This tutorial explains how to configure and run the Red Hat Application Server server. In addition,
it explains how to run the examples provided in the Red Hat Application Server distribution. It is
assumed that a JDK is already installed. For installation details, refer to the Red Hat Application
Server Installation Guide.
1.1. About this Guide
This introduction gives an overview of Red Hat Application Server. For those who want to immediately start using Red Hat Application Server without going through the overview, you can go to
Chapter 2 Quick Start.
Chapter 3 Configuring Your Environment helps you set up all the software needed for a complete J2EE
environment, including a Web server, Servlet, and EJB (Enterprise JavaBean) servers.
Chapter 4 Getting Started With JOnAS is a quick reference to JOnAS that guides you through the most
common tasks you will have to perform.
The remaining chapters are specific to EJB application development. Each chapter treats a different
programming concept and illustrates it with a specific example. The Alarm application is a “putting
it all together” example that gives an overview of a complete application using JOnAS.
1.2. Enterprise JavaBeans
The Sun Enterprise JavaBeans specification ( defines an
architecture and interfaces for developing and deploying distributed Java server applications based on
a multi-tier architecture.
The intent of this specification is to facilitate and normalize the development, deployment, and assembly of application components (called enterprise beans); such components will be deployable on
EJB platforms. The resulting applications are typically transactional, database-oriented, multi-user,
secured, scalable, and portable. More precisely, this EJB specification addresses the following areas:
• The runtime environment, called the EJB server, which provides the execution environment together
with the transactional service, the distribution mechanisms, the persistence management, and the
• A programmer and user guide explaining how an enterprise bean should be developed, deployed,
and used.
Not only will an enterprise bean be independent of the platform and operating system (since it is
written in Java), but also of the EJB platform.
1.2.1. What Does What?
The Java2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) platform is an n-tier platform. Each tier has a specific role:
Clients. Clients are the end-users of the system and can access the J2EE server by several means.
One of the most common is to use a Web browser such as Mozilla to connect to a Web server where
Java Servlets or Java Server Pages (JSP) access the business logic of the J2EE server (see Figure 1-1).
Another solution is to use a specific Java program that directly communicates with the J2EE server
(see Figure 1-2).
2Chapter 1. Introduction
Web server. The Web server is responsible for accepting client requests and sending HTML replies
back to the client. HTML pages can be static files that reside on the Web server filesystem or dynamically built with Servlets or JSPs from data generated by the beans.
Servlet/JSP server. The Java Server Page (JSP) server or Servlet container can be integrated into the
Web server or be a separate entity communicating with the Web server. JSP or servlets run within a
Java Virtual Machine that can be the same as the one used by the J2EE server.
J2EE application server. The J2EE application server is the place where the beans are executed.
JOnAS is fully implemented in Java and all the beans loaded in an instance of JOnAS run within the
same Java Virtual Machine. It is possible to run several different JOnAS J2EE application servers on
the same or separate machines.
Database server. The database server is used to store and retrieve data. It is accessed through the
standard JDBC (Java DataBase Connectivity) API by the beans.
Figure 1-1. J2EE n-tier architecture overview
Figure 1-2. Accessing the Red Hat Application Server server business logic from a Java client
The distributed environment in the EJB world uses RMI, but JOnAS supports several distributed
processing environments:
• RMI using the Sun proprietary protocol JRMP
Chapter 1. Introduction3
• Jeremie: the RMI personality of an Object Request Broker called Jonathan, which also provides
a CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture) personality. Jeremie allows JOnAS to
benefit from the optimization of local RMI calls.
• RMI/IIOP: JOnAS now provides support for both RMI/IIOP (Java Remote Method Invocation over
Internet Inter-Orb Protocol) and RMI/JRMP by integrating the CAROL communication frame-
• CMI (Cluster Method Invocation): A new ORB (Object Request Broker) used by JOnAS to provide
clustering for load balancing and high availability.
1.2.2. JOnAS Features
JOnAS implements a set of J2EE specifications. The following list shows the specifications that are
implemented by JOnAS and gives a brief description of the services provided by JOnAS. Specifications
JOnAS provides full support of the following specifications:
• EJB (Enterprise JavaBean) ( Enterprise JavaBeans containers are
provided by a set of Java classes and a tool to generate interposition classes.
• JTA (Java Transaction API) ( a Transaction Manager that provides
Java Transaction API support and distributed transaction coordination.
• JDBC (Java DataBase Connectivity) ( a Database Manager that
provides Java DataBase Connectivity support.
• JMS (Java Messaging Service) ( Java Messaging Service is pro-
vided by JORAM, a technology from ScalAgent (
• JMX (Java Management Extension) ( JOnAS con-
tains the Java Management Extension technology. Management and monitoring is available through
a Web interface.
• J2EE CA (J2EE Connector Architecture) ( JOnAS supports the
J2EE Connector Architecture that defines a set of mechanism that enable the integration of Enterprise Information Systems (EIS).
• JNDI (Java Naming and Directory Interface) ( Provides naming
and directory functionality.
• Security management. JOnAS Services
JOnAS offers several services that can be turned on or off as required:
• EJB Container Service: A set of Java classes implementing the EJB specification.
• Web Container Service: A servlet/JSP engine in the JVM (Java Virtual Machine) of the Red Hat
Application Server server and the loading of web applications (“WAR files”) within this engine.
Currently this service can be configured to use Tomcat or Jetty, although only Tomcat is supplied
with Red Hat Application Server.
• EAR Service: A service used for deploying complete J2EE applications; that is, applications pack-
aged in EAR files, which themselves contain ejb-jar files and/or WAR files.
4Chapter 1. Introduction
• JDBC Service: JDBC 2.0 support including XA (Distributed transaction mode for JDBC 2.0) re-
sources and connection pooling.
• Security Service: This service implements the authorization mechanisms for accessing EJB com-
ponents, as specified in the EJB specification. EJB security is based on the notion of roles.
• Transaction Service: This is a Java Transaction Monitor called JOnAS JTM, which ensures the
coordination of distributed transactions using XA. It handles two-phase commit protocol against
any number of Resource Managers (XA Resources).
• Messaging Service: This service is in charge of launching (or establishing connection to) an inte-
grated JMS server. JOnAS makes use of a third-party JMS implementation. Currently the JORAM
open-source JMS server is integrated and delivered with JOnAS.
• Management Service: Integration of a JMX server.
• J2EE CA Resource Service: Allows application component access to an external EIS.
• Mail Service: Allows application components to read or send e-mail using JavaMail.
• Database Service: This service is responsible for handling Datasource objects. A Datasource is a
standard JDBC administrative object for handling connections to a database.
• Communication and Naming Service: This service provides the JNDI API to application com-
ponents and to other services to bind and lookup remote objects (for example, EJB Homes) and
resource references (JDBC Datasource, Mail, and JMS connection factories, etc.)
Configuring and starting the various services is described in Section 4.1.2 JOnAS Configuration Files.
1.2.3. Software Requirements
Here is a list of the main software components needed to run Red Hat Application Server:
• Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3.
• A Java2 Software Development Kit (SDK) version 1.4. These are available on the RHEL3 Extras
Here is a list of software components that may also be needed to run JOnAS in some configurations:
• A Web server may be used in front of the Red Hat Application Server application server. The most
popular Open Source web server software used is Apache.
• A Database server may be needed. Any database with a JDBC driver can be used with Red Hat
Application Server. Red Hat Application Server is configured to use PostgreSQL - Red Hat Edition
(which is available on the RHEL3 Base Channel), although any database with a JDBC driver can
be used.
Chapter 2.
Quick Start
This chapter will help you set up Red Hat Application Server and run your first EJB application. If
you do not understand all the steps, you should read the next two chapters to familiarize yourself with
the details of setting up Red Hat Application Server.
2.1. Setting Up the Red Hat Application Server Environment
We assume that your JDK is already installed and configured.
Once you have installed your Red Hat Application Server distribution, you have to set up the
JONAS_ROOT environment variable prior to using JOnAS or any of its tools. You will also have to
Several example programs are included with the JOnAS distribution. They are located in the
$JONAS_ROOT/examples/src directory. The one we will use as your first EJB application is the
Session Bean (SB) example that resides in $JONAS_ROOT/examples/src/sb.
The SB example involves a Java client that accesses a Stateful Session Bean and twice invokes the
buy method of the bean transaction. The client communicates with JOnAS using RMI and the config-
uration files should be already set so that the RMI registry will be automatically started and embedded
in the same JVM as JOnAS. The figure below gives an overview of this application.
Figure 2-1. EB example overview
6Chapter 2. Quick Start
2.2.1. Building the Examples
The simplest way to compile all examples is to start in the $JONAS_ROOT/examples/src directory
and enter the following command line as user jonas:
ant -find build.xml install
This command compiles all examples in the $JONAS_ROOT/examples/src directory.
All examples assume that the current directory is $JONAS_ROOT/exampl es/src/ followed by the directory that contains the example. In other words, the commands entered for the SB example assume
the current folder is $JONAS_ROOT/examples/sr c/sb, whereas the commands entered for the EB example assume the current folder is $JONAS_ROOT/examp les/src/eb.
To login as user jonas, first login as root, then su to user jonas, specifying /bin/bash as the shell:
su -s /bin/bash jonas
2.2.2. Quick Start to the SB Example
This example is described in more detail in Section 5.3 Running the SB Example.
To run this example, you will have to first start the Red Hat Application Server server and then run the
Java client. Finally, at the end of the execution you should stop the Red Hat Application Server server.
The following example assumes that the current directory is $JONAS_ROOT/examples/src/sb.
Here is how to proceed:
1. As root, start the Red Hat Application Server server:
/sbin/service jonas start
2. Deploy the JAR file:
• To deploy the JAR file from the command line:
jonas admin -a sb.jar
• To deploy the JAR file using the web interface:
a. Log into the JOnAS Administrator.
Chapter 2. Quick Start7
Figure 2-2. JOnAS Administration Login
Log in with User Name jonas and Password jonas.
Figure 2-3. JOnAS Administration Web Interface
b. Click Deployments > EJB Modules (JAR).
8Chapter 2. Quick Start
Figure 2-4. Deploy the sb.jar Example
c. On the sb.jar in the Deployable list box on the left side, Click Deploy, then click
d. A Confirm dialog appears; click Confirm.
Figure 2-5. Confirm the sb.jar Deployment
e. A Result dialog appears, and the newly deployed jar is in the list.
Chapter 2. Quick Start9
Figure 2-6. Results of the sb.jar Deployment
f. If you click Deployments > EJB Modules (JAR) again, sb.jar will appear in the
right list box, which lists the deployed jar files.
3. Start the Java Client:
jclient sb.ClientOp
A successful run should output:
Create a bean
Start a first transaction
First request on the new bean
Second request on the bean
Commit the transaction
Start a second transaction
Rollback the transaction
Request outside any transaction
ClientOp OK. Exiting.
Congratulations! You have succeeded running your first EJB application with JOnAS!
4. As root, stop the Red Hat Application Server server with the following command:
/sbin/service jonas stop
10Chapter 2. Quick Start
Chapter 3.
Configuring Your Environment
In this chapter, we will put all the pieces together that are required to configure a complete J2EE
platform. Note that you can find a more detailed description in the documentation provided with each
software component.
3.1. Setting Up Your Java Environment
To set up your Java environment, you must set the value for JAVA_HOME and update the PATH environment variable. JAVA_HOME must point to the SDK directory and PATH must point to the bin
subdirectory of the SDK.
• Assuming that you installed the SDK in the /usr/local/jdk1.4.2 directory, you should enter
the following:
bash> export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/jdk1.4.2
• You then have to update your PATH variable by appending /usr/local/jdk1.4.2/bin. If
JAVA_HOME has been properly set, you can proceed as follows:
bash> export PATH=${PATH}:${JAVA_HOME}/bin
Environment variables must be correctly set at all times. It is common practice to inser t these commands in your shell start file (~/.bashrc).
3.1.1. Configuring Ant
You have to set the ANT_HOME environment variable and update your PATH variable.
Assuming that you installed Ant in the /usr/share/ant directory, you should enter the following
bash> export ANT_HOME=/usr/share/ant
Make sure that the ant executable is available through the PATH. (Usually the ant executable is
installed in /usr/bin.)
If you want Ant to automatically set the CLASSPATH variable, you have to correctly set your
JAVA_HOME environment variable as described in Section 3.1 Setting Up Your Java Environment.
12Chapter 3. Configuring Your Environment
3.1.2. Configuring Your JOnAS Environment
You have to set up the JONAS_ROOT environment variable prior to using JOnAS or any of its tools.
You also have to update your PATH.
Assuming that you installed JOnAS in the /usr/share/jonas directory, enter the following commands:
This chapter will help you to understand the various JOnAS components as well as how to start and
manage a JOnAS server.
4.1. Overview of the Tools
JOnAS comes with a set of tools that are briefly described below.
• /sbin/service jonas start starts the JOnAS server.
• newbean generates skeleton files when developing a new bean.
• registry starts the JNDI according to the setting in the file (usually the
setting is RMI or JEREMIE). This command should be used only if you configured JOnAS to use
a remote registry.
• GenIC generates container classes.
• JmsServer starts the JMS server.
• jonas admin a command-line administration console for JOnAS.
• RAConfig Resource Adapter deployment tool.
All these commands and their respective options are fully detailed in the Red Hat Application Server
User Guide.
4.1.1. Starting and Stopping JOnAS
If JOnAS has been properly installed and your environment variables are correctly defined as described in Section 3.1.2 Configuring Your JOnAS Environment, the JOnAS service is started as follows:
/sbin/service jonas start
A name is assigned to each JOnAS server in the file (see Section 4.1.2 JOnAS
Configuration Files). The default name for a JOnAS server is jonas. To stop a JOnAS server, you
can use the jonas tool. The following command stops the JOnAS server named jonas (default):
/sbin/service jonas stop
To stop a JOnAS server with a user defined name such as myEJBserver, use:
/sbin/service jonas stop -n myEJBserver
If the registry was launched with the JOnAS server, halting the server also terminates the registry.
However, if the registry was launched separately, it is up to you to stop it if needed.
14Chapter 4. Getting Started With JOnAS
4.1.2. JOnAS Configuration Files
This section is a guide for the JOnAS configuration files. If you need more in-depth information,
check the JOnAS Configuration chapter of the Red Hat Application Server User Guide.
The JOnAS distribution contains configuration files that reside in the $JONAS_ROOT/conf directory:
• is used to configure the JOnAS server and the different services that it may
• is used to configure access to JNDI (RMI or JEREMIE).
• Additional properties file used to configure database access.
The JOnAS distribution contains a number of configuration files in the $JONAS_ROOT/conf directory. You can edit these files to change the default configuration, but we recommend that you use a
different location for the configuration files needed by a specific application running on JOnAS. This
is achieved by using an additional environment variable called JONAS_BASE.
Additional configuration files may be required for specific features. For those advanced features, refer
to the JOnAS Configuration chapter of the Red Hat Application Server User Guide.
not defined, it is automatically initialized to $JONAS_ROOT. JOnAS then checks in
$JONAS_ROOT/conf/, then $HOME/, and finally in
./ Files are read in this order each one overriding the values previously
defined. Here is a file example:
###################### JOnAS Server configuration
# The current file is in the
# It can be copyed and customized in the
# JONAS_BASE/conf directory
# Set the port number on which the remote objects receive calls
# If port is zero, an anonymous port is chosen.
# Enable the Security context propagation (for jrmp)
# With Jeremie, this has no effect: you should modify jonathan.xml true
# Enable the Transaction context propagation
# Set the name of log configuration file
# Set the list of the services launched in the JOnAS Server.
# All the possible JOnAS services are:
# registry,jmx,security,jtm,mail,dbm,resource,jms,ejb,ws,web,ear.
# registry,jmx,jtm,ejb are mandatory
# registry, and then jmx, are automatically started even
# if not present in the list
# Order in the list is important (see ’Configuring JOnAS services’
# in the JOnAS documentation)
# list of services for JOnAS as a full J2EE server
jonas-install>/conf directory.
Chapter 4. Getting Started With JOnAS15
# list of services for JOnAS as a EJB server registry,jmx,jtm,dbm,security,jms,resource,ejb,web,ear
###################### JOnAS Registry service configuration
# Set the name of the implementation class of the Registry service
# Set the Registry launching mode
# If set to ’automatic’, the registry is launched in the same JVM as
# the Application Server, if it’s not already started.
# If set to ’collocated’, the registry is launched in the same JVM
# as the Application Server
# If set to ’remote’, the registry has to be launched beforehand in
# a separate JVM
jonas.service.registry.mode automatic
###################### JOnAS JMX service configuration
# Set the name of the implementation class of the jmx service
# IF you want to use SUN RI:
# org.objectweb.jonas.jmx.sunri.JmxServiceImpl
# IF you want to use MX4J:
# org.objectweb.jonas.jmx.mx4j.Mx4jJmxServiceImpl
# We use sunri for default because of compatibility with rmi iiop
# jonas.service.jmx.class
jonas.service.jmx.class org.objectweb.jonas.jmx.sunri.JmxServiceImpl
###################### JOnAS EJB Container service configuration
# Set the name of the implementation class of the ejb service
jonas.service.ejb.class org.objectweb.jonas.container.EJBServiceImpl
# Set the list of directories that contains ejbjars that
# must be deployed by the JOnAS Server at launch time.
# Give a comma-separated list of directories.
# If the directory has a relative path, this path is relative from
# where the Application Server is launched.
# If the directory is not found, JOnAS searches for it in the
# JONAS_BASE/ejbjars/ directory.
jonas.service.ejb.autoloaddir autoload
# Set the list of ejbjars that must be deployed by the JOnAS Server
# at launch time.
# Give a comma-separated list of ejb-jar files names or standard
# XML deployment descriptors files names.
# If the file name has a relative path, this path is
# relative from where the Application Server is launched.
# Set the XML deployment descriptors parsing mode
# (with or without validation)
jonas.service.ejb.parsingwithvalidation false
# Set the size of the thread pool used for message driven beans
jonas.service.ejb.mdbthreadpoolsize 10
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