reading preferences from the directory and users might want to interact with the application according to their preferences from different sites, then it is very useful to include the preference information in the directory.
2.1.1. Information to Include in the Directory
Any descriptive or useful information about a person or asset can be added to an entry as an attribute. For example:
• Contact information, such as telephone numbers, physical addresses, and email addresses.
• Descriptive information, such as an employee number, job title, manager or administrator identification, and job-related interests.
• Organization contact information, such as a telephone number, physical address, administrator identification, and business description.
• Device information, such as a printer's physical location, type of printer, and the number of pages per minute that the printer can produce.
• Contact and billing information for a corporation's trading partners, clients, and customers.
• Contract information, such as the customer's name, due dates, job description, and pricing information.
• Individual software preferences or software configuration information.
• Resource sites, such as pointers to web servers or the file system of a certain file or application.
Chapter 2. Planning the Directory Data
Using the Directory Server for more than just server administration requires planning what other types of information to store in the directory. For example:
• Contract or client account details
• Payroll data
• Physical device information
• Home contact information
• Office contact information for the various sites within the enterprise
2.1.2. Information to Exclude from the Directory
Red Hat Directory Server is excellent for managing large quantities of data that client applications read and write, but it is not designed to handle large, unstructured objects, such as images or other media. These objects should be maintained in a file system. However, the directory can store pointers to these kinds of applications by using pointer URLs to FTP, HTTP, and other sites.
2.2. Defining Directory Needs
When designing the directory data, think not only of the data that is currently required but also how the directory (and organization) is going to change over time. Considering the future needs of the directory during the design process influences how the data in the directory are structured and distributed.
Look at these points:
• What should be put in the directory today?
• What immediate problem is solved by deploying a directory?
• What are the immediate needs of the directory-enabled application being used?
• What information is going to be added to the directory in the near future? For example, an enterprise might use an accounting package that does not currently support LDAP but will be LDAP-enabled in a few months. Identify the data used by LDAP-compatible applications, and plan for the migration of the data into the directory as the technology becomes available.
• What information might be stored in the directory in the future? For example, a hosting company may have future customers with different data requirements than their current customers, such as needing to store images or media files. While this is the hardest answer to anticipate, doing so may pay off in unexpected ways. At a minimum, this kind of planning helps identify data sources that might not otherwise have been considered.
2.3. Performing a Site Survey
A site survey is a formal method for discovering and characterizing the contents of the directory. Budget plenty of time for performing a site survey, as preparation is the key to the directory architecture. The site survey consists of a number of tasks:
• Identify the applications that use the directory.
Determine the directory-enabled applications deployed across the enterprise and their data needs.
Identifying the Applications That Use the Directory
• Identify data sources.
Survey the enterprise and identify sources of data, such as Active Directory, other LDAP servers, PBX systems, human resources databases, and email systems.
• Characterize the data the directory needs to contain.
Determine what objects should be present in the directory (for example, people or groups) and what attributes of these objects to maintain in the directory (such as usernames and passwords).
• Determine the level of service to provide.
Decide how available the directory data needs to be to client applications, and design the architecture accordingly. How available the directory needs to be affects how data are replicated and how chaining policies are configured to connect data stored on remote servers.
See Chapter 6, Designing the Replication Process for more information about replication and
Section 5.1, “Topology Overview” for more information on chaining.
• Identify a data master.
A data master contains the primary source for directory data. This data might be mirrored to other servers for load balancing and recovery purposes. For each piece of data, determine its data master.
• Determine data ownership.
For each piece of data, determine the person responsible for ensuring that the data is up-to-date.
• Determine data access.
If data are imported from other sources, develop a strategy for both bulk imports and incremental updates. As a part of this strategy, try to master data in a single place, and limit the number of applications that can change the data. Also, limit the number of people who write to any given piece of data. A smaller group ensures data integrity while reducing the administrative overhead.
• Document the site survey.
Because of the number of organizations that can be affected by the directory, it may be helpful to create a directory deployment team that includes representatives from each affected organization to perform the site survey.
Corporations generally have a human resources department, an accounting or accounts receivable department, manufacturing organizations, sales organizations, and development organizations. Including representatives from each of these organizations can help the survey process. Furthermore, directly involving all the affected organizations can help build acceptance for the migration from local data stores to a centralized directory.
2.3.1. Identifying the Applications That Use the Directory
Generally, the applications that access the directory and the data needs of these applications drive the planning of the directory contents. Many common applications use the directory:
Chapter 2. Planning the Directory Data
Directory browser applications, such as online telephone books. Decide what information (such as email addresses, telephone numbers, and employee name) users need, and include it in the directory.
Email applications, especially email servers. All email servers require email addresses, user names, and some routing information to be available in the directory. Others, however, require more advanced information such as the place on disk where a user's mailbox is stored, vacation notification information, and protocol information (IMAP versus POP, for example).
Directory-enabled human resources applications. These require more personal information such as government identification numbers, home addresses, home telephone numbers, birth dates, salary, and job title.
Microsoft Active Directory. Through Windows User Sync, Windows directory services can be integrated to function in tandem with the Directory Server. Both directories can store user information (user names and passwords, email addresses, telephone numbers) and group information (members). Style the Directory Server deployment after the existing Windows server deployment (or vice versa) so that the users, groups, and other directory data can be smoothly synchronized.
When examining the applications that will use the directory, look at the types of information each application uses. The following table gives an example of applications and the information used by each:
Application Class of Data Data
Phonebook People Name, email address, phone
number, user ID, password, department number, manager, mail stop.
Web server People, groups User ID, password, group name,
groups members, group owner.
Calendar server People, meeting rooms Name, user ID, cube number,
conference room name.
Table 2.1. Example Application Data Needs
After identifying the applications and information used by each application, it is apparent that some types of data are used by more than one application. Performing this kind of exercise during the data planning stage can help to avoid data redundancy problems in the directory, and show more clearly what data directory-dependent applications require.
The final decision about the types of data maintained in the directory and when the information is migrated to the directory is affected by these factors:
• The data required by various legacy applications and users
• The ability of legacy applications to communicate with an LDAP directory
2.3.2. Identifying Data Sources
To identify all of the data to include in the directory, perform a survey of the existing data stores. The survey should include the following:
• Identify organizations that provide information.
Characterizing the Directory Data
Locate all the organizations that manage information essential to the enterprise. Typically, this includes the information services, human resources, payroll, and accounting departments.
• Identify the tools and processes that are information sources.
Some common sources for information are networking operating systems (Windows, Novell Netware, UNIX NIS), email systems, security systems, PBX (telephone switching) systems, and human resources applications.
• Determine how centralizing each piece of data affects the management of data.
Centralized data management can require new tools and new processes. Sometimes centralization requires increasing staff in some organizations while decreasing staff in others.
During the survey, consider developing a matrix that identifies all of the information sources in the enterprise, similar to Table 2.2, “ Example Information Sources”:
Data Source Class of Data Data
Human resources database People Name, address, phone number,
department number, manager.
Email system People, Groups Name, email address, user ID,
password, email preferences.
Facilities system Facilities Building names, floor names,
cube numbers, access codes.
Table 2.2. Example Information Sources
2.3.3. Characterizing the Directory Data
All of the data identified to include in the directory can be characterized according to the following general points:
• Format
• Size
• Number of occurrences in various applications
• Data owner
• Relationship to other directory data
Study each kind of data to include in the directory to determine what characteristics it shares with the other pieces of data. This helps save time during the schema design stage, described in more detail in
Chapter 3, Designing the Directory Schema.
A good idea is to use a table, similar to Table 2.3, “Directory Data Characteristics”, which characterizes the directory data.
Data Format Size Owner Related to
Employee Name Text string 128 characters Human resources User's entry
Fax number Phone number 14 digits Facilities User's entry
Chapter 2. Planning the Directory Data
Data Format Size Owner Related to
Email address Text Many character IS department User's entry
Table 2.3. Directory Data Characteristics
2.3.4. Determining Level of Service
The level of service provided depends on the expectations of the people who rely on directory-enabled applications. To determine the level of service each application expects, first determine how and when the application is used.
As the directory evolves, it may need to support a wide variety of service levels, from production to mission critical. It can be difficult raising the level of service after the directory is deployed, so make sure the initial design can meet the future needs.
For example, if the risk of total failure must be eliminated, use a multi-master configuration, where several suppliers exist for the same data.
2.3.5. Considering a Data Master
A data master is a server that is the master source of data. Any time the same information is stored in multiple locations, the data integrity can be degraded. A data master makes sure all information stored in multiple locations is consistent and accurate. There are several scenarios that require a data master:
• Replication among Directory Servers
• Synchronization between Directory Server and Active Directory
• Independent client applications which access the Directory Server data
Consider the master source of the data if there are applications that communicate indirectly with the directory. Keep the processes for changing data, and the places from which the data can be changed, as simple as possible. After deciding on a single site to master a piece of data, use the same site to master all of the other data contained there. A single site simplifies troubleshooting if the databases lose synchronization across the enterprise.
There are different ways to implement data mastering:
• Master the data in both the directory and all applications that do not use the directory.
Maintaining multiple data masters does not require custom scripts for moving data in and out of the directory and the other applications. However, if data changes in one place, someone has to change it on all the other sites. Maintaining master data in the directory and all applications not using the directory can result in data being unsynchronized across the enterprise (which is what the directory is supposed to prevent).
• Master the data in some application other than the directory, and then write scripts, programs, or gateways to import that data into the directory.
Mastering data in non-directory applications makes the most sense if there are one or two applications that are already used to master data, and the directory will be used only for lookups (for example, for online corporate telephone books).
Determining Data Ownership
How master copies of the data are maintained depends on the specific directory needs. However, regardless of how data masters are maintained, keep it simple and consistent. For example, do not attempt to master data in multiple sites, then automatically exchange data between competing applications. Doing so leads to a "last change wins" scenario and increases the administrative overhead.
For example, the directory is going to manage an employee's home telephone number. Both the LDAP directory and a human resources database store this information. The human resources application is LDAP-enabled, so an application can be written that automatically transfers data from the LDAP directory to the human resources database, and vice versa.
Attempting to master changes to that employee's telephone number in both the LDAP directory and the human resources data, however, means that the last place where the telephone number was changed overwrites the information in the other database. This is only acceptable as long as the last application to write the data had the correct information.
If that information was out of date, perhaps because the human resources data were reloaded from a backup, then the correct telephone number in the LDAP directory will be deleted.
With multi-mater replication, Directory Server can contain master sources of information on more than one server. Multiple masters keep changelogs and can resolve conflicts more safely. A limited number of Directory Server are considered masters which can accept changes; they then replicate the data to replica servers, or consumer servers.1 Having more than on data master server provides safe failover in the event that a server goes off-line. For more information about replication and multi­master replication, see Chapter 6, Designing the Replication Process.
Synchronization allows Directory Server users, groups, attributes, and passwords to be integrated with Microsoft Active Directory users, groups, attributes, and passwords. With two directory services, decide whether they will handle the same information, what amount of that information will be shared, and which service will be the data master for that information. The best course is to choose a single application to master the data and allow the synchronization process to add, update, or delete the entries on the other service.
2.3.6. Determining Data Ownership
Data ownership refers to the person or organization responsible for making sure the data is up-to-date. During the data design phase, decide who can write data to the directory. The following are some common strategies for deciding data ownership:
• Allow read-only access to the directory for everyone except a small group of directory content managers.
• Allow individual users to manage some strategic subset of information for themselves.
This subset of information might include their passwords, descriptive information about themselves and their role within the organization, their automobile license plate number, and contact information such as telephone numbers or office numbers.
• Allow a person's manager to write to some strategic subset of that person's information, such as contact information or job title.
• Allow an organization's administrator to create and manage entries for that organization.
In replication, a consumer server or replica server is a server that receives updates from a supplier server or hub server.
Chapter 2. Planning the Directory Data
This approach allows an organization's administrators to function as the directory content managers.
• Create roles that give groups of people read or write access privileges.
For example, there can be roles created for human resources, finance, or accounting. Allow each of these roles to have read access, write access, or both to the data needed by the group. This could include salary information, government identification numbers, and home phone numbers and address.
For more information about roles and grouping entries, see Section 4.3, “Grouping Directory
There may be multiple individuals who need to have write access to the same information. For example, an information systems (IS) or directory management group probably requires write access to employee passwords. It may also be desirable for employees themselves to have write access to their own passwords. While, generally, multiple people will have write access to the same information, try to keep this group small and easy to identify. Keeping the group small helps ensure data integrity.
For information on setting access control for the directory, see Chapter 8, Designing a Secure
2.3.7. Determining Data Access
After determining data ownership, decide who can read each piece of data. For example, employees' home phone numbers can be stored in the directory. This data may be useful for a number of organizations, including the employee's manager and human resources. Employees should be able to read this information for verification purposes. However, home contact information can be considered sensitive, so it probably should not be widely available across the enterprise.
For each piece of information stored in the directory, decide the following:
Can the data be read anonymously?
The LDAP protocol supports anonymous access and allows easy lookups for common information such as office sites, email addresses, and business telephone numbers. However, anonymous access gives anyone with access to the directory access to the common information. Consequently, use anonymous access sparingly.
• Can the data be read widely across the enterprise?
Access control can be set so that the client must log into (or bind to) the directory to read specific information. Unlike anonymous access, this form of access control ensures that only members of the organization can view directory information. It also captures login information in the directory's access log so there is a record of who accessed the information.
For more information about access controls, see Section 8.7, “Designing Access Control”.
• Is there an identifiable group of people or applications that need to read the data?
Anyone who has write privileges to the data generally also needs read access (with the exception of write access to passwords). There may also be data specific to a particular organization or project group. Identifying these access needs helps determine what groups, roles, and access controls the directory needs.
Documenting the Site Survey
For information about groups and roles, see Chapter 4, Designing the Directory Tree. For information about access controls, see Section 8.7, “Designing Access Control”.
Making these decisions for each piece of directory data defines a security policy for the directory. These decisions depend upon the nature of the site and the kinds of security already available at the site. For example, having a firewall or no direct access to the Internet means it is safer to support anonymous access than if the directory is placed directly on the Internet. Additionally, some information may only need access controls and authentication measures to restrict access adequately; other sensitive information may need to be encrypted within the database as it is stored.
In many countries, data protection laws govern how enterprises must maintain personal information and restrict who has access to the personal information. For example, the laws may prohibit anonymous access to addresses and phone numbers or may require that users have the ability to view and correct information in entries that represent them. Be sure to check with the organization's legal department to ensure that the directory deployment follows all necessary laws for the countries in which the enterprise operates.
The creation of a security policy and the way it is implemented is described in detail in Chapter 8,
Designing a Secure Directory.
2.4. Documenting the Site Survey
Because of the complexity of data design, document the results of the site surveys. Each step of the site survey can use simple tables to track data. Consider building a master table that outlines the decisions and outstanding concerns. A good tip is to use a spreadsheet so that the table's contents can easily be sorted and searched.
Table 2.4, “Example: Tabulating Data Ownership and Access” identifies data ownership and data
access for each piece of data identified by the site survey.
Data Name Owner Supplier
Server/ Application
Self Read/ Write
Global Read
HR Writable
IS Writable
Employee name
HR PeopleSoft Read-only Yes
Yes Yes
User password
IS Directory
Read/Write No No Yes
Home phone number
HR PeopleSoft Read/Write No Yes No
Employee location
IS Directory
Read-only Yes (must
log in)
No Yes
Office phone number
Facilities Phone
Read-only Yes
No No
Table 2.4. Example: Tabulating Data Ownership and Access
Each row in the table shows what kind of information is being assessed, what departments have an interest in it, and how the information is used and accessed. For example, on the first row, the employee names data have the following management considerations:
Chapter 2. Planning the Directory Data
Owner. Human Resources owns this information and therefore is responsible for updating and changing it.
Supplier Server/Application. The PeopleSoft application manages employee name information.
Self Read/Write. A person can read his own name but not write (or change) it.
Global Read. Employee names can be read anonymously by everyone with access to the directory.
HR Writable. Members of the human resources group can change, add, and delete employee names in the directory.
IS Writable. Members of the information services group can change, add, and delete employee names in the directory.
2.5. Repeating the Site Survey
There may need to be more than one site survey, particularly if an enterprise has offices in multiple cities or countries. The informational needs might be so complex that several different organizations have to keep information at their local offices rather than at a single, centralized site.
In this case, each office that keeps a master copy of information should perform its own site survey. After the site survey process has been completed, the results of each survey should be returned to a central team (probably consisting of representatives from each office) for use in the design of the enterprise-wide data schema model and directory tree.
Chapter 3.
Designing the Directory Schema
The site survey conducted in Chapter 2, Planning the Directory Data revealed information about the data which will be stored in the directory. The directory schema describes the types of data in the directory, so determining what schema to use reflects decisions on how to represent the data stored in the directory. During the schema design process, each data element is mapped to an LDAP attribute, and related elements are gathered into LDAP object classes. A well-designed schema helps to maintain the integrity of the directory data.
This chapter describes the directory schema and how to design a schema for unique organizational needs.
For information on replicating a schema, see Section 6.4.4, “Schema Replication”.
3.1. Schema Design Process Overview
During the schema design process, select and define the object classes and attributes used to represent the entries stored by Red Hat Directory Server. Schema design involves the following steps:
1. Choosing predefined schema elements to meet as many of data needs as possible.
2. Extending the standard Directory Server schema to define new elements to meet other remaining needs.
3. Planning for schema maintenance.
The simplest and most easily-maintained option is to use existing schema elements defined in the standard schema provided with Directory Server. Choosing standard schema elements helps ensure compatibility with directory-enabled applications. Because the schema is based on the LDAP standard, it has been reviewed and agreed to by a wide number of directory users.
3.2. Standard Schema
The directory schema maintains the integrity of the data stored in the directory by imposing constraints on the size, range, and format of data values. The schema reflects decisions about what types of entries the directory contains (like people, devices, and organizations) and the attributes available to each entry.
The predefined schema included with Directory Server contains both the standard LDAP schema as well as additional application-specific schema to support the features of the server. While this schema meets most directory needs, new object classes and attributes can be added to the schema (extending the schema) to accommodate the unique needs of the directory. See Section 3.4,
“Customizing the Schema” for information on extending the schema.
3.2.1. Schema Format
Directory Server bases its schema format on version 3 of the LDAP protocol. This protocol requires directory servers to publish their schema through LDAP itself, allowing directory client applications to retrieve the schema programmatically and adapt their behavior accordingly. The global set of schema for Directory Server can be found in the cn=schema entry.
Chapter 3. Designing the Directory Schema
The Directory Server schema differs slightly from the LDAPv3 schema, because it uses its own proprietary object classes and attributes. In addition, it uses a private field in the schema entries, called X-ORIGIN, which describes where the schema entry was defined originally.
For example, if a schema entry is defined in the standard LDAPv3 schema, the X-ORIGIN field refers to RFC 2252. If the entry is defined by Red Hat for the Directory Server's use, the X-ORIGIN field contains the value Netscape Directory Server.
For example, the standard person object class appears in the schema as follows:
objectclasses: ( NAME 'person' DESC 'Standard Person Object Class' SUP top MUST (objectclass $ sn $ cn) MAY (description $ seeAlso $ telephoneNumber $ userPassword) X-ORIGIN 'RFC 2252' )
This schema entry states the object identifier, or OID, for the class (, the name of the object class (person), a description of the class (Standard Person), and then lists the required attributes (objectclass, sn, and cn) and the allowed attributes (description, seeAlso, telephoneNumber, and userPassword).
For more information about the LDAPv3 schema format, see the LDAPv3 Attribute Syntax Definitions document, RFC 2252, and other standard schema definitions in RFC 247, RFC 2927, and RFC 2307. All of these schema elements are supported in Red Hat Directory Server.
3.2.2. Standard Attributes
Attributes contain specific data elements such as a name or a fax number. Directory Server represents data as attribute-data pairs, a descriptive schema attribute associated with a specific piece of information. These are also called attribute-value assertions or AVAs.
For example, the directory can store a piece of data such as a person's name in a pair with the standard attribute, in this case commonName (cn). So, an entry for a person named Babs Jensen has the attribute-data pair cn: Babs Jensen.
In fact, the entire entry is represented as a series of attribute-data pairs. The entire entry for Babs Jensen is as follows:
dn: uid=bjensen, ou=people, dc=example, dc=com objectClass: top objectClass: person objectClass: organizationalPerson objectClass: inetOrgPerson cn: Babs Jensen sn: Jensen givenName: Babs givenName: Barbara mail:
The entry for Babs Jensen contains multiple values for some of the attributes. The givenName attribute appears twice, each time with a unique value.
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