Operator’s Manual
Series 15600
Thank you for purchasing this Vollrath Food Processing Equipment. Before operating the equipment, read and familiarize yourself with
the following operating and safety instructions. SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS FOR FUTURE REFERENCE. Save the original box and
packaging. Use this packaging to ship the equipment if repairs are needed.
Item No. 2350031-1 Rev 5/10

Manual Food Processing equiPMent
saFety PreCautions
To ensure safe operation, read the following statements and understand
their meaning. This manual contains safety precautions which are
explained below. Please read carefully.
Warning is used to indicate the presence of a hazard that can cause
severe personal injury, death, or substantial property damage if the
warning is ignored.
Caution is used to indicate the presence of a hazard that will or can
cause minor personal injury or property damage if the caution is
Note is used to notify people of installation, operation, or maintenance
information that is important but not hazard-related.
For Your Safety!
These precautions should be followed at all times. Failure to follow
these precautions could result in injury to yourself and others or
damage the equipment.
Features and Controls
To reduce risk of injury or damage to the equipment:
Check equipment before each use to insure the equipment is clean.
Check for broken, nicked or dull blades and if found, replace the blade
Check to insure that the pusher head sits down completely on the rubber
If necessary, lubricate guide rods using a light coating of mineral oil, Petro
Gel, or food grade lubricant. DO NOT USE COOKING OIL AS IT WILL
Figure 1. Features and Controls.
FunCtion and PurPose
Intended for bloom cutting onions.
GUIDE RODS. Guides and align the pusher head onto the
blade set.
HANDLE. Used to lower and raise the pusher head block.
GUIDES. Used for smooth and consistent operation of
pusher head on the guide rods.
OperatOr’s Manual
PUSHER HEAD ASSEMBLY. Made up of the pusher head
block, blade assembly and guides. Pushes the blase
assembly through the food product.
BUMPERS. Cushions the stop of the pusher head.
BASE. Where the food product sets for processing.
THUMBSCREW. Used to secure the pusher head block or
the blade assembly.
BLADE ASSEMBLY. Multiple blades assembled to a specic
LOCKING PIN. Secures the pusher head assembly to the

Manual Food Processing equiPMent
CORE PUSHER. Pushed the onion off the blades.
unPaCking the equiPment and initial setuP
Carefully remove crating or packaging materials from the equipment. When
no longer needed, dispose of all packaging materials in an environmentally
responsible manner.
15. Clean and lubricate your equipment immediately after each use. See the
CLEANING section of this manual for more information.
Cleaning, disassembly and reassembly
Sharp Blade Hazard.
Blades are sharp and can cause cuts. To avoid
injury from sharp blades, handle with caution.
Prior to rst use, it is important to clean the equipment. Wash new blades
with warm soapy water and rinse thoroughly to remove the thin protective oil
1. Before each use, check that the equipment is clean and the blades are
in good condition. If loose or broken blades are found, blades must be
2. Before each use, always check for proper blade alignment. Slowly set
the pusher head (D) onto the blade assembly. See Figure 1. They should
slide together with no obstructions. If there are obstructions, verify they
are a matching set. Remove the obstruction.
3. The minimum size of the food product is 20 oz. (566 g). An adapter is
available for smaller onions. Onions should have single hearts and be
free of mold, blemishes, decay and mold.
4. Leave the root intact, remove the papery skin from the onion.
5. Approximately 1/2” to 3/4” (1.3 cm to 1.9 cm) down from the “neck”, slice
the top off the onion.
6. Lift the handle (B) put into the up position so the pusher head remains in
the up position.
7. Place the food on the blade assembly with the at side down.
8. Place the onion (root down) and core pointing directly upward, upon the
pedestal and centered under the cutting blade.
Do not attempt to use onions larger than the cutting blade.
9. Bring the handle down to check that the onion core lines up with the ring
in the center of the cutting blade assembly.
10. Place both hands on the handle. Raise the handle slightly and bring it
down with a rm motion.
11. Hold the base with one hand and lift the handle to its full up position to
push the onion from the blade assembly.
12. Remove the onion from the machine. Hold onion about 18” (46 cm) off a
clean surface with the petals in the up position and drop the onion. This
will cause the onion to “bloom” and the petals will separate and open.
(The onion may have to be dropped more than once before it blooms.)
13. Place the onions in an ice water bath for a minimum of one hour. This
step allows the onion petals to bloom and rm. Onions may be held in
water over night.
14. Repeat this process until you have prepared enough food product for
your daily needs.
To maintain the appearance and increase the service life, clean your daily.
Food acids will make blades dull and corrode the metal.
Always clean this food preparation equipment immediately
after every use.
1. Set the handle (B) and pusher head assembly (D) in the down position.
See Figure 1.
2. Remove and retain the locking pin (I).
3. Move the handle (B) away from the pusher head assembly (D).
4. Loosen the thumb screws (G) and remove the core pusher (J).
5. Slide the pusher head assembly (D) off of the guide rods (A).
6. Remove and retain the screws (T) and blade retainer (P). See Spare
Parts Lists and Exploded View.
7. To remove the blade assembly, remove screws (S) and blade retainer (R)
from blade holder (P) and lift out.
8. Wipe, rinse or spray off equipment, pusher head and blade assembly
thoroughly with HOT water.
9. Do not wipe across the blades or use scrub pads on this equipment.
Wiping across the sharp edge of the blade can cause injury and will dull
the blades.
10. The cutting blade assembly is best cleaned by forcing water under
pressure through the blades from the unsharpened side. If necessary,
use a nylon bristle cleaning brush to push food particles out from the
unsharpened side of the cutting blade assembly.
11. Do not put this equipment in a dishwasher or dish machine with soaps,
detergents, or other alkaline chemicals that can harm the equipment.
12. After cleaning, let the equipment air dry.
13. Reassemble in reverse order of disassembly.
Preventative maintenanCe
1. Clean the equipment after every use.
2. Use for intended purposes only.
3. Change the blades regularly - based on usage.
Sharp Blade Hazard.
Blades are sharp and can cause cuts. To avoid
injury from sharp blades, handle with caution.
OperatOr’s Manual