Best Practices
for the use of
Bed Occupancy Sensors (BOS) and
Chair Occupancy Sensors (COS)
To clean the sensors wipe with a clean, dry cloth. Avoid holding any sensor by its
connection wire while wiping.
Test for correct activation of the BOS or COS using a resistance meter like a FLUKE
Model 175. When not activated, the resistance should be greater than 10 Mohms, when
activated, the resistance should be less than 10 ohms.
In the pictured test the resistance meter is reading beyond its capability to record a
resistance reading. Interpret this as much greater than 10 Mohms.

When the sensor is activated the reading should be less than 10 ohms. In this picture the
resistance indicated as the sensor is activated is 0.5 ohms, which is less than 10 ohms,
indicating a functional sensor.
In testing the sensor, be sure to activate it in multiple positions as shown above left,
middle and right.