RDL TX-TP1PW, RUTP4PW, FP-TP4PW Quick Start Guide

Models FP-TP4PW, RU-TP4PW, TX-TP1PW Twisted Pair Power Inserters
All Power Inserters
Power Remote Senders and Receivers from a Convenient Location
Blue Power LED Shows Module is Receiving Power
Green LEDs Indicate Correct dc Output Voltage on RJ45 Jacks
Two Associated RJ45s Provided for Each Power Output
Each Pair of RJ45 Jacks may be Inserted in a Twisted Pair Cable that Powers Senders and Receivers
Power Feeding Each Pair of RJ45 Jacks is Separately Fused for Wiring Fault Protection
Power Fusing Circuits Reset Automatically Upon Module Re-Powering After Wiring Fault is Cleared
Power Bus Provides Expansion to Adjacent Power Inserters
Mounts to Any Flat Surface or Rack-Mounts with Available FLAT-PAK™ Mounting Accessories
Detachable Terminal Block Provided for Input Power
Inserts Power into Four Twisted Pair Cables
Rack-Mounts with Available RACK-UP Mounting Accessories
Detachable Terminal Block Provided for Input Power
Inserts Power into a Single Twisted Pair Cable
Mounts in a Wide Variety of Convenient Locations
APPLICATION: The FP-TP4PW, RU-TP4PW and TX-TP1PW are power inserters compatible with RDL twisted pair products. Each is powered from a 24 Vdc power supply using either a power jack or the terminal block. Power jacks are provided at each end of the FP-TP4PW to facilitate chaining multiple modules from a single power supply. Dual-RJ45 jack sets are provided to connect remote twisted pair senders and receivers. Power is provided to all modules connected to the RJ45 jacks. Signal pairs feed through the associated RJ45s. The voltage feeding each dual-RJ45 jack set is separately protected by an automatically resetting fuse. A power LED is associated with each dual-RJ45 jack set, facilitating identification of wiring faults. Module power is indicated by a front-panel LED.
RDL • 659 N. 6th St. • Prescott, AZ., USA 86301 • (928) 443-9391 • FAX (928) 443-9392 • www.rdlnet.com
Models FP-TP4PW, RU-TP4PW, TX-TP1PW Twisted Pair Power Inserters
EN55103-1 E1-E5; EN55103-2 E1-E4
Typical Performance reflects product at publication time exclusive of EMC data, if any, supplied with product. Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Each PWR OUT LED indicates that power is present on the jack. If an LED is not illuminated, remove the associated output connector(s), repair the wiring fault, and remove power from the module for 10 seconds. Re-power the module and note the LED is illuminated. Reconnect the twisted pair cable(s); if the LED remains on, the wiring fault has been successfully cleared.
Pair A: Audio +4 dBu Pair B: Audio +4 dBu Pair C: Audio +4 dBu Pair D: Power +24 Vdc
Tab on bottom of connector
(1) + White / Green (2) – Green (3) + White / Orange (4) – Blue (5) + White / Blue (6) – Orange (7) + White / Brown (8) – Brown
FP-TP4PW Outputs (4): Dual-RJ45 Indicators (5): Power In (1); Power Out (4) Power Connections (3): Power Jack (2); Terminal Block Power Requirement: 24 Vdc @ 25 mA plus connected loads
Maximum Load Current: 200 mA (each RJ45 output)
Dimensions: 5.65" (13.56 cm) W; 3.25" (8.26 cm) H; 1.11" (2.67 cm) D RU-TP4PW
Outputs (4): Dual-RJ45 Indicators (5): Power In (1); Power Out (4) Power Connections (2): Power Jack; Detachable Terminal Block Power Requirement: 24 Vdc @ 25 mA plus connected loads
Maximum Load Current: 200 mA (each RJ45 output)
Dimensions: 5.8" (15 cm) W; 1.7" (4.3 cm) H; 2.2" (5.59 cm) D
Radio Design Labs Technical Support Centers
U.S.A. (800) 933-1780, (928) 778-3554; Fax: (928) 778-3506
Europe [NH Amsterdam] (++31) 20-6238 983; Fax: (++31) 20-6225-287
TX-TP1PW Output: Dual-RJ45 Indicators (2): Power In; Power Out Power Connections (2): Power Jack; Detachable Terminal Block Power Requirement: 24 Vdc @ 20 mA plus connected loads
Maximum Load Current: 200 mA (each RJ45 output)
Dimensions: 3.0" (7.6 cm) W; 1.2" (3.0 cm) H; 1.4" (3.6 cm) D