Using Device-Mapper Multipath
Configuration and
Publication date: July 2008
Using Device-Mapper Multipath
This book provides information on using the Device-Mapper Multipath feature of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.2
Using Device-Mapper Multipath: Configuration and Administration
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Using Device-Mapper Multipath

Preface .................................................................................................................... vii
1. Audience ...................................................................................................... vii
2. Related Documentation ................................................................................. vii
3. Feedback .................................................................................................... viii
4. Document Conventions ................................................................................ viii
1. Device Mapper Multipathing .................................................................................... 1
1. Overview of DM-Multipath ............................................................................... 1
2. Storage Array Support .................................................................................... 4
3. DM-Multipath Components ............................................................................. 4
4. DM-Multipath Setup Overview ......................................................................... 5
2. Multipath Devices ................................................................................................... 7
1. Multipath Device Identifiers ............................................................................. 7
2. Consistent Multipath Device Names in a Cluster .............................................. 7
3. Multipath Device Attributes ............................................................................. 8
4. Multipath Devices in Logical Volumes .............................................................. 8
3. Setting Up DM-Multipath ........................................................................................11
1. Setting Up DM-Multipath ................................................................................11
2. Ignoring Local Disks when Generating Multipath Devices ................................12
3. Adding Devices to the Multipathing Database .................................................14
4. The DM-Multipath Configuration File ......................................................................17
1. Configuration File Overview ...........................................................................17
2. Configuration File Blacklist .............................................................................18
2.1. Blacklisting by WWID .........................................................................18
2.2. Blacklisting By Device Name ...............................................................19
2.3. Blacklisting By Device Type ................................................................19
2.4. Blacklist Exceptions ............................................................................20
3. Configuration File Defaults .............................................................................20
4. Multipaths Device Configuration Attributes ......................................................23
5. Configuration File Devices .............................................................................25
5. DM-Multipath Administration and Troubleshooting ...................................................29
1. Multipath Command Output ...........................................................................29
2. Multipath Queries with multipath Command ....................................................30
3. Multipath Command Options ..........................................................................30
4. Determining Device Mapper Entries with the dmsetup Command .....................31
5. Troubleshooting with the multipathd Interactive Console ..................................31
Index .......................................................................................................................33


This book describes the Device Mapper Multipath (DM-Multipath) feature of Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

1. Audience

This book is intended to be used by system administrators managing systems running the Linux operating system. It requires familiarity with Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

2. Related Documentation

For more information about using Red Hat Enterprise Linux, refer to the following resources:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Installation Guide — Provides information regarding installation of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Deployment Guide — Provides information regarding the deployment, configuration and administration of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.
For more information about Red Hat Cluster Suite for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5, refer to the following resources:
Red Hat Cluster Suite Overview — Provides a high level overview of the Red Hat Cluster Suite.
Configuring and Managing a Red Hat Cluster — Provides information about installing, configuring and managing Red Hat Cluster components.
LVM Administrator's Guide: Configuration and Administration — Provides a description of the Logical Volume Manager (LVM), including information on running LVM in a clustered environment.
Global File System: Configuration and Administration — Provides information about installing, configuring, and maintaining Red Hat GFS (Red Hat Global File System).
Using GNBD with Global File System — Provides an overview on using Global Network Block Device (GNBD) with Red Hat GFS.
Linux Virtual Server Administration — Provides information on configuring high-performance systems and services with the Linux Virtual Server (LVS).
Red Hat Cluster Suite Release Notes — Provides information about the current release of Red Hat Cluster Suite.
Red Hat Cluster Suite documentation and other Red Hat documents are available in HTML, PDF, and RPM versions on the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Documentation CD and online at

3. Feedback

If you spot a typo, or if you have thought of a way to make this manual better, we would love to hear from you. Please submit a report in Bugzilla ( against the component rh-cs.
Be sure to mention the manual's identifier:
Bugzilla component: Documentation-cluster Book identifier: DM_Multipath(EN)-5.2 (2008-07-31T15:35)
By mentioning this manual's identifier, we know exactly which version of the guide you have. If you have a suggestion for improving the documentation, try to be as specific as possible. If
you have found an error, please include the section number and some of the surrounding text so we can find it easily.

4. Document Conventions

Certain words in this manual are represented in different fonts, styles, and weights. This highlighting indicates that the word is part of a specific category. The categories include the following:
Courier font
Courier font represents commands, file names and paths, and prompts . When shown as below, it indicates computer output:
Desktop about.html logs paulwesterberg.png Mail backupfiles mail reports
bold Courier font
Bold Courier font represents text that you are to type, such as: service jonas start If you have to run a command as root, the root prompt (#) precedes the command:
# gconftool-2
italic Courier font
Italic Courier font represents a variable, such as an installation directory:
Document Conventions
bold font
Bold font represents application programs and text found on a graphical interface. When shown like this: OK , it indicates a button on a graphical application interface.
Additionally, the manual uses different strategies to draw your attention to pieces of information. In order of how critical the information is to you, these items are marked as follows:
A note is typically information that you need to understand the behavior of the system.
A tip is typically an alternative way of performing a task.
Important information is necessary, but possibly unexpected, such as a configuration change that will not persist after a reboot.
A caution indicates an act that would violate your support agreement, such as recompiling the kernel.
A warning indicates potential data loss, as may happen when tuning hardware for maximum performance.
Chapter 1.
Device Mapper Multipathing
Device Mapper Multipathing (DM-Multipath) allows you to configure multiple I/O paths between server nodes and storage arrays into a single device. These I/O paths are physical SAN connections that can include separate cables, switches, and controllers. Multipathing aggregates the I/O paths, creating a new device that consists of the aggregated paths.

1. Overview of DM-Multipath

DM-Multipath can be used to provide:
• Redundancy DM-Multipath can provide failover in an active/passive configuration. In an active/passive
configuration, only half the paths are used at any time for I/O. If any element of an I/O path (the cable, switch, or controller) fails, DM-Multipath switches to an alternate path.
• Improved Performance DM-Multipath can be configured in active/active mode, where I/O is spread over the paths in a
round-robin fashion. In some configurations, DM-Multipath can detect loading on the I/O paths and dynamically re-balance the load.
Figure 1.1, “Active/Passive Multipath Configuration with One RAID Device” shows an
active/passive configuration with two I/O paths from the server to a RAID device. There are 2 HBAs on the server, 2 SAN switches, and 2 RAID controllers.
Chapter 1. Device Mapper Multipathing
Figure 1.1. Active/Passive Multipath Configuration with One RAID Device
In this configuration, there is one I/O path that goes through hba1, SAN1, and controller 1 and a second I/O path that goes through hba2, SAN2, and controller2. There are many points of possible failure in this configuration:
• HBA failure
• FC cable failure
• SAN switch failure
• Array controller port failure
With DM-Multipath configured, a failure at any of these points will cause DM-Multipath to switch to the alternate I/O path.
Figure 1.2, “Active/Passive Multipath Configuration with Two RAID Devices” shows a more
complex active/passive configuration with 2 HBAs on the server, 2 SAN switches, and 2 RAID devices with 2 RAID controllers each.
Overview of DM-Multipath
Figure 1.2. Active/Passive Multipath Configuration with Two RAID Devices
In the example shown in Figure 1.2, “Active/Passive Multipath Configuration with Two RAID
Devices”, there are two I/O paths to each RAID device (just as there are in the example shown
in Figure 1.1, “Active/Passive Multipath Configuration with One RAID Device”). With DM-Multipath configured, a failure at any of the points of the I/O path to either of the RAID devices will cause DM-Multipath to switch to the alternate I/O path for that device.
Figure 1.3, “Active/Active Multipath Configuration with One RAID Device” shows an active/active
configuration with 2 HBAs on the server, 1 SAN switch, and 2 RAID controllers. There are four I/O paths from the server to a storage device:
• hba1 to controller1
• hba1 to controller2
• hba2 to controller1
• hba2 to controller2
Chapter 1. Device Mapper Multipathing
In this configuration, I/O can be spread among those four paths.
Figure 1.3. Active/Active Multipath Configuration with One RAID Device

2. Storage Array Support

By default, DM-Multipath includes support for the most common storage arrays that support DM-Multipath. The supported devices can be found in the multipath.conf.defaults file. If your storage array supports DM-Multipath and is not configured by default in this file, you may need to add them to the DM-Multipath configuration file, multipath.conf. For information on the DM-Multipath configuration file, see Chapter 4, The DM-Multipath Configuration File.
Some storage arrays require special handling of I/O errors and path switching. These require separate hardware handler kernel modules.

3. DM-Multipath Components

Table 1.1, “DM-Multipath Components”. describes the components of DM-Multipath.
Component Description
dm-multipath kernel module Reroutes I/O and supports failover for paths and path groups.
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