Model RU-ADA4D
Audio Distribution Amplifier
Stereo Audio Distribution with 4 Outputs
Mono Audio Distribution with 8 Outputs
Front-Panel Input Level Trimmers
Dual-LED VU Meter for Each Input Channel
Front-Panel Output Level Trimmers
Inputs and Outputs on Rear Panel Detachable
Terminal Blocks
Exceptional Audio Quality for the Most
Demanding Applications
The RU-ADA4D is part of the group of RACK-UP products from Radio Design Labs. RACK-UPs feature the advanced circuitry for which RDL products
are known, combined with accessible user-friendly controls and displays. The ultra compact design permits high-density installations, with three
products mounted in a single rack unit. Optional brackets permit mounting a RACK-UP module above, below, or in front of any flat surface.
adjustments and input level metering. The module may be operated in mono to provide up to eight distributed mono
signals. The inputs and outputs are connected on rear-panel detachable terminal blocks.
Each of the two line-level inputs accepts either a balanced or an unbalanced signal. Each input is equipped with a
front panel INPUT GAIN trimmer. Input signal levels between -14 dBV unbalanced and +9 dBu balanced may be set
to the proper operating level as indicated by a dual-LED VU meter. This assures ample headroom at all normal
operating levels. The maximum input level is +25 dBu.
A rear-panel switch selects between stereo and mono operation. In the mono position, input A (left) is used to drive all
8 output channels. When the module is used in a monaural system, only input A must be wired.
Audio outputs are isolated from each other and may be wired balanced or unbalanced. Each of the outputs is
provided with a front-panel screwdriver adjusted OUTPUT LEVEL control. Relative to a balanced +4 dBu output
level, this gain potentiometer allows an adjustment range from -9sdBstos+6sdB. Relative to an unbalanced
-10 dBV output, each output potentiometer allows an adjustment from -3 dB to +12 dB.
The RU-ADA4D offers exceptional headroom, very low distortion, excellent crosstalk isolation, wide flat frequency
response and extremely low noise with very high common-mode signal rejection. It provides exceptional audio
performance for the most critical applications in a professional audio environment.
The RU-ADA4D operates from 24 Vdc connected through a rear-panel detachable terminal block.
The RU-ADA4D is a four channel stereo audio distribution amplifier with input and output gain
RDL 659 6th St. Prescott, AZ., USA 86301 (928) 443-9391 FAX (928) 443-9392

Model RU-ADA4D
Audio Distribution Amplifier
Declaration of Conformity available from rdlnet.com.
Sole EMC specifications provided on product package.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Inputs (2): Stereo (A/left and B/right) on detachable terminal block
Input Impedance: 20 kΩ balanced or 10 kΩ unbalanced
Input Level: +4 dBu balanced (nominal), +25 dBu maximum;
-10 dBV unbalanced
Input Gain Adjustments (2): -5 dB to +15 dB (rel. +4 dBu balanced); -3 dB to +17 dB
(rel. -10 dBV unbalanced)
Input Metering (2): Dual-LED VU Meter for Input A and Input B
Mono mode: Rear-panel switch-selectable (input A feeds all 8 outputs)
Outputs (8): Stereo, A (4), B (4) on detachable terminal blocks
Output Impedance: 150 Ω balanced; 75 Ω unbalanced
Output Level: +4 dBu balanced (nominal), +24 dBu maximum;
-10 dBV unbalanced
Output Level Adjustments (8): -9 dB to +6 dB (rel. +4 dBu, balanced);
-3 dB to + 12 dB (rel. -10 dBV, unbalanced)
Radio Design Labs Technical Support Centers
U.S.A. (800) 933-1780, (928) 778-3554; Fax: (928) 778-3506
Europe [NH Amsterdam] (++31) 20-6238 983; Fax: (++31) 20-6225-287
Frequency Response: 10 Hz to 165 kHz (+/- 0.25 dB);
10 Hz to 35 kHz (+/- 0.01 dB)
THD+N: < 0.0025% (20 Hz to 20 kHz)
Headroom: > 20 dB (above +4 dBu input or output)
Noise: < -92 dB (below +4 dBu output, 20 Hz to 20 kHz)
Crosstalk: < -90 dB (20 Hz to 5 kHz); <-80 dB (5 kHz to 20 kHz)
CMRR: > 90 dB (100 Hz)
Power Requirement: GROUND-REFERENCED,
24 Vdc @ 82 mA (idle, nominal), 120 mA (max.)
Ambient Operating Environment: 0° C to 50° C
Case Dimensions: 5.75” (14.6 cm) W x 1.65" (4.18 cm) H x 3.54” (9.0 cm) D;
3.9" (9.9 cm) D with connectors