Model STA-1
Electronic Transformer /
Line Amplifier Pair
• Up to 20 dB Gain In an Audio Line
Conversion from Balanced to Unbalanced
Conversion from Unbalanced to Balanced
• Conversion from High to Low Impedance
• Conversion from Low to High Impedance
• To Bridge an Audio Line Feed
• To Precisely Match Audio Levels
You Need The STA-1!
APPLICATION: The STA-1 is part of a group of products in the STICK-ON series, designed by Radio
Design Labs, the STA-1 contains two identical circuits. Each is both an electronic line transformer, and an
amplifier. The durable adhesives provided with the STA-1 permit permanent or removable mounting. The
STA-1 can be treated just like a pair of audio transformers with gain making it ideal for most any audio line
application requiring amplification and/or conversion between balanced or unbalanced operation! Some
features of the STA-1 are:
• No capacitors or transformers in the audio circuits
• Two identical amplifier circuits in each STA-1
• True DC amplifiers provide impeccable audio quality
• Ultra-low distortion
• Ultra-low noise
• 18 dB of headroom at operating level
• Output level adjustable from off to 20 dB gain
• Provides -10 dBV unbalanced to +4 dBu balanced conversion
• Multi-turn trimmers for precise level adjustment
• Recessed adjustments discourage tampering
• All inputs and outputs are RF bypassed
• Full operation in either high or low impedance circuits
• Operation unaffected by unbalancing of inputs or outputs
• Outputs short-circuit protected
• Very high common-mode rejection when bridging balanced lines
• Positive connections via barrier block. No audio connectors to wire
RDL •• P.O. Box 1286 •• Carpinteria, CA., USA 93014 •• (805) 684-5415 •• FAX (805) 684-9316 •• http://www.rdlnet.com

Model STA-1
Electronic Transformer /
Line Amplifier Pair
EN55103-1 E1-E5; EN55103-2 E1-E4
Typical Performance reflects product at publication time
exclusive of EMC data, if any, supplied with product.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Amps per STA-1: 2 identical circuits (stereo or dual mono operation)
Gain: 20 dB adjustable (separate controls for each channel)
Input impedance: 10 kΩ bridging
Input configuration Balanced or unbalanced
Output impedance: 200Ω balanced, drives 600Ω or 10kΩ lines
Output configuration Balanced or unbalanced
Frequency Response: DC to 25 kHz +/- 0.25 dB
Total Harmonic Distortion: 0.003% to 0.009%; 0.005% nominal
Output Level: +4 dBu
Headroom: 18 dB (at rated output level of +4 dBu)
Noise: -80 to -85 dB referred to +4 dBu
CMRR: -70 to -80 dB at 100 Hz
Crosstalk: Better than 75 dB
Power Requirement: 24 to 33 Vdc @ 50 mA, Floating
Europe [NH Amsterdam] (++31) 20-6238 983; Fax: (++31) 20-6225-287
Radio Design Labs Technical Support Centers
U.S.A. (800) 933-1780, (928) 778-3554; Fax: (928) 778-3506